Gym Class

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A/N: Hey birds and dogs (if you're out there) this was my first Academy fanfic *sniffs*. Feels like it has been ages since I first began this with aggelle mou on the forum. Just a bit of light, fluff for y'all. Hope you enjoy as always <3 AcademyShadowhunter

Disclaimer: All rights to the Academy, Ghost Bird and Scarab Beetle series belong to C.L. Stone. I have no intentions on making any profit from this fanfiction.


I don't understand why she hates me so much. I'm not mean to her. Before I met the boys I was a wallflower and didn't get noticed by anyone at all. I was content blending in and trying to avoid contact as much as possible. Jade was determined to make sure I knew she noticed me.

It was hot, sticky and humid and the air conditioner in the gym was broken. Even with shorts and a t-shirt and my hair twisted up in a clip - I was still hot. I looked over at Nathan and Gabriel with sweat pouring down their faces playing an intense game of basketball wondering how I ever got so lucky to have both of them in my life. Nathan winked at me before sinking a shot from the 3 point line earning several scowls from the other team.

"Can't stop staring at your boyfriends for one minute, can you?" Jade heckled, from the bench below me.

"They don't mind when I do," I shot back. I surprised myself that I responded to her taunts. There was just something about her that made me want to use Kota and Nathan's defense training.

Her cheeky grin morphed into a scowl, "I don't know what they see in you especially North. He deserves a girl who can look good on his arm."

My cheeks turned a bright shade of red. Leave it to Jade to poke at my insecurities. I didn't want to fight and end up in Mr. Hendricks' office or worse Mr. McCoy. I stood up on from my spot on the bleachers and shimmied in front of her feet. I felt a sharp kick to my ankle causing me to stumble forward. I grabbed the closest bleacher to steady myself, but instead crashed knee first. I thought it was just a scrape until I saw the open wound from the edge of the metal. It took less than a minute before I looked up to two sets of eyes staring down at me.

"Trouble! I leave you alone for one second and you split your knee open," Gabe heaved me up so I could balance on one leg. I would fall on my already injured ankle.

Nathan inspected the rest of my body for any serious wounds then swung one arm under my knees and the other to support my back. "Honey, I can walk. It's just a cut."

"Peanut, you're bleeding and limping. You don't need to walk. The blood might run down your leg," he responded, planting a kiss on my forehead. I cut my eyes at Jade. She rolled her eyes dismissively visibly seething. I heard the coach blow the whistle.

"Coleman! Griffin! Put her down unless you want another detention."

"Trouble- I mean Sang fell and is bleeding. We'll take her to nurse," Gabe said, visibly annoyed the coach was ignoring the fact I was bleeding down my leg at this point.

Ms. French pursed her lips together. I didn't want the guys to get into to trouble and interrupted before she could get the chance to, "I'll be fine. It's not too bad." I was lying through my teeth, my ankle throbbed and I knew cuts from metal were nothing to take lightly.

"Good," she replied, turning her backs on us. Nathan slowly lowered me to the floor.

"Trouble, you're not going alone," Gabe insisted. His blue eyes were laced with concern.

I sighed, "I'll be okay Meanie." I limped out the gym hoping they wouldn't get themselves into more trouble already.

I limped down the hallway, trying to put as little pressure on my knee as possible so I wouldn't attract too much attention. I stopped in front of the stairs, my finger hovering over my lip. Should I go to the nurse or to Sean? I didn't want to worry the guys and I knew they might overreact, after all, it's only a scratch. I heard footsteps behind me and quickly realized they weren't going to let me go alone.

"Whoa Peanut where are you going? The office is this way," Nathan said, blocking my path to the staircase.

"I thought..." I stammered out, poking at my lip instinctively.

"Peanut don't do that. Just say what's on your mind," Nathan said, gently tugging my hand away from my face.

"Trouble, sweetie what were you thinking?" Gabriel asked, looking at my face.

"Um ... I thought that I was going to the nurse," I whispered.

Nathan swept me off my feet and walked in the direction of what I presume is the nurse's office.

"Dr. Green is probably there. He can do more about that cut than the nurse," said Gabriel, walking alongside Nathan.

I opened my mouth to protest Nathan carrying me around the school, but the pain in my ankle won out, "Okay..."I sighed, resigning myself to being carried like a doll. It didn't take long to arrive at the office and Dr. Green was already up and expecting us.

"Pumpkin what did you do now?" Sean teased, beeping my nose.

I blushed nervously; not sure if I should tell them the whole truth. They had enough on their plates and a little scuffle with Jade wasn't that big of a deal. "I fell ..."

Gabe snorted, "Trouble if that happened when you fell then we need to teach you how to walk."

Sean frowned and motioned for Nathan to put me down, "Sang, pumpkin... what really happened?" I shifted anxiously on my feet, not wanting to lie to them but not wanting to upset them either.

Sean sighed,"Nathan, Gabe, go back to class. I can take care of Sang from here."

"But..." they protested.

"We can't have you skipping. You've missed too much already," Sean said, decisively. Grumbling, the guys shuffled out the door after kissing my forehead and telling me to text them the moment I could.

A Happy AccidentHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin