
By Fulcrum_Gurl

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Chris Guenva-Malagkzai is used to moving all over the place. With both her parent in the military, there was... More

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333 8 20
By Fulcrum_Gurl

We were at the observation tower, trying to open the gate door but it wouldn't open.

After trying to bash it, Kenji gave up. "It's locked!" He said.

"Oh, wow. Guess we can't get in. We should all go back before someone comes along and we get in trouble," Ben said, turning around to walk back.

"Wait... where is everybody?" Kenji asked.

We all looked around to realize Kenji was right.

"Uh, there's usually someone around right?" Sammy asked.

I got impatient and whipped out my pocket knife. "If we're doing this... then we might as well do this," I said as the door unlocked and swung open, "Ta-da!"

Everyone looked at me with confusion.

"Three years of military school," I said, twirling my knife before putting it away.

"Last one to top is a rotten egg!" Sammy said. "Later rotten eggs!" Yaz exclaimed as she ran up the stairs. "Yeah and first one there is eating it!" I shouted. We all followed her, laughing trying to beat her.

We all reached the top, panting and out of breath.

"Is anybody else hot?" Sammy asked, "Woah it's hot!"

I fell on my back, trying to catch my breath. "Note to self. Never run up stairs while yelling," I said.

"No more stairs," Kenji said as he collapsed on the stairs. "There better be something good," Brooklynn said.

Suddenly a loud rumbling caused everyone to shoot up. Well, my breath was suddenly back. We all go to the railing and look out into the distance.

As the rumbling grew closer, I found myself inching closer to Darius.

"There's something out there," Brooklynn said. "Something big," Darius said.

Then a head emerges from the trees. Everyone let out a breath when we realized it was a Brachiosaurus.

"Ooh! Mystery solved. Guessed we should head back now," Ben said.

"But that doesn't make any sense. Brachiosaurus don't roar like that. They're more like." Darius tries to imitate a Brachiosaurus call, which caused my to giggle because right now he was acting my five-year old cousin.

"Didn't quite catch that. Uh, one more time," Kenji said teasingly. Darius rolled his eyes when we all heard shouting.

We looked down to see two guys yelling at us, but we were too high up to hear them.

"What are they saying?" Sammy asked.

Both me and Darius shrugged.

"Oh, great! They look mad. I told you we'd get in trouble," Ben said.

"You're gonna have to speak up!" Kenji shouted down to the men, "I got this."

The roar was heard again and the Brachiosaurus beloved out in pain before it collapsed to the ground. We all screamed and backed away.

The men kept shouting at them and a huge white dinosaur emerged from the forest. Before they could try an escape, the dinosaur ate them alive. Then she let out an ear piercing roar, probably to establish dominance.

We all watched, paralyzed in fear that the dino would see us. "What is that," Yaz asked, staring at the dino. "It got him! It got him!" Ben cried out in fear, hiding behind Yaz. Brooklynn gasped.

"Dr. Wu's lab. There was a dinosaur. In-" "Indominus Rex," Sammy said, cutting Brooklynn off. "How do you know that name," Brooklynn asked Sammy. "But there's no dinosaur named-"

"There's no time! We need to leave. Now now now! We have to go," Sammy said, inturupting Darius.

"Up here is safe, down there isn't. Besides, this high up, it's not like the whatever-Rex there can see us," Kenji said.

Just as he said that, the I-rex spotted us. "Did you really have to jinx it," I said, slapping Kenji on the arm. "It sees us!" Ben shouted, hiding behind Yaz even more.

She charged at the tower, breaking the gate in the process. She grabbed onto the tower, trying to climb it but ends up breaking the beams. Then she decides to tear down the tower instead.

We all screamed as we held onto the railing, trying not to fall. The I-rex broke another beam almost causing the tower to fall. Sammy fell forward almost falling off. "Sammy!" Yaz said as she grabbed onto Sammy's wrist and tried pulling her up.

"Hold on," Darius said as he ran over to help. Then we all started to pull Sammy up. After a few pulls we managed to get Sammy onto the deck.

"The zip line! Go, go, go!" Darius shouted, ushering us towards the zip line.

I pulled a zip line harness and shoved Ben in. I worked on getting the other harnesses ready.

"I can't! I can't! I can't!" Ben said, trying to buckle himself in. "Ugh here!" Kenji said, strapping Ben in.

Another hit to the tower and Kenji shoves Ben down the line.

I handed everyone a harness and Brooklynn, Sammy and Kenji went down. Then I strapped myself in and went down.

All of a sudden, the zip line stopped causing me to hit my head against the pole. Everyone else's had stopped. "Whoa! No, no, no!" Brooklynn exclaimed in fear. "Why... aren't we... moving? Ben, what did you do," Kenji said. "Nothing! It just stopped!" Ben shouted. The line bounced up and down as the tower was on the brink of falling. We all screamed and cling onto the harnesses.

Suddenly Darius and Yaz's harness came at us full speed and the impact cause us to start moving again. "It's working! It's working!" Darius exclaimed.

The tower fell down and the line bounced, causing all of the harness to go off the line.
We all screamed as we fell.

I felt the branches of the trees hit my body before I made contact with the ground, my whole world going dark.

I breathed in the salty ocean air. My surfboard under my arm. Well not mine, Leha let me borrow her old one. I loved living in Hawaii. "Hey, you ready Chris?" Leha asked, approaching my side. Leha had her black hair in a ponytail braid. "Are you?" I responded. She smiled at me and we raced towards the water. I got in and started paddling towards a wave. "Leave it. Not a big one," Leha said. "Well, I'm still going," I said.

I paddle towards the wave and stood up on my board. I was getting along fine until I heard shouting from the beach.

I wiped out and swam back to shore. "Danny! Not cool!" I said, laughing. Danny was Leha's twin brother and looked nothing like her. He was scrawnier than her and had dirty blond hair. "I was just saying hi," he said, crossing his arms. I grabbed a fistful of wet sand and threw it at him. It landed with a gloop on his face. Before he could react, I ran back to the water and paddled towards Leha.

I sat on my board. "My brother bothering you again," Leha asked, smiling. "You know Danny," I said. "We have to be careful. My mom told me that there were tiger sharks spotted early," She said. "I think we'll be fine. They don't even come near the waves," I said. "Oh yeah," Leha said. There was a big wave forming. "Last one there is on board waxing duty," I said, paddling away. I heard Leha laughing as she paddled behind me. Of course, I got to the wave first.

I did a snap at the top of the wave then went into a tube ride. Until a shape caught my eye. I lost focus and wiped out.

I tried swimming to the surface when I felt a blinding pain in my thigh. I screamed as the water around me turned red. I felt a hand around my wrist. Leha pulled me and set me on her board.

She started swimmig towards shore, pushing the board I was on."Hang on Chris," She said, tears running down her cheeks. I wanted to speak, but I couldn't.

She set me on the sand. "DANNY! CALL 911!" She shouted to her brother. He came rushing over. "OH MY GOD!" He said. He whipped out his phone and starting dialing. He walked away to talk to the operator.

Leha took off her surfer shirt, revealing her bathing suit top, and ties it tightly around my thigh, cutting off the blood flow. Danny finished the call and threw up. "DANNY GET THE HELL OVER HERE!" Leha shouted. "I can't! I don't wanna look!" Danny said, sounding sick. I felt lightheaded. "Chris you're going to be ok," Leha said, but her voice sounded so far away and there were three of her. And were was that ringing coming from?

Sirens sounded in the distance. "Hey, HEY!" Danny said, jumping up and down, waving his arms in the air.

I heard muffled voices and felt myself being lifted. Then I was in the ambulance.

I bright light was shined in my eyes. I tilted my head a little bit to get away from the light. "Hey, can you hear me," the voice of a woman said. I nodded. "You're going to be okay," she said. I felt a hand grip mine. That must be Leha. I tighten my grip on her hand, letting her know I was still alive.

I was lifting out of the ambulance and wheeled into the hospital. I voices were getting farther and farther away. I could only mutter one word. "Parents?" "Chris we called your parents and they are on their way," Leha said. They left their job, probably one of the most important jobs in the world, for me? I smiled lightly.

"Patient is a twelve year old female and suffered a shark bite in her left thigh," the paramedic explained."We'll need to stitch the wound, and she may need more blood," the doctor said.

I felt them put a mask over my face. Then the whole world disappeared.

*3 hours later*

I slowly opened my eyes only from them to be penitraited with a blinding white light. I felt a hand lightly grip my arm. I looked over to see a familiar green uniform.

"Hi dad," my voice croaked. "Hi gato," he said, using my nickname. My mom, I recognized her hijab, came around the corner and engulfed me in a big hug. "We were so worried," she said. "We feared the worse," Dad said. "I can't believe that your Sargent let you leave," I said, chuckling. "Sargent Hunter was very understanding," Mom said. "The doctor said that you should be good to go when the stitches heal up," Dad said. I smiled. I had my family all together.

Well almost...

I woke up to Darius shaking my shoulders. I groaned. "Stop it before you give me shaking baby syndrome," I said, swatting him away. "Yep, she's alive," Darius said, smiling. I rolled my eyes.

A loud, familiar roar rang through the forest. "Where the heck is that thing?" Kenji asked. "Oh, it's coming," Ben said, scotting closer to Sammy. "Shh! She could be anywhere," Yaz said.

"The observation tower was that way!" Brooklynn said, pulling Ben up. "I thought it was that way. I can't remember! " I said.

Darius gasped. "Where's- no, no. My necklace, I left it in my bunk!" He said, very worried. The Indominus roared again and we all huddled together. "We've got slightly bigger problems then-" Kenji was cut off by another roar.

"We have to run. Now!" I said, as we took off towards the camp. "Everything will be fine when we get back to camp," Darius tried to reassure.

When we got to camp, we were all out in shock. The camp was destroyed. We all walked around to look at the damage.

"Dave, Roxie, the other workers, they must have gotten away!" Sammy said, sounding hopeful. "Not all of them," Ben said. He fell back with fear on his face trying to get away from a flipped over Jeep. I helped him get back on his feet.

Yaz moved a piece of debris and found a walkie. She picked it up. "Hello? Hello!? Can anybody-" She grunted as she hit the walkie, trying to get it to work. "We're on our own," Yaz said, dropping the walkie and giving everyone sorrowful looks.

Brooklynn shut her eyes and her face turned from sad to angry. "Give. Me. My. PHONE!" She shouted, turning towards Sammy. "What?" Sammy asked, giving a nervous smile. "Brooklynn, we don't know that she took your phone for sure," I said.

"Yes! Yes we do! Look. I don't care about you sneaking into Dr. Wu's lab, I don't care about whatever you did with the skin samples you took from the Sinoceratops-" Brooklynn started, making all of us confused.

"What skin samples?"
"What were you doing in Dr. Wu's lab?" We all questioned as Brooklynn continued.

"I don't even care the you stole it now! All I want to do is call for help! Where is it!" She exclaimed. I noticed that Sammy glanced nervously at her pockets. I looked at Darius to see if noticed but he was too focus on the fight to notice that small detail. Maybe she did take Brooklynn's phone.

"Uh, I... I... I don't know what your talking about! Skin samples, breaking into labs?" Sammy said, walking past Brooklynn to the rest of the group. "You made up some crazy things in your own dang head," She continued, facing Brooklynn and putting her hands on her hips.

"Hey, back off! Not everything revolves around you and your phone! It isn't Sammy's falt you lost it! We have come to terms with it, why can't you!," Yaz yelled, pushing Brooklynn away. I pushed Yaz back. "You need to calm down! We all need to calm down!" I yelled, making Ben more nervous.

"Would you guys keep it down? There's a-" "A big, scary dinosaur! Of course there's a big, scary dinosaur! There's always a big, scary dinosaur!" Kenji said, cutting Ben off. "And you're just a big mouth jerk!" He yelled back.

"Give it back!"
"Back off!"
"Yaz, calm down!"
"Yeah? Well, at least I don't play with crayons!"
"What is your problem with me!? I'm trying to get us - all of us out of here!"
"I didn't lie to you about it!"

We all argued back and forth. "No one is getting out if here!" Ben yelled, "We just saw people getting eaten. We're alone, we're defenseless." Ben sat down and hugged his knees to his chest. "We're dead," he concluded.

"We're not giving up," Darius said making all of us look at him. "I get it. Its scary. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Things aren't always going to go your way. Life is messy and sometimes..." I stepped away from Yaz and Brooklynn as I listened to what he was saying, "Things fall apart. But that's okay, because when that happens, we pick up the pieces and we keep going. And we never give up," he finished.

"What about your necklace?" I asked. I knew how much it meant to him. "It's not important. I've got the memories right here," Darius answered, placing a hand over his heart. I smiled.

"What are we supposed to do?" Yaz asked. "We should go to the south park," I answered making everyone look at me, "We'll need help." Darius nodded. "Chris is right, and the only way we'll make it is if we do it together. We're a team, or we're nothing at all," He said, standing next to me.

"Or, you know, we don't go back into the jungle," Ben suggested making Kenji rolls his eyes. "You can wait for the negligent babysitters all you want but I'm with Darius," he said. "Wait, really?" Darius asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, I did not survive a killer dinosaur attack," I heard creaking and a piece of wood fell. Kenji yelped as he moved out of the way. "To be taken out by cheap camp debris. Kenji ain't going out like that," he concluded. Darius smiled at him.

"So, who's all in?" Darius asked. "I am," I said, walking over and putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm in too," Brooklynn said. "Me too," Yaz said. Darius smiled at all of us. "Alright, we head south. There must be a grown up or someone we can go to," Darius said.

We all stared walking when I heard Ben mutter to himself. "It's just one dino. It's just one dino."

Bum bu da bum! This is done so now I can sleep in peace!

Fulcrum Out!

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