Cruel World

By lovealwaysk

501 5 0

Goodbye sweet, innocent girl. Off you go into a cruel world. Roan x OC Bellamy x OC More



47 0 0
By lovealwaysk

We waited for a minute longer trying to see if they were still there, there was even a chance they would shoot us as soon as we moved, but we saw no movement. We decided to run.

We ran and kept running until Monty tripped. Octavia and Adeline rushed to help him but he wouldn't  move "Monty get up, come on we have to move".

While Octavia and Adeline were trying to force him up, Clarke was looking at what is in front of his face. "Who are they?" Finn asked as Clarke grabbed a skull.

"What are they?"

"We are so screwed" then they heard a scream it was Jasper, they didn't hit him in the heart he's still alive.

Clarke took off back to the River "Clarke wait, wait" Finn grabbed her "stay out of the trees" she listened and hanged back, when they looked to where Jasper was we saw nobody they took him.

"He was right there".

"Where is he?"

"They took him" she finished.

They spent the rest of the time rushing back taking breaks between running and walking swiftly, they needed to get back and tell everyone as well as get Jasper back as soon as possible.

When they arrived there was so much noise and cheering, they walked in and saw Wells having Murphy in a chokehold "Wells stop it, what are you doing?" "Let him go". Wells shoved him to the ground and Murphy tries to go back at him but Bellamy gets a hold of him.

"Enough Murphy you had your fun" then he turns to Octavia "Octavia are you all right" he takes her from Monty.


"Where's the food?"

Finn answers him "we didn't make it to Mount Weather".

"What the help happened out there?"

Clarke jumps in "we were attacked".

"Attacked? By what?"

"Not what, who". "It turns out when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last grounder".

"It's true". "Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong". "There are people here, survivors". "The good news is that means we can survive, that means radiation won't kill us".

"Yeah but the bad news, the grounders will" Adeline adds.

"Where's the kid with the goggles" Wells asks.

"Jasper was hit, they took him" she pause "they hit him with a spear from the trees, he's alive though we heard him".

Clarke then goes into a big thing about Wells not having his wristband on, but we can tell he definitely didn't take it off willingly, Wells also tells Clarke to ask Bellamy, just proves her point.

"How many?"

"24 and counting" Murphy answers her.

"You idiots" "life support on the Ark is failing". "That's why they brought us down here, they need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there". "If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them, you're killing us!" She finishes.

In attempt to maintain his leadership Bellamy begins to protest "we're stronger than you think". "Don't listen to her". "She's one of the privileged, if they come down, she'll have it good"-

Adeline cuts him off "then listen to me-"

"Her dad's a doctor!" Someone yells.

"I was been locked in a cell for 3 years nearly 4" Adeline raises her arm up ignoring the boy "I still have my wrist band on, you may say Clarke can not understand but you need to remember she was locked up too". "We will die if we do not start working together, the grounders that hit Jasper have gained skills; skills that we don't have, they perfectly hit him  from trees that were a few hundred feet and we are a bunch of inexperienced teenagers with one gun and no protection". "We need shelter, we need food and we need weapons-"

"That wrist band on your arm makes you a prisoner-"

"Bellamy listen we need to build a wall I don't care if you claim to be in charge no one cares who's in charge not me, not Clarke no one, all we care about is surviving, we need to hunt; we need a wall, so I do not care that you are in charge but start making the calls that will keep us alive" he stays silent, watching her and taking in everything Adelines said.

Clarke walks off Monty goes after her as does Adeline. "What do we do know?" Monty asks.

"Now we go after Jasper".

We allow Clarke space while Adeline goes and check on Octavia. "How's your leg?"

"Just a scratch" we laugh.

"Definitely not just a scratch".

"It's fine really, I can already walk on it".

"Okay if you say so". She sits with her waiting to be grabbed by Clarke, as Octavia sharpens a blade someone's crafted probably Murphy.

The two occasionally talk but nothing really other than small talk. Bellamy walk over to try and tend to her leg. "Good speech".

"Yeah? Are you going to do anything about it?"

"It was good, and I just might" he winks at her, she just rolls her eyes and Octavia leans her head on Adelines shoulder, he watches as she does.

"Hey you coming" Clarke calls as she walks over with Wells.

"Yeah of course" she kisses the side of Octavia head as she gets up.

"Wait you guys are going already?"

"Yeah can't waste any light".

She attempts to get up, Bellamy and Adeline gently sit her back down, "your legs just going to slow us down" Clarke tells her.

"It's true, we'll be back as soon as possible" Adeline looks at Bellamy "you have your gun right?" He lifts up his shirt showing the gun in his waistband "good come on then".

"I never agreed to that" she narrows her eyes at him.

"Unless you want to give me then gun come on". He rolls his eyes but follows nonetheless, he gives a hug to Octavia then follows after Adeline.

"Murphy come with me" "Atom, my sister doesn't leave this camp, is that clear?" He nods.

"I don't need a babysitter".

"Anybody touches her, they answer to me". He nods again.

Clarke continues waking fast and Bellamy decides he's gonna speak "hey, wait up, what's the rush?" "He's probably dead anyways" she stops.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him, if the spear struck his heart he would have died instantly, it doesn't mean we have time to waste".

"As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go".

"The only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead is if I'm dead".

"Brave princess"

They're about 30 feet or so into the woods when the sky walker decides he wants to show up. "Hey why don't you find your own nickname". "You call this a rescue party?" "Got to split up cover more ground". "Clarke come with me". She follows.

"Bellamy let's go" Adeline grabs him by his arm and drag him opposite of the way Clarke and Finn went.

"You think that was a smart move?"


"Leaving those two together, we might have three bodies on our hands".

"They can grow up, Murphys not going to do anything unless he has an audience and Wells won't do anything to upset dear Clarke".

"Why don't you go ahead and take that wristband off?"

"Guess what I already made it clear" I step towards him "I don't care about your pathetic leadership".

"I have them building a wall you know".

"Thank you for using your brain for once" he chuckles "keep moving".

They walk in silence for a while before she turns to ask him a question "why do you care so much?"

"About what?" He cocks his head.

"The wristbands" she notices he shifts his body and his eyes slightly widen.

"It's none of your concern".

"It's a matter of time before I figure it out".

"Yeah you think so?"

"You're janitor".


"Not a guard, so I already know you found a way to get on the ship with a guards uniform and gun", "that probably means you had to do something illegal, due to the secrecy of this mission and the fact no guard would become a traitor for such a little thing as reuniting a brother and sister".
"Did you kill someone?"

He completely stops. "If you stop talking I'll tell you" she knows she just figured it out because there's no way anyone else knows. " You have to swear not to tell anyone else or I'll gut you".

"Okay fine".

He gets close to her and she gives him a look and he starts talking "I did it for Octavia remember that".

"Okay please get on with it".

"I shot the chancellor" she laughs.

"Did you actually?" He nods "how did you manage that". He looks at her like she already knows the answer. "So there's a traitor, was it Kane?"


"Okay so it was a guard".


"Huh, is he dead?"

"I don't know, I shot him in the chest, I just wanted to see my sister".

"I'm not going to tell anyone, your secrets safe with me" he just nods.

"Okay we need to keep going".

They keep walking, and about 25 minutes later Clarke and Finn rush over to them with Wells and Murphy trailing behind them "I think we found him" Clarke announces, they look at each other then begin to follow them.

They follow them into a stream and then when they leave the stream they see loads of blood smeared on the rocks and on the ground "how do we know this is the right way" Murphy questions.

"We don't space walker thinks he's a tracker" Bellamy answers.

"It's called 'cutting sign' fourth year earth skills: he's good".

"You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?"

While Clarke and Finn stop to look at a broken branch laced with blood they all hear a distant moan of pain. They both immediately get up and everyone starts rushing towards Jasper. "Bellamy take out your gun" he does as Adeline says.

They see Jasper strung up on a tree and all rush towards him, Clarke being in the lead steps into a trap and Bellamy catches her arm, he looks to be contemplating before everyone rushes to pull her up. "You okay?"

"Yeah yeah, we need to get him down".

Finn volunteers and takes Murphy with him as well "there's a poultice on his wound" Adeline notices looking at his wound.

"Medicine? Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?" Clarke wonders.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch likes it's dinner breathing".

"Or maybe they're trying to catch us". Both of the boys attempt to hurry and get him down, none of us wanting to become a next meal.

They hear a low growl "what the hell was?"

"Focus on the getting him down we'll deal with whatever this is" Adeline responds.

The animals begins to charge towards Clarke and Adeline "Bellamy gun" shots are fired but not from Bellamy, they look to their left and see Wells slipped Bellamy's gun, he wasted three shots trying to take it out and it's in the grass somewhere, we can hear it rustling around and then it jumps out at Bellamy and Wells uses the last bullet and hits it in the head.

"We're eating tonight" Bellamy says as he grabs the animal, Finn and Murphy get Jasper down and Wells and Finn help to hold him to walk.

They attempt to rush back since it's getting dark and they have food and plenty of people to feed.

Monty rushes over as soon as they get back and asks if he's alive Adeline tells him that he is. Clarke starts calling out demands and Bellamy tells people to get her what she needs, while he sets down the animals ready to begin cooking it.

Adeline goes and sits down by herself watching everyone line up for their wristbands to come off in order to receive food he didn't even kill.

Finn and Clarke join her after she's finished tending to Jasper for now. Finn asks if they're hungry and both say a little. He gets up and grabs 2 sticks of meet and Bellamy turns to stop him, all they see is them have a few words and Finn walk away with two pieces and another person attempts to pull the same thing and gets punched in the face. "What happened" Adeline asks as Finn rejoins them.

"Whatever the hell we want right?" He answers, both of them laugh at the answer, mimicking Bellamy's own words.

Authors Note

Hoped you enjoyed please vote and comment I'd appreciate it!!

Word count: 2170 words

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