Always by your side

By joewho___

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At 17 years old Luz decided to run from home she manage to go between realms and ended up on the Boiling Isle... More

Chapter 1 - A 'normal' day on the Boiling Isles
Chapter 2 - Matter of perspective
Chapter 3 - I'm the best. Right?
Chapter 4 - Time for some fluff
Chapter 5 - You? You!
Chapter 6 - Blight not being a blight?
Chapter 7 - Let's talk
Chapter 8 - Inglorious task
Chapter 9 - Getting through
Chapter 10 - Heavy rain hits heavily
Chapter 11 - Trouble on the Horizon
Chapter 12 - A cave, an Oath, and finding yourself
Chapter 13 - Now or never
Chapter 14 - Do you trust me?
Chapter 15 - Lock and Rift
Chapter 16 - United once again
Chapter 17 - Zealous to help
Chapter 19 - Old friends, new problems
Chapter 20 - Can you out-bully a bully?
Chapter 21 - Establishing boundaries
Chapter 22 - Dangerous? I'm in
Chapter 23 - Amity alone
Chapter 24 - Expected conclusion
Chapter 25 - Questionable decisions
Chapter 26 - Understanding Amity
Chapter 27 - A Daring Battle
Chapter 28 - Leaving and coming back
Chapter 29 - Something is coming...
Chapter 30 - Looking at the Stars
Chapter 31 - Undoing what's done
Chapter 32 - Meet your foe
Chapter 33 - Idle in the Void
Chapter 34 - The Titan within me
Chapter 35 - Yes!
The force within - preview

Chapter 18 - Name please

73 7 0
By joewho___

The rest of the week passed seamlessly, I showed Amity around the human realm a bit more, and we had a great time together although sometimes she acts strange when I'm around. Ami was still waiting for her ID but it should be ready by Monday. In the meantime, my mom asked me to do a high school review with Amity. Honestly, I would rather not because I'm not confident in anything besides English.

Nonetheless, I tried my best for her. In the beginning it went well, but when we got to math and physics she ended up explaining everything to me. I was astounded by how swiftly she understood everything. Literally, the only subject Amity was kinda struggling with was biology. I wasn't even surprised, if I were to learn biology on the Boiling Isles I would probably find it confusing as well. Despite the biology struggle she had no problem with physics or chemistry, while in my personal opinion, those two subjects are at least 1000 times worse than biology. For example, I remember when we did engines in physics class and till now I had no clue how they worked. Yet Amity read the textbook once and could thoroughly explain everything, not only explain but even make me understand it.

When we were done with our study session for the day I decided that the time finally came. Time to introduce Amity to the world of Anime, particularly Monster Slayer Academia. We were lying together on the bed, watching the first episode on my laptop. She was trying to grasp the concept of animation while I was explaining every single lore detail occurring on the screen. I entered my 'passion mode' , putting so much emotion into my explanation. During my over-the-top walk-through I noticed that Ami was constantly blushing. Oh God, I hope I'm not making her feel uncomfortable...

My train of thought was swiftly derailed when my mom peeked into the room

"Luz, Amity, do you need anything?" she looked at us, and before I could answer she giggled and said; "Well, sorry for interrupting you, I shall leave immediately, if you need anything I will be in the kitchen."

What was that supposed to be? I didn't get the underlying message and I think Amity didn't as well as she was looking at me confused.

"Luz, what was that?"

"I have no clue Ami, my mom sometimes acts... strange."

"We didn't offend her, did we?"

"Nah, if we did she would come after us with la chancletas."

"I have no idea what is it, but it sounds dangerous."

"And it is, I should teach you some Spanish though..."

"Yes!" Amity exclaimed then she blushed and mumbled; "Sorry."

"Woah, I think we can start Spanish lessons tomorrow, finally a subject in which I will be able to explain something to you."

After that Amity blushed even harder while I sat there confused. Why was she blushing? Is this something witches do? I'm not a witch anatomy expert so let's assume it's just her being happy. We continued watching the show and I think I got Amity invested in the story. With a short eating break, we ended up eating through over half of the first season in one sitting. When I realized that it is already 2 am I nudged Amity that it was time to slowly go to sleep. We have to be careful though, if we wake my mom up she will most certainly end me.


Spanish is confusing. I'm honestly kinda embarrassed that I thought that besides ancient runic there is only one language in the world. Why are humans making everything so complicated? Wouldn't it be easier to speak just one language? Luz did her best trying to explain the basics to me but for now, I only know a few words. I thought that human biology was the hardest but linguistics is much, much worse.

Of course, Luz was trying to cheer me up, but I still felt like I disappointed her. I will study twice as hard to make Luz happy, but first I need to get into high school. It was time to get my ID, Camila told me that it was ready, she knew because I left her phoon number as contact information. As before she drove me to the city hall, but she immediately noticed that I was a bit bummed out.

"Amity, did something happen? I can see something's on your mind."

'It's nothing, I'm just a little stressed about the school. Especially taking language classes."

"Why is that?" she asked.

"When Luz tried to teach me Spanish I wasn't able to learn it with ease... What if I can't handle it in school? What if I get a B, or worse..."

"What do you mean 'B or worse' Amity? Your grades do not define you, try to do your best, you are new here, you don't have to get straight A's."

"I- I don't? But you are doing so much to let me go to the school, I can't disappoint you Ms. Noceda."

"Hey, getting a lower grade is not a disappointment, it simply shows that you need a bit more work with the subject. I may have met you not so long ago but I'm sure you'll figure everything out, and don't worry about grades as long as those are not the finals it does not really matter."

"Are you sure? I would hate to be a burden."

"Nah, don't worry Amity, between you and me, Luz gets a lot of bad grades, but am I mad at her?" No. Well, maybe if the grades were bad due to her laziness, but if someone gives 100% effort and does not manage to get an A it doesn't matter, you learn for yourself Amity."

"If you say so... Back on the Boiling Isles if I got anything lower than A I would be heavily punished for being 'a disgrace for the family' so it's a nice change of pace."

"Wait what?!" Camila looked at me confused. "Are your parents insane?!! How can you say something like this to your kid."

"Well, I suppose they weren't the best..."

"Amity, that's not being 'not the best' , something like this is unacceptable, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, I learned how to live with this. It was tough at times but I managed."

"I had no idea... Anyway, here you don't have to stress about the grades or being a burden. You are always welcome and I want you to feel as comfortable as possible."

"Thank you."

"Anytime, if you need... let's say to talk about anything... I'm here, I won't judge you."

"Thanks, I will certainly use this possibility in the future. By the way, I think we missed our exit, if I remember our last trip correctly."

"¡Mierda!" Camila exclaimed. "We will have to go around a little, I got caught up in the conversation."

We indeed circled around a little but soon enough we reached the city hall. Camila parked the car and went inside with me. The lady in the reception gave us directions, on where we should head for the ID pick-up. After half an hour and signing a few more documents I had it. I became an official member of the human society. Something I never thought I would be.

Now it was time to enroll in a school. Camila told me that we can go right off the bat and so we did. I have to admit, this human school wasn't anything extraordinary compared to Hexside on the Boiling Isles but I suppose it looked cozy. We entered the building and once again, the inside was nothing compared to Hexside.

Camila looked at me and said; "On the contrary to the city hall, I will directly help you with the whole process here since it's a bit different than managing official matters."

"Thank you, but don't we need some documents, like school certificates or something?"

"Not yet, that's something we will provide later after enrolling you."

We headed toward the principal's office. We were halted for a second by a secretary but soon she let us proceed, saying that Principal Hal is ready.

Camila confidently walked greeting the older man; "Good afternoon Mr. Hal, as you know I've scheduled a meeting with you regarding the enrollment of the student."

"Good afternoon Ms. Noceda, I'm aware of that, but who is the student if I may ask." He said and looked at me.

"Good afternoon sir, my name is Amity Blight."

"Hello Amity, why is Ms. Noceda and not your parents helping you apply?"

"Before I could answer Camila stepped in. "Her parents are out of the picture for now, she is officially an adult and does not need their presence to enroll, I'm here to simply help her with the process."

"Fine, may I see some ID then."

"We already provided it to your secretary sir." I answered.

"Very well, welcome aboard then. The school year starts next week. Until then you have to provide us with copies of your high school certificates to finish the application process. When that's done you will be handed your student's license."

"Thank you very much sir."

"The pleasure is all mine. I have one more question for you, Ms. Noceda. How is Luz doing, she hasn't been seen in the school for a long time. I'm afraid she will have to repeat a year."

"She was absent due to private matters, but we are both aware of the situation and accept this fact. She will continue to attend this school when the summer vacation ends."

"Very well then, I'm expecting to see you Ms. Blight as well as Luz at the start of the school year. Don't forget about the document and good luck."

"Thank you, goodbye sir."

"Goodbye, Ms. Blight, Ms. Noceda."

"Goodbye Mr. Hal. Camila said and we left the room. It was much faster and much easier than I expected, I thought we will have to do a lot more to convince the principal to let me enroll.

While we were strolling through the school corridors I decided to ask Camila about how much she knows principal Hal; "What was the whole tension between you and the principal? He seemed a bit afraid of you."

"It's nothing Amity, I have simply known him for quite a long time and since Luz often ended up in his office I learned how to deal with him and de-escalate all the situations Luz has gotten herself into."

"I didn't know Luz was a troublemaker."

"I wouldn't say a troublemaker, maybe just a little, she was simply... a bit different, my lovely Luz, the one and only, never ordinary. Maybe I shouldn't tell you that but honestly, I never considered it a flaw, but rather a strength. Unfortunately, society isn't that tolerant... Well, I shouldn't talk about it, ask Luz if you need to know more, just please, be subtle, I think she is quite sensitive about it."

"Of course, I don't want to pressure you."

Despite being comforted by Camila earlier I once again started to stress about how I will do at school, but this time I tried my best to conceal it. Our ride back home wasn't anything special, Camila was simply asking me questions about the Boiling Isles and I was answering them. When we got back home I could smell the food already on the porch, Luz has been cooking again. Today she made her own take on enchiladas, they were different than Camila's but equally delicious.

Luz was even happier than I was when I told her I got into the school, and her pure happiness filled my heart with warmth. She immediately offered to help with the school certificates. We decided we can do it this evening. After dinner, Luz found her old school certificates and that was when the magic happened. She scanned the certificate into her computer and started editing it. I have no idea how she did that, but after an hour I was holding my own certificate with my name, and my supposed grades. It looks like after all humans also can do magic, just differently.

For the rest of the evening we were watching Monster Slayer Academia, we managed to finish the first season and barely start the second one. I don't think I was that into something since the first time I read The Good Witch Azura. If the incredible show wasn't enough, Luz showed me the fan-made content from Azura. I was beyond excited. Once again we were lying together on a bed, giggling and having the time of our lives. As now per usual we've soon hit 1 am and decided it's time to sleep. I went to my room and lay down, however, part of me wished I stayed in Luz's room longer... While I was trying to sleep a slight wave of nostalgia hit me. I wondered, how people on the Boiling Isles are doing, especially if Ms. Lilith is ok. I haven't seen her since her fight with the Owl Lady, and Luz was reluctant to talk about Eda's fate and what she learned during her trip to the conformatorium.


Chapter 18 is finished, I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for not including a scene with Luz teaching Amity Spanish but my Spanish skills are non-existent and I don't think I'm capable to explain even the basics in the story. The same applies to the relative absence of Spanish words overall in the story, and even if I throw them in I apologize in advance if I used them incorrectly. Aside from that, this chapter was solely focused on the human realm, meaning that the next one will happen only or at least mostly on the Boiling Isles. Don't forget to share your thoughts, questions, and opinions in the comments, and see you in the next chapter. 

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