His silent bride

By sanchitamaji4

141K 6.7K 296

" What happens when a mute angel falls in the hands of the underworld 's devil?" A marriage of convenience t... More

Character aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Bonus chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

3.2K 190 12
By sanchitamaji4

Today I have planned something for Jake.

I hope he likes it. It's been a wonderful week full of dates and spending time with each other.

With Jake I felt that I knew him from a long time.

I couldn't have imagined that the arrange marriage thing would ever have worked.

While I chop some vegetables to make the soup , I checked with the pie and assembled the dining table .

I grabbed some fresh flowers and arranged them in the flower vase.

After quickly finishing up on everything I went upstairs to get ready .

I hope he likes it.

These fucking Russians .

These goddamn motherfuckers always give me a headache. 

I've been sitting in this damn office for the whole day waiting to get a hold on that goddamn bastard who stole my shipment.

" I need answers and those answers better be on my fucking table when my jet lands in New York  ! Got it ".
My nostrils flared as I gave orders to my right hand man and declined the phone.

This honeymoon was supposed to be about me and my wife  but all it's turning out to be is : How to piss off Jake Wellington when he's happy?.
My wife , God she doesn't fucking complain  but I see the sadness in her eyes when it's something related to work.

It's our last day here and I just couldn't even do something for her.

I quickly headed out of my office only to find all the lights to be off and candles dimly lighting the pathway to the dining room where rose petals and candles were decorated in a beautiful pattern around the table.

Small click of foot steps made my eyes flick away from the table and towards the foyer where my wife wore a gorgeous red saree and taking her heavenly steps she reached the ground as an angel who stepped out of heaven.

" Did you like the surprise?"

" Like! Darling I loved it !" I couldn't  help but pick her in my arms as her smooth arms encircled my nape and I slowly twirled  her in my arms as she laughed." God I love this woman so much.

" When did you plan all this ?"

Removing her arms from my neck she said " I had some help". While shrugging her shoulders.

" Oh , so now my kitten won't even tell me ? I guess I'll have to find about it myself ".

" You can find that out all by yourself after we have dinner okay ? It's getting cold ".  She pecked me as I released her from my hold , holding my hand she took me to the dinner table where she made me sit on the chair and then sat on my lap.Yeah that's more like my wife .

" Since this is our last night here , I wanted to do something special for you ".

" My thoughtful wife , what would I've done with out you ". She slapped my shoulder as I chuckled.

She started to feed me as I did the same with her. Our wordless gaze and the silent atmosphere  was perfect for our last evening  in Switzerland.
Just after the dinner I couldn't wait but to kiss her with urgency .

Her cherry lips reciprocated with the same fervour ,our lips fused together as I carried her through the steps and reached our bedroom.

My knees reached the end of the bed as I quickly laid her on the bed ,her flushed cheeks and the hazy look of her eyes captivated me more and more.

Before we could move any further she said " Jake I want to tell you something?"

" What is it my darling? " I asked kissing her the palm of her hand.

" I love you".

The moment she stopped signing my heart fucking stopped.

She loved me. My wife loves me. My kitten. Oh god she loves me.

A little shake on my shoulder made me realise that I was standing like a statue as my wife looked at me with distress.

" Jake you don't have to say it , if you don't  mean to . Did I say something wrong ?"

I couldn't help but laugh , holding her checks in my palms I held her close and kissed her deeply.

" You don't know how happy I'm right now to know that my darling little wife loves me . Of course I love you my Alaya , the moment I fucking saw your face I fell in love with your doe brown eyes, your smile , your charm,  your heart. You fucking own me my wife ".

A small tear surfaced on her cheek as I quickly brushed it off quickly.

" Why the tears my darling?"

" These are happy tears " we both chuckled as our foreheads touched together. At this moment I can't be more happier than this.

This new found sense of revelation of love between  the two  ignited something deep in both of them.

They both found a sense of belonging  in each other.

Jake slowly unwrapped my saree as he peppered kisses on my collarbone , shoulder , breastbone .

He was extra cautious as if I would break like clay in his hands.

Slowly unhooking my blouse he looked at me grazing his light stubble on my soft breasts , making me squirm and sending heat to my core.

" You know , when I look at you putting vermillion  on your forehead and wearing this chain around your neck" he lazily moved his tongue along my neck while fiddling with the chain and then whispered " It makes me so Goddamn hard to know that you're mine . You're mine right ?" He asked while dragging  his tongue from my neck to the corner of my lips .

I couldn't help but nod quickly . His deep husky chuckle sent shockwaves to my pussy.

His torturous actions were making me more  hot and bothered by the minute.

When I started to undo his buttons fastly he looked at me with amusement  ." Looks like my darling is impatient isn't she ?" The coy nature of his voice didn't stop me from kissing him urgently.

All our movements from that moment were urgent.  Our mouths fused ,our clothes on the floor  , our bodies possessed with a need to hold each other.

I was soaking wet by the time Jake stopped kissing me .

Holding his cock I gave it a little squeeze making him shudder and his eyes concentrated on me , a bead of pre cum surfaced on the top as it glistened on my finger as I sqirled the top.

" Do you want to kill me by this torture darling ? "

It was my time to give him the coy smile as I straddled him and gave him a hearty kiss  and then nibbling on his throat .

Holding his cock I pushed the tip inside me , I looked at him in the eyes as I went down on his hardness slowly swallowing his entire length .
Our breaths shook as we slowly enjoyed our time.  Him thrusting upwards inside me and holding me close while I kissed his nape and clawed his back when he gave a hard thrust.

Slowly moving his hands from my ass he slowly circled my clit calling my undoing. 

It was just mere minutes after which I climaxed soaking his cock in my jucies.

" Fuck , that was so hot baby ".

He kissed my mouth as he soon followed me . We slumped on the bed as I laid my head on his chest and he dragged his fingertips across my back.

" I love you Alaya"

" I love you Jake " .

And that moment I felt complete.

Thank you for reading the new chapter.

This month was really hard on me , specially  have a million assignments and writers block on top of that.

Please vote to show your support  and love .

Without making any promises about the next chapter.  I'll meet you guys soon.

Till then .

Spread love not hate ❤️.

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