
By goldenmakanaekookie

1.6K 151 44

The red and orange hues were illuminating his face, making his green eyes intense and shine. I could tell som... More

The Crash ( edited.)
1. I'm New Actually. (edited)
3. Patient 101.
4. I Left Out a Tiny Detail...Oops?
5. Peter Ronan, Thanks for the Shirt.
6. You Confuse Me. Now Don't protect Me.
7. Bite Me.
8. Rider and Grasshopper
9. Patience Is Weird.
10. Dinner Would Be Lovely.
11. Meet The Fam.
12. Kissed Cheek = Feelings.
13. Judgement is a Leap of Faith.
14. People Take Time To Open Up.
15. Unexpected.
16. Fair Fight.
17. You Need A Few Sorry's.
18. There Is A Girl In There!
19. All In.
20. Thirty-four
A Word About What The Heck Is Happening.
21. Twenty eight
22. What's Next?


107 8 2
By goldenmakanaekookie

Yesterday was interesting.

Now you see, usually on your first day people do have the tendency to be curious who the new kid is. This school has taken it to a whole new level of awkward. Now usually I wouldn't be the kind of person to be bothered by staring, but oh my god no one would leave me alone. It wasn't just the I-will-make-this-casual glance back people will give. Oh no. People would just look at me for whole class periods. I am pretty sure no one who had a class with me yesterday, learned anything.

No one was subtle about it. Everyone wanted me to know that they were staring at me. I have never been a person to have a lot of anxiety, but yesterday brought my anxiety to a new level. The only class I didn't feel awkward in was yearbook. Just because Mike had pulled me aside and made me be his partner. Thank god for that beautiful boy. In that class people still stared, but it was only glances but everyone was also too busy to even bother with who I was. Mike showed me a few tricks and benefits of being on the yearbook squad. He did indeed use the word squad. It made me happy.

Today was my second day of course. This morning I had English; now I love English. I have always been amazing at writing. I write stories for fun sometimes.. I sometimes read stuff off of wattpad.

This is a safe space so none of you can judge me.

This class was mind numbingly boring though. I wanted to die like four times. The teacher has this monotone voice that sounds like someone is on their death bed. I am pretty sure the girl who left the classroom left because she wanted to cry at how sad this teacher was. I don't even remember his name. It was in one ear and out the other.

It was torture.

I was excited for my next class though. Engineering 3. Now I do not seem like the girl who would be interested in car engines, pipes, and learning how to set up an electrical system for a house. Well the engineering I am in only has to do with car engines. When you get Engineering three you get to pick what field you want to enter. I chose cars. Secretly I am a nerd for this stuff.

Originally my father convinced me it was a good idea to know this sort of stuff. So I took him up on his offer and signed up for it. I eventually learned to love it. So I continued on with it, and that made my father weirdly happy. I was excited because I had a small hope there would be girls in this engineering class. In Wisconsin I was like the only girl was interested in engineering.

Not surprising.

I was hoping it would be different here though. Seeing as this school has twice as many students as my last school did, I had a better chance at finding girls with similar interests. Hopefully. I was nearing my classroom; I couldn't help but notice mike heading towards me with an odd look on his face.

"Someone is oddly perky for her second day of school? Are you doing drugs? Kendra I cannot be friends with someone who is an addict! Let me look in your eyes." He dropped his stuff on the ground and to anyone else it would look like he was going in for a kiss with the way he grabbed for my head, but he really just brought my eye really close to his. THIS was really weird.

"Mike stop!" I pushed him away, "I'm not on drugs! I am just really excited for my next class." I said and bounced on my heels.

"What class do you have now?"

"I have engineering three." I said as he popped down and picked his tuff up from the ground quickly. "Please tell me you are in this class period as well? I would hate to be alone and yesterday was awkward as hell. No one would stop looking at me."

"That goes away after about a week. Don't worry about it. No sadly I don't have this class with you. Sorry dearest, wish I did so you weren't alone again. I am actually in engineering four." He shrugged and gave me a pittying look. I huff and held my shoulder low.

"Fine, wait aren't you a junior? That means you would be in engineering three!" I called him out, he rolled his eyes.

"My buddies and I actually did a training program this last summer that actually put us ahead. It was counted as an engineering class and we got to jump to engineering four. So technically I should have been in engineering three but we got to jump to four." He had a content grin on his face. I wish I was here earlier to take that program.

"Is the teacher at least nice?"

"Oh definitely, he is actually apart of my "crew" per-say. He actually just started teaching a few months ago. Great guy. You will definitely like him, he's really laid back." I sighed in relief, he patted me on the shoulder and then he pushed himself off of the wall when the warning bell went off. "Hey, come find me at lunch and I can show you to the rest of the guys. I promise they won't be too stupid." He spoke quickly before ran to another class down the hall.

I faced the door and I pulled it open and exactly what I expected.

All boys.

Great, and they were all just standing in the middle of the shop room.

"Ah, Kendra Benson yes?" A man emerged from behind a wall, welding mask on, holding a blow torch. Just casually while it's still burning.

Not gonna lie, I thought he was going to kill me.

"That's me." I said shyly and stayed in my corner and avoided the gaze of all of the boys standing in the middle of the shop area.

The teacher turned off the blow torch and he took off his mask. He slipped the gloves off his hands and he held a hand out too me that had oil on them, but I didn't really mind. I took his hand and gave him a firm hand handshake.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Ace but I want everyone to call me Benny." He pulled his hand back and he gave me a wide toothy smile. This guy couldn't be older then twenty-three. "Please, join the group! We will get started in just a second."

I awkwardly stood by the group. Not with the group, by it.

"Okay girl and boys. Welcome to engineering three." Benny smiled and flopped his gloves down onto his desk. "The rest of you know who I am. Kendra does not know who I am. Small introduction, I am Benny Ace. I am 23 years old and I just got my teaching degree before this year began. This has been my first year teaching engineering and honestly. It's astonishing how stupid freshman can be." That earned a laugh from everyone and felt myself chuckle under my breathe.

The door suddenly was thrown open and a boy stood in the doorway playing on his phone. He had sunglasses on and beanie hanging loosely on his head. He had a jacket in his hands and he swaggered his way into the room. Seriously if there is a word for how he walked into this room, it was swaggered. He walked right over to Benny and they did a weird high five and fist bump combination. Boys.

"Sup Benny. These the three E kids?" He asked as he glanced at all of us. All of the guys seemed to either give him a head nod or a glare. Very mixed emotions in this room coming from the gentlemen.

"Yes, class this is Peter. He is the teachers assistant and probably one of the best mechanics I know." Everyone watched Peter as he casually walked around a corner disappeared to another part of the shop. "He's kind of quiet and he is only here to help you when I can't help. Also small note, if he is working on something in the shop, don't bother getting his attention unless he is walking around the shop completely distracted, he will not pay attention."

From another part of the shop we heard an engine try to start up but burn out. Then the slam of a car door.

"Anyways, let's get started. The rest of you, we are going to continue the project we started on last week. Kendra, come with me." I watched as the rest of the group went to different projects that they either pulled out or entered different rooms to continue. Everyone knew there way around and I was so confused. I followed Mr. Ace or Benny, around the shop. He showed me where I can find all of the tools that are available to everyone, he showed me where I could find spare parts.

The shop was huge and I loved it. This was my playground. Even though it was my first day and I almost hit my head four times. It was great, mike was right about Mr. Ace or Benny, being laid back and chill. He explained to me about our next project and we went over stuff that I knew.

This was going to be a fun class.


The bell rang for lunch and I was actually really sad because engineering was fun. I almost just wanted to hang here for lunch. I managed to navigate where my locker was and I stuffed my stuff into it. I pulled out a sandwich that I had made for myself this morning. I then began to realize something.

I have no idea where Mike and his friends hang out.

This would be a fun adventure around the school.

I slammed my locker shut and I awkwardly just walked through the halls. This is one of those times that I subconsciously start trying to tear stuff up that is in my hands. So I started with the plastic wrapped around my sandwich. Where do groups of guys hang out? I definitely was not an expert. I mean I could call my brothers and ask them but they are twenty-one, nineteen, fourteen, ten, and six. Don't worry I have a sister she's a twin to the fourteen tear old.

Yes I have 6 siblings. Talk to my parents about it.

I made my way to the courtyard and I found a bench that no one was sitting near or on. I'm so awkward for life why do I even try to find friends? I sat on the bench and I started to tear pieces of my sandwich apart and I ate them.

"Well hey loner." I watched as Mike slid into the spot next to me. I smiled, kind of glad to see him and now I wouldn't be alone.

"I didn't know where I could find you." I said and coughed awkwardly.

"Well, I am here now! Come on, the guys really want to meet you. Just forewarning, they might hit on you but all you have to say to them is. No thanks, I'm gay." He smiled widely and I laughed, "Actually that might urge Frank to try harder to make you straight. Just be yourself, if they try anything I will punch them." I laughed and I stood up from my seat and he held his arm to me and I took it.

"Lead the way!" I spoke and pointed forward even though I had no idea where I was going.

Mike dragged me along quickly back through the school building. We were actually skipping, and I think we got a few concerning looks from people. I recognized that he was dragging me back to the building where they had all of the shop classes. He came to a halt back to the classroom I was in not even fifteen minutes ago. He swung the door open and held a hand out for me to go in.

"After you madam!"

"Why thank you sir." I responded as I did curtsy and I skipped into the shop.

I stopped when the sounds of laughing boys came to a pause. Although I already knew everyone here except a black haired boy who had a nose ring. He looked young. Mike appeared beside me and patted me on the shoulder for reassurance. They were all looking at me and I couldn't help but feel like a deer in the headlights. Well why am I surprised, does it look like there are any other girls in here?

"Guys this is Kendra. Kendra, These are the guys." I awkwardly waved because I didn't know how to interact with a group of boys.

"Hi Kendra." Mr.-Benny waved to me from his desk. He had his feet propped up and he had a soda in his hand.

Frank gave me a head nod from a chair he was leaned back in. Joey had a wide grin on his face, which made me uncomfortable. His dreads were still cool though. They were pulled back again today. Awesome.

"Kendra. Still looking good." Frank winked, I felt my face flush with embarrassment.

"Those jeans are working for you girl." Joey said and he let out a low whistle. I wanted to run, I really wanted to run away. Flirting wasn't my thing and quite frankly I didn't want to flirt with any of them.

"The beautiful Kendra, it's a pleasure to meet you." The young dark haired boy walked over and took my hand and did a bow. Mike batted him away.

"What is it with all of you? Aren't you able to keep it to yourselves. I actually want her to be our friend." Mike said and pouted and folded his arms over his chest.

"It's just really funny to mess with you Mike. We can't help ourselves." Frank said and a smirk played on his lips and he reached his arms around the back of his head.

"We have a rule remember? If we ever wanted a girl to be in the group, no one is allowed to hit on her!" He pointed at all of them. Joey held his hands up in surrender.

"Kind of too late, Mike." Frank muttered, still smirking.

"He actually isn't a douche and a condescending jerk, he just wants to piss me off this week. I don't know why, he won't tell me. He is also practicing on us because there is a chick that he wants but she only likes guys who are jerks. It's weird." Mike said so only I could hear, I nodded in response and I laced my fingers together.

"What makes you think she actually wants to be our friend? I mean the poor girl hasn't even said anything." Joey pushed himself off the wall.

"Well seeing as Mike is my only friend, I don't have an option." I laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck.

"I'm your friend? Guys I'm considered her friend." Mike had a loopy grin on his face and he held a hand to his heart.

"Aww, Mike finally had the courage to talk to a girl, he's finally hit third grade." The younger boy spoke up and he began to clap in a mocking kind of way. The other boys joined in and Frank was laughing slightly.

"More action then any of you get. Good job gentlemen." They all shut up and Mike started clapping and I joined him and I laughed and they had annoyed looks. This was entertaining. "Anyways, where is the fifth idiot at?"

"He went out for lunch and he mentioned something about going and getting bolts and oil. Should be back before lunch ends. You will like Ronan, Kendra." Joey said and he was walking past me but he patted me on the shoulder.

"I am not as freaked out by this as you guys might think I am. I've grown up with five brothers. I mean I have a sister but I am not really that close with her. So this is actually pretty comfortable for me. Being around a bunch of guys." I spoke up, and I picked at the end of the sleeves on my sweater.

"Well, you just got five new ones." The young boy said, who's name I still had no idea the name of.

"I don't know, you all look pretty girly. I think I've got five new sisters rather then brothers." I joked and elbowed Mike. They were laughing but they all look a little hurt by the comment.

"I like you Kendra. She's witty and she is already comfortable enough to call us girls. I say she is a keeper! My name is Cody by the way." He spoke as he pulled up a chair next to Frank and opened up a small bag of chips and began to snack on them.

"I fear there is some kind of initiation I will have to go through eventually?" I glanced between all of them.

"Oh definitely, we might have to change it for you since you are a girl though. Usually what it is, is that we would make you go into a store with only a diaper on. Since you are a girl, you can't exactly do that. We will think of something; yes there is definitely an initiation." Frank said as he chucked a can from across the room and almost making it into the trash but just barely missing.

"I came up with the diaper thing." Benny smiled proudly and waved his soda back and fourth. I laughed a little at the thought of one of them just running around a Walmart with only a diaper on.

I then flinched at the sound of an engine filling the shop with noise. Everyone shot up from there seats to look around at the car that just pulled into the shop floor. I glanced around the corner and watched the driver switch the engine off. He had his hood down and sunglasses on. He got out of his car and slammed the door shut abruptly. Went around to the back of the car but he ended up disappearing into another room that had tarps covering the entry. That must be Ronan.

"Don't mind him. He's probably just in a bad mood. Is he anywhere close to finishing the car Benny?" Mike raised an eyebrow in Benny's direction. Benny didn't do anything but sigh and shrug.

"What kind of car is he working on?" I asked and folded my arms over my chest and I glanced at the room he disappeared too again. I could see his silhouette moving around.

"Probably one of the best street racing-" Benny smacked Cory on the backside of his head.

"What?" Street racing huh?

"I mean one of the best racing cars. We don't use them to race though. That's dangerous." He awkwardly smiled and the other boys went back to where they had been sitting.

"Pull up a chair Kendra. We are going to have a chat." Frank spoke, I grabbed a chair that was sitting in a different area and dragged over to in front of the boys. I turned it so it was backwards and I placed my arms on the back of it and rested my chin on my arms.

"First question, do you know your way around an engine?" Joey asked and vigorously took a sip from his straw and I couldn't really tell what he was drinking.

"Yeah, I'm in engineering three, and I took two side classes just for car engines and car painting and design back in Wisconsin." They all looked taken aback for a second, "What?"

"Never met a girl so interested in doing stuff that we do." Frank said, he glanced at the other boys.

"I like her, I wanna keep her!" Joey said and he stood up from his seat.

"I told you she was cool! Did any of you believe me? Nooooo." Mike held his hands up in surrender but he had a victory smile.

"Was that the only question?" I gave them all an odd look.

"Well, yeah. Wait so you actually know how to paint cars?" Cory leaned forward in his chair and he had a little boy grin on his face.

"Yeah, I'm actually really good at it. I learned how to do a lot of complicated paint jobs. It's really fun." I smiled and and played with my finger nails. They all looked impressed and I didn't like that they looked at me like a valuable asset.

"Kendra Benson. Welcome to the crew." Mike said and held his hand out for a fist bump. I returned it gladly.

Not my first choice of friends but you know, this might not be too bad. It might actually be really fun. Especially if we are rebuilding cars.


I pulled into the driveway at my house and I honestly was exhausted. I mean it's only 1:30 because right now it's my free period but I felt like coming home. I ruffled my hair a little bit before I pulled myself out of my car. I threw my bag around my shoulder and threw my car door shut. I stared at my house and quite frankly I just know the boys are torturing Jen at the moment.

I started up the path to my front door and I hesitantly opened my front door, right as I opened it and a nerf bullet hit me in the forehead and stuck to it. I pulled the bullet off of my forehead and and threw it into the living room. I set my bag by the the door and I shut the door behind me. I could hear small laughter coming from the top of the stairs. Mason must be home from kindergarten. He is my six year old brother and he has kindergarten in the morning. I looked up and saw his small figure disappear down the hall upstairs. I rolled my eyes and I went straight into the kitchen. My mom was on the phone while pacing around the kitchen and making three different things at once.

My mom was an MVP. She could multitask and still keep a clean house. She sounded like she was on the phone with her sister, I paced over to the island and I pulled and orange out of the bowl and started to peel it. She looked up from a bowl of brownie mix and she smiled at me. Believe it or not this was a relaxed day. I'm surprised the boys haven't already hit me with a tennis ball today yet. I took a seat by the island and continued to peel my orange and throwing the peels in the sink.

"Okay... Okay... Okay, Sarah I have to go. Kendra just got home. Love you too. Bye." Mom hung up her phone and set it on the counter and she looked up and me and smiled and her eyes lit up, "Hi honey, how was school today?"

"Better, I made friends today." I said and popped an orange piece into my mouth.

"That's awesome! Let's just hope they aren't secretly serial killers." She said and left the brownies mix on the counter to turn and look what she was cooking in a pot on the stove. I looked around the kitchen noticed still most of the boxes from the move still weren't unpacked.

"Mom, we could have just ordered in, we aren't even close to unpacking you don't have to make anything." I said, she just turned around and waved me off and gave me a warm smile.

"No I wanted to make something. I also wanted to break in the kitchen. You know, get a feeling where I want everything to be. So far I think I have an idea. I'll probably start unpacking everything tomorrow." She said and she brought a wooden spoon over to me with some red substance in it. I backed away when she tried to shove it in my mouth.

"Mom you can't just try to shove food in my face unless I know what it is!"

"It's just soup! I'm trying to see if it tastes good and you are the one who decided to sit with me in the kitchen so you are my guinea pig!" I got up from my seat and walked away. My mom knows how to cook but soup is not her forte. She ended up chasing me out of the kitchen, still holding the spoon of soup. I quickly picked up my bag from the front door and ran up the stairs. "Stop following me mom."

"Fine, but next time you have to try it." I looked at her from the railing as she walked back into the kitchen."

I laughed and then I felt a pelt in my arm. I look to see Mason hiding between his bedroom and hall holding a small handgun nerf gun. I folded my arms and he just had an innocent smile on his face. It made me wonder where my stupid 19 year old brother Collin is. I don't think he had any classes today but who knows. I trotted into my room and locked the door behind me, I threw the bag into the chair by my desk and I immediately flopped down onto my bed.

These next few months before summer are going to be interesting.

Authors Note

Hello everyone! I hope you liked this chapter! I know I needed to update but I'm so excited for this story and I have so many idea but today you got to meet most of the characters a little bit! The boys are funny and I have lots of ideas for them. It's still going to be a chapter or two before she meets Peter (Ronan 😉😉) She still has one more character to meet and I think you guys will like her. You will like her character.

Also I am thinking about starting another story too. I love the idea of the other story but I am not going to mention us probably till this story gets more up and going.

I am very excited for it though 😁

Hope you all liked this chapter and I hope you actually enjoy this book!


Love you cupcake unicorns.

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