Flowers Bouquet

By SemsemMahmoud4

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It's just a book, but every night, flowers scent come out of it even I smell it in my dreams. In a nutshell... More

Ch.1 Murder Crimes!
Ch.2 Nightmares With Flowers Scent!
Ch.3 Dissappearance!
Ch. 4 Treachery!
Ch. 5 What are you?
Ch. 6 Tit For Tat!
Ch.7 The Illusions Forest!
Ch.8 Feelings!
Ch.9 Taking Revenge!
Ch.10 Breaking The Curse!
Ch.12 A Piece Of Paper
Ch.13 There's Two Of Blaze!
Ch.14 The little Prince!
Ch.15 Flowers Bouquet!
Ch.16 Returning To My Home!
Ch.17 Reveal Your Identity!
Ch.18 The Little Burned House!
Ch.19 Demons In The Real World!
Ch.20 Purple Flowers Powder!
Ch.21 It's A Matter Of Three days!
Ch.22 Leaving Without Return!
Ch.23 McA Company!
Ch.24 One Destiny!
Ch.25 The Red Moon!
Ch. 26 Regret!
Ch.27 As It Was!
Ch.28 At The Sunrise!
Ch. 29 Family!

Ch.11 Chasing!

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By SemsemMahmoud4

✨️ Previously: ✨️

The mister didn't tell her about what he did to Nathan, and the indirect reward for that is she showed him how much she was worrying and afraid to him. Every conversation they get into, he repeated it in his mind to keep this feeling staying for seconds. She noticed how he couldn't remember most of his past life, and that made him angry.


But, she suggested helping him when she told him to use the mirror as the servant told her when she asked about where he brought these dresses from.

✨️💡 Let's continue...💡✨️

At night, she was pulling his hand to the library where the mirror was there against of his desire. He was angry because he doesn't have a desire to go there, but he has no idea about what she's about to do, or rather, the idea of breaking the curse tonight wasn't in his mind at all.

* What the hell are you doing?!!!* suddenly, he pulled his hand away from her grip while he's yelling at her, angrily with his rough voice that made the castle make a sound a sign that a wall or something has broken.

* Stop being scared!!! At least, I want to do a favour back for you!!! You saved me two times while I was just standing and watching like a dumbass. * she yelled at him, then her anger started calming down when she felt a little bit that he got convinced.

* I did that more than a thousand times, but it didn't work. And for the favours, I'm not waiting for paying back, and for my fear, it's because matters don't go like this way ever. One mistake, one wrong decision would end your life forever as if you had never born. * with a quiet tone, he started explaining to her while he's holding her shoulders. His face was too scary from close to her even she was about cry like baby. He let her go when he noticed she's about to cry.

* Trust me! If you stayed your whole life waiting for another chance, you won't catch it. Think about it! Your chance is now, and either catch it or let it go... I don't know what made you a monster, but any changes get into your life, they create a chance in return. * she talked while the other was staring into space, then suddenly he gave her his back, but she walked to be in front of him and talked again while she's holding both his hands.

He nodded, trusting on her, but before they do what they're going to do, the servant entered the library for joining them. The three of them put their hands in each others, then the mister started talking to the mirror.

" I've found a hope in someone and now I have the courage to ask for going back home where I was the king and the god who uses his powers for protecting good people and fighting those bad ones. "

Suddenly, a golden light got out of the mirror and started turning around them for seconds, then it covered them all, making them dissappearing. She opened her eyes, and stared at the sky for a few seconds, then she started looking around by them for knowing where she is, but the green color that surrounded her makes it harder.

She got up and looked around to examine the place. The ocean is behind her with its waves, there are a lot of people arguing near to the harbor and they looks like fishermen while in front of her eyes there's a small town. She entered the two, knitting her brows, wondering about their clothes that seemed they were from old ancient. Actually, half of them are Asian while the other half is English.

Note💡: Examine means: to look at or consider a person or thing carefully in order to discover something about the person or thing.

Note💡: Harbor means: a protected area of water next to the land where ships and boats can be safely kept.

" Did it work?... Yes!... I think."

She was confused while she's talking to herself during she's walking among people in a street where the shops and the carts of goods with their sellers were on both sides. She kept looking for the servant and the monster until she got tired when the darkness fell. Her stomach made a sound for hungry, so she went to a small shop that sells noodles.

* Hello, sir! Can I have a bowl of noodles, please? * she was confused about talking to him in English or in a sign language because he's an Aisan. But she tried her luck.

* Sure! Anything else? * the man smiled at her and surprised her when he answered in English.

She sat at one of the tables, and in a minute, her order was ready for her because she was the only customer for this man. She thought about asking him about the guys, but she backed off because she doesn't know their names or even remembering their faces. After she became full, she quickly think about how she would pay.

Good acting, showing tiredness, and how she's suffering because her bad and drunk husband who's chasing her, she created her lie to convince the man letting her go without problems. The full moon and quietness were only around while she's walking alone after all the shops got closed and people went to their homes.


Her heart was hurting her because of its quick beats that hit her muscles and the whole body, strongly. Blaming herself for half an hour without any clear destination pushed her to cry loudly. She fell on her knees after an hour breaking down, then her ears started hearing a noise around her.

She stopped crying immediately and stood up, then she started looking around to know who's there. When she heard someone's whistling, fear controlled her body, making her feet heavy. She quickly calmed herself down and walked in a faster pace, but the more she walks fast, the more the whistling gets closer to her.

Running as possible she can to hide was the last choice for saving herself. She started running between the houses, hoping that will help him loses his way from chasing her. She stopped running for catching her breath, at the same time the whistling stopped.

When she just thought she successeded about making him lost his way, a shadow of someone appeared in front of her from beside one of the houses. It was like a cold water had poured on her heart even made her fell on the ground. It seems her powers let her down this time.

She started trembling while she's leaning her hands on the ground, can't stand up, or even rise her head up. Pressure pushed her to accept her destiny when she heard a noise of a sharp tool that he drags on the ground. Suddenly, his feet were only what her eyes see, then he dropped his sword on the ground for leaning on it.

It's time for her death now. She closed her eyes, strongly, waiting for cutting her head off, but he let her expectation down . He threw it away and kneeled in front of her, then he held her head and rised it up. One of them was shocked, even his chest was rising and lowing, not believing.

* It's you!!... It's you!!... It's me!!* he said with a wide opened eyes, then he hugged her and repeated again, then he added while he's nodding " Yes! "

🌸 End of the chapter 🌸

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