(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Ch...

By Senpai025

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Please make sure to read (Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice... Before reading this please!! ~~ Osamu Dazai, a... More

Author's Note!!
What I Wish For..
Unexpected Allies...
A Tiger's Story..
Her Anger..
Beautiful Summer Day...
The Stories of a True Friend..
My Little Sunshine..
The Truth in His Words...
Us Losers..
The Secret to Love...
Humming Bird...
Take Apart...
The Right Way...
With A Stranger....

Our Stories...

395 22 10
By Senpai025

"Oh damn....wait what is that?"

"How should I know, you're the one that made it..."

"Hmm, Poe wanna try it~"

"M-Me?! No! I'd rather die then eat Yukito's cooking-,"

"Oi, I'm right here you know."

"Oh shut up, the last time you made something Ango couldn't recover for a whole week."

"What're you all doing....?" Ango glared at the four of them, as they all stood around a plate of...something?
Ango glanced at the plate and felt his eye twitch.

"What in the hell.....is that shit?" He asked, pointing at it. (Y/N), Poe, Yukito, and Mizuki all glanced at Ango and shrugged.
"Don't you all just shrug it off, did Yukito make it...?" Ango shuddered.

"Don't think I'm gonna let that slide.." Yukito used a spoon and grabbed some of it and shoved it towards Ango.
"You should HAVE some, maybe then you'll change your attitude from now!" He then shoved the spoon down his throat and Ango's entire face went pale, Yukito just smiling at him the whole time.




"(Y/N) SHUT UP!"

"OH LORD HE'S CHANGING COLORS--Oh wait maybe I could use this in a mystery novel for Ranpo?"



"Uhhhhhg...you idiots..."


After a whole bunch of yelling and laughter, Ango was taken to his room to rest, Mizuki finished Ango's work, while (Y/N) and Yukito were stuck cleaning up, and Poe was forced to watch them.

"Why we gotta clean up for?" Yukito sighed, as he finished cleaning the sink of its dishes.

"Well the both of you did cause a ruckus so.."

"Awww but Poe," (Y/N) dropped her broom and gave Poe the best puppy eyes she could, "Can you just...ignore it and let us go??" She begged, as Yukito snickered in the corner.

Poe sighed and flicked her on the forehead, "Get to work."
"Ahhh noo.." she cried, as she picked up her broom and starting sweeping. Poe stared at her for a moment before sighing, he then stood up and picked up Carl who sat next to him.

"If you guys finish by the time I'm back, you can eat your McDonald's without rushing." He said, as he made his way to the door.

Yukito and (Y/N) glanced at him with starry eyes, "THANKS POE!!" they cheered.

He shook his head and closed the door behind him. Making his way down stairs, out of the building, and out on the sunset streets.
Carl jumped off of him and walked beside him, enjoying the sights just like he was. The city wasn't as busy and for some reason the sounds of the city was soothing.

Then they passed by a playground, it looked rather old, but it looked nice. Poe watched as a small girl and boy climbed up the slide and went down together. Thier laughter echoed throughout the park as they stood up and started running around.

"Slide huh..."

Carl titled his head at Poe as he smiled at the park.
"Maybe I should bring her here....one day..."

▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎

"Poe, what're you doing? Hurry up you're gonna be late."

My mother never seemed to understand how much I hated going to school. No matter how much I expressed my hate for it she seemed to think I loved going...just because I like to write.

"Mom...do I have to go?"

"Yes son, now hurry!" I sighed and stood up, running out of the house after telling my mother goodbye, straight towards school.
I held my bag tightly, my shirt tucked somewhat neatly, and my hair slightly messy from me running.

I stopped to catch my breath, the sun blazing above me and making my vision blurry.
"Why do I have to go to school..." mumbling in annoyance I jogged up the street but paused at the sound of someone crying. I turned to see a little raccoon surrounded by two teenagers.

"HAHAHA! LOOK AT THIS LITTLE RUNT!" The raccoon flinched as the boys continued to kick it, it's tiny body bruised and bloodied.




"O-Oi!" I ran up and blocked the raccoon, glaring at the two taller teens before me.

"Huh, who're you brat?"

They glared down at me now, it looked like two titans glaring down at me. I suddenly felt scared, but as I glanced back at the wounded raccoon I took a breather before looking back at the men.

"You don't need to bully it! What did it even do to you?!"

The two teens glanced at one another and rolled their eyes, "Oh shut up kid, we're just trying to have some fun." He then swiftly walked up towards Poe and punched him hard across the face, knocking him down with a now bruised cheek.

"Fine, wanna protect that little rat we'll take it all out on you instead!" He yelled while kicking Poe. The other teen laughed and joined in, kicking Poe repeatedly over and over again. His arms covered in bruises as he did his best to cover the raccoon from getting hurt as well.


"OI WHAT'RE YOU TWO DOING!?" With that one of the teens got kicked in the head, making them fall foward, the other turned around only to get a fist to the face.

The teens looked up to see a girl...? She glared at them before walking up to Poe, her hand extended as she smiled at him.
"Hurry and get up already, you can't stay down like that forever you know." She said, as she took his hand and helped him up. The raccoon shuffling quietly in his arms as he stood up.


"Oh really...?"
In the blink of an eye, Poe watched as the girl single handedly knocked out all of the guys there. Their bodies on the ground as the girl stood over them.

"Y-You damn brat..."

"Don't get salty that you lost, loser." The girl walked over to Poe and extended her hand out towards him.


"Get up dummy, before they get back up." Poe blinked for a moment before standing up, holding the raccoon tightly as he followed the girl. They walked at a fast pace down the road and...

"O-Oi!? I have to go the other way, I'm gonna be late for school!"

"Huh?" The girl turned around with a raised brow, "You wanna go to school with all those injuries? I'd think not, and besides you were going the wrong way...the school is that way." She pointed in a whole different direction then where Poe was going.


"Just follow me, ya got nothing better to do anyway." She then continued to walk and Poe remained silent for the rest of the trip.
The racoon fell asleep as they finally reached their destination. The girl looked around before walking on to the house lawn. It was a nice house, two story and a light brown color. She led Poe to the back area of the house before climbing up the trashcan near the wall and climbing on the roof


"Don't worry, the doors are locked so this is the best way in. Just chill out you'll be fine."
Poe hesitated before following what the girl did, he handed her the raccoon so he could have an easier time getting up. When he got up he noticed a window was open and walked towards it. He peeked in and assumed that he was in the girls room.

It was rather plain though, books were everywhere, papers and pencils were all around the floor, and a blue futon with butterfly prints all over it was in the back of the room.
"T-Thank you for helping me....uh...."
"(Y/N)." Poe watched as she wrapped the raccoons wounds with bandages that she had near her with other medical supplies. "I'm (Y/N)...and you are..?" She looked up at him.

"Oh, um, I'm Poe." He said, as he walked in and sat next too her. (Y/N) turned towards Poe and grabbed his arm, treating his wounds now.

"Pretty bold of you to go through all that for a raccoon."

"Ah well....that's just how I am. Always sticking my nose into things and all....plus I didn't wanna go to school today anyway so.." he looked down at the ground.

"Huh? Earlier though you said you had to go school, now you're saying you didn't even wanna go?"

"My mom forces me to go.."

(Y/N) glanced up at him and sighed, "Well nothing you can do about that...but today you're not going."


(Y/N) stood up and pointed at her chest, smiling as she said, "Today you're gonna have fun with me!!" She said.

"Wha-why would I wanna do that...?"

"Wow how rude, you owe me for helping you as well as treating you and your raccoons wounds."

"He's...not mine...I don't even think he has a name." Then just like that the raccoon moved over to Poe and nuzzled his head on Poe's hand.

"He loves you though...hmm." (Y/N) stood still for a moment before pointing at the raccoon and yelling, "CARL!!"


"That's his new name, Carl! Since you saved him you're in charge of protecting him now forever!"

"...My mom would never let me keep him though."

"Just secretly keep him then." She sighed.








"WHO ELSE AM I ASKING, CARL?!" They both stopped as (Y/N) said that and busted out laughing.

"Oh yea-he'd definitely answer back!"

"Shut up ya moron!"

They both laughed away the anger they felt and hung out for the rest of the day. Running around the house, eating snacks, playing games, and drawing things, having fun as two children. As time went on Poe finally decided he should leave..

"I should go, I'm gonna have a lot of explaining to my mom to do about why I didn't go to school.." he stood up and took the sleeping Carl with him.

"Here wait, I'll walk you. Let's leave from the front door this time though." She giggled.

After cleaning up they both started walking down the road, the sky was mixed with blue and orange..

"Say Poe..."


"Will you, be my friend?"

Poe was confused at first before he laughed, "I don't think you'd wanna be my friend." He said.

"Hm? How come?"

"Well..." he glanced down at Carl, "I'm weird. I don't really like talking and I'm usually to myself, and I like writing and reading so I'm a nerd I guess you could say but I hate school, I'm not athletic...I'm not as fun as you are."


He turned to (Y/N),  "I don't care about that, I think you're amazing as you are! You're fun to be with too you know!" She smiled. Poe was captivated...for the first time in his life he found someone who liked him for who he was...

"I'm asking to be friends with Poe, not a superstar."


She ran in front of him and extended her arms out, the wind blowing her hair, as this moment looked like a photograph.
So beautiful..

"WHAT SAYS YOU YOUNG MAN, WILL YOU BE MY FRIEND?" she yelled, as if she was talking to a crowd.

Poe giggled and nodded, "Sure thing, hopefully you don't forget I'm your friend though." He teased, as he walked ahead.


The two of them ran the rest of the way...this forever would be something Poe would never forget. The day he met the one who changed his whole life..
When he had gotten home and told his mother everything and for the first time...his mother wasn't mad or upset...she even loved Carl and didn't mind him.
She just smiled at him and said, "I'm happy you made a friend son."

Poe smiled back at her, "Yeah...me too."

"I'm asking to be friends with Poe, not a superstar."

That was the first time...
He realized what it was like to feel important..
And to love another...

▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎

The door opened and Poe walked in to see Yukito and (Y/N) sitting down.
"I hope you guys cleaned?" He sighed.

They both looked at him with starry eyes as they ran up to get their food.
"WE DID!" They cried.

As Yukito ran off with his food (Y/N) grabbed hers and patted Poe's head with a smile.
"Thank you mister, love you for real." She said.
Poe shook his head as Carl jumped up on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Yeah yeah you lazy dummy." He replied.

"How rude!" She pouted, as he sat on the ground near the couch. (Y/N) ran next to him and sat beside him, sharing her food with him.

This....this was what he loved..
Seeing her happy more then anything..
The one who made him smile for the first time in forever...

"Poe you okay?"

He snapped back into reality and nodded, smiling at her, "Just fine, now hurry up and eat before I eat all your fries!" He said, as he grabbed a handful.

"OI!! POE-POE!!"
Their laughter echoed throughout the room, the sun setting outside making the sky of Yokohama a mix of blue and orange..


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