Mystic Heat

By We2etge6

80.3K 2.5K 165

Another Klonnie story Disclaimer: this is not my story just wanted to share it on wattpad with you but a FanF... More



3.9K 138 16
By We2etge6

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐲𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝

He couldn't contain himself. All he knew was that he'd smelled the most tantalizing scent and had to have it. His life, his blood, his being needed to bath in it, bury himself deep within it's walls. Her walls.

In a thousand years he'd never felt such loss of control—such desperation for anyone or anything.


And just like that he was sprawled across the parking lot, her warmth no longer against his body. Klaus blinked as he came to his feet. He needed that warmth back!

Claim her!

Using his speed he vamped over, only to be hit with a blinding headache.


It felt like his brain was bursting inside. Each vessel popping simultaneously. Grasping his head, the hybrid fell to one knee.

What the bloody fuck?!

He was barely recuperating when he heard the screech of tires. Then the scent was gone.


Without her there—her heavenly aroma—his head attempted to clear itself.

What the hell is happening to me?

His head still ached. His skin still burned. His groin was still very much ready for business. It took him a few minutes to recover but slowly, he came to his feet.

"Oh great, what's he doing here?"

The totally unwelcome voice of his least favorite Salvatore brought him out of his daze. Klaus scowled in Damon's direction to find that both Stefan and that little wolf pup he'd almost sacrificed last month accompanied him in exiting the building. The three immediately took defensive stances when they saw him.

As if that will do them any good.

He stood to his full height, utterly peeved.

"What manner of trickery is this?" the hybrid accused, ready to rip all of their hearts out.

"What did your witch do to me?"

He had the incessant urge to bed someone. Had felt it all day. Only when he'd encountered the witch did it intensify. Now he wanted only to bed her.

"Bonnie?" Tyler glanced around.

"You better not have hurt her!"

Oh what he wanted to do had nothing to do with hurting...unless she liked it that way.

Bewildered by the thought, he tried to shake it off.

"What are you talking about?" Stefan was less annoying than the other two so he focused on him.

"Bonnie hasn't done anything to you."

Klaus glared. Either the vampire was clueless or naïve but he wasn't lying. He knew Stefan well enough to know that.


He was not himself. His nerves were rapid fire, his heart all over the place. He could barely think. He hadn't felt halfway like this since his pubescent days as a human and even then he'd had more control of himself. But this? This had to be some type of witchery. There was no other explanation.

"She's worked some spell...some sort of magic..."

"Oh my god," Damon's amused remark earned his attention.

"Do you guys smell that?"

Stefan and the pup began sniffing curiously. Then their eyes all landed on him.

"Holy shit," Tyler whispered.

"Unbelievable," Stefan concurred.

Their staring was beyond infuriating.

"What the bloody hell are you looking at?!"

He'd tear their eyes out if they didn't stop gawking at him. It was Stefan that answered.

"Klaus, you know about wolf physiology I presume?"

What the hell kind of question was that? Of course he knew, he was a wolf for crying out loud.

"You ask me such stupid questions."

Stefan cleared his throat.

"Then you know about the heat phase? Happens just before the full moon?"

Again with the stupid questions.

"You're telling me things I've known for centuries, Stefan. What the hell is your point?"

And it better not be as imbecilic as his questions or by god hearts would leave chests this day!

"You're...ahem... experiencing one. Just like Tyler here."

The pup still seemed to be in awe.

"That's utter nonsense! I'm a vampire. Vampires don't heat," he growled.

Stefan shrugged.

"No, but werewolves do. And last month you broke a certain curse and became a wolf too."

True but even still, he was a vampire as well. And vampires. Did. Not. Heat.

"I've been dead for a thousand years, Stefan and you expect me to believe that I'm suddenly rutting like a common wolf? I am not a common wolf—I am a hybrid. The hybrid. To heat is beneath me."

Tyler stiffened, taking offense.


"Relax,Wolf boy," Damon disregarded him.

"He's just pissy because this is his first doggy heat and he's got nobody to play with his stick."

Klaus felt himself beginning to snarl.

"Damon," Stefan warned.

"I'm guessing daddy never gave you the K9 puberty speech," Damon went on.

"Tell me, Klaus, are you growing hair in strange places too?"

The reaction was instant. One second he was snarling, the next he had his hand buried deep in the vampire's chest, his fingers wrapped around the pulsing red muscle ready to pull.

Stefan started for him but one sharp glare froze him in place.

"My hand comes out, his heart comes with it."

Stefan was stiff as a statue.

"Klaus, you don't want to do this."

"I think you know me better than that, mate."

He soooo wanted to do this. Damon gurgled, his eyes both surprised and defiant at the same time.

"Okay fine but you shouldn't do this. Damon is worth more to you alive," Stefan was trying to convince him.

But he was seeing only red now.

"Somehow I doubt that."

"It's true. If you just think for a minute—"

"Stefan if you say one more word to me I will rip your tongue out."

He was practically shaking with rage. Everything was adding to the fire.

"Hey," this time the pup spoke.

"I get it. Right now you're so fucking pissed you want to tear something, somebody, anything apart, right? Everything feels so intense, so out of control like you're not yourself anymore. And at the same time you just want to fuck the shit out of anything moving."

How did he know exactly how he felt?

"I've been there. Pretty much there right now. And yea it sucks. But it's a part of what we are. Of being a wolf."

He paused, hearing Tyler's words. He'd wanted to break the curse for so long, to finally embrace the part of him that had been stolen by his wretched mother's sorcery. The part of him he'd never known. Now he had that part, heat phase and all.

"I don't much like this aspect of being a wolf," he admitted to the kid.

"I don't think any of us do. But it's going to happen three days a month for the rest of our lives—which for you means forever I guess. But you get off lucky. You don't have to shift unless you want to."

That reminder brought a small hint of satisfaction to the hybrid. Yes he did have control of that at least. Calming slightly, he released his hold on Damon. When he climbed off of him Stefan immediately rushed to his brother's side. Klaus ignored the two and focused on Tyler.

"You've been through this a few times haven't you?"

He was curious to know how one managed in such a state.

"Yea, for months now."



For a moment he was stunned, clearly thrown off by an Original questioning him. But the young wolf recovered before answering.

"Umm, I run. I hit things. Sometimes people. Dating a vampire helps."

He shrugged.

"And what about the witch? Bonnie Bennett?"

He couldn't get her scent out of his mind. Tyler tensed visibly and Klaus could sense a potential rival brewing in him. A quickened heartbeat, a spike in testosterone. His wolf instincts kicking in.

"What do you want with Bonnie?"

He recognized a challenge in the young one. Not the least bit intimidated, he stepped into Tyler's space, his nose just a breath away. All he had to do was growl low. A warning.

Bonnie is mine.

Tyler glared back at him for a moment, obvious alpha potential in his blood. Amongst ordinary wolves he would definitely be alpha. But Niklaus Mikaelson was no normal wolf. He was alpha—the Original alpha. Another growl and he saw the wolf take a step back. Recognizing a superior in his presence.

"She's my friend. I won't let you hurt her."

Klaus took another step forward and again Tyler retreated back. Despite his arrogance, the boy knew who was dominant here. Good for him.

Never one to turn down a show of power, Klaus couldn't resist catching his eye, staring him down for emphasis. But in a streak of willfulness, the wolf glared back.

Bite him. Make him submit.

His eyes flickered, ready to strike.

"Tyler, I could use your help, please."


Klaus made no effort to step aside, keeping his eyes on the young wolf as he was forced to scoot around him. He watched as Tyler kneeled down to help Stefan lift his injured brother.

"You've made your point, Klaus," Stefan remarked.

"Just let us go in peace."

Seeing no reason to continue in their company, he granted the request. He had more pressing matters to attend to anyway.

Like finding Bonnie Bennett. And claiming her as his.

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