Rival Schools - RusAme

By _Cakeeeeee_

13.1K 346 692

Russia and America go to rival schools. They hate each other when it comes to football(soccer). America unint... More

{The Bulls}
{The Cannons}
{Hospital Run}
{Back To School}
{How Rumors Start}
{First Day Back}
{Midnight Shenanigans} ❤️‍🔥
{Now They Know}
{Change of Homes}
{Masking Happiness}
{Competition Awaits}❤️‍🔥
{Too Close To The Sun}

{Safe and Sound}

419 13 16
By _Cakeeeeee_

   "Meri, did you hear? Mr. Russian Empire spoke to the police about us and they are suspending their 'search' on us! We're safe here!"

America looked up from where his head lie on Russia's lap and looked at his sister, a wide grin on her face. At least the police here could listen.

   "Now you can go outside and get some sun," Ukraine muttered, falling onto the couch face first. "I miss Thai. I hope she's doing okay."

   "Is that your girlfriend?"

"I wish. She's just my best friend."


America picked up his phone and looked through the various notifications he had, quickly reading each one until a few particular messages caught his eye.

Germany: {sent a link}
                    You need to read it.
                    Like, your life depends on it.
                    We're here to help.

   America opened the message and noticed the link was to a news story, so he opened it, bracing himself for what he would read. However, America could not get past the headline.

   High School Cross Country Star Kidnapped 3 Sisters To Sell In Trafficking Scheme, According To Parents.

   "Nada, can you read this for me? I- I can't."

   "Sure thing. What is it?"

   Canada took the phone from her brother and read the headline, her face losing color immediately.

   "Heh, that's funny. Trafficking scheme, eh? Oh man, we have the funniest parents ever, dontcha know."

   Ukraine took the phone from Canada and began reading it, slowly looking up at America and Russia after a few quick seconds. Russia caught her eye and nodded, nonverbally telling her to read the article.

A week ago, highly esteemed cross country star America Taylor(18) claimed false abuse allegations against his parents and took his 3 sisters(17, 7, 5) away while his parents spent the night in jail. (The names of the daughters are to be withheld for privacy reasons). Britain Taylor(49), the father, says he warned his son that if his daughters weren't returned in 24 hours, that charges would be filed. However, him and his wife, France Taylor(35), filed the charges 6 hours after when they caught wind that their son had left town.

   Recently, America Taylor has participated in the World Cross Country Championship Meet in Arlingtine, even placing first and is suspected to be within an hour of the school. Police in Micefield have recently announced that they are calling off their search of the suspect, stating that he was not at any location he'd be in, but that they would help an investigation into the abuse allegations.

   America Taylor is reportedly working along side with another male named Russia Morozov(18) and his sister, Ukraine Morozova(16). They have helped him escape the city of Grace Bay and are allegedly trafficking their sister(4). (Name is withheld for privacy reasons). Father of the three has been arrested and identified as Soviet Morozov(48) and has be charged with aiding criminal activity, human trafficking, kidnapping, child abuse, child endangerment, perjury, and defamation. Soviet Morozov is also under investigation but not charged for statutory rape, harassment, hate crimes, and aggravated assault.

   America Taylor, Russia Morozov, and Ukraine Morozova are considered armed and dangerous and should not be approached by the public. Rather, call the emergency number of your city if you suspect someone to be the three named teenagers or the four unnamed trafficked girls.

   If you have any questions or tips, Grace Bay Police Department will take your call at (+2)###-###-#### or will respond to your email at GraceBayPD@outlook.com.

This is a developing story and will be updated       when more information is released.

   "Oh, holy shit."

   America fought his tears as hard as he could, guilt consuming him. His boyfriend and sister were now suspects. His hopefully future father-in-law was arrested and shackled with a heap of crimes. He was armed and dangerous apparently, yet he couldn't stab anyone with a knife if he was told to at gunpoint. America was skinny, like most runners, and he was short. He could not even overpower Ukraine or Canada if he tried and was the shortest person on his teams. Now he was a suspect in not a kidnapping, but a human trafficking case?

   "Russia..." America mumbled, tears fighting to the surface and winning. "Russia..." he mumbled again, not even knowing he was calling his boyfriend's name in a whisper. "Russia..."

   America was alone now. He was alone in nowhere. It was just him, just him sitting in a dark and empty box. The box didn't squish him, it was very spacious. Maybe there were no walls, he couldn't tell through the tears. He sobbed as loudly as he could, screaming for Russia to forgive him. He didn't want Russia, he wanted Russia to forgive him, to be safe. He wanted Russia to break up with him so he could escape the mess he created, all because he decided to call him and not hang up.

   America cursed himself, wishing he did just die on that floor. He cursed himself for calling Russia. He cursed himself for not giving his sisters back. He cursed himself for being the failure the world decided it needed, the failure that puts everyone on the podium. Everyone but him. He was last in everything, everything that mattered. He was the worst in everything too, never once being good at anything. He hated that he was born a man, he wished he was a woman. He wished he could experience his parents love, but he failed the minute his parents conceived him. He was a failure from the start. That's all America was. That's why his parents let him easily go to Grace Bay but not Canada. That's why he had to buy his own shit. That's why he was told to help put another team down so his school's football team can get to the championship and take their Christian rivals out. Guess what, he was supposed to seduce the man, not break his fucking ankle. He was supposed to chitchat, distract the captain. Instead, he fucking tripped and fucked the guy's ankle, landing him in the hospital.

   America understood now. He never did anything right, he always fucked up. If he gave his sister's back, cleared Russia, Ukraine, and Mr. Soviet's name, maybe he could do something right for once. He would take the most likely life or death sentence, and that would be the next thing on the list that he's done correctly. He'd have two things correct, and maybe his parents would love him for just a day. Just a day is all he wants. A day. A single day. Even a minute would suffice.

   America continued to sob, promising that he'd be good from now on. He'd stop being a "fag" and he'd stop having an eating disorder, anxiety,  and depression. Those weren't "normal", they were illnesses that only the Lord could "fix". He needed to repent, and he'd do it no matter what. He'd repent on death row, on the electrocution chair, in prison, in hell. He has to repent. Repent, repent, repent. He cried for forgiveness from the Lord, begging for him to be "fixed". He needed to be "fixed", that would make everyone proud of him. He could finally be "normal", that's all he wanted. "Fixed" and "Normal" were the two words he screamed most, begging and begging.

   Suddenly, the box started shaking, shaking him with. America panicked, not knowing what was going on. Was the Lord "fixing" him? Was he being sent to hell? Was he dead? Dying? Oh, he'd love to die. It would be another thing he could use to cheer his parents for once. Their disgrace of a son, the thing the were forced to call their son, finally dead after a dreadful 18 years.

America began to dissociate. When is he going to get his hair redone? Did Russia ever love him or just the fact he could have sex with him? He annoyed everyone all the time, didn't he? Ghosting people and constantly venting, they had to be sick of him. How long would he survive in a forest? Why was his mom 17 when she had him but his dad was 31? Why was America like this?

Why was America, America? Why couldn't he have been someone like Brazil or Germany or Poland? Why couldn't he be like Russia or Mongolia or Romania? Why couldn't he be as good as South Africa or Israel or Philippines, those cross country legends who are all much better than America. Everyone was better than America. Why did he have to be so shit? Why did he take everyone's worst qualities and merge it into him? Why was he that? Why was he even alive? Why did he not just kill himself yet? Why?

   "Russia, I'm sorry. You should- no. You have to break up with me, right now. We can't do this. I can't do this. I'm not ready. I'm breaking up with you. We were meant to be rivals, I've played hockey against you. Let's stay that way, forever."


   "I would like you to take my sisters home. All three of them. Tell the police I'm in Arlingtine, that your dad is innocent and that it was an inside job. I'm leaving."

   "America, wake up, please."

   "We can't be together anymore. I'll drag you down to hell with me. Go find a nice woman, she'll love you and take you to heaven. People like me who are disappointments to everyone deserve to rot in hell for eternity."

   "Ukraine! Дел! He's not waking up!"

   "Russia, you deserve so much better. The Lord will guide you, that's what Mama and Papa always said. That the Lord will guide everyone but people like me. You aren't like me, you're perfect compared to me. Of course, nobody is perfect, but the Lord will still love and guide you."

   "It's been three days! I don't want him to die! He can't, he can't die! I want Папа!"

   "Trust the Lord, Russia. My death will be a cleanse to the world, trust me."


A/N: Russia and Ukraine have a different surname because one is a masculine form, one is feminine. In many Slavic cultures, the women will have the fathers name in the middle as a feminine version and the surname will be slightly changed to be the feminine version. :)

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