The Heir of Night

By smplymxlfoy

107K 3.5K 408

Theia, an Illyrian female, despises her Court. She knows of the High Lord's secret city, and the wealth that... More

65 - Nyx


966 33 3
By smplymxlfoy

Daylight climbed above the mountains too quickly. Nyx woke Theia up with a gentle kiss to her hair and soft words. Even just the thought of standing up to the High Lord, yet again, had her mind begging for more sleep. Nyx didn't let her, though. He slid from beneath her, pulled on his pants from the night before, and pulled her into his arms. Theia groaned, shoving her face into his shoulder as Nyx laid a blanket over her naked body.

"We have half an hour, you'll bathe and I will walk you to his office," Nyx murmured. He carried her to the bathing chamber, smothering Theia with kisses and encouraging words as he filled the tub with soaps and water. When she climbed into the tub, he disappeared to gather her clothes for the day. For a long moment, she stared at the distant window as she soaked in the hot water. She watched birds dance in the sky, the trees sway in a breeze. It was another clear day, and that gave her hope.

Soon enough, Nyx was back and kneeling beside the tub. Theia turned her head and tried to bring a smile onto her lips, but he cut her off with a quick kiss. Theia just watched him as he dipped a cloth in the steaming water and brought it to her face.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a frown as he made quick strokes on her skin. Nyx smiled as he pulled the rag back and showed her. It was covered in grey, red, and glittering smudges.

"You wore cosmetics last night, remember?"

She had not. From her crying, their kissing, and sleeping, it made her curious just how insane she had looked before he wiped it off. Theia felt heat rush to her cheeks as she tore her eyes from his and reached for the glass beside the tub. He beat her to it and filled it, tapping her forehead to make her tilt back.

Theia let him clean her. It felt childish, it felt unnecessary, but she had realized that it was his way of showing her love. Besides using his body and mouth, Nyx was able to communicate it through servicing her. When her hair was slick with water and clean, Nyx pulled the plug in the tub and Theia stood.

He wrapped a towel beneath her wings and onto her breasts, tucking the fabric there and pressing a kiss to her nose. This time, Theia did smile at him. He pulled any traces of joy from her chest each time he was around her. She adored him for it.

Now, it was teamwork. Nyx combed through her wet hair as Theia put creams on her face and arms. She watched him in the mirror of the vanity as he braided her hair back and tied it off with a leather strip. As if she were incapable of dressing herself, he pulled the towel from her body and made her stand. Nyx dropped to his knees to pull on her undergarments, leaving kisses to her stomach as he did.

Theia watched him in awe. The Night Court heir on his knees in front of her, putting clothes on her. It was surreal sometimes. He fitted her in the Night Court attire, silky blue fabric over her skin. He finished with buttoning the shirt above her wings, and then a quick kiss to her head.

"Go to his office, I'm going to bathe and get dressed while you're there," Nyx explained. Theia turned, eyes widened.

"I'll be alone?" Nyx hummed as he nodded, cupping her chin and running a thumb over her lip.

"He wants to settle this with you. I'm going to bathe and get changed so that I'm not listening in and fighting with myself to go in there. I'll be there when you're finished," he answered. Theia frowned and Nyx kissed her pouted bottom lip.

He gave her no chance to respond. Nyx took Theia's hand and led her from the bathing chamber. They made it to the landing of the stairs before he stopped, turned to her, and took her face into his hands. He kissed her slowly, pulling the anxiety and weight from her chest.

Theia thought that would be his only way to calm her mind, but then the glorious, beautiful male spoke again. "Do you want me to get you angry?"

A laugh bubbled from her throat, her head falling forward to his chest. "I think I'm angry enough," she responded. Nyx chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"Go fight with my father and I'll be waiting for you," he murmured. Theia nodded and stepped back from him. Nyx offered a quick smile before turning and rushing up the stairs. Theia was glad for that, because if he had stayed, she would've never had the strength to walk down the stairs and through the corridor. She would've never been able to knock at the door of Rhysand's office, nor face the High Lord after hearing his grumbling voice.

"Come in."

Theia let out a breath and pushed the door open. Behind the large desk, Rhysand sat in his chair. His hands were folded over scattered parchment, his wings out and tall. She wanted to scoff at that. Theia closed the door behind herself and settled in one of the two large chairs, hands resting in her lap. She cleared her throat, eyes dancing from Rhysand to the desk in an attempt not to make eye contact.

"I understand that you had some issues with the Hewn City last night," Rhysand began, shifting in his seat. Theia didn't fight the smile that climbed up her lips; that was an understatement, and Rhys knew it well. Her fear was gone within those few words, her head tilting as she met his eyes.

"The things that I saw-"

"Now, wait. You were warned of what you would see, if the facade we need to uphold when we hold court," Rhys interrupted. Theia gritted her teeth.

"You wanted me to explain myself to you. How am I meant to do that when you interrupt me, High Lord?" He didn't like that. Rhysand leaned back in his chair, shadows settling beneath his eyes as he motioned a hand for her to continue.

"What I saw last night was despicable. You wish for the Hewn City to represent a terrifying place that no one would want to visit, but I saw a place that no female would want to visit. That is what the Night Court is. The males thrive there. Do you want to know what I witnessed while you sat there staring off at the wall?

"I saw females getting wine poured down their throats until they were drunk enough to be carried upstairs. I heard the sounds over that loud music, and it was not of pleasure. Females were raped under your watch, yet you hold yourself to care about us? I was grabbed. All I wanted was more wine and males put their hands on my body, Rhysand. How can you sit there and tell me that you're proud of this court?"

She was shouting now. Theia didn't care. She'd scream at the most powerful male in Prythian until her voice was heard. It was, because Rhysand leaned forward, his jaw ticking with frustration. Any sane creature would run from the lethal gleam in his eyes, but Theia met it with her own.

"May I speak?" He asked through gritted teeth- practically growled. Theia mimicked him, leaning back and waving a hand at him. The High Lord's eyes fell closed, a sigh rushing from his nostrils.

"I am not one to turn a blind eye to a female being raped. Anyone being raped. Do you know what I do when I hold court? I sit there and dive into my own mind. I think back to every horrible fucking thing that has happened to me so that I can look like a feral fucking creature on that throne. I hardly watch the crowd, that's why my Inner Circle is there. I can't stomach what goes on in the Hewn City, but it is necessary."

"You continue to say it is necessary, but why? Why is it necessary for your own people to have free reign to a female's body? There was not guests from another court, so why hold the facade? You can be an intimidating leader without putting your citizens at risk," Theia snarled.

Rhysand seemed to explode. His chair fell back as he stood abruptly, his hands gripping the desk as he glared down at her.

"How old are you?"

Theia blinked at him, confusion clouding her mind. "What?"

"You are a child, Theia. You do not understand the workings of politics, nor what is needed to keep our court safe."

"It's not safe! How dare you look at me and say that this court is safe when I watched females be dragged up those stairs! When my own sister died at the hands of your warriors! How can it be safe when I can't grab a glass of wine without my breasts being grabbed? Open your fucking eyes, Rhysand. You're blind to your own lies," Theia screamed, shoving her own chair back as she matched his posture.

Rhysand's jaw popped under the pressure of his gritted teeth. His head swung on his shoulders, neck popping with the movement. He didn't open his mouth, so Theia continued.

"Your care for females goes as far as your mate. Feyre is the only example of that, but what about the rest of us? I may be a child, but I still see more of your wrongdoings than anyone else. You told me that you were so angry at me because I was like your sister. Why did you not listen to her? She fought for the same, yet you ignored her when you came to power. You fucking love your family? Then make this court safe."

"I will not listen to a child berate me for my choices! Could you walk these streets at night and not worry about a male snatching you from the shadows? That is what I'm working towards!" Rhys boomed, papers scrunching into his fists. Theia knew it was a dumb move, but a laugh left her throat.

"That is one city. One city out of one of the largest courts. You've had centuries to fix this. You are already feared by everyone, so use that to make the changes! You may have everyone else fooled, but not me. I see all of it, Rhysand. You are not as great as these people think you are. If I am able to be grabbed and touched against my will in the same room as you, when your general told me not to fight back, then this is a dangerous place."

"Get the fuck out, Theia. I have let you live within my home for months because my son is infatuated with you, but no more. Stay in Velaris if you wish, but I will not have you screaming at me in my own home."

Theia stared at him, eye twitching. This wonderful High Lord was kicking her onto the streets because she showed him how much of a liar he truly was. She scoffed, she laughed, she shoved the ink and parchment from his desk before she turned.

"I will ask one more thing. I want a meeting with everyone. I want the females of your Inner Circle to hear what I have to say before you shove me to the streets like trash," she snapped, glaring at him over her shoulder. The High Lord was burning, his shoulders contorted as he gripped the desk. Shadows clung to his eyes, the threat of darkness climbing his wings. Theia didn't move. She glared at him, waiting for a response.

She was glad that Nyx could see the issues she brought up. If he held any mindset like his father- she could never love a male like that. She didn't understand how Feyre did.


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