Crest of the Strongest Knight

By SeiraAstramor

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In the Avalyne Empire, there is only one way to achieve greatness: exhibition matches. Those who possess the... More

Chapter 1 - A Knight's Honor
Chapter 2 - A Knight's Reality
Chapter 3 - Under the Golden Bough
Chapter 4 - Tradition
Chapter 5 - Declaration
Chapter 7 - Challenge
Chapter 8 - Preparation
Chapter 9 - Reason
Chapter 10 - Match
Chapter 11 - Oath
Chapter 12 - Winding Down
Chapter 13 - A Knight's Greatest Foe
Chapter 14 - Catalyst
Chapter 15 - Parade
Chapter 16 - The Princess' Challenge
Chapter 17 - Clashing Pride
Chapter 18 - Sunrise
Chapter 19 - Separation
Chapter 20 - Gathering Courage
Chapter 21 - With Her Own Hands
Chapter 22 - Heartsworn
Chapter 23 - Refusal
Chapter 24 - The Meaning of Unity
Chapter 25 - Viviane's Request
Chapter 26 - Proof
Chapter 27 - The Greatest Archer
Chapter 28 - To Surpass a Knight
Chapter 29 - Sakura's Secret
Chapter 30 - Jade Beauty
Chapter 31 - Readiness
Chapter 32 - Viviane's Challenge
Chapter 33 - Reunion
Chapter 34 - The Reason for Victory
Chapter 35 - Together As One
Chapter 36 - Sunset
Chapter 37 - Imperial Delusions
Chapter 38 - Freedom and Love
Chapter 39 - Courage
Chapter 40 - Awakening
Chapter 41 - Promises and Jumbled Thoughts
Chapter 42 - Unfinished Words
Chapter 43 - An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 44 - Their First Dance
Chapter 45 - Prophecy
Chapter 46 - The Duke's Duties
Chapter 47 - Duke Castellia's Duel
Chapter 48 - The Missing Prince
Chapter 49 - Broken Oath & Silent Tears
Chapter 50 - Festival Preparations
Chapter 51 - Shortage
Chapter 52 - Brewing Courage
Chapter 53 - Finding the Timing
Chapter 54 - An Unfortunate Encounter
Chapter 55 - Confession
Chapter 56 - Congratulations
Chapter 57 - Everything
Chapter 58 - First Date
Chapter 59 - Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 60 - Fireworks
Chapter 61 - Witch
Chapter 62 - The Future We Sought
Chapter 63 - Betrayal
Chapter 64, Part 1 Finale - A Knight's Tears
Chapter 65 - Farewell in Flames
Chapter 66 - Crest Metamorphosis
Chapter 67 - Rosaline's Plight
Chapter 68 - Defenestration
Chapter 69 - Doubt
Chapter 70 - Leticia's Challenge
Chapter 71 - Who Am I
Chapter 72 - One Hand Empty
Chapter 73 - Decisive Strike
Chapter 74 - Forging Futures
Chapter 75 - Rosaline's Crest
Chapter 76 - Heart and Sun
Chapter 77 - By Your Side
Chapter 78 - Briefing
Chapter 79 - Burden of an Instructor
Chapter 80 - Blinded by Love
Chapter 81 - Departure
Chapter 83 - The Nature of Poison
Chapter 83 - Unfamiliar Territory
Chapter 84 - Impiety
Chapter 85 - Marilyn's Escape
Chapter 86 - Marilyn's Resolve
Chapter 87 - Hidden Message
Chapter 88 - Ambush
Chapter 89 - A Familiar Face
Chapter 90 - Lady Castellia
Chapter 91 - Tense Arrival
Chapter 92 - Mysterious Pain
Chapter 93 - First Clue
Chapter 94 - Their First Night
Chapter 95 - All in the Past
Chapter 96 - The Price of Generosity
Chapter 97 - Insidious Sickness
Chapter 98 - Antidote
Chapter 99 - Returning to the Surface
Chapter 100 - I'll Light Your Way
Chapter 101 - Unexpected Visitors
Chapter 102 - Holding the Line
Chapter 103 - Diversionary Tactics
Chapter 104 - Escape
Chapter 105 - Haven
Chapter 106 - Taking Charge
Chapter 107 - War Preparations
Chapter 108 - Future Sight
Chapter 109 - Familiar Business
Chapter 110 - Compiling Information
Chapter 111 - Informant
Chapter 112 - Topside
Chapter 113 - Catching a Rat
Chapter 114 - Before the Interrogation
Chapter 115 - Laid Bare
Chapter 166 - A Lord's Prelude
Chapter 117 - A Missing Mother
Chapter 118 - Making Morale
Chapter 119 - Into the Fray
Chapter 120 - Dueling Resolve
Chapter 121 - Pride & Love
Chapter 122 - Changing the Tide
Chapter 123 - Viviane's Courage
Chapter 124 - Unending Army
Chapter 125 - Into the Castle
Chapter 126 - Toward the End
Chapter 127 - The Desire to Win
Chapter 128 - With My Weakest
Chapter 129 - Untouchable Heart
Chapter 130 - The Beast Within
Chapter 131 - Liminal Space
Chapter 132 - Amelia's Prize
Chapter 133, Part 2 Finale - Rise
Chapter 134 - A Matter of Lineage
Chapter 135 - Assimilation
Chapter 136 - Toward Destiny
Chapter 137 - Mysterious Power
Chapter 138 - Silver Bane
Chapter 139 - Auspicious Slumber
Chapter 140 - The Other Tower
Chapter 141 - Shifting South
Chapter 142 - Tower of Answers
Chapter 143 - Wall of Questions
Chapter 144 - The Last Paladin
Chapter 145 - Wake Up Soon
Chapter 146 - Ancient Sin
Chapter 147 - Ascent
Chapter 148 - The Walpurgisknight
Chapter 149 - Undying
Chapter 150 - Heartless
Chapter 151 - Zephyr
Chapter 152 - Escape
Chapter 153 - The Other Fronts
Chapter 154 - Heart to Heart
Chapter 155 - Reflection
Chapter 156 - Eris' Promise
Chapter 157 - Thawing Snowflower
Chapter 158 - Knight Errant
Chapter 159 - Eris' Resolution
Chapter 160 - Preservation
Chapter 161 - Scouting Ahead
Chapter 162 - Secrets
Chapter 163 - Initial Engagement
Chapter 164 - Colossal Absence
Chapter 165 - Inheritance
Chapter 166 - Unexpected Advance
Chapter 167 - Mysterious Power
Chapter 168 - Swallowing Pride
Chapter 169 - No More Lies
Chapter 170 - Awake At Last
Chapter 171 - A Brief Respite
Chapter 172 - Unexpected Evolution
Chapter 173 - Lone Survivor
Chapter 174 - Under Fire
Chapter 175 - Carnwennan
Chapter 176 - Into the Flames
Chapter 177 - Struggle
Chapter 178 - Her Memories; Her Story
Chapter 179 - Solar Prominence
Chapter 180 - Choice
Chapter 181 - Rescue
Chapter 182 - Clarent
Chapter 183 - Could Have Been
Chapter 184 - Faceless
Chapter 185 - Hello
Chapter 185 - Goodbye
Chapter 187, Part 3 Finale - Promises
Chapter 188 - Return
Chapter 189 - Welcome Back
Chapter 190 - No Time Wasted
Chapter 191 - A Knight's Reunion
Chapter 192 - Before the Roar
Chapter 193 - One Way
Chapter 194 - Into the Spire
Chapter 195 - Ascent
Chapter 196 - Volutia
Chapter 197 - Creature of Darkness
Chapter 198 - Bloom
Chapter 199 - False Hopes; False Promises
Chapter 200 - To the Top

Chapter 6 - The Strongest Knight

770 62 11
By SeiraAstramor

Ritya was the first to recover from the initial shock of Medrauta's declaration.

"You cannot challenge us to a duel! You have no personal stake in this conflict!"

"Hah! No, let her!" Bastiche laughed, a cackling sound that clearly conveyed how idiotic he thought Medrauta was. "I don't care if she's known as the 'strongest knight'! What the hell is she going to do without a lord by her side, huh?"

"Fool," Medrauta spat. "I challenged these knights to a duel, not a match. 'The nobles are governed by different rules than we', are they not, Ritya? Tell him about the rules that govern us knights."

"...Dame Medrauta is correct, Lord Bastiche. Nobles may not aid us during duels. However, this challenge is invalid. She has no personal involvement in this situation."

"Oh? But I do."

Ritya looked at Medrauta skeptically. "...And what is your stake, praytell?"

Medrauta grinned. More accurately, the expression that she displayed on her face right now was not a smile, but that of a predator baring their fangs at their prey. "The highest of them all. I am Lady Viviane's knight, and you have all slighted her."

"H-Huh?" Though confused, Viviane stared up at Medrauta in wonder, her once dulled eyes now glistening with not tears, but rays of hope.

"I must have disappointed you, Lady Viviane. To think that you would seek to replace me with another... Allow me to dispatch these ten fools in your name," Medrauta smirked. "Then, we can have a nice long talk afterwards."

...What? No... It can't be! Did I miscalculate!? A thorn of fear and doubt shot into Ritya's heart for the first time since Medrauta had entered the room. She was used to being calm and composed. She was used to controlling the situation around her merely with words, and using only the most elegant methods of force to dispatch her enemies if needed.

Yet, Medrauta had turned the situation around with only a single declaration. Ritya stepped backward, her body instinctively understanding that Medrauta was by far her superior in single combat.

Wait... I'm not alone this time! This isn't single combat! She challenged us all! A surge of hope rose in Ritya's chest then. That's right! She might be strong, but there's no way she can defeat all ten of us!

"Nobles. Clear the area," Medrauta commanded. "Knights. Draw your swords or shame yourselves and your oathsworn for now and forever."

One by one, the knights looked upon one another and nodded, as if affirming something. Slowly, they encircled Medrauta as the nobles vacated the center of the training hall, climbing up onto the bleachers by the edges of the hall to watch.

The sound of steel slithering against leather was the only noise in the training hall for a good couple of seconds. It wasn't until Medrauta drew her own sword that the reality of the situation truly began to sink in for all the knights in the training hall.

Although she was the 'strongest knight', it was still suicidal to challenge ten knights simultaneously, especially when none of them could be considered weak by any measure. If it had been any other knight, they would have been defeated instantly.

However, Medrauta was not 'any other knight.'

The shuffling of leather boots against the hardwood floor. The adrenaline-laden breaths of her opponents as their bodies acclimatized to combat. All of these were sounds that would have been insignificant to any other knight, but not to Medrauta.

By taking in even the most insignificant of minutiae, Medrauta deduced her opponents' coordinated attack a second before they could strike.

And a mere second was all she needed.

As all ten knights thrust at her encircled position in tandem, Medrauta leapt upwards and thrust the tip of her sword down rapidly, striking the point where her opponents' swords all converged and propelling her outside of their formation.

"W-What!?" One of the knights cried out in surprise as Medrauta sailed over his head. He whirled around to face her, only to find his vision obscured by a flash of silver before everything went dark.

Medrauta flourished her sword, leveling its point toward the nine remaining knights who were still standing. A few of the knights shuffled backward, fear visible in their eyes.

Though the swords that knights carried outside of matches were blunted, they were still heavy and dangerous enough to cause serious wounds as evidenced by the knight that Medrauta had struck down.

The knight laid sprawled on the ground, blood trickling from a rapidly bruising wound on the side of his head. Despite holding back, Medrauta's strike had wounded him greatly.

Seeing as none of the knights dared to advance even with superior numbers, Medrauta spoke.


"What... the hell? Are you looking down on us?" One of the knights grit their teeth in anger, his grip tightening around the hilt of his slender rapier. With a roar, he charged forward in a lunging thrust intended to put Medrauta in her place.

Medrauta leaned to the side with contemptuous ease, avoiding the knight's thrust and grabbing the blade of his rapier with her free hand. Her sword flicked upwards once, its point catching the boy on the cheek and tearing the skin there.

"A-Aaaugh!" He screamed in agony, releasing his rapier and clutching his face as he dropped to the ground.

While Medrauta had been preoccupied with the rapier-wielding knight, two other knights had advanced toward her in an attempt to take advantage of the situation and flank her.

They converged toward Medrauta's position from both sides, one of them wielding a large battle-axe while the other held a standard longsword.

Still clutching onto the rapier's blade, Medrauta eyed the two new threats and stepped explosively to her right, catapulting her forward to meet the longsword-wielding knight and intercepting her advance.

Surprised by the sudden speed of Medrauta's arrival, the knight could do nothing but desperately raise her weapon in an attempt to guard. Yet, that attempt would be in vain.

Medrauta lashed out not with her sword, but with the rapier that she held in her off-hand. While the knight's guard would have blocked an attack from a blade, the heavy hilt of the rapier was a different story.

Medrauta swung the weapon thrice, first knocking the knight's blade aside before slamming the weighted hilt of the weapon into the knight's head twice in rapid succession and rendering them unconscious.

Not built to handle such punishment, the rapier snapped, half of it hitting the ground along with the knight that it had smote a mere second earlier. Medrauta dropped the now-broken blade as she whirled around to face the other knight.

Their battle-axe was held aloft, and when Medrauta turned, it had already begun its downward descent. A wicked hiss split the air as the enormous weapon swung down at Medrauta's head, but she remained unfazed.

Instead, she stepped to the side with ease, allowing the massive head of the battle-axe to fall beside her, ending the death-heralding hiss that followed in its wake.


With one smooth motion, Medrauta had pivoted and brought the pommel of her sword to the knight's temple, fracturing their skull and removing them from the fight immediately.

Within seconds, four knights had already fallen. Not only that, but they were dispatched with an almost mocking ease. The remaining five knights steeled themselves despite the dread that was quickly spreading through their bodies.

One by one, the remaining knights charged toward Medrauta after gathering their courage, employing all the fruits of their training in the hopes of breaking through her defense at last, only to be swatted away like flies.

In the end, there was only a single knight who remained.

"T-This... This isn't possible..."


"N-No! S-Stay away from me!"

Medrauta took a step toward the sole remaining knight.

"S-Stop! Stay back!"

And another step.

"D-Don't come a-any closer! I'm w-warning you!"


The sword that Ritya had clumsily brandished at Medrauta in a fruitless attempt to ward her off had been knocked from her hands with a powerful strike. It clattered uselessly to the ground.

"Do you understand now? What it means to be called the 'strongest knight'?"

Ritya collapsed onto her knees, staring up at Medrauta in disbelief and despair. "You're no knight... You're a monster..."

For a moment, the look in Medrauta's eyes darkened. And then she smiled. A terrifyingly nightmare-inducing smile. "No, Ritya. I am the knight you send to kill monsters."

And then, Ritya's world vanished before her eyes.

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