High School DxD X Minecraft P...

By AtomicBoogaloo

28.6K 636 222

Armed with a just the skills and abilities of your typical Minecraft player, Hatt Stonecutter must battle his... More

Hatt Stonecutter
Portal To A New World
First Day
A Deadly Date
Encounter With A Stray Preist
Showdown At The Church
Avoiding The Stalkers
A Pleasant Dinner
Riser's Introduction
Locating Asia
Wedding Crashing
The Final Battle

Waking Up Safe

1.9K 46 20
By AtomicBoogaloo

Asia slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a room that had wooden walls and a window that allowed the morning sunshine come through and light up the room.

Asia: Where am I?

She remembered what had happened the night before and that her sacred gear had been removed which meant she would have died.

Asia: Is this...heaven?

She then picked up on the nice smell of what seem to be breakfast.

Asia: Mmm...

She slowly got out bed and noticed she was in different and cleaner clothes as well as seemingly healed from any of the injuries she had sustained in her torture which made her shudder at the mere thought of it. She made her way out of the room and followed a short hallway in the direction that the smell was coming from. The young girl eventually came to a kitchen that instead of usual stove, had what look to be furnaces that were run by coal. And in front of them, cooking eggs and steak, was a boy.

Asia: Um...hello?

The man turned around revealing a handsome man about her age and wearing an apron.

Hatt: Oh hey, your awake.

The man sounded nice and friendly so Asia wasn't too scared but still did question how she got there and who he was.

Asia: Umm, who are you?

Hatt: I'm Hatt, Hatt Stonecutter.

Asia: Oh uh, how did I get here?

Hatt smiled before responding to her question.

Hatt: I saved you from the church, and healed your injuries.

Asia slightly gasped. So she did almost die from the fallen angels and this man in front of her saved her life. But how and why?

Asia: Are you angel?

Hatt: No I'm just a human.

Asia was a bit surprised that a normal human manged to save her from the church and thought he had to of had some sort of sacred gear.

Asia: Oh well, thank you!

Asia blushed slightly before Hatt finished making breakfast and offered her a plate.

Hatt: Here, your probably hungry.

Asia was indeed very hungry as she hadn't eaten in almost a whole day and gladly accepted the plate of food.

It had been a while since someone treated her this well.

Asia: T-Thank you...

She sat at a table and slowly ate while Hatt sat down on the other side and did the same.

Hatt: So whats your name?

Hatt already knew but want to start a conversation with the girl.

Asia: Oh it's Asia, Asia Argento.

Hatt: Well nice to meet you Asia.

Asia: Y-Yeah, you too.

Hatt: So why did those fallen angels do that to you?

Asia shivered at the mere thought of it.

Asia: They wanted my sacred gear...

Hatt: Ah, and what is a sacred gear?

Asia was a bit surprised as she thought he would of known about sacred gears if he had one.

Asia: They're relics created by god himself and given to humans that are special.

Hatt nodded his head as he took in the information before Asia asked him another question.

Asia: Whats your sacred gear?

Hatt: I don't have one.

Asia was now really surprised that he was able to save her without any sort of power.

Asia: Then...how did you save me form the fallen angels?

Hatt: With simple weapons I've acquired or created myself.

Asia wondered what he meant by that. Did he use light weapons? Or some sort of magic? She was now very curious on to who this guy truly was.

She then noticed he was wearing a school uniform and wondered if he attended the town's school.

Asia: Do you go to Kuoh Academy?

Hatt: I do.

Asia remembered that she had met a boy that went to Kuoh Academy and turned out to be a devil. Still, he was a good person and even tried to save her from the fallen angels.

Asia: I think I know someone who goes there...

Hatt: Hm? Whats his name?

Asia: Issei Hyoudou...

Hatt: Oh, he sits next to me in class.

Asia: ...and he's a devil.

This made Hatt perk up.

Hatt: A devil?

Asia: Wait, you don't know what a devil is?

Hatt sat there before shaking his head.

So Asia explained what devils were as well as other supernatural races that resided in the world and Hatt finally got a good understanding on what kind of power beings in this world had. After Asia finished her explanation Hatt simply sat there while taking it all in. He then wondered about what Asia said about Issei and him being a devil. Does this mean that the flyer he got which made the stray priest come after him from Issei?

Asia: So um...if you barley know anything about the supernatural, how did you even know about me and the others?

Hatt decided to tell her that he wasn't from this world and had very little knowledge of it.

Hatt: Because I didn't come from this world.

Asia was baffled on his answer.

Asia: Like...another universe.

Hatt: Perhaps, I came here only a few weeks ago and brought a few things from my world and seem to be able to do things that most beings around here cant.

Asia looked at him, urging him to go on.

Hatt: I am stronger, faster, and more durable than any normal human that resides in this world.

Asia took it all in and was completely intrigued by the man who sat across from her. A human from another world with abilities that would make him look supernatural in this one.

Hatt soon finished and put his plate in a sink he made out of a cauldron before looking at his clock.

Hatt: I have to go to school now, if you need anything just help yourself.

Hatt headed for the door when Asia called out to him.

Asia: W-Wait!

Hatt turned his head as she spoke again.

Asia:...Why are you helping me?

Hatt smiled before responding.

Hatt: Because it's the right thing to do!

He then headed out the door while Asia sat there thinking.

Asia: Because it's the right thing to do...

She blushed upon thinking more about Hatt and how nice he had been to her as well as saving her life.

Asia: Thank you Hatt Stonecutter...

She then noticed a textbook on the counter and went over and picked it up.

Asia: Uh oh, he must of left this behind. I better catch up to him.

Taking the book with her, Asia headed out the door and after Hatt. She ran through the woods and back to the town where she manage to catch Hatt right before he entered the school gates.

Asia: Stonecutter-kun!

Hatt turned and was a bit surprised to see that Asia had followed him to school.

Hatt: Asia? What are you doing here?

Asia: Y-You left this.

Asia handed him the book which he finally realized he had forgotten.

Hatt: Oh thanks!

Right after she handed him the book a voice called out to her.

Issei: Asia?

They both turned to see Issei standing there in shock.

Asia: Issei!

Issei: Asia!

They both ran and hugged each other causing a few students nearby to stare while Hatt just stood there awkwardly.

Issei: I can't believe your alright!

When Issei, along with the rest of Rias and the peerage, went to the church to save Asia, all they found were feathers and the dead bodies of the stray priests. They were shocked to say the least and looked for what could have done it and if Asia was still there but found nothing and eventually gave up with Issei thinking Asia was probably dead.

Asia: Yeah, I fine.

Issei: W-What happened? We went to the church and-

Issei then realized Hatt was right there and though being unaware of who he really was and that he had saved Asia, didn't want to reveal the supernatural in front of him.

Issei: Uh nevermind, so what are you doing here?

Asia: I came to give Stonecutter-kun his book, he forgot it at his house.

Issei then looked at Hatt in surprise before back at Asia.

Issei: Y-You were at his house?

Asia: Well uh, yes. I'm...kind of staying there now.

Issei's mouth dropped before he said out loud.


This caused even more people to stare before Issei quickly collected himself.

Asia: U-Uhh, for now yes...

Issei then looked at Hatt with a weird look to which Hatt simply stared back with a blank expression.

Issei: Well its uh...good seeing you again Asia, I have to get to class now...

Asia: Oh well, sorry for keeping you waiting!

Issei: N-No it's okay, I...got to go!

Issei then made his way into the school, leaving Hatt and Asia alone.

Hatt: Is he the devil you were talking about?

Asia: Yes that is Issei. I guess I better get going now!

Hatt thanked her for returning the book to him and they both went their separate ways, with Asia going back to Hatt's home and Hatt entering the school.

Meanwhile Issei ran all the way to the ORC building to inform them of what had happened. Upon entering, he found only Rias and Akeno inside.

Issei: Rias!

Upon seeing her club member like he was, she knew something had happened.

Rias: Whats wrong Issei?

Issei: I just saw Asia at the entrance!

Rias: Huh?

Issei: She's okay! But...

Issei trailed off causing Rias to come over place a hand on his shoulder.

Rias: Relax Issei and tell me exactly what happened.

So they took a seat on one of the couches and Issei explain what had happened and that Asia appear alive and well. He also told her how she was now living with Hatt, the new student that sat next to Issei in class.

Rias: Hatt Stonecutter?

Issei: Yes, but that's all I was able to find out. I'm sorry, there was other people around so I couldn't question them further.

Rias thought for a moment on the event that had just occurred. Had the new student been responsible for the slaying of everyone in the church? Was he even aware of the supernatural? That wouldn't be good since he's a human and can risk exposing their existence to the rest of the humans.

Rias: We should out more about Stonecutter, I have the feeling that there more to him then he lets on. Akeno?

Akeno: Yes bucho?

Rias: What do you know about him?

Akeno: From what I hear, he's quiet and doesn't socialize much. Though nothing else is really known about him other than he's from Stockholm, Sweden and both his parents have passed. The weird part is that Hatt wasn't even recorded taking the test to enroll nor was Sona even informed of him transferring.

Riaa thought for a moment and wondered if Hatt was another supernatural being that had infiltrated her territory like the fallen angels did. Even though he had no strong aura, he could be masking it.

Rias: From now on we watch Stonecutter's every move, I'll have Koneko follow him when he leaves school. I don't want even more trespassers in Gremory territory.

Akeno: Yes buchou.

Hatt sat in class and noticed Issei wasn't there. He remembered when Issei said he was going to class when he ran into him at the entrance of the school, so he knew Issei had lied.

Eventually though Issei did enter the classroom but when he sat next to Hatt, he seem to be keeping an eye on him. Hatt knew he probably knew about what Hatt did in the church or the very least suspected him. Hatt wasn't too concerned as long as this Devil as he was called didn't try anything rash or act like the fallen angels did to him.

After school Hatt left out the front entrance and immediately could feel eyes on him, a feeling which followed him wherever he went. He again went to a secluded area in case it was someone looking for a confrontation with him but nothing happened. Eventually Hatt decided to look for a way to draw the stalker out without them knowing he knew they were following him. He looked around and saw a bunch of people heading into a building. He went to it and upon entering found it to be filled with games. He had gone to the town's arcade.

He quickly found a place to hide and watched the entrance before he noticed someone he had seen before enter. It was a girl named Koneko who he had given a cookie too the other day. He had no doubt she was the one following him especially when she seem to be looking for something but eventually get irritated upon not finding it and leaving the building. Hatt decided to sneak out the back of the building in case she was waiting for him to come out. Once he did he made it back to his home and was greeted by Asia.

Asia: W-Welcome back Hatt!

Before Hatt could respond, he smelled something that made his eyes widen.

Hatt: Is that...pumpkin pie?

Asia: O-Oh! Yes it is, I noticed you had the ingredients and thought you would like-


Asia was a bit startled by his outburst before Hatt ran to the kitchen there were two pies on the furnace.


He took one of the pie and a fork before digging in while Asia smiled brightly.

Asia: Y-YYour...welcome...

Asia then grabbed the second pie and sat next to Hatt before starting on her pie.

Meanwhile, Rias was in the student council office trying to get any information on her student of interest, Hatt Stonecutter.

Sona: How may I help you Rias?

Rias: I needed some information on a student, his name is Hatt Stonecutter.

Sona immediately recognized the name as he was really the of the few foreign student in the school and had recently transferred.

Sona: Why if I may ask?

Rias explained what had happened earlier today and that Hatt was housing Asia, the girl who was kidnapped by the fallen angels.

Sona: I'll see what I can find.

After a little digging around in the school files, Sona was a bit surprised on how little information there was on this particular student.

Sona: All I can find is his address, country of origin, and other basic information.

Rias looked over it and decided it would be best to start off investigating Hatt's home. She didn't know it had been falsified like most of the information.

Rias; Thank you Sona, this will be enough.

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