Operation: Jade's downfall

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Moving right along then...enjoy birdies <3

I sat in the stands with all my boys cheering on North and Silas. We needed one more touchdown to end the game and I was getting antsy. The other team was in possession of the ball and didn't have too many yards left to steal our victory.

"Sang relax, even if we don't win tonight is going to be fine," said Kota, throwing an arm over my shoulder. I rested my head on his chest taking in that distinct spice that was all Kota. My nerves weren't subsiding until this evening was over. Revenge was never particularly my forte, but I could become very possessive when it came to my North. There was only one woman who could tame North on a warpath and that was me, myself and I. Therefore I declare North my big marshmallow teddy bear and the little rude brunette couldn't have him. It always feels good to have a nice pick me up conversation before diving full force into a situation I would rather eat a live worm than be in.

"TAYLOR MAKES THE TOUCHDOWN!" the announcer boomed. The stands erupted into fervent cheers, the loudest heard from the six of us. North was surrounded by the players all slapping helmets and patting butts.

"Let's go to the car, Peanut. North and Silas are sweaty and disgusting anyway. They need to take a shower before the party," said Nathan, taking my hand as we walked down the bleachers. The other students jostled and bumped into us on the descent down. Gabriel and Luke were one step ahead of me terrified I would fall again. I tried to remind them it wasn't my fault, but when it came to my safety no one was listening to me. If they could have wrapped me in bubble wrap, little popping sounds would follow my every footstep.

It took a few minutes to get back to the car with all the pushing and shoving. I climbed in the back of Kota's car in between Gabriel and Luke. I felt goosebumps creep up my arms and shivered. The temperature had dropped drastically from the hot, humid stickiness of a couple of weeks ago. I was slightly uncomfortable with Gabriel's latest dress choice, but he swore it was a necessity.

My high waist dark denim jeans stretched to fit my curves and were adorned with four rhinestone buttons that ended just above my belly button. My white cap-sleeved t-shirt stuck to my breasts like a second skin, but the scoop neck still left plenty to the imagination. I had on floral flats with a pointy toe and a strap that wrapped around my ankle. My make-up was very simple. Black eyeliner shaped so the corners formed a slight point - Meanie called it a cat eye - and some lip gloss. Gabriel slicked my hair up so it had a small poof at the top then secured it with a hair tie so my waves cascaded down my neck. None of my boys could take their eyes off me all night. I was really enjoying this new feminine power of mine. I even added a tiny little switch to my walk.

"Are you cold, cupcake?" Luke asked, running his hands up and down my arms.

I shook my head, "Nerves I guess." I didn't want Gabriel to think I was cold after he put so much effort into my outfit.

Luke chopped my neck and took off his jacket, "You have goosebumps, cupcake. Gabe will live." I curled up relishing in the familiar sweetness of vanilla and relaxed. Tonight is supposed to be fun not an Academy mission. My phone began to vibrate in between my boobs and I fished it out with great difficulty. It certainly wasn't staying there all night unless I wanted all of Ashley Walters to believe I enjoyed feeling up my own boobs.

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