Bobby Singer's Daughter

By SarahAlvis

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Two brothers and a friend, finding John Winchester and fighting monster along the way, whilst being normal ad... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twelve

13 1 0
By SarahAlvis

In Suburban neighbourhood and it was night time, A man drives down the street, into his garage and turns off the engine. A close up of the Michigan number plate, the garage door starts winding down by itself and he looks at it, confused. His car doors then self lock. He struggles but cannot open them, the ignition key turns by itself and the engine starts. Exhaust smoke begins filling the garage and the man struggles to turn off the engine to no avail, The radio flicks on and the man begins to cough. The Man started shouting "Help, Somebody help." By now the smoke is very thick and he kneels over, unconscious.

In the motel room Sam was sitting up in his bed sweating a little, he looks across the room seeing Dean and Sarah sound asleep in the bed next to him,  He sits there for a moment but then he gets up ready for action, flipping on the light and goes over to the both of them trying to wake them up by saying their names it takes a few minutes but they eventually wake up of course not exactly impressed seeing as it was still dark outside, Dean is the first to speak up and asks, "What are you doing dude it's the middle of the night?" 

Sarah looks over at him half asleep waiting for a response to which they finally get and he says, "We've gotta go." Dean is now immediately alerted but not alarmed asks, "What's happening?" Sam finishes packing his bags, Sarah had got up and dressed sam then looks over to the both of them and he just says, "We've got to go now." He grabs his bags and heads out to the car followed by Sarah and Dean with their bags. 

In the car Sarah was in her usually spot in the back, whilst Dean was in the driver's seat and Sam was in the front passenger seat who was on the phone he was reading for a Michigan state police ID and says, "McReady, Detective McReady badge number 158, I've got a 480 in progress and I need the registered owner of a two door sedan, Michigan license plate Mary-Frank-Six-Zero-three-seven, yeah okay please hurry." Dean who now and again looks over to Sam says, "Look Sammy you've got to calm down, I'm sure it's just a nightmare." Sam who is still on the phone says, "Yeah I hope it is." Dean says, "I mean it you know a normal, everyday naked in class, nightmare the license plate it probably won't check out." 

But unfortunately turns out the license plate was legit and he asks for the address and the person on the other side gives it to him, Then Sarah leans forward and asks Sam, "This guy that was in your dream, have you ever seen him before?" He turns to face her and says, "No." She says, "Exactly no but why would you have premonitions about some random guy from Michigan." Sam says, "I honestly don't know." Dean looks at Sam first and then looks in the mirror to Sarah and says, "Yeah me either." 

It took them a few hours but they eventually got to the address but unfortunately they was too late, there was emergency vehicles and a stretcher been zipped up with a body in it, Then they look at each other with different expressions on their faces, Both Sarah and Dean approach the watching crowd and Dean is the first to speak up and asks, "What happened?" The woman looks over to the both and says, "Suicide can't believe it." Sam stood on the other side of the woman and asks, "Did you know them?" She looks over to him and says, "I saw him every Sunday at St.Augustine's and he always seems...seemed so normal, but I guess you never know what happens behind closed doors." Dean just looks straight ahead and simply says, "Guess not."

Sarah was the one to speak up and she asks the woman, "How did...erm, how are they saying it happened?" The woman looks over to her and says, "I heard that they found him in his garage, locked inside his car with the engine running and his poor family can't imagine what they're going through right now." They look in the direction of the family a woman who is understandable emotional and is leaning against a middle aged man and behind them stands a young boy, who is looking distraught. Sam who is watching, grimacing then he turns and walks away, Sarah notices and then starts to walk away but not before nudging Dean who follows, leaning against the bonnet of the Impala.

Sarah who is leaning against Sam says, "Sam we got here as fast as we could." Sam who has his hands in his pockets sighs and says, "Yeah apparently not fast enough but it doesn't make sense guys, why would I have premonitions if there wasn't a chance I could have to stop if from happening?" Dean who's looking at the scene simply says, "I don't know." Sam just shakes his head and then looks to the both of them and asks, "So what do you two think killed him?" Dean is the first to speak up and says, "Maybe he just killed himself? Maybe there's nothing Supernatural going on here at all."

Sarah who is leaning her head on Sam's arm, he doesn't mind he treats her like a little sister and she says, "To be honest I'm not 100% sure, what could have done it, but we don't know the history if he suffered from depression or anything like that." Sam says, "Guys I'm telling you I watched it happen, he was murdered by something guys, I watched it trap him in the garage." Then Sarah looks up to Sam and asks, "Was it a spirit, or poltergeist?" Sam was understandable getting a little worked up and says, "To be honest I don't know what it was and I don't know why I'm having these dreams, I just don't know what is happening to me guys." 

Sarah and Dean just stare at each other for a moment and of course Sam notices and asks them, "What?" Dean just shrugs his shoulders and says, "Nothing man we're just worried about you." Sam looks to the both of them and says, "Well don't look at me like that." They both look away and then move to get back into the car but Sarah looks over to Sam and jokingly says, "Though I gotta say, you do look like crap." That gets a bit of a smile off Sam and he says, "Nice thanks." Then Dean speaks up and says, "Come on let's pick this up in the morning, we'll check out the house and speak to the family." Sam looks over to Dean and says, "Dean you saw them they looked devastated they're not going to want to talk to us." Dean just looks to the both of them smirking and says, "Yeah you are right, but I know who they will talk too." Sarah and Sam looks at each other confused and then back at Dean and Sam asks, "Who?"

At the miller house, Dean's hand wearing his silver ring reaches for the doorbell and sam's hair is slicked back neatly and Sarah had her hair covered  she sighs and says "This has gotta be a whole new low for us." Dean turns to smirk at sarah and then looks back at the door and when the door answered it was the same guy that comfort ms miller and dean says "Good afternoon I'm Father Simmons, this is Father Frehley and this is sister Rose We're new junior priests and nun ver at St Augustine's. May we come in?" 

The man just nod his head and as they enter dean says "Thanks." Sam says "We're sorry for your loss."Sarah said "It's in difficult times like these when the Lord's guidance is most needed." The man was exactly impressed and he said "Look, you wanna pitch your whole 'Lord has a plan' thing? Fine. Just don't pitch it to me. My brother's dead."Then Ms Miller appears and says "Roger. Please!" He moves away and says "Excuse me." Ms Miller looks at the three of them and says "I'm sorry about my brother in law. He's...he's just so upset about Jim's death. Would you like some coffee?" Dean says "That would be great."

The three of them seats down, Sarah and Dean on the couch whilst Sam sat on a chair, Ms Miller is pouring coffee into cups and gives them a cup each they thank her, she then speaks up and says, " It was wonderfully of you to stop by, the support of the church means so much right now." Dean is the first to speak up and says, "Of course, after all we are god's children." She walks away and he immediately picks up a few more cocktail sausages and looks over at both Sam and Sarah who are both shaking their heads and he just looks to them and says, "What?" 

Sarah was the one to reply and says, "Just tone it down a bit father." Ms Miller then comes back and sits down, Dean then asks her "Ms Miller, did your husband have a history of depression?" She looks over at Dean and says, "No nothing like that." She starts getting emotional so Sarah gets up from her seat and sits down beside Ms Miller to comfort her which she appreciates and she continues saying, "Of course we had our ups and downs like most couples, but we was happy I just don't Jim could do something like this?" 

Sam who leaned forward and looks to Ms Miller he says, "I'm so sorry you had to find him like that." But Ms Miller looks over to Sam and then gestures into a different part of the house and says, "Actually it was our son Max, he was the one that found him."  Sam looks where she was pointing, sitting in the dining room was Max who was staring into space, he then asks her "Would you mind, If I spoke to Max?" Ms Miller looks over to Sam and says, "Oh thank you Father." 

So Sam gets up and approaches Max, he says "Max? Hey I'm Sam." Whilst Sam was talking to Max, Dean and Sarah both stayed with Ms Miller Dean is the first to speak up and says, "Ms Miller you have a lovely home, how long have you lived here?" Ms Miller looks over to Dean and says, "We moved here five years ago." Then Sarah says, "The only problem with these old houses, I bet you get a lot of headache." But Ms Miller looks to her confused and asks her, "Like What?" But it was Dean that answers and he says, "Well things like weird leaks, electrical shortages or old settling noises at night that kind of thing?" 

She shakes her head and says, "No actually nothing like that, it's been perfect actually." That was concerning in itself so Dean had asked where the bathroom was, Ms Miller tells him where it goes so whilst he does that Sarah stays with Ms Miller and they end up having a conversation about her life, Sam was still talking to Max about his dad and what his life was like and how he found his dad, but something seemed a bit off with Max but Sam couldn't quite put his finger on it.

They left the Miller's house and went back to the hotel, whilst they arrived the three of them changed back into their regular clothes which Sarah was happy about, Dean was sitting on his bed cleaning out his gun, whilst at the table Sarah was doing some research but was having no luck, so she sighs and closes the laptop, Dean looks over and says "You alright?" Sarah looks over to Dean and gets up she says, "Yeah I just feel bad for Max finding his dad like that, must be hard for him." She sits down next to Dean and he says, "Yeah well we figure this out, we always have." 

Sam had come back to the motel room, they both look over and Dean is the first to speak up and asks Sam, "What do you have?" Sam looks over to the both of them and says, "A whole lotta nothing, nothing bad has happened at the Miller House, since it was built." Sarah then asks, "Wait, what about the land?" Sam who is sinking down on the bed says, "No graveyards, battle fields, tribal lands or any other kind of atrocity on or even near the property." Dean who was finished cleaning his gun leans forward and says, "Hey man i told you I searched the house up and down, there was no cold spots, no sulfur scent nada." Sam then sits up and asks, "And the family they said that everything seemed normal?"

Dean still looking over at his brother says, "Well if there was a demon or poltergeist in there you think that someone, would've noticed something? I used the interred thermal scanner man, and there was nothing." Sam looks over to his brother and asks him, "So you think that Jim Miller killed himself and that my dream was some sort of crazy freakish coincidence??" Dean now stands up and is washing his hands says, "Dude I don't know but I'm pretty sure there's nothing supernatural about that house." 

Sam was rubbing his temple and says, "Yeah well maybe it's nothing to do with the house." He takes a deep breath whilst holding his head and continues, "Maybe it's just....gosh." He keeps holding his hand against his head and tries his best to continue speaking and says, "...Maybe it's some how connected to Jim in some other way?" They both looked over at Sam with concerned expression on their faces, Sarah is the first to speak up and asks, "Sam what's the matter?" Sam starts making noises and sinking from the bed to now on the floor, that causes both of them to run over to Sam who's in pain and he says, "My head." 

Dean says to him, "Sam? Hey, Hey talk to us what's going on?" Sam stares at Dean and Sarah suddenly Sam flashes out of the motel room and is a fly on the wall, watching Roger enter his kitchen with groceries and he notices the window is open and closes and locks it. When he returns to unpacking the lock moves by itself and the window slides open again, Roger is confused and He attempts to close it but it sticks. He leans out, twisting to look up at the top of the window and the window slides closed, decapitating him and blood gushes up over the window. Sam focuses back at Dean and Sarah and he says to the both of them "It's happening again. Something's gonna kill Roger Miller."

The three of them was in the Impala and Sam was on the phone getting Roger Miller's address which he does and after he hung up the phone, Sarah who is in the back leans forward and asks him, "Hey Sam you doing okay?" He looks over to her and says, "Yeah." Then Dean gets involved and says, "If you are gonna hurl I'll pull the car over because you know upholstery..." But before Dean could finish his brother speaks up and says, "No I'm fine, just drive." It goes quiet for a moment until Sam speaks up again and asks, "What is it with the millers, why am I connected to them, why am i watching them die? What the hell is happening to me?"

Dean is the first to speak up and says, "I don't know Sam but I do know one thing will figure this out, we have faced the unexplainable every day this is just another thing." Sam looks over at the both of them and asks them, "No that's not true, it's never been a family thing it's never been in the family like this, just tell me the truth this isn't freaking either of you out?" He looks over at the both of them waiting for a response and Sarah is the first to reply and she says, "To be honest it doesn't scare me a little, I mean I see you like a big brother if i'm being honest." That causes Sam to smile at her and she smiles back, Dean then speaks up and says, "This doesn't freak me out either dude."

The arrive at Roger Miller's apartment block as they parked up, Roger was heading for the front entrance with a bag of groceries just like in Sam's vision, Sam shouts over to Roger which causes him to look in their direction and says, "What are you guys, missionaries? Just leave me alone." Of course they wasn't going to just walk away and Sarah is the one that speaks up and she says, "Hey Roger, we're trying to help you!" Sam also speaks up and says, "Please! Hey, Hey, Hey." The three of them had gotten out of the car after Dean parked it on the curb, but unfortunately before Sam could get to the door, Roger had already closed it and he looks over to them saying, "Look I don't want your help." As he walks around Sam says, "Look we aren't really priests or nun, you gotta listen to us." Dean shouts to him, "You are in danger." But of course he doesn't listen to them and then he disappears.

They decided to go around the back but unfortunately it is a secured locked gate, so Dean looks around making sure the coast is clear which it is and so he kicks the gate, then the three of them climb up the fire escape, then up the stairs but unfortunately it was too late by the time they got there Roger Miller was dead, after a long pause Dean grabs a handkerchef and starts cleaning his finger prints off of the railing, he then gives one to Sarah and one to Sam, Sarah cleans her prints and it takes Sam a moment, so whilst he was doing that Dean says, "I'm going in." Sarah joins him and they get into the apartment carefully.

After a few minutes they headed back to the car and Dean says, "I'm telling you there was nothing in there just like the Miller's house." Sam says, "I saw something in my vision it was like a dark shape, something....something was stalking Roger." Sarah looks over to Sam and asks, "Well whatever it was, you sure it wasn't connected to the house?" Sam looks over to Sarah and he says to her, "No, it's connected to the family themselves, you think this is some vengeful spirit?" Dean is the one to speak up and he says, "Well yeah there's a few known to latch onto families, follow them for years." 

Sam says, "Angiak, Banshees." Sarah replies, "So basically like a curse, hey wait what if Roger and Jim Miller got involved in something curse worthy?" Sam says, "And that something is now out for revenge and the men in the family are dying, Hey you think Max Miller is in danger?" Sarah says, "Yeah let's figure this out before he is." Sam looks over to Dean and says, "Well I know one thing that I've got in common with these people." Dean looks over to Sam and asks him, "What's that?" Sam still staring at his brother, "Both of our families are cursed." The three of them leaning against the car and Dean speaks up and says, "Our family isn't cursed! We just...had out dark spots." Sam says, "Yeah but dude, our dark spots...are pretty dark." Dean simply says to Sam, "You're...dark."

At the Miller's house, Max leads, Sam, Sarah and Dean inside and their are wearing their outfits and max says "My Mom's resting, she's pretty wrecked." Dean said "Of course." Max then says "All these people kept coming with like, casseroles? I finally had to tell them all to go away. You know cause nothing says I'm sorry like a tuna casserole." Sam smiles at Max and he smiles back, max gestures to the couch and they all sit down and then there is a moment of silent and sam sighs and then he asks softly "How you holding up?" Max simply says "Ok." Sam said "You're dad and your uncle were close." Max said "Yeah I guess. I mean, they were brothers. They used to hang out all the time when I was little." 

Sarah then asked "But not lately much?" Max said "No, it's not that. It's just....we used to be neighbours when I was a kid, and we lived across town in this house. Uncle Roger lived next door, so he was over all the time." Sam says "Right. So how was it in that house when you were a kid?" Max says "It was fine. Why?" Sarah asked "All good memories? Do you remember anything unusual? Something involving your father and your uncle maybe?" Max looked at sarah and he nodded his head no and says "What do ya....why do you ask?" Sarah said "Just a question?" Max said "No, there was nothing. We were totally normal. Happy." Dean said "Good. That's good. Well you must be exhausted. We should take off." Sam says "Right." To Max "Thanks." Max says "Yeah."

The three of them was outside of the Miller's house heading back to the car and Dean looks over to the both of them and says, "No one's family is that normal and happy, see when he was talking about his old house?" Sam says, "Yeah he sounded scared." Sarah speaks up and says, "Yeah I get the feeling that Max is telling us everything." Dean gets involved and speaks up, "So we have to find out the old neighbourhood, find out what life was really like with the Millers." 

They eventually found his old neighbourhood and was talking to a guy that happened to live across the road from them, Sam is the first to speak up and asks, "Have you lived in this neighbourhood for long?" The guy answers and says, "Yeah actually almost 20 years, it's nice and quiet why you guys interested in buying?" Sarah is the first to answer his question and says, "No, no actually we was wondering what you could tell us about the Millers the family that lived across the road?" 

The guy looks over to her and says, "Yeah they have a little boy Max, how could I forgot about them, the brother lived right next door, what is that poor boy alright?" That confuses the three of them and then looks over at the guy and Sarah was the first to speak up she asks, "Wait what do you mean?" The guy looks over to the three of them and he speaks up saying, "Yeah well in my life, I have never seen a kid been treated like that I mean I could hear Mr Miller yelling and throwing things from acrossed the street, he was a mean drunk he um used to bit Max pretty badly, brusies and broken bones."

The three of them had concerned expressions on their faces but Sam was the first to speak up, "So these was going on regularly?" The Man answers, "Yeah practically everyday in fact that thug brother of his was likely to take a swing, at the boy but the worst was the stepmother she'd just stand there, checked out not lifting a finger to protect him. I must've called the police seven or eight times, that never did any good." Dean is the one to speak up and says, "Wait you said Step-mother what happened to his real mom?" The guy speaks up and says, "Yeah I think his real mom died in some kind of accident... car accident I think." 

After guy was done talking, Sam's head started hurting he holds it and starts grimacing which causes the guy to look over at him and asking, "Hey you alright?" Whilst he was still wincing Sam says, "Yeah." But of course both Dean and Sarah knew that he must be having another vision and holds on to him so he's got some support and she looks over to the guy and says, "Thank you for your time and help." Sam lifting his head looks over to the guy thanking him and the three of them head back to the Impala.

His head started spinning and he looks up which doesn't help, he is suddenly in the Miller's kitchen. Ms Miller is chopping vegetable with a large knife. Ms Miller laying the knife down and she says "I don't know what you mean by that. You know I never did anything!" Max says "That's right,You didn't do anything." The knife starts to rattle on the chopping board and he continues with "You didn't stop them, not once." 

The knife starts lifting into the air and Ms Miller backing up against the wall and she says "How did you..." The knife moves forward to hold her against the wall and Ms Miller starts panicking and says to Max "Max! please!" The knife twists in front of her face, coming close enough to her eyeball to pierce the tear there so it runs down her cheek. She gasps. Max has tears coming out of his eyes and says "For every time you stood there and watched. Pretending it wasn't happening." Ms Miller crying says "I'm sorry." Max wasn't going to fall for that and he says "No you're not. You just don't wanna die." Ms Miller gasps and cries, the knife slices right through her eye and out the back of her head.

The three of them was in the car thankfully for Sam it was over for now, Sam of course is the first to speak up and says, "Max is doing it everything I've been seeing." Dean who is he's usually seat asks him, "You sure about this?" Sam looks over to his brother and says, "Yeah I saw him." Sarah leaning against the back seat asks Sam, "So wait how is he doing all of it?" Sam turns his head to face her and says, "I don't know like telekinesis maybe." Dean asks, "So what he's a psychic, spoon bender?" Sam turns around and looking ahead saying, "I didn't even realise it but this whole time he was there, outside the garage when his dad died and he was in the apartment when his uncle died. These visions, this whole time--- I wasn't connecting to the Millers I was connected to Max! The thing is I don't know why, man. I guess we are so much alike."

That causes not only Dean looks over at him for a moment, but Sarah as well and she asks him, "Wait what are you talking about, this dude is nothing like you." Sam sighs and says, "Well, we have psychic abilities, we both..." But before Sam could even finish his sentence Dean is the one that speaks up and says, "Both what? Sam Max is a monster, he's already killed two people but now his gunning for a third." Sam says, "Well, with what he went through the beatings, to want revenge on those people? I'm sorry guys but i hate to say it, but it's not that insane." Dean looks over at his brother with a concerned expression on his face and says to him, "Yeah but that doesn't justify murdering your entire family." Sam just looks over at Dean and says, "Dean." 

They was outside of the Miller's house still in the car both Sam and Dean arguing about what to do with Max but in the end they decided to go with Sam's idea, but of course Dean had kept a gun in his jeans handle sticking out of the top and covered it with his jacket, then they rushed inside the Miller's house, which stunned both Max and Ms Miller they look over at them confused but Ms Miller is the one to speak up and asks them, "Fathers and Sister?" Max then speaks up and asks the three of them, "What are you three doing here?" Dean is the first to speak up and says, "Aahh, sorry to interrupt." Sam speaks up and looks over to Max asking him, "Max can we, uh talk to you outside for a second?"

Max looks at the three of them suspiciously and then asks, "About what?" Sarah who is between the guys says, "It's...It's private, we wouldn't want to bother your mother with it." Max looks back to his mother, she continues "We won't be long at all though, we promise." Max continues looking at his stepmother and then back at the three of them and says, "Okay." Sam simply says, "Great." They walk to the door, unaware that Max has seen Dean's gun and as Dean goes to open the door it does for a second but then Max uses his power and closes the door causing the three of them to turn around and Max says, "You're not priests or a nun."

Dean suddenly became protective of Sarah and stood a bit in front of her encase Max tried anything, then Dean draws his gun but Max uses his powers to pull it away from him and slides it across the floor and he picks it up, pointing it to them but Ms Miller is the one to speak up first and asks him, "Max what is happening?" Max still pointing his gun to the three of them just shouts to his stepmom, "Just shut up." But she doesn't listen and asks him another question but he just gets angry and uses his powers causing Ms Miller to go flying and hitting her head on the counter top knocking her out.

Max says in anger, "Just shut up." Sam speaks up trying to calm Max down but he just looks over to the three of them and asks, "Who are you?" Again Sam speaks up and says, "Look we are just trying to help that's all." Max just looks over to Sam and says to him, "Yeah right that's why you bought this!" Of course talking about the gun, Sam says "That was a mistake alright? So was lying to you about what we are, but now no more arguing please just hear me out." Both Sarah and Dean remain quiet but Dean makes sure she's alright understandable she was scared, but she knew that she was safe with the guys.

Max looks over at Sam and asks him, "About what?" Sam sighs looking over at Max and says, "I saw what you did, I saw you kill your dad and your uncle before it happened." Max's expression changes and he looks over at him confused and he asks, "Wait what?" Sam speaks up and says, "I am having visions Max, about you." Max just continues staring at Sam and says, "Yeah right you're crazy." Sam then says something that freaks out Max but he doesn't react, "So what you weren't gonna launch a knife at your stepmom." He then points to the exact spot where he was going to hit her, he then says "Look Max I think i was drawn here alright, to help you." Max starts getting emotional and says, "No one can help me."

Sam walks forward but only a step and then he says, "Well let me try, we'll talk just you and me let Dean, Sarah and Alice go." Neither Dean or Sarah was having it, but in the end Max spoke up and says that no one can leave, so Sam comes up with another idea and he says, "Alright they don't have to leave, they can go upstairs." 

Dean looks over to his brother and says, "Sam we aren't leaving you alone with him." But Sam looks over to the both of them and says, "Yes you are look Max you're in charge here you get to make the rules but please just five minutes." The Chandelier starts shaking and then he speaks up and says, "Go." Dean and Sarah goes to get Ms Miller who has thankfully regained consciousness and they head upstairs. 

When they three of them are upstairs, back downstairs in the lounge Sam is trying his hardest to comfort Max, telling him about his mother's death, but unfortunately it doesn't work Max doesn't listen he flings Sam into a closet and puts a bookcase in the way, Sam was shouting trying to get him to stop but he doesn't listen. Upstairs Sarah was attending to Ms Miller's head when suddenly the door flung open and in walks Max, Dean stands up protecting the both of them but he looks over to Dean flinging him across the room crashing through some shelves, then he focuses back to his stepmother, Sarah tries to get involved but he ignores her.

Dean gets up from the floor and stands back up, Max of course has the gun pointing it to Ms Miller, Dean stands in front and lets the gun go and it's floating in the air, he cocks it and points it to Ms Miller, Dean speaks up and says, "You wanna kill her you'll have to go through me." Without any hestitation he says, "Okay." He then pulls the trigger which leaves a hole in Dean's head, blood splatter on the wall and Sarah screaming his name and rushing over to his lifeless body, his eyes wide open, thankfully it was a vision.

In the closet downstairs Sam is holding his head, of course watching his brother die he screams and suddenly the bookcase moved from the door which causes Sam to freeze for a moment but then he opens the door and quickly runs upstairs in time, as he gets to the door Max is standing there with Dean protected Ms Miller and Sarah, he tries his hardest to convince Max that he can help, but unfortunately it doesn't go to plan and Max turns the gun on himself and before anyone could stop him he killed himself and his body collapsed on the floor.

A little while downstairs in the lounge there was police, one of the officers was speaking to Ms Miller who was understandable upset and she says that the three of them was family friends and she got really emotional and Sarah sat down beside her to comfort her, which she appreciated and the cop understood and tells he call if they need any more questions, Then the three of them left not exactly feeling great which was understandable so they headed back to the motel room and started to pack their bags, it was quiet for a moment until Sam spoke up and says, "I've being do some thinking."

Dean is the first to speak up and says, "Well that's never good." Sam still staring at them says, "I'm serious I've been thinking this demon whatever it is, why would it kill mom, Jessica and Max's mom you know what does it mean?" Sarah speaks up and says, "Sam honestly we have no idea." Sam then speaks up and says, "Well do you think maybe it was going after us, me and Max?" Dean looks over and asks his brother, "Why would you think that?" They continued having a conversation about him and Max until Dean finally picks up a spoon  and goes over to Sam, saying "Bend this." Of course Sam looks over to him frustrated and says, "Dude I just can't turn it on and off like that."  Sarah asks, "Alright then how did you do it?" 

Sam says "I don't know, I can't control it. I just....I saw you die and it just came out of me, like a, like a punch. You know like...a freak adrenaline thing." Dean says "Yeah well I'm sure it won't happen again." Sam then asks "Yeah, maybe. Aren't you two worried, that I might turn into max or something?" Sarah says "Nope. No way. You know why?" Sam says "Why?" Dean then says "Cause you got two advantages max didn't have." Sam said "Dad? Because Dad's not here, Dean." Dean replied "No. me and sarah."

They both smirk and dean says "As long as we're around,nothing bad is gonna happen to you." Sam does puppy dog look and a tiny smile and then Dean slings his bags over his shoulder and says "Now then. I know what we need to do about your premonitions. I know where we have to go." Sam and Sarah was both confused and Sam said "Where?" Dean smirked and said "Las Vegas." Sam tilts his head, looks away, looks back, does bitchface and walks out the door to the car and sarah follows and she laughs a little, Dean said "What? Come on man. Craps tables. We'd clean up!" Dean follows Sam and Sarah and to the impala he looks at Sam and considers sam looking thoughtful, then turns to pull the door closed and then they drive away from the motel onto the next location.

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