Owl House: Aftermath in the B...

By Nope_0101

1K 16 0

Following the death of Belos, Luz Noceda takes it upon herself to lead the rebuilding of the Isles from the d... More

So, what now?: Part 1
So, what now?: Part 2
Power Struggle: Part 1
Power Struggle: Part 2
Lonely Stars
A Blade of Red: Part 1
A Blade of Red: Part 2
Another Owlet in the Owl House
Unexpected Resistance: Part 1
Unexpected Resistance: Part 2

Settling back in

102 1 0
By Nope_0101

Three days had passed since the Collector left for the stars. Luz, King and Eda (along with some help from their family and friends) had managed to find most of the stolen furniture, and returned it to it's rightful place in the Owl House. All that was missing was one thing... And Eda was getting annoyed.

"WHERE IS THAT STUPID FUCKING COUCH?!" Eda yelled, kicking a stone off the cliff the trio were standing on.

"Maybe it got destroyed? I know a lot of people who enjoy burning couches." King chimed in with his own suggestion on what had happened to the old couch.

"On a more positive note, maybe it was put somewhere besides in another house?" Luz suggested, "Let's try looking somewhere we haven't looked!".

"But WHERE?! We've searched the whole of the Isles twice! Let's face it, we're never finding that couch..." Eda groaned.

"Found it." King deadpanned, looking over the side of the cliff.

The witch and human joined him, and saw that at the bottom of the cliff, was their couch. It was completely spotless, albeit with a leaf or two on it.

"Who in Titan's name wanted to steal my couch just to put it under a cliff?" Eda asked rhetorically.

"Outdoor decorators?" Luz jokingly answered.

"Alright, doesn't matter. Let's just go get it, I really miss my mornings of waking up with horrible hangovers on that thing." Eda remarked. Luz and Eda both pulled out Stringbean and Owlbert respectively, and flew down (King on Luz's back).

They landed near the red couch, and Eda immediately rushed over to it.

"Oh Titan, I've never been so happy to see this freaking couch in my entire life!" She said, flopping onto it with her face planted into the soft cushion.

"Eda, careful not to tear that cushion with your hook!" Luz reminded her.

Eda had approached Alador a couple days ago about getting her a new arm. He had told her that making a mechanical arm would take time, and access to a workshop to even begin making it in. The best he could give her right now until he finished the arm, was a hook hand.

Now, it wasn't a BAD hook, it was made of silver and could pop open Apple Blood bottle caps with ease (a feature Eda favored). But Eda still missed having a total of ten fingers.

"Oh don't worry! I'm being careful. Plus, I'm just happy I finally got this couch back..." Eda remarked, voice muffled by the couch.

"You do know we're gonna have to carry this thing ALL the way back to the Owl House, right?" Luz deadpanned.

"Just, let me have this moment of peace before I have to suffer for hours. Please." Eda said, voice still muffled by the cushion of the couch.

Luz sighed. She wished Amity was also here to help with the couch.

But Luz knew she had other things to attend to today.


Alador had missed his workshop at the manor dearly, all the blueprints and solitude to work on his projects was like a haven to him that he took for granted. But now that he was free from his role as one of the Collector's puppets, he was able to return to it and begin work on machinery that could help the Isles rebuild...

Correction: He WOULD be able to, if a certain ex-wife of his wasn't disallowing him and his children to enter the manor.

She wasn't alone unsurprisingly, two Abomatons were next to her.

"As you can see, this contract states that I am the sole owner of this property..." Odalia explained as she held up a contract; smirking as she turned to her old family, "So get lost".

Alador groaned in irritation, he should have seen this coming. A small part of him wished Odalia had somehow perished during the events of the Day of Unity, but alas, here she was alive and well to torment them more.

Amity stepped up, coming from between her brother and sister. She cleared her throat.

"Um, may I ask WHO exactly is upholding this contract?" Amity inquired, a deadpan look on her face as she did.

"Why, the Emperor's Coven..." Odalia trailed off in realization, her smirk slowly disappearing.

"Oh, you mean the one we just overthrew a couple months ago?" Amity replied, now her turn to smirk.

"Well yes, but..." Odalia stuttered, but Amity cut her off; "So, if there is nobody upholding the contract... Who's stopping us from living here exactly?".

"Um, well I guess that would be my loyal Abomatons!" Odalia's smirk returned... Only to fade when Alador nonchalantly pulled out a remote from his pocket.

"You mean... My loyal Abomatons?" Alador deadpanned, holding a finger threateningly over one of the remote's buttons.

Odalia glanced at the remote, then back at 'her' Abomatons. She opened her mouth to voice another complaint, but was cut off.

"Please leave our property." Alador ordered Odalia. She looked around once more, seemingly looking for another option.

Before scoffing; "Fine! Take the manor, I don't care." Odalia snapped, before stomping off, huffing as she did.

Alador, Amity, and the Blight Twins sighed in relief.

"Well, I think that went rather well, don't you think?" Emira remarked to her other family members.

"Could have gone better, I would have preferred if dad actually had have the Abomatons throw her out of here." Edric replied.

"Who cares? She's gone, let's just go inside!" Amity said, gesturing at the manor doors.

"That sounds good to me Mittens." Alador smiled, as his kids walked into the manor beside him.

They were all finally back home.


After two very agonizing hours of lifting the couch, Luz could finally see the Owl House's roof past the treetops.

"Oh thank god, we're almost there! Just a little ways more!" Luz told Eda and King; the latter helping with the lifting best he could in the middle, holding the bottom of the couch like a support beam.

"So, you can lift a couch AND your girlfriend... But you can't lift a door." Eda snarked, "My nerd arms are VERY picky about what they can lift!" Luz defended herself.

"So, you're basically saying romance gives you the strength needed to lift heavy things?" King questioned, "Huh, never thought you'd find lifting a couch romantic, kid." Eda smirked.

Luz blushed slightly, giving Eda a look.

"No! No, I mean it's more emotionally driven, like if I'm doing something that makes me happy." Luz tried to explain, "Oh, so carrying a heavy couch brings you more happiness than fixing a door?" Eda questioned.

Luz groaned; "No! I- You know what, I give up." she said, "Let's just get this to the house please?".

"Gladly. I'm putting my life at stake here! If this thing falls on me, I'm a goner!" King exclaimed from his position under the couch.

"Imagine, if after all we've gone through, what ends up killing the last Titan... Is a heavy couch." Eda joked as they all continued to walk.


"Lucky we brought these research notes with us from the Human Realm, huh?" Willow remarked as she laid out a couple notes onto a nearby desk in one of the Owl House's rooms.

"It is lucky that you did so, it should be much easier to create a working portal door and key with this research." Raine said, looking over the notes.

"I wouldn't call creating a portal to another realm easy, but to each their own." Lilith shrugged.

"We got pretty much everything we need! We even got the Titan blood!" Gus said, holding up a small vial of the substance.

A day ago, they had managed to get King to finally give in and let them take some of his blood. And by that, they meant holding him down as he squirmed and taking the blood forcefully.

Fun fact: Titan teeth are VERY sharp. Hunter learnt that rather quickly when he got bit in the leg by the struggling Titan.

"Now then, it's just a matter of getting the right dimensions of the doorfra-" Raine began, only to get cut off by Hooty, who appeared from behind Lilith.

"6.5 feet long, and 3.6 feet wide. Hoot!" The bird tube answered.

"Wait, you know that by heart?" Camila asked, perplexed.

"Well I've been attached to the door for years, I know it very well! Hoot-Hoot!" Hooty explained.

"Well, since we have the dimensions already. Thank you Hootsifer." Lilith smiled, "We can begin work on actually creating the new portal door!".

"Great! Let's begin!" Willow exclaimed, as Gus tossed an assortment of wood onto a large table.


"Well, that wasn't so bad!" Eda said, as they finally made their way into the Owl House's front lawn.

"Yeah! Only took like... 4 hours!" Luz added as she panted, noticing the sun had moved quite a bit since they had found the couch.

"But it's all going to be worth it once we get this thing ins-" Eda was cut off when they tried to walk the couch in through the front door, but found that it was too big to go through.

The three were silent, as they tried to bring it through again expecting a different result. But it bumped on the doorframe again.

"...Okay, let's try rotating it so it's angled." King suggested, and the three turned it slightly, trying again.

Same result, it bumped against the doorframe.

"Oh come on!" Eda groaned.

"Wait, how the heck did they even get the couch OUT of the house in the first place then?" Luz questioned.

"Okay, okay... Let's go set this thing down out in the lawn and think for a minute. My fingers are killing me!" Eda directed, and the three moved away from the door.

They set the couch down on the nearby grass, and sat down on the cushions.

"Alright, the looters had gotten the dang thing out... So there must be someway to get it back IN." Luz reasoned, letting her head rest in her hands as she thought.

"Yeah, but how?" King asked, mimicking Luz's pose.

The human's gaze slowly looked up at the large window on the house, and a plan manifested in her head.

"I got an idea." Luz said with a smirk.


Alador pressed a panel on a wall of his workshop, and a symbol on the surface glowed purple for a moment, before the lights in the room all turned on.

His workshop had been left mostly untouched during both the Day of Unity and the Collector's reign thankfully. Though, Alador did notice a lot of crumbs on the floor. He chuckled, knowing who was responsible.

"Alright little buddy, you can come out. It's only me!" Alador called out, and soon a small rat baring heavy resemblance to him came scurrying out from under a desk.

Alador leaned down, and let Ratador onto his arm. The rat scurried up and sat on Alador's shoulder.

"I missed you too. I hope you haven't been too lonely down here all this time I've been away..." Alador told his Palismen.

Ratador nuzzled his neck, making Alador smile. He was thankful Odalia hadn't gotten rid of him while he was busy helping stop the Day of Unity, and stuck as a puppet.

Alador probably...

No, definitely had more friendly and interesting conversations with his Palismen than he ever did with his now ex-wife.

He put Ratador down on a table, and gave him a small piece of cheese; which the rat Palismen happily chowed down on.

"Now then, let's get started on that new arm for Eda." Alador said to himself. He sat down at a desk, and began to draw blueprints.


"Alright, I think that's it!" Hunter declared, looking at the now finished door sitting on the table.

"It looks good!" Willow added, dusting her hands off.

"Yes, it looks good... But does it work?" Lilith inquired, "Well, the only way we're going to find out is if we go replace the front door with this." Raine said.

"Then come on, let's carry it downstairs." Camila directed.

"I'll take the front and- Why is there a couch floating outside?" Gus asked, looking out the window as he held the new portal key.

Everyone also turned to look out the window, and saw Gus was right. A couch was being slowly lifted up toward the roof, inch by inch.

Meanwhile in the attic, Eda was in her Harpy form, pulling a rope attached to the couch outside.

Luz and King were lifting the couch from the bottom, using Stringbean as a makeshift standing platform as they did so.

"THIS was your idea?!" King grunted as he helped lift the couch.

"Hey, it's working, isn't it?" Luz replied. Soon, the couch finally reached the big window.

Eda reached over and helped pull it in through an opening in the window. The three cheered in celebration over finally getting the couch inside.

"FINALLY! It's inside!" King exclaimed.

"Ha! Take that front door! Human intelligence wins again!" Luz said.

They walked the couch downstairs, down the hall, and through the doorway into the living room... Only for it to bump on the sides of the living room doorway.

The three are silent.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Eda deadpanned.

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