"Of course I know you're a girl."

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A/N: Sorry it's taken me so long girls. I've been working, trying to update and edit and way too much stuff. But it is here. <3 enjoy!


Mr. Blackbourne stood in the doorway, eyes wide, staring at us. I hastily hopped off Sean's lap and pulled my shirt down, feeling a little bit guilty. Mr. Blackbourne cleared his throat and stepped forward.

"Dr. Green, I need to speak with Miss Sorenson privately," he said, lips pursed and hands folded across his chest.

"Owen..." he began holding up both hands. Mr. Blackbourne raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and regarded me slowly. My legs were knocking together so hard I thought he could have heard it from his spot in front of the door.

"I will take care of Miss Sorensen, Dr. Green. You can go. I believe one of the students in gym took a basketball to the nose and needs an icepack," he said curtly. I felt horrible, but there was a piece of me hoping that it was Jade.

He shared some kind of silent communication with Mr. Blackbourne and snorted. "You're no fun Owen," he winked at me discreetly, fished out an icepack and headed out the door locking it behind him.

Mr. Blackbourne took off his glasses and cleaned them with a cloth from his pocket, a slight frown on his perfect features, "Miss Sorenson, I need you to be honest with me. Did Dr. Green come onto you first or were you the one to kiss him?"

My fingers fluttered to my throat. I wasn't sure what he was implying by that question. Sean would never try to take advantage of me. He had to know that. I shifted from foot to foot unable to meet his piercing gaze. I jumped when I felt his hands on my shoulders. Jesus, I didn't realize he could walk so quietly.

"I need you to tell me, Sang," he said softly, cupping my chin so I was unable to stare at the floor.

"I did," I whispered hoarsely. His face was still stern not giving away any kind of emotion. I felt tears well up. Was I not supposed to? Did he want me to? Oh God, maybe he thought I only had feelings for Sean. I couldn't let that happen. He was just as important to me as all of my boys.

I pushed past my anxiety and leaned forward so my lips would barely brush mine with his. His steel grey eyes bore into mine. I have never seen him hesitant about anything. Maybe I'm going too far? I pressed lightly on his lips before I lost my nerve. I pulled away fully expecting him to tell me how explicitly inappropriate it is for me to kiss him or Sean, but instead he grabbed both my cheeks and crushed my lips with his. I gave a shocked squeak, but quickly lost my grip on reality when I inhaled the scent of spring soap.

He's Mr. Blackbourne, but he's also Owen. The same Owen who told me not to let the guys push me around. The same Owen who gave me flowers at Victor's recital and said he wanted me to stay with them. At the current moment, the same Owen who's tongue was massaging mine in my mouth.

I wrapped my arms around his neck balancing my weight on my non-injured ankle. I gasped when both of his hands grabbed my backside and he hikes my legs up around his waist. I bit his lip when I felt his groin pressing against mine. Oh my, how are they both huge? Is it an Academy requirement? He groaned and snatched the clip from my hair, "I always preferred it down." Gabriel will be thrilled.

The fire between my legs was beyond pulsating. I secured my legs around his waist securely and twist locks of his hair around my fingers starting from the nape of his neck. He growled a sound so unlike Mr. Blackbourne it sent shockwaves down my spine. He pinned me to the nearest bare wall possible with one hand holding both of my arms above my neck.

"Sang, look at me..." he said. This forced my eyes open. His hair was a tousled mess. His lips were just as swollen and red as mine were. His usual calm grey eyes were burning into me. I felt like he could see through my shirt - wait he probably could. I was breathing harder than I thought. All my blood was surging to the lower half of my body and I lost myself in his eyes so much I barely heard him speaking.

"You don't have to do anything. I don't want you regretting kissing me or Sean for that matter. I care about you and would never want to be the cause of your discomfort," he said seriously.

I opened my mouth then closed it. "Mr. Blackbourne, I don't. You're amazing. I wondered if you thought of me as just the guys' friend you took in not...well a girl."

He laughed and nuzzled his nose to mine. "My God, Sang. I know you're a girl. A beautiful, sweet, wonderful girl! I've fallen for you as hard as.." he stopped and looked away like he had said too much.

"Well Owen. I thought you were upset about me getting frisky with Sang because we're in this sorry excuse for a school. I wouldnt have thought it was because you needed alone time with Pumpkin."

He gave me a wink and his millimeter smile before sliding me to the floor. I winced when I put pressure on my ankle and his eyes snapped to attention.

"Are you alright?"

"Jade" was my only response. Sean scooped me up so I was back on the desk.

Mr. Blackbourne rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Oh my goodness...he really was a ball of nerves from kissing me. A comment he made earlier made my heart stop beating. The guys! They would be devastated. They would hate me. They would demand I left the group.

"Pumpkin, take those thoughts right out of your head. They will huff and puff but they wouldn't want you to ever leave us. I can safely say Owen and I don't want you to go either."

"Dr. Green is correct, Miss Sorenson," Mr. Blackbourne reassured me.

I let out the breath I had been holding in. "I want to talk to them. You said I have to trust my family. And I want my family to trust me. If we didn't tell them they would be crushed. I can't...I can't have them angry. I care about all of you too much for that." I tried to keep the tears down. I didn't want to cry.

"Oh Pumpkin please don't cry," Dr. Green cupped my face in his hands.

Mr. Blackbourne appeared on his other side. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "Well Miss Sorenson as a member of this family. I think you can call a family meeting tonight for us all to discuss and also decide what to do about this little Jade problem. I think twisting your ankle warrants intervention."

I was beaming from ear to ear.

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