Grateful | Fragile Hearts

By alaynaslibrary

1.1M 30.9K 1.5K

~book 1 of The Fragile Hearts series~ a story in which a girl discovers her family again. Charlotte is a gir... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50

chapter 27

21.9K 652 40
By alaynaslibrary

I finally made it home after a long evening. I had some "business" to attend to that involved dealing with the bitch who touched my child.

I had Grey take her home for me since I wasn't sure when I'd be finished. I made my way back up to his penthouse. Since we were always at each other's places, we all had the passcode.

When I walked in, I didn't expect to see the sight in front of me.

Grey and Charlotte both playing Black Ops, and Charlotte absolutely nailing him.

"I win! " she screamed as she got up and did a little dance.

He chuckled. "You win, Char."

I rolled my eyes and made my way over to them. "Thanks for kicking his ass Char, no one can ever beat him." I told her as I gave her a small fist bump.

She laughed out. "Just let me know when you need my help, I gotchu" she said smiling from ear to ear.

"Alright, it's time to go. You need some rest." I told her.

She nodded and turned to Grey. "Thanks uncle Grey" she said and gave him a small hug. He smiled, something I'd only ever see a couple times in my life, and gave her a hug back.

"Anytime, Char"

"Why don't you go upstairs Char and take a shower. I gotta talk to Grey real quick and I'll be up right after."

She nodded. And bid us both goodbye. We watched her walk out to the elevator, but not without noticing the slight limp. I clenched my fists.

I turned to Grey and crossed my arms. "You let her win, didn't you?"

"I did." he nodded and smiled again.

"I knew there was no way she beat you. You're a freaking god when it comes to COD" I laughed out as I shook my head.

Suddenly he got serious. "Did you deal with Diego?" he asked me as he leaned back on the counter with his arms crossed.

"Is that even a question? I told him if I ever see him on this hemisphere again he'll be sorry" I scoffed out.

"Thanks for bringing her home, Grey." I told him seriously.


a couple days later..

It's been a few days and it's come to my attention that now that I have a kid, she has to go to school.

Since we've discovered each other, she's been on winter break. However, that would be ending soon and I'd have to enroll her.

I had her records faxed over from her previous school. As soon as I opened them, my jaw dropped.

Holy shit

Charlotte was a 4.0 student. Top 2% of her class and took college classes way above her age level.

I was impressed. At her age, I was ditching school with my friends. I was smart, academically, but streetwise- not so much.

Thank god she didn't take after me.

I didn't even see any "B's" on any of her report cards. She was a genius.

Like her father.

Proudness filled me as I realized how intelligent she was. The academic advisor at her old school stated in the transcripts that she was set to graduate at the end of spring, just 3 years early. 

that's my girl

After a long discussion, we decided that she'd finish school online, and then enroll at a university. The University of Chicago was one of the top schools in the tri-state area.

And it was also a 10 minute walk from our house.

I just got her. I don't think I'm ready for her to leave yet, however I will support whatever she chooses.

The school had me send in her transcripts and they'd place her in the classes they felt she would excel in.

I did so and the both of us waited for her enrollment information.

She sat next to me, playing with her shirt anxiously. I grabbed her hand.

"What is it, lulu?" Lulu was the nickname id given her after she shared with me her favorite stuffed animal was a small bunny named LuLu. It became an inside joke between us, and ever since it stuck.

"I'm really nervous about online classes. I mean, I like the autonomy of doing it all on my own and whenever, but at the same time the whole thing scares me. What if I mess up my GPA?" She told me with a worried expression.

"Char, you're one of the smartest people I know. Your grades also don't define you. Either way, I'll be proud. Your mom and grandma will too. If you need help with anything, you can always ask me or grey or any of your aunts and uncles. Hell if we have to help you cheat because you have a shitty teacher, we'll do that too" I laughed out.

"Don't worry, you're always gonna have us." I tick her as I pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you dad"

I almost cried then and there in the spot.

Cmon Ronan, you're a badass. Do. Not. Cry.

"I love you, dad" she muffled into my shirt.

And the tears started to spill.


"I love you too Char" I told her as I kissed her on her head.

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