Fantasmical 2023 | Contest Bo...

Autorstwa DreamingAboutCats

284 40 56

My entries for the Fantasmical 2023 contest. Więcej

1. Of Ice And Bones. [WON]
2. Drakonite.
3. A Box Of Memories. [WON]
4. The Uncharted Lands Of The Dead. [WON]
5. Phantasmagoria.
6. A Throne Of Death And Blood.
7. Nekros Manteia.
8. Of Lies And Betrayal. [WON]
9. A Kingdom Of Illusions.
10. A Fortuitous Alliance.
11. The Final Confrontation.
12. A Spellbinding Festival. [WON]
[ONC20] Drakaina {excerpt}

My Character:

43 5 6
Autorstwa DreamingAboutCats

Name: Evangeline Winterborne.

Age: Twenty-seven.

Gender: Female.

Ancestry/Ethnicity: Chinese heritage. Though she grew up disconnected from her roots - born and raised on a farm somewhere in rural Canada, Evangeline strives to learn more about the history and the myths associated with her ethnicity which leads to her learning of her interesting ancestry - a distant relative of The Goddess of Dragons. While she may not possess the full extent of divine abilities associated with her distant relative (yet), the essence of her dragon lineage shapes her identity, aspirations, and journey, infusing her with a touch of otherworldly wonder and potential. It fuels her unquenchable wanderlust, unbound desire for the unknown, love for nature, and thirst for adventure.

This longing drives her on a personal journey of exploration and discovery.

Appearance: Evangeline is a striking young woman with long, flowing auburn hair that falls to her waist but is always confined to a French braid. Her piercing eyes are a mesmerizing shade of deep emerald green framed by thick lashes and arched brows. 

She stands at an average height with a slender yet athletic build, and her tawny skin is adorned with scattered freckles across her nose and cheeks due to constant exposure to the unforgiving sun from helping around the farm when she's resting from her endless adventures. She has a charismatic smile that reveals a set of slightly crooked teeth that only add to her natural, earthy charm. 

She possesses a practical fashion sense. Her style combines functionality, durability, and a touch of individuality, allowing her to navigate various terrains and climates while expressing her personal flair.

Background: Born into a family of full-time farmers and part-time renowned explorers and adventurers, Evangeline inherited a thirst for discovery and a love for the unknown. She first learned of her love for nature from a young age when she'd help her parents around the farm, taking care of animals and learning patience through growing crops. Her thirst for adventure bloomed when she started to accompany her parents on expeditions to far-flung corners of the world, learning survival skills, mastering multiple languages, and becoming an expert in ancient civilizations and artifacts.

Education: Evangeline has obtained a bachelor's degree in Archaeology and Anthropology. Her studies have exposed her to various disciplines, including history, cultural studies, archaeology, and social sciences. 

She attends seminars, workshops, and conferences related to her areas of interest, keeping herself updated with the latest research, discoveries, and academic discourse. 

She devotes time to independent study, engaging in self-directed research, reading, and exploration which allows her to broaden her understanding beyond the confines of traditional classrooms. Evangeline also embraces an interdisciplinary approach, seeking connections and insights across different fields of study. She incorporates elements of history, mythology, folklore, and even natural sciences into her exploration of cultures and civilizations which provides a holistic view of the subjects she investigates.

Career: Evangeline works as an archaeologist, specializing in the excavation and preservation of historical sites and artifacts. She actively engages in fieldwork, participating in archaeological digs, expeditions, and research projects. Her work involves careful excavation, documentation, and analysis of artifacts, contributing to the broader understanding of human history.

Evangeline is an avid researcher and author, publishing scholarly articles, books, and papers on topics related to archaeology, anthropology, and cultural history.

Personality: Evangeline possesses a curious and inquisitive mind, an insatiable curiosity, and a thirst for knowledge. She is intelligent, resourceful, and always seeking new challenges. She possesses a deep reverence for history and a passion for uncovering hidden truths. Her adventurous spirit is at the core of her being. 

She possesses a bold and courageous nature, always seeking new experiences and embracing the unknown. Her willingness to venture into uncharted territories, both physically and intellectually, fuels her sense of discovery and fuels her passion for exploration.

She's determined, resilient, independent, and has a positive outlook on life, no matter how many lemons, or cobwebs, life throws at her. She is also known for her compassion and empathy towards others, always striving to do what is right and never hesitating to protect those in need. She's also very warm and open and always welcomes conversations with strangers.

Quirks: Evangeline has a habit of carrying a small notebook or sketchbook with her wherever she goes to document her experiences and observations and sketch interesting places, people, or artifacts she encounters during her adventures. She has a collection of feathers that she stumbled upon during her travels. She also has a passion for languages and enjoys picking up words and phrases from the cultures she encounters.

Skills: Evangeline is a skilled archaeologist, adept at deciphering ancient texts, unraveling mysteries, and piecing together historical puzzles. She is physically fit and possesses excellent combat and survival skills, honed through years of rigorous training. Her linguistic abilities allow her to communicate fluently in multiple languages, giving her an advantage in various cultural settings and helping her bridge cultural gaps and connect with people from diverse backgrounds.

Interests: Evangeline possesses a wide range of interests that reflect her passion: travel, exploration, history, archaeology, literature, mythology, nature, and culinary exploration...

Hobbies/Likes: Evangeline has several hobbies that she engages in during her free time: reading, sketching, walking, experimenting with different cuisines she's encountered (though, she's a terrible cook), and meditating. Evangeline likes connecting with people from all walks of life, cultural immersion, ancient history and mythology, adventure, exploration...

Plus, must be her draconian roots, but Evangeline absolutely loves flying...airplanes for now since she's unable to fly in her human form.

Dislikes: Evangeline is an open-minded and accepting individual, so, she hates: intolerance, prejudice, dishonesty, disrespect to different cultures and to cultural heritages, close-mindedness, excessive materialism, animal cruelty, ignorance...

Strengths: Evangeline displays exceptional cultural adaptability. Her intellectual curiosity drives her to constantly seek knowledge and adapt to new situations while empathy and compassion characterize her interactions. Resilience empowers her to bounce back from any setbacks and remain focused on her goals as she guides herself with strong intuition, aided by her physical fitness and stamina.  Excellent cross-cultural communication, problem-solving skills, leadership qualities, and adaptability round out her strengths.

Weaknesses: Evangeline's thirst for adventure can sometimes lead her to take risks without fully considering the consequences. She can be overly trusting, which occasionally puts her in dangerous situations. Additionally, her determination to uncover the truth may sometimes cloud her judgment and make her susceptible to manipulation. She's also a very impatient perfectionist who struggles to maintain a healthy work-life balance. She also finds it challenging to open up and be vulnerable with others.

Fears: Evangeline is scared of failure for she holds high expectations for herself and fears falling short of her own standards. Despite her independent nature, Evangeline fears being isolated or disconnected from others. 

Motivation: Evangeline's driving force is the pursuit of knowledge and the preservation of history. She believes that every artifact holds a story and seeks to unravel the secrets they hold. She is motivated by the desire to protect and safeguard the past, ensuring that the lessons and wisdom of ancient civilizations are not forgotten.

She's also driven by an itch, one curious and eager part of her seeking to be free, to discover and taste the powers of her dragon blood.

Special powers: Her Draconian genes allow her to heal faster than a normal human and give her a boost in her physical strength. Her dragon side is dormant still so her powers are within the boundaries of human capabilities.

Famous Quote: "The past holds the key to our future. It is our duty to unlock its mysteries and learn from the wisdom of those who came before us."

Hope you like my character, it's like Tomb Raider but with an extra sprinkle of Fantasy and no daddy and mommy issues!

Czytaj Dalej

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