pregnant wilbur 🤩

נכתב על ידי johncenapapalol90

1.7K 119 139

not real עוד

"come back"
this part is a joke so dont take it serious
"the battlefield aren't the best place to have a baby"
You are my sunshine.
Happy pride month
idk what to call this chapter
single but not alone
Wilbur does drugs in a van(Tw:drugs,sewerslide,etc.
Idk(btw this was my writing from 2021 so yea)
idk this chapter either
Dreambur- Clingy Wilbur?
Vent Art.Tw:SA and SH
Quackbur-idk what to call this
Sallbur-Sweater Weather
question because..ya
idk what to call this.
No ship- this is an apology for angst😀
Quackbur- Can't sleep
weird announcement because idk
explaining the vent art
something weird
QuackBur-You're beautiful
Quackbur- Midnight snack
Sallbur- You're back!
Quackbur- Busy
No ship- idk what to call this
Birthday test😱

Single but not alone(part 2)

38 2 8
נכתב על ידי johncenapapalol90

Btw everyone before you start reading this contains:still born,contractions,birth,labour, body parts and maybe some more stuff idk but hope you enjoy the story
After the stressful events of the day Wilbur was more than ready to sleep. However Techno, Tommy and Tubbo all had to sleep in the living room and he had to wait for their bickering to cease before he could drift to unconscious bliss.

Then suddenly he was shot awake with a sharp pain near his pelvis. He felt his bed and sighed in relief when it was still dry. He was happy to have a kid but he was not ready for the pain of childbirth even though he knew that it could happen any second because his due date was tomorrow.

But the relief of not going into labor was short lived when his contractions started getting stronger tears welled in his eyes as he laid on his side and wrapped his arms around his abdomen. Shaking he tried to call for Phil or Techno or anyone but the pain was so strong that it held back his voice like if he spoke it would hurt the baby.

Then Wilbur remembered what Ponk told him to do during contractions. He tried to slow his breathing and calm down, and once he got ahold of his breathing Wilbut sat up with one hand still on his abdomen.

He had to focus on how long the contractions are happening to see if he needs to send someone to get Ponk. Wilbur stood up and started gathering clothes, Ponk also said to take a bath during contractions to help calm down.


Once in the bath Wilbur started doing one of the breathing exercises he learned from Puffy. He put one hand over his chest and one over his stomach, he took a deep breath through his nose making sure just his stomach moves, not his chest and then he blew out his mouth as if he was trying to whistle. He continued this motion till the pain died down.


When he was finally ready to leave the bath the water was almost cold. Wilbur has no idea how long he was in there but by the time he dried off and got dressed he could hear his brothers awake in the living room.



Wilbur cradled his baby bump in his arm as he walked into the living room. He was no longer in pain but he felt a weird buzzing feeling.

He took a seat between Tommy and Tubbo, they seemed to be in the middle of one of their petty arguments and are currently giving each other the silent treatment. He gives them three minutes before they’re all buddy buddy again.

Wilbur looked forward into the kitchen/dining room to see Phil cooking breakfast and Techno at the table with a coffee still half asleep.


After a few minutes passed Tommy and Tubbo were now rough housing on the living room floor. Tommy was of course the one who initiated it but he was still losing.

“Kids breakfast is ready!” Phil called out from the kitchen. Tubbo quickly got off Tommy and started running to the dining table but Tommy grabbed his ankle causing Tubbo to trip.

Wilbur was about to stand when suddenly pain flushed the entire bottom half of his body. It wasn't contractions this time but the baby was moving around a lot and fast. He lifted his shirt to check if that's what's bothering the baby, he didn't have time to buy new clothes so all his shirts and pants were quite fitted.

When he lifted his shirt he saw the parts of his stomach the baby was hitting lift up and down it almost looked like it was trying to escape. “Ew!” Wilbur heard Tommy, who looked back to see if Wilbur was coming, strain as he saw what the baby was doing to Wilbur.

Tommy’s outburst must’ve alarmed Phil because their dad ran out the kitchen followed by Techno then Tubbo. “It's fetal distress.” Phil said, quickly approaching Wilbur. “Techno get Ponk the baby is coming any second!” Phil turned Wilbur to lay on his side.

Without a second to think Techno ran out the door onto his horse. He was already off the property by the time Tommy looked out the window. “Why don’t we just bring Will to Ponk instead of bringing her here?” Tubbo asked, looking over Phils shoulder at Will grunting in pain on the couch.

Phil was petting Wilburs hair in an attempt to sooth him before answering Tubbo. “Well there are two reasons. Reason one being Ponk has a doctor's office not a hospital a office is no place to have a baby and reason two I dont want Will to go into labor while on horseback and we’d have to deliver the baby in the forest on the cold snow.”

Then just as if on Phil’s command Wilburs water broke. “Oh my god it’s happening my water broke!” Wilburs cried out. He was scared. He wasn’t ready to give birth but his body didn’t care if he was ready because it was happening either way.

Phil only paused for a second before laying a blanket on the ground and gently setting Wilbur atop of it. “Aw man, why my blanket.” The blonde boy whined out and stomped his feet. “Tommy, now is not the time to complain your brother is about to give birth! Now go to the kitchen and fetch me the latex glove box off the counter!” Tommy just let out a complaining sigh and ran to grab the gloves.

Phil placed Techno’s blanket on top of Wilburs lower section and swiftly took off his son’s pants and underwear. Wilbur shivered as the cold air caressed his cold skin. “Tubbo grab the Ibuprofen and a bottle of water from the kitchen!” Phil demanded as he turned to the brunette boy. “Okay!” Tubbo said before disappearing into the kitchen as Tommy came out with the gloves.

“Ibuprofen?! You want me to give birth with only Ibuprofen, the shitty excuse for a pain reliever that doesn’t even work against migraines?! Why can’t you just give me a healing potion?” Wilburs eyes widened. Phil took the box from Tommy as Tommy went to sit on the couch and quickly put two gloves on and turned back to Wilbur with a serious look.

“Will if I give you a healing potion your cervix and vagina will close making it harder, Ibuprofen is all we have and I laid eggs with no such medicines and I was fine!” Phil yelled at his son as he positioned Wilburs legs correctly for birth.

“That is completely different!” Wilbur hit one of his fists against the floor beside him. “You’re right it is different you have to push out a small baby and I had to push out an egg three times the size of my head because you and Techno were twins and shared an egg!” The memory of that day sent shivers down Phils back and made his feathers puff; he was literally almost torn open. If he sits wrong he could still feel the messy stitches done by his dear wife.

Tubbo came with a bottle of Ibuprofen and water. Phil grabbed the pills and water from his second youngest son. He took out two pills for Wilbur and one for himself because he felt a headache developing. Then he opened the water and after swiftly taking his pill he gave the water to Wilbur so he could do the same.

The two men were silent for a second trying to calm down from their argument. They shouldn’t be arguing not like this, not today. Today is supposed to be a happy day. Wilbur gets to be a dad and Phil finally gets to actually be a grandfather. “Tubbo what the fuck sit down.” Wilbur finally spoke up to Tubbo who was still standing behind Phil zoning out. “Oh sorry” Tubbo said and headed to the couch next to Tommy.

After a few more seconds past the only sounds being Wilburs grunts and Phil checking under the blanket to see if he was fully dilated. Then the door burst open but instead of the doctor they were hoping for, it was BadBoyHalo and Captain Puffy, the babies godparents. They were huffing and puffing, out of breath and it was obvious that they ran here.

Bad started to ramble. “We- uh we- it’s t-time…Techno um.” He struggled because he was still out of breath. Puffy was the first to recover and began speaking. “We saw Techno riding his horse really fast and he told us Wilbur was having the baby so we came here as fast as we could!”

“You're just in time!” Phil exclaimed. Bad sat on his knees next to Wilbur and grabbed his hand.. While Puffy grabbed a pair of gloves and knelt next to Phil. “Okay, Wilbur, you're fully dilated and I'm assuming you’ve been in labor for a few minutes so you need to start pushing.” Puffy said, looking at the entrance of Wilburs vagina.

“B-but it’s going to hurt, I'm not ready!” Wilbur started breathing heavily as tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he thought about how the already excruciating pain would multiply when he starts pushing.

“Wilbur, look at me,” Bad said, squeezing Wilburs hand in his own. “I may have not given birth to my son, I found him in the nether, but if the pain is what scares you then you will never be ready so it’s best to just get it over with.” Bad pet Wilburs hair off his sweaty face in another attempt to sooth him.


Wilbur took a deep breath and leveled his breathing. “Right, you're right. Okay I’m ready.” He tightly held onto Bad's hand and tucked his chin to his chest. “Okay…and…push now push, push!” Phil signaled Wilbur using his contractions as a guide.


Wilbur started pushing and that's when he realized he hadn’t noticed when his baby stopped moving but he felt it slowly move through his body. The pain it caused him as it widened his cervix and vaginal walls was almost unbearable. He screamed as he resisted the urge to kick and squirm around.

Then as if XD himself came down to give Wilbur a kiss of mercy the door slammed open and Ponk followed by Techno came running in. Ponk held what looked like a heavy medical bag. “Step aside medical professional coming through.” They said and Puffy got up but Phil only backed up a bit.

Ponk quickly opened her bag, slipped on high grade medical gloves and pulled out a clip bored with a pin. “Okay Mr. Soot your pushing already and that’s amazing but remember we want a patterned push to make it easier on you and the baby.” She wrote a few things down then stood up. “Phil, keep a watch and tell me if the baby starts crowning, I need to check his vitals.”

Ponk walked over to the opposite side of Wilbur than Bad then sat on her knees. She took out a stethoscope, put it on and placed the other end under Wilburs shirt to listen to his heart and lungs. “Your lungs sound fine but your heart is a little fast. We want that to slow down. Can you do that for me?” Wilbur nodded through his pain

“Wonderful.” Ponk said, putting away the stethoscope and writing more stuff on her clipboard. “Does he have any allergies?” Ponk turned to look at Phil. “Uh no I dont believe he does.” Phil said quickly looking at Ponk then back down at Wilbur's labium minus.

“Perfect.” Ponk had all the confirmation she needed before reaching back into her bag before pulling out a bottle of liquid medicine and a needle. “Stay calm Mr.Soot this will ease your pain but you need to keep pushing with the same strength.” Ponk put the medicine in the needle then grabbed Wilburs arm tightly and waited for Wilbur to ease the muscle before injecting the medicine. After that Ponk put the needle in a plastic bag and put it back in the bag along with the medicine.


It had been hours since Wilbur had gone into labor. Techno, Tommy and Tubbo ate the breakfast Phil was making that morning and were now asleep on the couch, Bad was still next to him holding his hand, Puffy was on the other side of him making sure he’s hydrated, Phil was coaching Wilbur through pushing and Ponk routinely checked on Wilburs vitals before watching for the baby to crown. Then that’s when it happened.

“Uh oh…” Ponk said as she was watching for the baby. “Uh oh? What do you mean uh oh?!” Wilburs eyes shot up at the panicked doctor. “What happened doctor?” Phil questioned the nervousness obvious in his voice. Bad and Puffy were now also looking at Ponk.


“Phil change my gloves” Ponk reached her hands up and Phil did as he was told. When she had a new pair of gloves on she started explaining. “I see the baby but it’s coming out feet first and that wouldn't be a problem but it appears to be a full animal hybrid because I see paws. It’s very important for full animal hybrids to come out head first, feet first can destroy their joints and cut off oxygen. Wilbur I’m going to need you to push as hard as you can, it’s been feet first this entire time so the sooner it’s out the better, I’m going to stick my hands in and help you.”

The realization that his child could die in his body cut Wilbur deep but he was taken back to reality when he felt the doctor's hands enter him. Now filled with determination he pushed with more strength than he had the entire day. Bad and Puffy continued their jobs but Phil went to wake up the other kids.

After another hour and a half of pushing Wilburs baby was born and Ponk cut the umbilical cord. Everyone cheered and clapped engulfed with joy that the baby was finally born, everyone except Ponk. “It’s not crying.” She said quietly as she took out a blanket from her bag and swaddled the small limp body.

Everyone went quiet as Ponk continued to check for the babies heart beat, puls or the rising and falling of it’s chest anything to signal life but there wasn’t any.

Ponk shook her head as tears filled her eyes. She gave the baby to Wilbur. “I’m so sorry. Also it’s a boy.” Wilbur didn’t speak, he just tightly held the kid he was so excited to raise as tears silently poured from his eyes.

Tommy and Tubbo clung to Techno as all three of them cried. Puffy stepped outside to clear her head as Bad followed to make sure she was okay. Phil was the only one not crying he just looked and his son as he cradled the small limp furry body and Ponk brought Phil into a hug.

Phil was quick to pull away. “Isn’t there anything you can do, you’re a doctor are you not?!” He grabbed Ponk by the shoulders to make her look at him. “Yes I am a doctor but by the time I took the baby out it was already cold. It- or I should say he has already been dead for a long time. I can heal people but I can't revive the dead.”

“...revive the dead..that’s it!” Phil quickly pushed pass Ponk and knelt beside Wilbur. Phil was trying to find a good way to start a conversation with the grieving father but it was difficult. He never saw his son like this before he looked hallow, drained of all emotion as empty tears feel from his cheeks onto the baby boy.

Phil couldn’t even see a dent of sorrow on the young man's face; he did however see the slightest pain of regret and guilt crave itself on Wilburs face. “It’s my fault…” Wilbur spoke in a way that couldn’t even be described as a whisper and he didn’t look at Phil; it was as if he was in a trance that made him not able to look away from the baby fox.

“No, no Wilbur, it wasn't your fault.” Phil patted Wilbur on the head in a comforting manner. “Yes, it was. It was my fault because I felt him stop moving and instead of being alarmed or telling someone I decided to argue with you when all you were doing was trying your best!” Wilbur snapped his head over to look at Phil the tears now streaming from his eyes like a faucet.

“Wilbur there was no way you could’ve known that this would be the outcome and I was arguing with you as much as you argued with me. I was just stressed and I wasn’t even the one in labor. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” Phil cupped Wilburs face in his hand and gently caressed his son's face with his thumb but the tears still didn’t stop.

Phil heard movement from the couch and looked up as the three brothers finally parted from each other they were sniffling as they wiped their faces of tears and Techno rubbed his tear soaked shirt.

Then Puffy and Bad walked back in. Puffys face was stained with tears but Bad was still crying not a lot but the tears were still spilling.

Phil looked back down at Wilbur. “Will, I know you're grieving right now but I might be able to help…uh.” Phil was gonna say ‘your baby’ but that didn’t feel right anymore not while everyone was mourning him, not while talking to Wilbur. He wanted to call the baby by its name.

Then as if Wilbur was reading Phil’s mind he spoke. “Fundy. I would’ve named him Fundy. Full name Fundy Tallulah Soot.” Wilbur's voice broke as he spoke as if he was trying to glue back his shattered mind and heart but the dam in his eyes stayed broken.

“I might be able to help Fundy but you have to let me.” Phil attempted to grab Fundy but Wilburs grip instinctively tightened. “What are you going to do to him?” Wilbur's voice sounded worried. He trusted his dad he really did but Fundy was his first kid and the first kid he’s ever lost.

“I’m going to…talk to your mom, Kristin, the goddess of death.” When Philza said this Wilburs grip on Fundy loosened almost involuntarily. Philza took the swaddled kit from Wilburs arm and started to walk away to his library.

Before Phil could be hidden into the hallway Ponk grabbed Phil by his shoulder and turned him around. “I dont think this is a good idea. I know your magic and married to a goddess but what if you mess up and Fundy becomes disfigured? What if you can’t bring him back and Wilbur has to experience that grief all over again?” Ponk got close and whispered to Phil.

Phil looked over Ponk’s shoulder back into the living room where Wilbur lies on the floor. Phil saw him with his arms still extended to Fundy and pleading eyes, tears still falling but slower.
Phil looked back at Ponk. “I have to try.” Then like that he turned down the hall to his library.


Phil busted into the library and slammed the door behind him. With Fundy in one arm Phil quickly wrote a letter to Kristin because once she takes over his body we won’t be able to speak to her. The letter read:’ To my Dearest Kristin,
As you may or may not have known Wilbur was pregnant and he gave birth today unfortunately, the baby was a still born. I thought that perhaps you could help though because I remember long ago you told me about this book that can revive the dead. I however don’t remember the specifics but please help the baby if you can.’
He pinned the note to the door with a knife and got to work.

Phil drew some markings on the ground, lit blood candles in a circle around it, he opened twenty- three books and placed them all over the library floor, then he sat in the middle with Fundy laying on his lap. He started chanting what Kristin told him to in case of an emergency. “Ehdta orf eht ahdte soseddg, ehdta orf eht ahdte soseddg!” The more he chanted and the louder the gust of wind in his library got stronger.

All the books turned to a specific page number corresponding with a number from the alphabet: 4,5,1,20,8 6,15,18 20,8,5 4,5,1,20,8 7,15,4,4,5,19,19. ‘Death for the death goddess.’

When the last page was turned Phils head snapped up and his eyes rolled to the back of his head, his feathers puffed up and his mouth became agape. Then like with the snap of someone's finger the wind just stopped and the candles went out.

“What…” an echoed voice rang in the library.


Kristin was doing her normal goddess duties when suddenly she felt faint and collapsed. When she woke up she realized she had been summoned but not just summoned but summoned by her husband and she was now controlling Phils body. “What..” She still felt a little hazy as she looked around and that’s when she felt it, Phil was holding something.

She looked down and saw a baby full hybrid red fox. She would often look down on her family so she knew Wilbur was pregnant. Could this be his kid, her grandson? Kristin looked up and saw the note on the door.

She approached the door, took the note down and began reading it. “Phil you sweet summer child I do not have the book.” she mumbled to herself and shook her head. She knew what she had to do and quick the longer she controls Phil the shorter his lifespan becomes. “I have to do this for Wilbur.” she looked down at the small body in her arms. “For Fundy.”

Kistrin laid Fundy on a desk then put some stuff in a leather sack and threw it over her shoulder. “Welp here I go to find the ender portal and defeat the ender dragon!” She did her best Phil impression while pretending to leave.

A huge puff of neon green smoke suddenly covered the library. Just as Kristin planned a tall lanky god with many arms appeared he wore a bright green cloak and a XD mask. His many eyes moved frantically around the room before stopping on Kristin.

“You therian, I have told you mortals thousands of times you are to not under any circumstances…go to the end!” The god threw a book close to her head. “Woah there, two things: It’s I, Kristin, the goddess of death. It’d take you one second to look around the room to see i’ve been summoned and two Phil is not ‘mortal’ I took his three lives for one really long one.”

“I swear t- Kristin I am very busy you know are supposed to be busy what are you doing?!” XD approached the goddess disguised therian. “I know but this is very important.” Kristin took a deep breath and continued speaking. “I need you to use the revival book.”

“Why? Phil is obviously fine and you're not distressed so I’m assuming your kids are still fi-” XD turned around and looked at the desk where the cold corpse of the swaddled kit lay. “Do my eyes deceive me or is there a dead baby…on your husband's desk!”

Kristin went over and picked up Fundy then turned to look XD in the eyes. “This is ne nephew, Fundy, he’s a still born. Please bring him back. I'll do anything.” XD sighed and fidgeted with his cloak.

“Okay I’ll do it but you will owe me a favor.” XD put a little bit of flair in his voice near the end of his sentence as he extended an arm to Kristin to make the favor deal official. “Deal.” Kristin shook the powerful gods hand.

XD took Fundy and summoned the book in one of his other hands. As he opened the book green smoked wrap around the cold body. XD caressed a third hand against the pages when he took it away from the book glowing green strings were attached to his fingers.

He brought the strings closer to Fundy as the strings wrapped around the poor baby's head. “From life he once was and to life he will now return. Give thy back the soul of Fundy Tallulah Soot!” XD aggressively moved his hand from Fundy and closed the book.

He handed the baby back to Kristin as part of the fur on Fundys head turned white. Then something happened. Something that almost made Kristin tear up. Fundy started crying and squirming. He was alive.

She hugged him close and fell to her knees as she felt the young foxes body heat return. “Why do you seem so shocked? You didn’t doubt my abilities did you?” XD looked down at her, slightly tilting his head in a questioning manner.

“That’s not it. I knew you could, it's just-” Krisitn looked up at him. “I’m so happy.” XD stepped back from her, shocked. He never saw the goddess of death act in such a way before.

“Uh, naturally.” he said, looking around the room. “Well I should be off now and you should do the same you dont want to shorten your dear husbands life more than you need to.” And just as fast as he appeared green smoke took him away.

XD was right, Kristin needed to reverse the summoning as soon as godly possible. She sat in the middle of the summoning markings with the fussy baby on her lap and did the opposite of what her husband did. First she chanted. “Death for the death goddess, death for the death goddess.” Then a gust of wind came through the library turning the pages back to their original pages and lit the candles again.

Her head snapped down and her eyes unwillingly shut. Phil opened his eyes just as the wind left and he sprang up when he saw Fundy in his arms moving and crying. The sight almost broke the dams in his eyes but this time for a good reason. Phil however waited to celebrate first he had to get Fundy back to Wilbur.


Wilbur was asleep on the floor; he was exhausted after being in labor and crying, Ponk paced the floor, Puffy and Bad sat at the dining table and the three brothers were still sitting on the couch emptiness replaced their sorrow.

That’s when Phil ran into the living room holding an unsettled Fundy. “It worked, it really worked!” He yelled joyously. Ponk rushed towards Phil and put two fingers on Fundy’s inner arm between his shoulder and elbow. “Pulse is good.” Then Ponk placed her palm against Fundy’s chest. “He’s warm.”
She kept examining to make sure everything really was okay. “I don’t know where the white patch of fur came from because it takes full red fox hybrids at least five weeks to start growing their orange and white fur but other than that everything is orderly.”

Ponk looked up at Phil. “In all my years of medical practice I’ve never seen anything like this. What did you do?” Phil chuckled awkwardly. “Let’s just say my wife is very talented.”

Puffy got up from her place at the table and walked up behind Ponk shadowing the small doctor with her muscular build. She gently scooted Ponk out that way and placed a hand on Phil’s shoulder.

“As much as I would love to see you boast about your wife, shouldn't we wake Wilbur before he wakes up when Fundy is asleep causing him another mental breakdown and a half because he’d think whatever Phil did didn’t work?” She gestured towards Wilbur who was still passed out on top of Tommy blanket and with Techno’s blanket now covering his entire body.

Phil nodded and slowly approached Wilbur. Fundy was still crying and everyone watched silently as he knelt down and slowly gently shook Wilbur. “Will. Will wake up.”

Wilbur slurred awake but when he heard Fundy crying his eyes shot open. He tried to sit up but the remaining pain in his southern regions made him hiss out in pain. Phil gently put his hand against Wilburs chest to make sure he wouldn’t try to sit up again. “Hey, hey easy now.” the bird father whispered.

Phil slowly moved his hand away from his son. Without another word Phil placed Fundy on Wilburs chest. Wilbur quickly but gently brought Fundy into a close hug. Tears couldn’t even do Wilburs happiness justice.

Bad soon got up from the table to join everyone else looking in awe at the sight in the living room.


After a few hours Wilbur was able to put on more comfortable clothing, Phil put the blankets in the wash and Ponk left to go back to her clinic.

Wilbur sat on the couch and held Fundy as everyone gathered around him to look at the new baby sleeping. “...How is fundy a fox?” Tommy asked turning to Phil “You guys are half god so your offspring can be any breed just like you guys could’ve been any breed.” Phil explained.

“That doesn’t really make sense though.” Tommy mumbled. Phil sighed. “Tommy you are a racoon half breed, Tubbo is a goat half breed and Techno is a full piglin. Wilbur is the only therian child I had.”

Puffy crossed the room just to momentarily escape the crowd and Tubbo joined her.

“Hey big man, what's up?” Puffy asked, looking down at him. “Puffy, I want to show you something, bend down and close your eyes.” Tubbo seemed excited to show her this thing so she did as he requested and bent down till they were eye level. Then tubbo leaned back and headbutted as hard as he could. His small goat horns clanked against her big ram horns.

“See I’m getting stronger!” Tubbo bouncing on his heels. Puffy stumbled back a bit at the unexpected headbutt. However, the headbutt also engaged Puffys ram instincts and she felt the need to show her dominance over the young boy. So without thinking she leaned back and headbutt him with all her strength. Their horns clanked once again.

Tubbo rubbed his head at the spot Puffy got him. It didn't hurt he was just taken aback. “Tubbo..” Phil said and walked up to the two, he sounded unamused.

“Puffy is a ram half hybrid, Tubbo.” Phil rubbed the side of his head. “So her instincts make her recognize unexpected headbutts as a fight for dominance.”

“Yeah, sorry Tubs.” Puffy patted Tubbo on the head. “It’s okay.” Tubbo said and walked back over to the group. When Tubbo got over there he saw Techno holding Fundy and Wilbur taking another nap.

Technos body was stiff as he held the fragile fox. It was obvious he wanted to hold Fundy but he was uncomfortable doing so. Bad tried to adjust Fundy and Techno to make it more comfortable for the two of them. “Wow the blade can't hold a baby haha” Tommy said in a mocking tone.

Techno rolled his eyes. “Well if you're sooo good you hold him.” Techno passed Fundy to Tommy. “Gladly.” Tommy said confident…to confident. Tommy took Fundy into his arms and got off the couch. He began walking around the room to prove how good he was at holding his nephew.

“See I’m simply better than you the best some might sa-'' As Tommy talked, Fundy started squirming causing him to almost drop the baby but he caught him again. Everyone was silently looking at Tommy after that before Tubbo started laughing. “You would’ve been dead where you stood!” Tubbo continued to laugh and point at Tommy.

Then Fundy began crying again. Phil rushed towards Tommy and grabbed Fundy. “Hey there Fundster.” He said in a cooing voice. Fundy began pulling on the onesie he was recently put in. “Is he uncomfortable?” Puffy questioned. “Ponk did say because he's a full hybrid that he would find clothes restricting at first.” Bad imputed.

Phil chuckled. “Yeah, full hybrids hate clothes. For the first few years of their life, it took until Techno was twelve before he was able to wear a shirt and pants all day without cringing.” Technos face became red with embarrassment as he groaned at his dads embarrassing words.

“We'll figure it out.” Phil sighed while smiling.
5478 words.

המשך קריאה

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𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢...
690K 19.6K 125
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