Daisy in a Meadow

By EmmUrFav

596K 21.4K 17K

Daisy Johnson has never had it easy. Whether it be at home where her mother hardly notices her, or at school... More

1 - Crazy Daisy
2 - Stranded
3 - Claustrophobia
4 - Bubble Tea
5 - Friend
6 - Ruby
7 - Cheer Squad
8 - Betrayal
9 - Home
10 - Lunchtime
11 - Captain
12 - Drunk
13 - Pool
14 - Followed
15 - Secrets
16 - Underground
17 - Fight
18 - Groceries
19 - Closure
20 - Universities
21 - Intrusion
22 - Eavesdropping
23 - Park
24 - Dishes
25 - Movie
26 - Perspectives
27 - Phys Ed Class
28 - Distance
29 - Alone
30 - Christmas Eve
31 - Changes
32 - Badminton
33 - Tryouts
34 - Unannounced Visits
35 - A Deal's A Deal
36 - Acceptance
37 - Fight
38 - Expulsion
39 - Confessions
40 - Love
42 - Break Up
43 - Regret
44 - Split Second
45 - Awake

41 - Betrayal

9K 313 429
By EmmUrFav

I stood in front of my locker, ready to stuff my binders and textbooks away before heading to the cafeteria. It was a typical Monday afternoon, filled with the usual hustle and bustle of high school life. Just as I spun the combination lock, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw Chelsea standing there, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Hey, Daisy," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I've got something for you."

I grunted as she shoved a stack of folders and papers into my arms. The mere weight of it caused my arms to wobble.

"What's all this?" I asked, bewildered.

"These, my dear friend, are everything you need to know about the cheer team—past games, documents, practice schedules, you name it."

My confusion only deepened. "I'm not following, Chels. Why would I need all this?"

"Because, my dear friend," Chelsea grinned, "you've been nominated as the new captain."

My jaw dropped, and the folders nearly slipped from her grasp. My mind struggled to process Chelsea's words. Captain of the cheer team? It seemed inconceivable.

"What? Me? Captain?" I stammered, my voice barely a whisper. I looked at Chelsea, hoping for some explanation or reassurance.

She nodded, her face beaming with confidence. "Yes, you, Daisy. After what happened with Heather, the team got together and decided that you would be the perfect person to lead us. You're passionate, dedicated, and you have a natural talent for motivating others."

"But, what about you? I mean, you've been a cheerleader since freshman year. I've only just joined the team!"

"That's exactly why we chose you," she remained undeterred. "You bring a fresh perspective, untainted by the expectations of our past captain. They believe in you, Daisy. And so do I."

I took a deep breath, letting Chelsea's words sink in. The weight of the folders in my hands suddenly felt lighter, as a newfound determination welled up within me. I looked up at Chelsea, my eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and determination.

"Alright," I eventually said, my voice steady and resolute. "I'll do it. I'll be the captain of the cheer team."

Chelsea squealed and giddily clapped her hands. Before I could give the matter much more thought, a pair of familiar calloused hands gently covered my eyes, blocking my vision.

"Guess who," a voice mischieviosly whispered into my ear.

My heart skipped a beat, recognizing the husky voice instantly. "I've got not clue who it could possibly be," I deadpanned.

"Come on, just take a guess," he insisted, and despite my eyes being covered, I could picture Elias smirking perfectly. The upward tilt of his lip, the teasing look in his eyes.

Chelsea snickered and played along. "Oh, Daisy, it could be anyone. Maybe it's that hottie who asked for your number last night, or the new guy with the dreamy eyes—Ben, was it?"

Elias finally moved his hands away. With that, Chelsea and I began to walk in the direction of the cafeteria.

For a moment, he silently trailed after us. Then, after casually sniffing, he quickly asked me,  "someone asked you for your number last night?"

He attempted to look nonchalant, but with the way his dark eyes were narrowed into slits, he practically reeked of possessiveness.

"It was just a joke," Malcolm chortled from behind. "And people call me the stupid one?"

I jumped, having not noticed that Malcolm had joined us in step.

"No one calls you stupid," Chelsea poorly consoled him while blowing on a piece of bubble gum.

"Actually, they do," Elias mused.

Malcolm rolled his blue eyes. We had all made it to the cafeteria by now, sitting at the table we usually sat at. I was surprised Malcolm hadn't said anything out of the ordinary. It was the first time he'd really had the chance to speak to me since the whole debacle at the party.

Now that I thought about it, everyone had been acting strangely... normal. With Heather outing my darkest secret like that, I'd braced myself for the very worst—after all, the students at Oakland High loved to gossip, and I was sure tons of nasty rumors about me had spread. Yet, oddly enough, things appeared to be the same as ever.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Malcolm gave me a strange look. "Have I got spinach in my teeth?"

"What? No," I laughed, having not realized I'd been staring at him. "It's just... after everything that went down on Friday, I'm surprised you're not mad at me or anything."

"Don't be ridiculous," Malcolm said so sharply that all of us looked at him in surprise. "I don't give a duck about what Heather, or what anybody else for that matter, says about you. You're like a sister to me, Daisy. I'll always be on your side."

"Wow, thanks Malcolm," my shoulders sagged in relief. "That means a lot."

A small part of me had been afraid that everyone would judge me as harshly as I had always judged myself.

Almost as if he could hear my thoughts, Elias placed a warm, comforting hand on my thigh underneath the table. I bit my lip and discreetly smiled at him. While I was certain he'd only been trying to help soothe me, my heart was now racing at the spark his touch aroused.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed a hooded figure passing by our table. I initially thought nothing of it, but once I saw familiar short dreads peeking out from the hood, I quickly realized who it was.

"Andre?" I called out.

Chelsea and Malcolm, who had been debating over whether pancakes or waffles tasted better, immediately stopped talking. Likewise, Elias straightened up and analyzed Andre, who froze and turned around at the sound of my voice.

I cast Andre a hesitant wave, although he did not return the gesture and looked away from me.

"Oh," he murmured, "hey, guys. I didn't see you there."

There was an awkward hint behind his words, and I felt dread pool in my stomach. After Andre had confessed his feelings for me, I had hoped that things would simply go back to normal. However, I was a fool to even think that could happen.

In an attempt to ease the tension, Malcolm laughed at Andre. "What's with the hood? You look like the Grim Reaper."

Andre's dark eyes flashed in anger. "Shut up, Malcolm," he snapped, causing Malcolm to recoil.

"Relax, it was just a joke," Elias ordered.

Andre looked like he wanted to argue, but as his eyes trailed over to Elias, he glanced underneath the table and caught sight of Elias' hand on my thigh.

"Right," Andre bitterly said. "So, I take it you two are official now?"

I was slightly caught off guard by the question, however Elias responded with quickness, almost as if he was proud to be with me.

"Yes, we are," he said, quirking a brow almost challengingly. "Is there a problem with that?"

With unease, I placed my hand over Elias', silently warning him not to worsen this already disastrous situation. This was exactly what I'd been trying to avoid. It felt as though I was driving a wedge between Elias and Andre, and the last thing I wanted to do was get in the way of their friendship.

"Of course there isn't," Andre eventually replied. "Anyways, I should get going."

We all peered up at him in surprise.

"You're not sitting with us?" I softly questioned, a frown tainting my lips.

Andre avoided looking me in the eye and shoved his hands in his pockets. "No, I think I'll sit with my other friends for today."

"What other friends?" Malcolm snorted.

The rest of us poorly suppressed our giggles at that, which caused Andre to grow irritated.

"I've got tons of other friends besides you guys," he snapped, causing us to quickly simmer down. "And at least none of them are murderers."

I felt my heart stop at the snide comment. Elias' reaction was immediate. He banged his fists on the table and jumped up, causing nearly everyone in the cafeteria to look our way.

"You wanna repeat that?" he growled, his arm muscles pulsating.

"I think you heard me perfectly clear the first time," Andre calmly sassed.

Elias glared at Andre, dark eyes narrowing with intensity. "I'd stop talking if I were you."

"First you ask me to repeat myself, then you tell me to stop talking, which one is it?"

Elias emitted a low chuckle, and the sound was almost lethal. "You really don't want to push me further," he warned.

"Fine," Andre scoffed, pivoting.

Though, just as Andre began to walk away, I called after him.

"Is that really want you think of me?" I asked quietly. "That I'm just some... some murderer?"

"Honestly, yeah, Daisy, it is," Andre bluntly admitted, "it feels like I barely even know you anymore. What other messed up secrets are you hiding?"

"Shut the fuck up, Andre, you don't know jack," Elias snarled defensively.

"She's the one who asked me a question, I was just answering," Andre stated. "Besides, Daisy, you haven't exactly denied the rumors, have you?"

I remained silent.

"Exactly," Andre nodded, as if my silence had proved his point.

"I don't understand," I whispered in hurt. "No one else has a problem with me, and you're... you're supposed to be my friend."

"Are you really that naive?" Andre questioned. "Everyone's thinking it. They're just too afraid to voice it because your little boyfriend here is threatening people not to say anything—at least, not around you."

"That's enough, Andre!" Malcolm said, sounding serious for once.

It was no use. The damage was already done. I looked at Elias in utter disbelief.

"Is that true?" I whispered, although I shouldn't have even bothered. His face was completely devoid of emotion, and the only telltale that he'd even heard me was his clenched jaw. Gosh, could he at least pretend to look guilty?

Feeling strangely disappointed, I got up and began to walk out of the cafeteria.

"Good going, you guys," I could hear Chelsea distinctly scolding the boys after I left.

"Hey, I'm innocent in all this," Malcolm defended himself.

"Yeah, for once..." Chelsea's voice faded into the distance once I entered the hallway.

I had only barely made it around the corner before I heard footsteps behind me. I internally cursed Elias and his long legs.

"Wait up, D," he desperately called after me. "Come on, where are you going?"

"Are you even sorry?" I swiveled around so quickly that he looked surprised.

He stared at me for a moment, then, "no," he admitted.

I scoffed and turned away once more. "Unbelievable."

"Please, D, you have to understand. I was just trying to protect you," he hoarsely pleaded, persistently trailing after me.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I don't need your protection, nor do I want it!" I turned back around, angrily tucking my curly hair behind my ear. "I can take care of my own."

"Of course you can, I know that," he frustratedly ran a hand through his disheveled brown hair.

"Yeah, well, it sure doesn't seem like it," I snapped, before gripping onto the sides of my backpack and storming away.

I felt Elias' hooded eyes trail after my figure as I left. Heard his deep voice call out my name. Nonetheless, I resumed my departure, deciding that I'd better head home for the remainder of the day and spend some time alone.

I didn't know which one hurt more, Andre's clear disgust of me, or Elias' unashamed betrayal.

Gosh, the look on Andre's face back in the cafeteria—he looked repulsed by me, by what I'd done. My rejection had already given him enough reason to hate me. This was just the tip of the iceberg.

As for Elias? I honestly just felt disappointed. I mean, he was supposed to be my boyfriend. Sure, I suppose he had good intent, but how was I supposed to trust him if he goes behind my back like that?

I hoped that everything would blow over. That we'd all come to our senses and the five of us could go back to being one happy little family. Though, knowing my luck, the worst was yet to come.


QOTD: do u prefer using card or cash
AOTD: card

Hmm, what do you guys think about the way Andre's acting?

Hope you liked this chapter. More coming. Please vote and comment!

Love, Emmanuela


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