The Demigod and The Robin

Da Rshores

300K 12.4K 1.6K

9 years ago, was the time Jason last saw Percy and her mother. The day he was taken from his family. Jason al... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 ***rewrite**
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Valentines day special
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 19

5.9K 249 36
Da Rshores

—————— Percy's POV: ——————

I woke up slowly, the feeling of warmth around me was strange, my sleeping bag wasn't usually this warm.

I pushed myself up, my hands sinking into the soft material beneath me. I yawned, my hands going to my eyes as I rubbed the remaining sleep from my eyes. Unlike usual, I felt oddly rested, my body not feeling nearly as heavy or tight as it usually was.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a massive bed. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked around at the unfamiliar area. I pushed the covers off me, finding that I was in sweat pants and a shirt I never really slept in. I closed my eyes for a moment as I thought back to the night before, the memories slowly trickling in before the entirety of last night laid out in front of me like a movie.

I leaned back, an overwhelming amount of emotions running over me. I turned back to the window expecting to see a sunrise, instead I was met by a bright blue sky. I blinked a few times realizing I actually had school today.

My body moved quickly as I hopped out of the bed, my feet, which I realized still had shoes covering them, met with the floor as I quickly exited the room.

Would the school be mad that I didn't have my uniform? Probably, but I'm sure I would manage if I asked for a jacket.

I soon found the stairs, my feet moving faster then I thought as I practically glided down the long staircase and ending up on the ground floor. The exit stood in front of me but before I could reach it a voice spoke up from behind me.

"Percy?" I turned quickly spotting Tim, a laptop in one hand and a cup in the other. He gave me a smile. "You're up! How about you join me for lunch?" I took a brief look at him before turning back to the door. I didn't even know how to get to the school from here, plus if we were eating lunch it was probably too late to get to school now. I bit back my retort and decided to take the blessings when they came. Sure Annie would probably be mad at me but I'd just tell her I got lobbed by a monster or something. She'd feel to bad to reprimand me too much.

I snapped out of my momentary internal debate and nodded, turning away from the door as I approached Tim slowly, his smile warm and kind. Even still I felt apprehensive, my body re-tensing.

We begun walking to the kitchen with him beside me, a healthy distance between us.

"So, did you sleep well?" He asked, a cheeriness I don't think I could match so early in the morning.

"Yeah, the bed was super comfortable, thanks for letting me stay there with you guys." Tim hummed in response.

"You're welcome anytime..." he looked like he wanted to say more but he stopped it there, the two of us turning into the kitchen to find Alfred with a light pink apron on, his back turned to us as he was fast at work over a sizzling pan in front of him.

"Morning Mistress Jackson and Master Drake, if you'll allow me a moment to finish your meal." I followed Tim to a small table, sitting on the opposite side to him.

"Of course Alfred, no need to rush." I nodded, watching as Alfred glanced over at us with a smile that somehow made my muscles relax. I didn't know if I should be grateful or terrified that a smile could do that.

I put my hands in my lap, intertwining my fingers in order to thumb wrestle myself. So far, the right side was winning.

Tim set down all his things around him, which now allowed me to identify the strong scent of coffee to have been coming from his cup.

"Percy," I looked up, realizing I'd been staring at his cup for an uncertain amount of time. "You okay?" He asked, the light smile not leaving his face.

I shrugged. "I'm doing much better now, thank you." He nodded, taking a quick sip of his coffee. I assumed he'd get back to his work but he turned his gaze back on me.

"Sorry we didn't get you to school today, you looked tired so we made the executive decision to let you stay asleep for a while. It's no worries though, Bruce gave the school a doctors note, so you're excused." I widened my eyes slightly at the information. Bruce got me a pass? It helped that I wouldn't be getting a call to Gabe that's for sure, he would probably already be fuming over my disappearance last night, if he noticed at all that is.

I pushed myself from my thoughts as I gave Tim a smile. "Thanks. I was worried about that." Tim nodded, quickly turning to his laptop to type something down, an action which made me slightly nervous, before he looked back to me.

"Oh, someone new?" I turned quickly to see a girl with blonde hair strut in, her ponytail waving behind her as her observant and prying eyes met mine, a feeling rivaling that of when I first met Annabeth rolling over me. My muscles tensed once more at the new and frankly unknown presence that had been added to the room. Even with the others I'd known something about them, for her, I didn't know a thing about her. She didn't break eye contact even as she sat beside Tim who gave her a welcoming look.

"Steph, this is Percy." Her eyes lightened, the fact that they'd been scrutinizing before seemed impossible in that split second. Even I wasn't sure I could manage that.

"Percy? Wait! You're Damian's friend and Jason's sister right." I shrugged and nodded at the same time, the left thumb now winning in my little thumb war.

"Yeah." I mumbled, trying to give her a smile but I'm sure the discomfort was plain on my face. I could already feel the guilt of not being able to show her a true smile eating at me. If she'd found offense to this, she didn't show it on her face.

"I'm Stephanie Brown, their adopted sibling." She held out her hand to shake mine, and for a moment I stared down at her hand before realizing she wanted to physically hold my hand. I quickly released my thumb war -to be continued- in order to shake her hand. Her grip was strong and confident, something that both reassured me and made me unnerved at how someone who should have a normal life had such a powerful grip. I didn't allow my shock to show on my face as I retracted my hand quickly and placed it back in my lap to complete the thumb war.

"I'm Percy Jackson" I said quickly, trying to return to sentiment. "I've heard about you from Damian." She seemed to pause for a moment, and a sudden and small fear rolled over me as her face became a lesser smile.

"I'm sure all good things." She mumbled as if this was the exact opposite. My fear disappeared slightly but not completely.

"Actually most of it was more positive than the others." Her smile returned and this marked the disappearance of my fear.

"Really?" I nodded quickly as she lightly elbowed Tim, his attention being turned away from his laptop and back to the conversation.

"Huh?" He asked quietly. Stephanie rolled her eyes slightly before chuckling.

"I'm better then you." Tim immediately looked slightly disgusted.

"Says who?"

Stephanie smiled and crossed her arms over her chest. "Says Damian." Tim looked confused as he turned between the two of us.

"Right, cause we always listen to that little maniac." He turned back to his work and continued typing. Stephanie scowled at him momentarily before looking back to me.

"It's impressive, more than you know...or maybe you do know. He's not only for compliments around here." I shrugged.

"Not so much at the school as well, except for when it comes to some of you guys." Her face cracked into a smile and I felt myself ease slightly. I didn't like how fast she could switch between so carefree and light to serious and dark. The switches left me on edge.

Before anyone could say anything else a plate was slid in front of me, my head whipping to the side at the sudden shock of having something placed in front of me to see Alfred. It made me nervous that I couldn't hear him coming. He gave me a warm smile but I couldn't bring myself to smile back with my heart pounding in my chest. I hated that I was so skittish.

"It's homemade chicken Alfredo. Enjoy." I nodded as I looked down at the steaming plate in front of me. The food smelled like one of the most heavenly things on this planet. Without allowing my stomach the time to even grumble I quickly picked up the fork and began eating before something could take it away from me or before I had to leave.

"Whoa whoa! Calm down, the foods not goin-" Stephanie said but Tim placed a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

"Don't mind her, inside joke. Eat however you like, I'm sure there's more for seconds." I felt a smile roll onto my face as I continued eating, now facing away from them as I tried to eat as politely as someone scarfing down food could manage.

When I finished I tried my best to make room for seconds but the food was so heavy I found myself leaning back in the chair instead. I looked up at the other two, both of which had only barely managed to maybe eat half their food. A sense of embarrassment came over me as I pushed the plate  away from me slowly.

Tim seemed to notice this and gave me a smile. "You really did grow up with Jason, huh? He also eats his food quickly." While it was unconventional it did make me feel slightly better.

I waited for them to finish before we started talking again.

"So uh..." My body burned as my mouth spoke, every nerve in my system telling me to shut my mouth and let things continue as they are, but the more rational side of me told me I had to ask in order to lessen my future punishment. "When do I need to go to my apartment?" Tim's face blanked, his smile dropping immediately. Stephanie didn't seem to see the same thing as him.

"Whenever really, Alfred can drop you off." I nodded, quickly dipping my head. I didn't want anyone to go out of their way to help me, aside from the fact that I didn't really want to go back home but I couldn't wait any longer. If I did then I don't know what I could be expecting.

I took a deep breath before trying to put on my best smile.

"If you don't mind now would be fine." I looked away from the two in front of me and to Alfred who watched me with careful eyes. He looked hesitant.

I pushed myself from my chair and stood up, my body yearned for me to sit back down, to claim it had been a joke and I would actually stay with them, but I knew I needed to go. The punishments from Gabe would be bad enough. The mere thought of what would happen when I returned sent flares of pain through previous wounds he'd inflicted, an especially bad one hurting the most on my collar bone.

"Are you sure? Master Todd and Master Grayson will be back soon." I pursed my lips and shook my head.

"I'm sure Gabe will need me home by now. Don't worry, I'm more sorry you have to help me out." Alfred kept his demeanor as he nodded.

"Very well, I'll meet you outside with the car Mistress Jackson."  I gave him a smile and nodded. I began walking for the hallway when Tim quickly stood up.

"Percy, can't you just wait a little longer?" I watched him for a moment, concern was etched into his face. Did Jason tell him? I took a shaky breath and shook my head. If he knew, then he knew exactly why I needed to be home sooner.

"I need to go, but thanks for the great food and nice bed." I turned quickly and headed out into the hallway with my hands clenched tight, my nails digging into my palms to keep myself from acting on impulse.

I made it a good way down the hall before I heard someone behind me. I turned to see Tim looking slightly panicked as he went to grab my shoulder. I didn't like the idea of physical contact right now as my body was all ready going into fight mode so I took a step back from him when he went to grab me. He didn't push it as he put his hands up in front of him.

"Please, can you just wait till dinner?" Stephanie came up behind Tim looking very confused.

I shook my head. "Gabe doesn't like me being out for a long time."

"You can blame it on us, please, just wait a little while longer." He held a desperate look in his face as if me leaving would hurt him and not me.

Why did he want me to stay here so badly, I should be going home now, maybe I could plead with Gabe but the longer I wait...

Something foreign touched my shoulder and in a combination of having been thinking about Gabe and the fear of this crazy situation I turned and with full power unleashed a punch into the gut of whoever grabbed me.

The act was over in an instant, the large man who had grabbed my shoulder was Bruce, he grabbed his side as stumbled back before falling to the ground. My eyes widened as I placed my hands over my mouth, a groan escaped his mouth as he curled in on himself.

"IM SO SORRY!" I half yelled half panicked. Everyone was stuck in a shocked silence beside Bruce who pushed himself up, a hand still on his side. I turned to look at Stephanie and Tim who both looked completely shell shocked. Guilt filled me faster then the immediate refilling cups back at camp. My heart rate picked up as Bruce stood up, his eyes dark as they landed on me. The pounding in my ear became loud as I turned my head slightly and stiffened my muscles as I braced for an attack back, my eyes shutting slightly as I waited.

A violent flinch ran through me as a hand was placed on my head. I looked over to see the hand came from Bruce.

His cold demeanor was replaced by a small smile and a look of relief. "Nice punch kiddo." I hadn't realized how painful my clenching was until I released and the simple act brought tears to my eyes.  He retracted his hand slowly, his lips pursing.

"Sorry, I should've called for you instead of touching you. I'll make sure everyone in the house knows that." I quickly wiped my eyes as my body calmed from the sudden escalations, my nerves were suddenly shot. "Percy?"

I looked up at him, my hands shaking slightly. Bruce seemed to notice that and referenced towards the kitchen.

"I have something important I'd like to talk to you about. You mind sitting with me for a while?"

I shook my head. "I-I can't! I have to get home before Gabe yells at me!" I argued, I referenced quickly towards his gut, another wave of crippling guilt rolled over me as I retracted my hand and held it tight with my other hand. "Plus I hurt you! Why would you wanna talk with me now! You should be seeking retribution! Or at the least kick me out!" I yelled.

Bruce kneeled down so I had to slightly look down at him, his eyes were nothing but kind and that scared me. "What if I said we could talk about never going back there? You could stay here, with Jason. You'd no longer need to live with Gabe." I felt myself freeze as I watched him, my eyes searching him for anything that might be a tell that he was lying to me, because if he was, this was the type of joke I'd never be able to forgive.

"You- how?" I asked quickly, choosing to believe this wasn't a joke.

"I have a ton of lawyer friends, the best in the business and they all said they'd be willing to help you get released and to put him in jail." I felt my lip quiver as I watched him. "But I need to know that this is what you want." He said reassuringly.

"I-I don't have that type of money to pay you back." I said quickly. Bruce shook his head.

"I'll pay for it, because you'll be under my custody. You'd be a Wayne from now on." A Wayne. The last name held the same weight and idea as the barrier around camp. It would keep me safe from the monsters outside.

I rushed forwards and quickly wrapped my hands around his shoulders, he was pushed back a bit but held me in the hug. I held him like my life depended on it because at this rate, it really might. He was giving me a chance at freedom and I was gonna take it. 


2959 words

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