DUNDEE // John Shelby

By Socioblonde

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Billy Kimber made the mistake of hiring a conwoman from Australia. Kimber wasn't aware of the biological warf... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Intermission - New Characters
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eight

680 8 0
By Socioblonde

"Join us for dinner?" Polly asked as i finished my glass of whiskey. I nodded.

"I'd love that, Polly." I told her while washing the dishes. Grace pushed me out of the way gently, pointing to my hand.

"I dont want to see you using that hand while it's still like that." She told me with a smile. I rolled my eyes. "Do you want to get lunch sometime? Just the two of us?" she deadpanned, making me look straight at her like a ghost.

"Are you serious?" I asked her, she nodded. "How about next Monday, when we've all had time to cool off?" I told her. She smiled in response. She has such a pretty smile.

"Ill mark it on my calendar." she gave my shoulder a slight squeeze and walked out of the bar. What a wonderful person.

The blazer i was wearing before was absolutely ruined. It had blood all over it, Tommy's and mine. It was disgusting. They used it as a rag.

A jacket was then placed over my shoulders by John Shelby, who also had a cigar in his mouth. He pulled it out of his mouth and gave me a hug. It took me off guard, seeing as though he never really hugged anybody. It was like the hug meant something.

"Cmon, Pol said youre staying again." He grabbed my shoulder and started to walk out of the Garrison. I liked his touch. It put me in a good mood.


Once we got to the Shelby house, Polly sat down plates of food on the table. Each of us had roast, carrots, potatoes and a dinner roll on our plate. I looked at it intently. The last time I had food with a family was five years ago. All i've done was eat alone in alley's or peanuts in local bars. Never a good meal like this.

"You alright, Toni?" John whispered in my ear as we held hands for grace. He was on my left, so he was careful with my hand. He held it softly as per Arthur, well, let's just say I thought I was holding hands with bricks.

"I've just forgotten what this feels like." I mumbled as he finished the prayer. Finn- the youngest brother- gave me a funny look but didn't say anything. Prick.

Arthur was the first to finish his food, then John, then Thomas. Polly and I were the last since we talked the most. It was mostly about Australia and how I got over here. She didn't really ask me much about my family, seeing as though I loved the one here.

"Nonono, do not get your hands wet." Polly shooed me away from the water as she was doing the dishes. I groaned.

"I feel like a burden when i dont help." I groaned, she smiled and laughed a bit.

"Antonia, after what you did today, this family owes you." She grabbed the sides of my face and pinched them a little.

John grabbed my right hand and led me back to the table where he offered me a cigarette. Thomas and Arthur were there too. There was going to be a deal made tonight and we all knew it.

"I think we can all agree Toni here thinks things through a little more than us." Thomas ran his cigarette between his lips before lighting it. He exhaled the smoke as he opened a folder. "So, given her expertise in languages and Chemistry, she is now in charge of all foreign relations the Shelby Company has." he slid a piece of paper in front of me. It had my name printed out so neatly I wanted to cry at the sight of it.

"If she signs it, of course." Arthur joked a little, hitting me on the shoulder lightly.

I picked up the pen and twisted it so the ink came out. I had signed my name once in my life. It was for the ASC, who I'm guessing I no longer work for since they haven't reached out to me in a year. Antonio Dundee. It has a ring to it.

"Atta girl," Arthur gave me a one armed hug from his standing position and slapped the paper over to Thomas. They were all smiling and laughing. All until they heard a knock at the door.

They all looked over to the wooden frame, seeing if it was someone they knew. I didn't have a clear view of the window since they were blurred. Thomas looked at Polly, then got up and grabbed his gun. Surely the Birmingham boys wouldn't come to the house.

I was scared, nonetheless. I felt as if i had an ulcer in my stomach from the stress in this very moment. Did the Irish police find me? Was it the ASC? Was it some god forbidden swedish man who i pissed off over in Sweden? Who the fuck knows at this point.

Thomas opened the door slowly, pointing the gun at the man in the doorway. John kept his hand on the back of my chair as the door was opened all the way.

"I'm looking for Sofia Dundee."

I looked at John, then at Polly, then pushed my chair back and ran to the door. Thomas lowered his gun once he saw my arms around my brother's neck. It was Andrew. It was my 15 year old brother.

"What the hell are you doing here? Why aren't you at home? How the hell did you find me?" I suddenly pushed him back and yelled at him. His face dropped. He came here on a black Arabian horse, which he tied to a nearby railing.

"Can we talk?" he asked calmly. He still had a thicker accent than me. It was between Australian and Colombian. He wasn't around for my Fathers Italian accent that long.

I looked over to Thomas, who still seemed uneasy about a random boy showing up at his doorstep. He sighed in response. "Search him." and i did. I patted him down for any weapons he had. Two guns and a knife. We are siblings after all.

I brought my brother to the dinner table where papers still laid from the business deal ten minutes ago. I flipped them all over and sat down where Thomas had previously been sitting. I was pissed and pleased at the same time.

"Uhm," he cleared his throat, looking at all the people staring at him in the room. Polly pulled Finn, Arthur and Thomas away from the two of us, and had John watching from the corner. They didn't know my brother, and well, my brother was kind of stupid.

"Matt's dead. He was killed by a French gang called the Giovanni's. He was trying to find dad," he said, sliding a small box towards me. I opened it, revealing a piece of paper and the cross I got for him when he was ten years old.

Sofia, if you got this box, it means i died before you. Ever since you left, I've been taking care of the family. I've helped mom get back on her feet since dad never came back. She got so bad when the war ended, I went to France to try and attempt and find him. Given our Colombian and Italian features, a French gang by the name of Giovanni's got me. They gave me ten minutes to write whatever I needed to write to my family. You were the first in mind. I've always tried to copy off of you, but never made it as far. I've always looked up to my sister.

Do not grieve over me, Sofia. I did this shit to myself.
Antonio Dundee

"Still doesn't answer two of my questions. Why are you in England and how did you find me?" i deadpanned.

"I heard about Billy Kimber's men getting their eyes burnt out, it reminded me of that Doctor you always hung around. Couldn't help but ask if you've been in town." he gave me a slight smile, but i didn't return it. "Im in England to tell you that Mom's sick, and well, Matthew died. But other than that, im here for a good time."

I scoffed. "Go home, Andrew."

"Don't be like that, Sof," he pleaded, wanting to get a good reaction out of me.

"God you are so unaware of your surroundings," I groaned, standing up. "Meet me at the Garrison tomorrow. You're disrespecting the Shelby's by being here."

"The Shelby's..." he gave a sly laugh. "You associate with those fuckin' bastards? Do you not know how many people have suffered because- " I cut him off, slapping his face as hard as I could.

"Andrew, leave." I told him. He laughed as he rolled his eyes and slammed the door. I sat down and put my face in my hands. How could i be so fucking stupid.

Thomas came into the room, cigarette in his lips per usual. He looked my up and down while John sat by my side, being there for comfort.

"Who is Sofia?" Thomas asked me coldly. I wiped the tears from under my eyes and looked at him.

"Its what my brothers call me back at home. It's a middle name. Family name." i told him while tears were running down my cheeks. I wiped them as soon as i felt them.

"You lie," Thomas pressed on. I didn't lie, I just forgot.

"Thomas please," Polly interrupted him, stepping in front of him. "Did you not hear the boy? She just lost her bloody brother. Have some fucking respect."

"He's right, Polly." i looked up at her. "I should've told you, it just never crossed my mind." i stood up while wiping tears from my cheeks as i looked at Thomas. I felt like he was forgiving me with his eyes, not his words.

"It's late, we'll talk in the morning." He walked past me, going to his separate room. I looked over at Polly with teary eyes, hoping they wouldn't spill over.

"Im sorry. I should have told you-" she cut me off by pulling me into a hug. Her hugs were like a mothers hugs. You always loved them. They always provided warmth and a sense of protection for you.

"I think youre overwhelmed and sleep deprived, love. I'm sure John will let you stay with him again." She told me. John nodded behind my back as i pulled away from Polly. "I dont want you two staying up and laughing like you did the other night. Get some sleep."

Once John closed the door to his room, he took his suit off, leaving him in a t shirt and boxer shorts. I was in pants and a bra. It didn't really matter though, the covers would be covering me for most of the night.

I just felt like i was taking advantage of this family. Im not part of it, yet im with them almost all the time. I feel like a burden they have to take care of since i took care of them once. Its almost like im a fucking kid again, waiting for something i know im not going to get.

Tears brimmed my eyes again as I looked out the window, seeing the moon shine in through the glass. I let them silently fall down my cheeks and onto the floor.

"Toni, stop fucking crying and come here," John said blankly as he pulled my shoulders into his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hands through his hair. I made my breathing even as he hugged my waist.

"Im acting like such a bitch right now," i mumbled into his chest, causing him to muffle a laugh.

"I couldn't imagine losing one of my brothers. Youre allowed to cry about it." he told me, kissing the side of my head. I couldn't help but smile at the act. How could someone so dangerous be so caring at the same time?

I got into the bed, then got closer to John. he was warm and i felt like i was ice cold. I felt like i was freezing for some reason.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you." I told him. He laughed a little bit, giving me a kiss on the top of the head.

"Stay whenever you'd like."

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