The Final Showdown

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Heyyy! Y'all ready to see Jade's smirk wiped off her face ;)

However....this is the last chapter of this fic. I am toying with a sequel in my head, but no ideas are really striking me and my time is insanely limited. Keeping up with two on-going fics and a couple other stories not ready for posting is a challenge. I'm not going to commit to a sequel at the moment because it wouldn't be fair to you guys for a few reasons. 1: I'd be tossing it together without much thought to a plot and I refuse to do put anything but my best stuff forward as much as humanly possible. 2. I couldn't keep up with the updates. I'm working two jobs Mon-Fri and some weekends for the summer. I am EXHAUSTED lol. Y'all would be lucky to see updates once every couple of weeks. Totally not fair.

I am open to your ideas on what you would want to see going forward. Message me your ideas, comment with them, owl, carrier pigeon, portkey, whatever your preferred method of getting them to me lol. Knowing some of what y'all want to see hopefully will flesh out a plot.

Above freaking all...omg. Guys. The amount of views, comments and votes for this fic no I turned on my phone in the morning and my jaw dropped. If I get to write a sequel I hope it will only be just as good. Thank you! Merci! Gamsahabnida! Arigato! Just freggin thanks y'all. Glad you enjoyed the ride. Now...onto that little heffa Jade getting what she truly deserves ;)

P.S. I wrote this before Push & Shove and had not the slightest fucking clue that Jade REALLY was behind all that drug business. Just a hunch because she's a bitch...oops...I mean a very not nice young lady *rolls eyes*



This. Was. Fucking. Awesome. I was on a stealth mission to trap Jade in her little lie about putting the ecstasy in Sang's drink with my cupcake looking absolutely fucking edible. I love Gabe. I really do.

Nathan and Victor did a little digging amongst some of the cheerleaders who wanted Jade's spot as captain who gladly revealed the whole disgusting affair. Girls can be so petty. Jade is an accomplished club drug queen and gives her rivals as she says "a little jolt" right before drug testing for cheerleading. Sang IS her number one enemy in the fight for North - ughh what do they see in the big oaf - so presto threat neutralized. She didn't count on North's overprotective nature to sabotage the whole plan. It was a tiny bit mean to set her up, but after twisting Sang's ankle and almost drugging her, she deserved it. I would feel guilty for approximately 30 seconds after this whole ordeal was over then return to cupcake for an all family sleepover.

"They're in the house," Sang signed to me, moving swiftly through the crowd. Most of the partygoers were too stoned or drunk to notice us slipping inside through the screen door. We padded out of the kitchen into a dark hallway where voices could be heard from a spare bedroom. They were loud and boisterous. I recognized Jade's high pitched tone through the hoopla as well as North and Silas deep baritones.

I realized Sang might be walking into a particularly uncomfortable scene and pulled her into the nearest bathroom. I carefully shut the door and cupped her chin, "Cupcake, are you sure you want to do this? North is my brother and I know he would never intentionally hurt your feelings, but you're opening yourself up to Jade well...violating his personal space."

I could see even in the darkness her bottom lip poke out and her beautiful green eyes flutter apprehensively. Shit. She was upset now. Way to go Luke.

A Happy AccidentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang