A Happy Accident

By AcademyShadowhunter

18.3K 1.1K 113

Light-hearted and fluffy :) Sang has a run in with Jade in gym class that lands her in Dr. Green's office. Po... More

Gym Class
Ankle Slips
"Of course I know you're a girl."
"What did you do?"
I am willing and I will obey
Operation: Jade's downfall

The Final Showdown

2K 149 14
By AcademyShadowhunter

Heyyy! Y'all ready to see Jade's smirk wiped off her face ;)

However....this is the last chapter of this fic. I am toying with a sequel in my head, but no ideas are really striking me and my time is insanely limited. Keeping up with two on-going fics and a couple other stories not ready for posting is a challenge. I'm not going to commit to a sequel at the moment because it wouldn't be fair to you guys for a few reasons. 1: I'd be tossing it together without much thought to a plot and I refuse to do put anything but my best stuff forward as much as humanly possible. 2. I couldn't keep up with the updates. I'm working two jobs Mon-Fri and some weekends for the summer. I am EXHAUSTED lol. Y'all would be lucky to see updates once every couple of weeks. Totally not fair.

I am open to your ideas on what you would want to see going forward. Message me your ideas, comment with them, owl, carrier pigeon, portkey, whatever your preferred method of getting them to me lol. Knowing some of what y'all want to see hopefully will flesh out a plot.

Above freaking all...omg. Guys. The amount of views, comments and votes for this fic no bullshit...blew.my.mind. I turned on my phone in the morning and my jaw dropped. If I get to write a sequel I hope it will only be just as good. Thank you! Merci! Gamsahabnida! Arigato! Just freggin thanks y'all. Glad you enjoyed the ride. Now...onto that little heffa Jade getting what she truly deserves ;)

P.S. I wrote this before Push & Shove and had not the slightest fucking clue that Jade REALLY was behind all that drug business. Just a hunch because she's a bitch...oops...I mean a very not nice young lady *rolls eyes*



This. Was. Fucking. Awesome. I was on a stealth mission to trap Jade in her little lie about putting the ecstasy in Sang's drink with my cupcake looking absolutely fucking edible. I love Gabe. I really do.

Nathan and Victor did a little digging amongst some of the cheerleaders who wanted Jade's spot as captain who gladly revealed the whole disgusting affair. Girls can be so petty. Jade is an accomplished club drug queen and gives her rivals as she says "a little jolt" right before drug testing for cheerleading. Sang IS her number one enemy in the fight for North - ughh what do they see in the big oaf - so presto threat neutralized. She didn't count on North's overprotective nature to sabotage the whole plan. It was a tiny bit mean to set her up, but after twisting Sang's ankle and almost drugging her, she deserved it. I would feel guilty for approximately 30 seconds after this whole ordeal was over then return to cupcake for an all family sleepover.

"They're in the house," Sang signed to me, moving swiftly through the crowd. Most of the partygoers were too stoned or drunk to notice us slipping inside through the screen door. We padded out of the kitchen into a dark hallway where voices could be heard from a spare bedroom. They were loud and boisterous. I recognized Jade's high pitched tone through the hoopla as well as North and Silas deep baritones.

I realized Sang might be walking into a particularly uncomfortable scene and pulled her into the nearest bathroom. I carefully shut the door and cupped her chin, "Cupcake, are you sure you want to do this? North is my brother and I know he would never intentionally hurt your feelings, but you're opening yourself up to Jade well...violating his personal space."

I could see even in the darkness her bottom lip poke out and her beautiful green eyes flutter apprehensively. Shit. She was upset now. Way to go Luke.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and held on for dear life, "I know." She hesitated and traced her tiny fingers across my lip, "But I can be possessive too, right?"

I swear on life if this wasn't for Sang's peace of mind, we would end up in this bathroom for hours. Alone. No lights. Possibly an extreme lack of clothing. There is going to be a race for a cold shower tonight I already know.

"Of course, you can sunshine. C'mon let's go," I replied, holding out my hand. She slipped her tiny hand in mine and we snuck quietly from the bathroom. As planned Jade was trying to convince North, she could give the best lap dance in all of Ashley Walters.


There are a myriad of words I can use to describe this...thing. Desperate is near the top of the list. One of those bimbos put the idea in Jade's head that she should give me a present for scoring the winning touchdown. It was perhaps the most awkward, revolting, thirsty showcase of the depravity of the female gender for men with large biceps and bulging muscles (if I do say so myself) I have ever had the catastrophic misfortune of witnessing. She was gyrating to the music in my lap bent over so her pink lace thong was in my face in an attempt to generate some kind of reaction in my lower half. Too bad I was so sickened it would take all the demons in hell to have any kind of reaction to her. I glanced at Silas who had turned around to avoid my gaze so he wouldn't double over hysterical laughing.

I was so relieved to see Luke's head full of blond hair I could have kissed him. Actually I take that back I wasn't that happy to see him. Sang baby came into view not moments later. I grimaced at her sour expression. She had her arms crossed under her breasts and was scowling. Silas threw an arm over her shoulder immediately sensing her discomfort.

"Aggele mou, I thought you were still outside," he replied, kissing her forehead lightly. Luke nodded discretely, whipping out his phone to text Kota and Nathan. We brought Gabriel and Vic along to provide a distraction. All of us together at once would raise automatic suspicion. Victor had enough experience mingling with crowds to stay busy for the evening while Gabe kept an eye out if one of the cheerleaders attempted to tip off Jade. Luke stayed with Sang in case any of these creeps tried to corner her. With her high waisted jeans emphasizing her slim waist and the scoop neck t-shirt showing just enough cleavage to send a man into a feeding frenzy, it was a possibility.

Jade was entirely predictable. Once Sang arrived with Luke she wiggled her butt in my face attempting to do some ridiculous movement popping thing. Twerking, yes that's what it is. Fuck this, I'm about to gag. I pushed her away from me promptly and stood up. She stumbled and fell flat on her face. Oops.


My jealousy was bubbling over. How dare she grind on North like that? Okay, I finally understand why he gets so furious. I could see her bright pink thong sticking up out of her jeans and the crack of her butt along with it. When North jumped up sending her sprawling to the floor I cackled probably a little louder than I should have. I was going to have to spank myself before the night was over for all the sinister thoughts floating in my head.

"Oh you think you can do it better?" she hissed, standing to her feet, "Oh right you have two of your boyfriends here. I guess they would object."

"Si, you're going to let your girl give your best dude a lap dance?" one of the players asked, smacking him on the back.

Silas shrugged, "I trust aggele mou and North. Why would there be a problem? There is only one person in this room I have an issue with," he replied, crossly. Jade tossed her brunette locks over her shoulder and stormed to the opposite end of the room visibly infuriated.

"Geez Luke, you couldn't walk back outside to get some water," Nathan interjected unexpectedly. The players shifted from foot to foot unnerved by Nathan and Kota's sudden arrival.

Kota handed me one of the red cups and I took a generous swig. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins, but the water was refreshing. I was only faintly aware there were tiny beads of sweat on my forehead. Luke, Silas and North each took a cup gratefully. Luke downed his in a few gulps while Silas and North sipped sparingly. I set my cup down on the nightstand closest to Jade.

I wrapped my arms around Silas massive body, "Silas is it okay, hunny?" adding a little extra Southern sweetness to my tone.

"Aww, she has to ask for permission. Is it a round table decision?" Jade said haughtily, baiting Silas with her taunts. Oh did she pick the wrong sleeping bear to awaken from hibernation.

I looked over to see another four sets of eyes honed in on Jade, shrinking her down to the size of a small insect. Silas lifted my chin so our eyes connected, "Of course, aggele," he replied. I stood en pointe and pressed my lips to the corner of his mouth.

North snatched the iPod from Jade's back pocket, "Sang baby, pick what you want."

I hesitantly took the iPod in my hands and started to scroll through it. I never really listened to popular music because I had no access to it. All of the songs on her iPod were obviously recent and well known. I glanced at Luke desperate for a second set of eyes to help in the choosing process.

"Help," I mouthed to him. He scrolled through the list and picked a song called "Turn Down for What".

"It's fast. Just remember the sleepover," he whispered, scooting me towards North. Game time, Sang.

I mounted the iPod on the speakers then got comfortable in North's lap, "Put it on, Jade," I demanded, the right hand corner of my lips turning up mimicking Owen's signature expression.


As of this present moment, my mom could put my entire collection of novels on the street if it meant I could switch places with North. "Turn Down for What" isn't what I would consider a conventional song for a girl to perform a lapdance to, but Sang was managing. Correction: Sang was winding her hips on North while holding onto his knees and biting those gorgeous lips. She rocked back and forth stepping up her pace to meet the high energy tempo of the song. She raised her hands so they tangled in her hair while her hips swayed in a tantalizing motion directly over what a straight man could only presume was my best friend's extremely...no I'm not thinking about that.

She was smirking like the devil's mistress in heat stealing subtle glances at North every so often. I know the only reason he wasn't touching every part of her sexy frame was because of Silas being her "in school boyfriend".

She bounced her tight bum up and down gripping North's hands in hers. Focus Kota, we have a job to do. I caught Jade out of the corner of my eye slip the capsule in Sang's water discreetly. I was trained to observe all individuals in a room and over the years had becone fairly adept at it.

Perfect. I could continue to watch my beautiful Sang win the battle of the lap dances. North had given up any pretenses about Silas being Sang's "in school boyfriend". She was our Sang and I could care less about anyone who cared exactly who was her official boyfriend. North's hands were gripping her waist and rubbing dangerously close to what I presume is the underwire of her bra. Damn Gabe and his Victoria Secret bra contraptions! It was a demi-bra and the more she bounced her bottom the more her breasts bounced in that tight t-shirt.

"That's enough," Silas croaked. He was shifting the belt buckle on his jeans to make necessary...adjustments. Sang wiped the light sheen of sweat across her forehead and stood up. I pitied North momentarily who was straining to keep a visible hard-on from springing out of his pants.

"Sorry Jade, I would say Sang baby takes the title. Fuck that I'm not sorry," North declared, storming over to her. He snatched up Sang's spiked cup and put it to his lips. Jade smacked the cup from his hands, I pray to God before he drank any of it.

"Jade, what the fuck?" he sputtered, wringing his wet t-shirt. She fell right into the trap. Perfect.


I needed a cold shower or North in a secluded area. Maybe even both! At the moment, Jade's face in horror that there was a half dissolved ecstasy pill on the floor would suffice.

"You were going to drug me!" I screeched, feigning shock.

Silas picked up the pill and thrust it in her face, "Are you really that petty? Sang's never done anything to you," he snapped, tossing the pill at her feet.

North's midnight eyes were black holes sucking all of the color from her already pale face. He towered over her so she could see the veins pulsating in his neck, "If you ever try to hurt Sang baby again, I will make it my personal fucking business to get you kicked out of this school. You are insignificant. I don't nor will I fucking ever want you. I don't know if you need me to spell it out across your forehead, but consider this my first and only warning to stay the hell away from Sang!"

I padded over to North quietly and put a hand on his shoulder, "North, let's go. I think she gets it."

I picked up the cup and shoved it in her hands, "I think this is yours now."

North chuckled and threw me over his shoulder. I was giggling like a small child. Silas, Nathan and Kota followed close behind in stitches.

"Have a good night guys," said Luke, giving an overdramatic bow. I was beaming from ear to ear. A life without Jade's pestering and seven gorgeous males to myself for the rest of the evening...perfect.

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