Black Widow | 18+

By krooscontrol

1K 75 1

Yes, to love someone in itself was simple, but to express that love? It wasn't something i felt I had in me... More

1 | Goddess of the Hunt
2 | Hidden Truth
3 | Meetings
4 | Alleyways
5 | Weakness
6 | Turbulance
7 | Trust
8 | Excuses
9 | Bullets
10 | Unification
11 | Secrets
12 | Confrontation
13 | Sicily
15 | Decisions
16 | Ashes to Ashes
17 | Hate Sex
18 | Apologies
19 | September
20 | Regroup
21 | Plans
22 | Gut Instinct
23 | For You
24 | Searching
25 | Why Me?
26 | Escape
27 | Emotions
28 | Healing Over Time
29 | My Boy
30 | Questions
31 | Spotted
32 | To Athens
33 | Old Behaviour
34 | Make Me
35 | Serendipity
36 | Selfish

14 | Normality

20 3 0
By krooscontrol

A/N: This is an important chapter but is also not heavy on action!


Artemisia, that was all I knew her as, and the rest of the day my interaction with her wouldn't stop running through my head

There were plenty of beautiful women in the world, I had experience with a fair share of them, but none as alluring, enticing and captivating as Artemisia.

I wanted to know more, I wanted to do what I usually did and have someone pull up information on her, but seeing her with Carina Boterosco calmed a small suspicion in my mind that she wasn't there to do some digging, they wouldn't betray me and would've been certain that she was on our side.

However, Artemisia was hesitant, and I asked myself where it came from.

She then mentioned the Italians, and I wondered if maybe she had anything to do with Leo, but I dismissed the idea when I remembered that if a woman like that had anything to do with the Cosa Nostra she would have been married by now.

That being said, she must of been early twenties and maybe there hadn't been enough time. What I did know however was that if she was part of the family then I would've known about her, especially given the fact that my cousin was marrying Leandro.

She'd sent me the address, and I knew the place very well. Carina's brother was a good friend of mine and I was met with a knowing smirk from Aurelio.

"You got in there quickly, I heard you only spoke to her for five minutes,"

"Can't wait about to ask a woman like her out," I shrugged, "If I'd left it a minute later someone else could've come along."

Aurelio laughed, nodding his head, "where are you taking her?"

"Il ristorante di pesce sull'acqua," I replied as my eyes narrowed in on the door that was beginning to open.
(Italian: The seafood place on the water)

Aurelio turned around and focused on what had taken all my attention from him, giving me a knowing grin before leaving me and walking back inside, passing Artemisia and kissing her cheek.

I had to bite back a grunt, and let out a quick exhale. This woman was very slowly absorbing all my being, and I had known her less than twelve hours.

It was totally fucking ludicrous.

"Hi," she smiled gently as she approached me

"You look beautiful Artemisia," I murmured as I kissed her cheeks; her hand rested on my shoulder and trailed down my arm as she pulled away.

"Where are we going?" She asked as I led her to the back seat of the Range Rover before getting in behind her. I watched my driver, someone who I trusted with my life, eye her from the rear view mirror and a subtle smirk spread on his lips.

"To give you a tour of where I'm keeping you hostage," I smirked and Artemisia momentarily scowled at me before reluctantly breaking into a smile.

"Così divertente," she sighed, attempting and failing to hide her smile.
(Italian: how funny)

"Non ti preoccupare Bella, ce ne sono molti altri da cui provengono."
(Italian: Don't worry beautiful, plenty more where that came from.)



I didn't feel much towards that night, in a way I thought my reaction was pretty justified. Artemisia had lied to me not once, not twice, but three times, and she had turned me into a fucking fool.

Wishful thinking, that was all it was when I left her and Leandro that night in her apartment. I was falling in love with her and she had gone and slept with my enemy, the man I was planning on destroying, the man I wanted her to take down with me.

I wanted to be with Artemisia forever, I wanted to marry her, I wanted her to have my children, I wanted to put things down for her, I wanted to change for her, I wanted to make her happy, I wanted to love her without any interruption or threat.

Leandro had to come in and ruin it all.

The entire issue made me feel so much rage that I found it hard to function, so after that meeting when I learnt she had left I had my men track her down, and whilst they did that I acted out in the only way I knew how to.

A way that Artemisia also engaged in.

A lot of sex, a lot of drugs, and a lot of violence.

The trinity.

Currently I was in one of my clubs, doing coke off the silver tray in front of me before reaching for the bottle of Grey Goose that sat on the table, my eyes drifted over to the sight of Olik getting a lap dance from one of the best dancers at the club.

Old me would have jumped at that opportunity, but the only person I wanted in my lap or anywhere near me was Artemisia. The sex I was having was transactional at best, an old flame called Kira being my main source of pleasure. She had accompanied me to the gala that occurred before Raul sealed his fate; she didn't stop talking about the way I looked at Artemisia once they'd left either.

"It was in your eyes Anton, I could see it." She had said to me, which was slightly concerning given the fact that I had prided myself on having a mask of total ambiguity.

As I continued to drink the vodka, my eyes resting on the sight of two women dressed in black lingerie walking towards me, all I could think about was how fucking haunting Artemisia was.

Maybe I was lying when I said that I felt my reaction was justified. My anger warranted that much anger but normal people didn't express anger in ways like we did, they went for a run or took space or just broke up all together.

Instead of running I did torture or sex as a form of catharsis, I couldn't handle space and sitting in discomfort when it came to Artemisia, and I sure as fuck wasn't letting her go.

No. I would die before Artemisia left me.

This thought started to become more true when the two women sat on either side of me were stared down by my Italian enemy.

"Idti," I muttered, my eyes narrowing in on the sight of Leandro and Domenico.
(Russian: Go)

"Good to see you," Leandro said sharply, taking off his suit jacket and sitting down next to me.

"Bold of you to show your face here." I said lazily, picking up the bottle and bringing it to my lips.

"I needed to talk to you," he grunted, and for the first time I looked at him properly. Leandro looked fucking exhausted, and as I knew an exhausted Leandro was a pain in my ass.


"Russians, around my complex in Sicily. I got word from someone an hour ago." He grunted, I raised a brow before settling back in the booth once more.

"Can't help you, I don't know about that." I replied.

"I'm sure." he said dismissively "They said they were looking for someone, wouldn't tell my guys who."

"You're not to kill those men Leandro, I know who you're talking about now." I grunted, looking at him. He looked angry and impatient. "I sent them to look for someone, they haven't updated me on where they've been looking, I haven't spoken to them since I asked them."

"Who are you looking for?" He muttered

"Who do you fucking think Leo," I scoffed and watched as his jaw clenched. "Anyway, seems like she's been within your reach all along, hope that makes you happy."

"You need to leave her alone." He rasped and I looked up to where Domenico stood smoking a cigarette as he watched on at the scene.

"Why? So you can have her as your mistress?" I shot back, earning a harsh breath to emerge from him.

"No, because you tried to fucking attack her. You're fucked up Anton, and someday soon I'll--" He cut himself off, and I noticed how Olik had dismissed the woman and was now stood next to Domenico, his eyes fierce.

"You'll what?" I spat

"You'll see," Leandro grunted as he stood up, "leave her the fuck alone Anton, you don't deserve her."



The point of this holiday was to get away from my life in New York, flee the scene and find some peace in normal life.

I guess you could say my first mistake was choosing Sicily as my destination

The second would be being on a beach with a Boterosco girl.

The third would be sparing Romulo a glance.

The fourth would be agreeing to go out to dinner.

And the fifth would be letting myself drop my guard.

But again, I was having fun.

Romulo was charming, but honest too. He didn't feel the need to parade his actions around, prove his masculinity, look at those around him with an intimidating stare. He treated everyone with respect, regardless of if they were a valet, waiter, or one of his men.

Everyone was equal and it was refreshing.

When a very attractive young woman came to serve us, he didn't let his eyes linger for too long or follow her trail for a split second.

He was respectful.

I couldn't match that word to the Cosa Nostra before, but apparently I could now. Leandro may have been respectful on the surface, but he lied to me time and time again, and there was nothing respectful about that.

"And why are you living in New York when you could be here?" He asked with a small smile

"I ask myself that question too sometimes," I sighed, looking out over the waterfront. The bay had been lit by fairy lights that trailed across the rock faces creating an idyllic scene.

"Is work really that important? Whatever it is that you do." He smirked and I shook my head, he knew that there was something about me that was being kept hidden, no one would be able to stay in a Boterosco home without something linking them to the underworld.

"I'm starting to think it's not," I shrugged before taking a sip of the wine.

"You ever gonna tell me what it is you do? Or am I going to be kept guessing." He smirked

"You first, and the truth, then maybe I'll tell you."

He hummed before leaning back in the chair, his broad shoulders blocking any view of the furniture. "I run the legitimate side of business, and make the things that aren't so legitimate look it."

I nodded, "I thought there was only room for one 'business' here." I pushed, and watched as a knowing look came over his face.

"You know more than I thought you would Artemisia," he smirked and I nodded as I met his gaze. "There is only one business here, my father stepped down four years ago when our old boss in the states did, his son and I took over. But, his father and mine were killed and now my uncle is the one we have to respect out of custom."

"Killed?" I raised an eyebrow and Romulo nodded.

"My boss killed my father and his, clean up job." He examined me, waiting for any sign of recognition or movement, but I could tell this man did not know what the 'clean up job' was truly about.

"Well, if you want to know what I do..." I trailed, thinking how to form my words so I didn't sound as notorious as I was, "I run a team that perform those kinds of jobs for a living."

He smirked at me before leaning over the table, "Quindi sei un'assassina?" he said quietly.
(Italian: So, you're an assassin?)

I nodded, studying his movements, "I'm not here to kill you, if that's what you're thinking." I smirked and he smiled and shook his head.

"I know that Artemisia, believe it or not I can read people pretty well."

"Good," I sighed, leaning forwards a little, "usually it puts people off."

"Non a me Bella, semmai mi fa desiderare dieci volte di più di te." He smirked, taking my hand that lay on the table in his.
(Italian: Not me Beautiful, if anything it makes me want you ten times more)

I grinned, staring into his green eyes that had the ability to make any woman fold.

"So, why are you really here?" He asked again and I tore my eyes from his, my heart racing a little, how could I tell him that I'd been falling for the man I hated the most in this world, and as a result had been chased down by a Russian boss that had been falling for me?

"Business started to invade my personal life," I said gently, looking back up at him. He had a look in his eyes that told me he wanted to know more, he wanted to know everything, but it wasn't in a controlling way, he looked intrigued.

"Love life?" He asked and I nodded, "I can understand, a woman like you has the ability to have men fall to their knees."

"Gesù, ti piace molto." I grinned, and he chuckled.
(Italian: Jesus, you love to lay it on thick)

"Non sei una sostenitrice?" He said, mocking offence causing me to laugh with a shake of my head.
(Italian: You're not a fan?)

"It got too complicated, and the men that were involved were not nice people, so I had to get out of there." I sighed maintaining eye contact. I was almost taken back when he brought my knuckle to his lips and kissed it, the action of affection being genuine.

"I'm glad you did," he murmured, running his thumb over the back of my hand.

I pursed my lips slightly as I did my best to hide a smile, but failed in the process.

"Me too."


"I'm sure you know that Romulus killed Remus, right?" I asked as we walked along the bay, looking up at him as his tall frame shadowed mine.

"I do," he smiled, "I don't plan on killing my boss though."

"Wise move," I chuckled, looking out over at the sea.

"Do you know him?" Romulo asked and I felt his hand gently reach for mine, urging me to look at him.

"Kind of," I nodded, "I know of him, but I don't know him." I felt bad about the lie, I wanted to say that I did know him, that I knew him a bit too well, but Romulo's cousin (the bitch from hell) was marrying Leo; I didn't know where his loyalties were. He could've exposed everything or just given a silent nod of acknowledgement and continued.

On top of that, if we got close and he wanted to know more about how I knew Leo, I was sure that the story of my kidnapping would emerge, and that clean-up job would be exposed as the act of vengeance that Leo claimed for it to be.

It wasn't a risk I was willing to take.

"Good thing for me that he's marrying Clemmie," Romulo grinned before smoothly slipping a hand around my waist. "I wouldn't have been able to take you out."

"You never know, a woman in an unhappy marriage is capable of many things." I said dryly

"You saying you would have an affair with me?" He mused

"I'm not saying no," I grinned, "but again, it's all hypothetical."

Suddenly he turned me to face him, and his eyes were searching mine, "Cazzo," he muttered. "It's taking a lot for me not to kiss you Artemisia."
(Italian: Fuck)

For the briefest of moments I thought of Leandro and Anton; how hurt Anton had been about Leo, and how hurt Leo would potentially be if he were to ever find out. Then I remembered the way Anton behaved towards me, someone he supposedly cared about, and the fact that Leandro was still getting married and had lied to me time and time again.

"You can," I murmured, and within a second his lips were on mine.

He worked his soft lips against mine gently, his hand slowly gliding down to the small of my back and pressing me further into his body as his other hand cupped my cheek. We worked in perfect harmony against each other, everything slow and serene and I allowed myself to wrap my arms around his torso.

This was probably the most normal and romantic kiss I had ever experienced. It wasn't charged with insanely built up tension, or emotional baggage, pain or hurt. It was normal, it was a man who liked me and who I liked back, kissing me during a date.

Something Carina had spoken about.

Normality however when it came to Romulo was untrue, he was still Cosa Nostra, still working under Leo, still part of the underworld. But he was as normal and humane as they came, and I felt lucky to know that this man had more emotions than he did coping mechanisms to shut down from those emotions.

I pulled away and sent a gentle smile up at him, he smiled at me and kissed my forehead before pulling me into his side and continuing to walk us along the path.

"Che giornata, stamattina non sapevo chi fossi e ora guardami." he chuckled.
(Italian: What a day, I didn't know who you were this morning and now look at me)

"Sia tu che io," I mused, allowing myself to lean into him some more.
(Italian: You and me both)

"You should probably extend your holiday," he murmured and I grinned, not paying attention to the fact that I was considering it a possibility to leave later than planned.

"I don't have a return date yet, so we'll see."

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