"What did you do?"

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A/N: As always blown away by y'alls support <3 On with the show!


Kissing Sean had certainly taken my mind off the impending meeting, but I had to focus now. My palms were so sweaty I had to wipe them on my thighs as we walked up the stairs to Victor's sitting room. I heard several loud voices escalating from the stairwell. Sean squeezed my hand one more time to stop my heart from thumping so loudly. This wasn't only my first family meeting- I had called it. I smoothed the pleats down on my skirt and took a deep breath. It was still difficult to put pressure on my ankle, but I could manage without Sean supporting my back.

I straightened my shoulders and willed my hands to stay at their sides, but above all it was my mission in life to not pout throughout this entire meeting.


Fucking shit there was Trouble with the Doc standing in the doorway looking like the perfect little pixie General. It was so damn sexy. She had on the subdued school girl outfit I picked out that showed just enough leg without looking slutty. I left that job for Danielle and Jade. After my head emerged from the dirty sewer it was swimming in I began my line of questioning. If something was wrong with my Trouble I wanted to know immediately. And why the hell did her hair look so out of place?


Peanut looked ready to battle. Why I'm not sure? She was still limping. I thought the Doc would have taken her to the hospital to be sure the earlier sprain wasn't aggravated too badly.

"Sang baby you're limping and bandaged what happened?" North asked, immediately standing up so she could sit in the chair closest to the door.

She smiled, "Thank you, North." She took the seat appreciatively and crossed her legs. There was a lot of shifting and grimacing. Peanut was so naive to how any little movement affected us. We all saw gorgeous long legs begging to be touched and to her it was just another outfit Gabe picked out. Before we could all jump in Mr. Blackbourne held up his hand silencing the room.

"I know you all have questions and I'm sure Miss Sorenson will be happy to answer them once she explains why this meeting was mandated in the first place. Don't interrupt this is difficult enough for her. Understood?"

After some grumbling from North and Gabe, we all settled down so our Peanut would feel comfortable.


I hated that Sang was nervous to talk to us. She knew we would never judge her for anything. I couldn't speak for the entire room, but I was falling for Sang-hard. The only thing she could say to destroy me was she was running. If that was the case I would tie her to my bed until I talked her out of having those thoughts again in eternity. If I died and came back in another life I would still need her.

"Umm...after this afternoon. I'll just start at the beginning. I fell in gym class when Jade tripped me and Gabriel and Nathan took me to Dr. Sean because I had split my knee open on the bleachers," she began, staring at the floor. North growled, furious Jade's obsession was putting Sang in danger. I didn't have much interaction with her and personally was thankful for it.

"But," she paused, biting her lip and not meeting any of our eyes. Our baby was going to cry. God no! Any tear that ran down her cheek made me want to kill the bastard who broke her spirit. I started counting back from twenty and caught Dr. Green 's silent nod that she needed to work through this situation on her own.

Mr. Blackbourne cupped her chin to tilt her head up, "Remember...Sang, you can trust everyone here. No one is going to hate you."

I clenched my fists together. Someone touched her. That man was going to lose a limb today.

Sang looked at up at Mr. Blackbourne with glassy eyes and nodded, "Okay. Sean bandaged up my knee and well I fell...in his lap and," she was blushing furiously at this point, "I kissed him."


That slick son of a bitch! Didn't Blackbourne tell him that I'm head over fucking heels in love with Sang? He stole my kiss. She is crying because she kissed the Doc. What did he do to make her cry? I have never in my life been as livid with one of my brothers like I was now.

My entire body was trembling with fury. I looked up at Victor who wore an identical expression. I held my tongue for Sang baby because she was so terrified to tell us. When she was out of ear shot I was tearing into him.

Blackbourne squeezed her hand reassuringly and whispered something I couldn't understand. He was touchier than usual with Sang baby. Actually...he called her Sang. The wheels in my head started turning like clockwork, he DIDN'T!

"Umm...Mr. Blackbourne came in and sent Dr. Sean out. I was upset because I thought he was going to yell at me and he hated me for breaking up our family. That he was going to ask me to leave because I was a burden. But he looked...sad and I hate seeing any of you sad."

She was starting to ramble I could hear it in her voice. The more she talked the higher her pitch went. Her voice made that adorable little squeak at the end when it could go no louder thanks to that crazy stepmother of hers. Just tell me what happened baby. You could never break up our family, God if only you knew that.

"And I wanted him to know that I cared about him as much as I do everyone else and...I...I...kissed him."

I thought I could never be as livid as I was with the Doc...oh I was so wrong...Blackbourne had yet to feel my wrath.


North's eyes were a black hole. He was opening and closing his fists slowly. I clenched my teeth and refused to look at anyone. If Sang caught even a hint of how furious and...hurt I was then she would be destroyed. How could Mr. Blackbourne do this to us? He was the one who agreed we should all go only as far as Sang permitted us and he's the one making out with her in the blasted office. I should have stolen my princess when those pictures first surfaced like I wanted to and none of this mess would have happened.

I sighed. I could never do that. Everyone in this room was my family and if they hurt I hurt. I snuck a glance at the rest of the room. Kota was counting probably from a thousand at this point. A swarm of bees could have flown in and out of Luke's mouth and he wouldn't have noticed. Nathan was staring at an unidentified point on the floor, his eyebrows scrunched together and fists tight. Gabriel kept twisting one of the crystal studs in his ear obsessively while shooting daggers of death at Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green. Silas was calm, but the kind of calm that preceded a 10.5 earthquake.

Princess shook so hard her knees knocked together. I don't remember who reached out to touch her. I think it was Blackbourne and North put a death grip on his wrist inches from her cheek. We would run for six hours tomorrow without a shadow of a doubt. Mr. Blackbourne stared down North with such venom a rattlesnake might have backed away. With the slightest flick of the wrist he was out of his grasp. The interaction took approximately thirty seconds, but my princess was too perceptive for her own good sometimes. Her bottom lip started to tremble then her eyes filled up with tears. She covered her face with both hands and stifled a small sob.

All animosity towards each other at that moment dissipated. Our princess thought we hated her and that was unacceptable. I jumped up and in two steps was cradling her in my arms. She curled up in a ball silently sobbing. In moments everyone was all out of their respective spots and circling Sang.

"What did you do?" I hissed at Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green, rubbing her back.

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