My elite romantic comedy is w...

By EdisonSerna

139K 4.8K 566

Hikigaya Hachiman dies in the car accident on the entrance day of Sobu High School, when he wakes up he reali... More

Author's note
VOL 1 Chapter 1 Welcome to the Metropolitan High School for Advanced Education
VOL 1 Chapter 2 Throwing Overboard
VOL 1 Chapter 3 Advantage
VOL 1 Chapter 4 Interesting
VOL 1 Chapter 5 Next Steps
VOL 1Chapter 6 Acknowledgments
VOL 1 Chapter 7 Class D
VOL 1 Chapter 8 Homecoming Club
VOL 1 Chapter 9 Interacting
VOL 1 Chapter 10 Parasite
VOL 1 Chapter 11 First Impressions
VOL 1 Chapter 12 Two loners
VOL 1 Chapter 13 Leader?
VOL 1 Chapter 14 Friends
VOL 1 Chapter 15 Friends part 2
VOL 1 Chapter 16 Movements
VOL 1 Chapter 17 May 1st
VOL 1 Chapter 18 Gambling
VOL 1 Chapter 19 Hikigaya Group
Chapter 20 Circumstances
VOL 1 Chapter 21 Blackmail
VOL 1 Chapter 22 Unmasking
VOL 1 Chapter 23 Meeting
Chapter 24 50%
S.S Those who were left behind.
Author's Note 2
VOL 2 Chapter 1 Tranquility before the storm.
VOL 2 Chapter 2 Those Who Reached Me
VOL 2 Chapter 3 Alliance
VOL 2 Chapter 4 Beast
VOL 2 Chapter 5 Confession
VOL 2 Chapter 7 Trap
VOL 2 Chapter 8 In trouble
VOL 2 Chapter 9 The trial
VOL 2 Chapter 10 Change for Yourself
VOL 2 Chapter 11 Do you have 5 points?
VOL 2 Chapter 12 Confrontation
VOL 2 Chapter 13 Shizuku
VOL 2 Chapter 14 The Red Moon
VOL 2 Chapter 15 Stalker
VOL 2 Chapter 16 Potential
VOL 2 Chapter 17 Second Year Status
VOL 2 Chapter 18 Scum
VOL 2 Chapter 19 Phantom Asura
S.S Fiancรฉ
S.S Ideal
S.S Determination
Author note 3
VOL 3 Chapter 1 Paradise Cruise.
VOL 3 Chapter 2 The special exam
VOL 3 Chapter 3 Fast Moves
VOL 3 Chapter 4 Handing out the work
VOL 3 Chapter 5 Maturity
VOL 3 Chapter 6 Doubts Affecting the Heart
VOL 3 Chapter 7 Arrogant
VOL 3 Chapter 8 Exercise
VOL 3 Chapter 9 C Class Camp
VOL 3 Chapter 10 The days on the island.
VOL 3 Chapter 11 Respect
VOL 3 Chapter 12 Relationships
VOL 3 Chapter 13 Unexpected Companion
VOL 3 Chapter 14 incident
VOL 3 Chapter 15 Culprit
VOL 3 Chapter 16 Distracted
VOL 3 Chapter 17 Burden
VOL 3 Chapter 18 Taekwondo vs. Hybrid
VOL 3 Chapter 19 Utility
Special note
VOL 3 Chapter 20 The fool
S.S Greed
S.S Destroy
VOL 4 Chapter 1 Accumulated problems.
VOL 4 Chapter 2 Birthday
VOL 4 Chapter 3 Observed
VOL 4 Chapter 4 Another special test
VOL 4 Chapter 5 The zodiac exam.
VOL 4 Chapter 6 Exam Eve
VOL 4 Chapter 7 the first session
VOL 4 Chapter 8 Apologies
VOL 4 Chapter 9 Cards
VOL 4 Chapter 10 Control
VOL 4 Chapter 11 In the shadows
VOL 4 Chapter 12 Among friends

VOL 2 Chapter 6 Rumors

1.6K 61 4
By EdisonSerna

Hachiman POV

Finish talking to Honami and we parted I went straight to my room, seriously what a troublesome days, but I guess it's the most awkward event for the moment, now I just have to concentrate on D class.

It's the next day, when I enter the classroom I feel several stares coming towards me, but I decide to ignore them, until Ken and Akito approach my seat.

Ken grabs my head with his arm.

Ken: Damn bastard, I didn't know you had so much courage, although I'm upset that you didn't tell us.

Akito: He's right, maybe we would have given you some advice.

Really rumors fly too fast, what the hell, it was only one day. For all my colleagues to know it spread too fast.

Hachiman: Do you have any experience with that?

Ken: Huh? Well, no, but maybe it would have helped a little.

Akito: I can't deny it either, relationships are also foreign ground for me.

Hachiman: Then it would have been useless.

Both: Fuck you.

We make fun of each other. Until Akito asks.

Akito: How did it go?

Hachiman: Terrible, I was rejected.

It's hard to look like I'm fine but at the same time depressed but in reality I'm fine.

What a farce, but I think it was the most efficient decision, I just have to deal with the hallway gossip and then I'll fall into oblivion, it's pretty simple and my face is not that well known so it's a thumbs up.
As I'm talking to Akito and Ken, the pair of idiots approach.

Yamauchi: Relax Hikigaya, I know you feel bad for not being able to keep up with us, everything will come in time.

It would be good advice if it weren't for the arrogant tone he has, I thought he made annoying people easy but this guy does it unintentionally, it's truly amazing.

Ike: I really have to applaud you Hikigaya, proposing to the second most popular girl in the first year, you've got some balls.

Hachiman: Thank you?

I'm being congratulated because I was rejected, really, can't these bastards be more considerate? I was rejected, they shouldn't...... I don't know, give me encouragement.

Hachiman: Enough about me, what about you?

I decide to forcibly change the subject, luckily they follow me.

Ike: ahhhhh, Kinoshita-chan said to go to one at Keyaki after school.

Yamauchi: That's right, also Manabe-chan said I could bring friends, so I invited Hondou and Sotomura, so they will see the pain of being so popular.

Yamauchi says with an ecstatic expression, it makes me want to punch his face, but he just gave me a pretty useful piece of information, so I'll forgive him this once.

Ken: Hey, is it okay to take other guys on a double date?

Shut up, Ken. Don't make them think.

Yamauchi: We're just going for coffee, so they won't put up much of a problem if there's more of us.

Ike: Yeah, yeah, who knows? We might even form a friendly relationship with the D-Class.

Ha, I doubt it, if it wasn't because I don't want them to suspect me, I would have laughed in their faces.

Akito: Is that possible? After all we are still competing.

Ike: It's okay, it's okay, the power of love will overcome everything.

Yamauchi: I can't deny it compatriot. This ship called love has sailed, the future of our classes depends on us.

Akito and Ken send me worried looks but all I can do is shrug my shoulders. These two are too deep in their world that it's impossible to get them out of it.

The bell rings and everyone heads to their seats.

I told the leaders to keep the attacks secret to avoid unnecessary panic. Above all is the peace of mind of the class, so I have to do the dirty work.

It's quite complicated to act if I'm not close to those two fools, but they gave me an unexpected light.

Class is over, Ike and Yamauchi are too happy that they don't notice their surroundings.

I decide to call Sotomura and Hondo.
Hachiman: Hey Sotomura and Hondo, please follow me, I need to talk to you.

Confused they follow me to the stairs between the corridors, at the moment there is no one around, I lean against one of the walls and start talking.

Hachiman: I think you suspect it, but don't you find the approach of those girls strange?

Hondo: Yes, I know what I say is not very nice but no one would openly approach those two and more with their perverted attitudes.

Sotomura: You're right, but is there any meaning?

Hachiman: I have my guesses, but I may be wrong.

Sotomura: Please tell us Hikigaya-dono.

Hachiman: Alright, both of them can be D-class targets for expulsion.

Hondo: What?!

Sotomura: There's no way, why didn't we tell you about it!

Shocked they ask me, they seem to have taken the competition between classes lightly.

Hachiman: We can't tell them, I may be paranoid, but what if the feelings were true? I don't want to ruin an opportunity for my suspicions without arguments.

Sotomura: You even considered their feelings. ....

Hondo: Hikigaya you're really a great friend....

I couldn't consider myself good at what I'm doing, if they knew the truth you'd probably hate me.

Sotomura: Hikigaya-dono, I don't think you told us this, so that we would just stand idly by, did you?

Sotomura has become more perceptive, must be because he has worked with me before, it would be good to have him by my side for more subtle moves.

Hachiman: I'm impressed Sotomura, you really got the message fast.

Sotomura: Fufufu, it would be embarrassing if I didn't follow the thinking of our Shadow Monarch.

He says this while adjusting his glasses. I tried to keep my composure after hearing the ridiculous nickname, luckily it's just the three of us, I wouldn't have the face to face someone who heard that.

Hachiman: I know it's not right what I'm going to ask you, please help me, I heard you're going with those two and the girls from D class.

Hondo: Yes, they invited us, most likely to show off in our face.

Sotomura: They are really shameless.

Hachiman: So I ask you to watch the movements of those girls, their interactions, gestures, way of talking, especially when talking to them and when not.

Sotomura: I see, you want us to be spies.
Hachiman: Yes, but try not to look at them too much, it may cause suspicion and make them back off.

Hondo: If there are no suspicious movements, what shall we do?

Hachiman: I guess if their intentions are pure, I can only congratulate them.

Sotomura: I understand.

Hondo: Me too.

Hachiman: I'm counting on you.

You both seem to have little doubts, but having you help me keep a close eye on them is a plus, but I don't think those girls have Kikyo's acting level, so there may be openings.

We say goodbye because they are getting ready to go to the Keyaki.

I get ready to go back to the dorm too.

But I get a message from Horikita. She wants to meet at cafe outside the school.
With no excuse to refuse, I head towards the café.

When I arrive, it is quite empty, which doesn't bother me at all, there in a corner I see Horikita who is immersed in her book without paying attention to her surroundings.

I approach her without saying anything and sit down.

Horikita: It's quite rude for you to sit down without asking permission.

Hachiman: Well you invited me it would be contradictory for you to throw me out after you called me to come.

Horikita: It's basic manners
Hikigaya-kun, but I see it's too much for your little brain.

Hachiman: I'm sorry if the queen is uncomfortable with my humble commoner's knowledge.

Horikita: At least you recognize your place, although commoner would be too high, I would call it stray dog.

Hachiman: We've already started with direct insults, so let's get down to business.

He looks at me with his cruel red eyes, if I wasn't used to his coldness I would really think he wants to kill me.

Horikita: I guess you know what a fuss those two made.

Hachiman: They weren't very discreet.

Horikita: Then you don't think it's a coincidence.

Hachiman: Of course not, the timing is very convenient, after the failed attempt on Ken.

Horikita: His intentions are very obvious, tell me what is the plan.

Hachiman: The plan for the moment is to wait and watch, I already sent two companions who will keep an eye on those girls.

Horikita: Isn't it a very loose plan?

Hachiman: It is, but we can't make a more complicated one unless we want to set off their alarms, besides there may be a possibility that they really feel something towards them.

Horikita: I doubt it, so we wait, what if it is too late?

The time they start attacking will be when they are alone, it can't be a place where everyone can see them, so there are no risks for the moment.

Hachiman: I guess we lost.

Horikita: For you to say it like that, means you are resigned to lose.

Hachiman: Of course not, but we must be patient otherwise we will waste time and effort in a meaningless battle.

Horikita: I see.

Hachiman: I'm a little glad that at least you consider us friends.

Horikita: Take off that face right now or I won't take responsibility for what happens.

Hachiman: This is the one they call Tsundere, isn't it?

Her gaze is getting colder and colder, I guess I'll stop bothering her for the time being.

Hachiman: Alright, alright I'll stop, I'm glad you at least recognize your allies, but why don't you try to form bonds with someone from the class?

Horikita: That......

Hachiman: I know you have doubts, but I know you will succeed, you have a pretty high charisma and I'm sure I can leave the class in your hands, but for that to happen I want you to work together with the class.

Horikita: I accept your trust, I don't promise anything but I will do my best.

Hachiman: That's good.

I feel that as Horikita matures a weight is being lifted from my shoulders, she is going to be the guide to victory. She will face many problems but I have faith that she will overcome them.

Hachiman: I am going to warn you something Horikita. This warning is only for you.

Hearing my serious tone he prepares himself to listen to what I have to say.

Hachiman: You should act as if you have never met Kikyo, she is quite fussy about her past, if you don't do what I say it will complicate the future of the class.

Horikita: Is the situation too serious?

Hachiman: Yes, if you think of doing something with her past then I will be your enemy.

Horikita: Don't worry, I won't do that.

Hachiman: I know, I'm just telling you. Of course if she decides to attack you first I will show no mercy and crush her.

Right now I got a miraculous balance between the two of them, in exchange for my impartial position, as long as neither of them does something stupid, there won't be any problem.

Horikita: If it's you, I can trust your judgment.

Hachiman: Stop it, you'll make me blush.
Horikita: I take back my words, you created an unpleasant image in my mind.

Hachiman: Don't continue with that attitude, you'll remain single for life.

A murderous look with pink tints on her cheeks, creating a dissonant image that makes her strangely frightening and cute. I don't want her to end up pouring coffee on my head so I'll say goodbye.

Hachiman: I think that's all for today, goodbye Horikita.

I quickly stand up from the table and leave the cafe, even when I left the cafe, I could feel that woman's gaze, she's too spiteful.

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