Loved You In Another Life...

By MaMajesty_

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After the tragic deaths of both Skeppy and Badboyhalo, they meet again in the afterlife through their jobs. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31

Chapter 30

145 7 1
By MaMajesty_

Badboyhalo POV

When Philza first told me I could no longer work the border, I was devastated and confused. He obviously knew about Skeppy and I, but we hadn't exactly kept it a secret, so what changed? 

The realization that I would never see Skeppy again was fresh on my mind for hours, the time I spent just standing in front of my house, clawed fingers hovering just over the door knob. 

So when Philza called me almost as soon as I left, you can say I was just a little confused. There was a hope in the back of my mind that he had changed his mind, but deep down I knew there was no way that was the case. 

Turns out, it was better. 

Philza seems annoyed the moment I approached him, glaring down at me like I was the devil himself. When we met only a few hours before, he was friendly and smiling, so I didn't know what I'd done in those few moments to make him this mad, but turns out, it wasn't me. 

"Congratulations, Badboyhalo, looks like you finally get to be with Zak without having to hide it." Philza sneers, all his happiness for me obviously faked. "Not that you did hide it."

"I'm sorry?" 

"Whatever Zak has been doing with XD isn't my business, but he's convinced the High Angel to give you up to heaven. You're an angel now." 

So I spend the day packing my things and saying goodbye to everyone. Even Quackity.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving, and I won't be coming back. Plaza agreed to let me become an angel. We aren't friends by any means, but I thought you should know."

He looks at me with a face of disappointment. "So this is it? We're over because of something I did to try to help you? What about your 'boyfriend'? Or was I right that he's just a rebound?"

I have to take a deep breath to keep myself from immediately lashing out. "What you did was a lot worse than just trying to help me, look at my wings, and you saw the bruises I had before Skeppy healed them."

"It isn't my fault."

"Then whose is it? Oh and by the way, the 'new boyfriend' you saw was Skeppy."

"No wonder he was such a bitch." Quackity murmurs, but I'm already walking away.

Once I reach the bottom of his porch, he's still watching me, door wide open. Turning back ever so slightly, I wipe my eyes. "Enjoy your eternity, Quackity." And I'm gone before he can retort a response.

When I first arrived in heaven, the sheer beauty of it all blew me away, even in the brief moments I had before XD dragged me inside an ornate palace.

We talked for a bit before he offered to let me see Skeppy, and the rest is history.


Skeppy decides to excitedly show me around his home the moment I arrive, not only giving me a tour of his house, but of his street, the nearby shops, the path to the flower field he always goes to.

The entire time, he's giddy with happiness, smiling and bouncing around, hand clutched tightly in mine.

Everything leaves me mesmerized, I'm awe at the glittering landscapes and colors I didn't know existed. Skeppy says this is how the Nether was for him, but there's no way he saw that much beauty in my old home.

The excitement and joy of finally being together is short lived, though.

Once we wake up the next morning, after our first official night of not hiding, there's a message waiting for us.

A curt message telling the both of us to find XD instead of going to work today. No time, no more details.

Skeppy immediately starts panicking, thinking I might be sent back to the Nether, or sent to prison, or worse, but I try my best to ease his worries.

We take a longer route to the palace, trying to enjoy the morning air before our day is inevitably ruined by whatever XD wants from us.

It's hardly noticeable, but Skeppy seems to hold my hand a bit tighter today, standing just a little closer to my side. He's scared of losing me.

"It's going to be fine." I whisper to him as we stand just away from the palace. "I'll never leave you."

He nods, but a tear strays down his face which I tentatively wipe away.

"We'll be fine." I repeat, though it seems like I'm reassuring myself more than him.

A guard approaches us after a bit, a scowl on their face.

"You two are the ones XD requested? Is his time not worth your while or do you have something better to do?"

"No, of course not, we're on our way now." Skeppy says confidently, erasing any signs of his panic just moments before.

We make a move to go inside, feeling the burning gaze of the guard as we awkwardly shuffle inside.

I follow Skeppy through the halls, still quite unfamiliar with the space. He seems to know his way around, though, and stops outside a room, knocking loudly on one of the huge doors.

They swing open, and he drags me inside, both of us dipping into a bow.

When we rise, I almost fall back in shock. Standing in front of XD is the little demon himself, Tommy.

Flitting his thin tail back and forth, he greets us with a chipped tooth grin. "Hi Bad and Skep!"

Beside me, Skeppy smiles back at him, visibly less tense. "Hey T, what brings you here?"

"I did what you asked! Dad agreed to rehost a trial, and you're both allowed to come!"

Skeppy ruffles Tommy's hair, turning to smile at me. "That's great, kiddo, good work."

XD, who's been silent up until the point, raises a hand for our silence. "Yes, you two are both invited back to the Nether for the day of the trial, which will take place one week from today."

I nod, smiling widely. Sure, the trial might not result to anything, but it's a chance, and that's all I really ask for.

"However," XD continues, "There are some things to take into consideration beforehand."

"Of course." I say, nodding. My grasp on Skeppy's hand tightens slightly, to which the corners of his mouth twitch into a slight smile.

"Badboyhalo, you will be called as a witness, someone to account for why A6d should be allowed freedom. Skeppy, we're aware that you don't actually know A6d, but there is a possibility you will also be called as a witness."

Skeppy seems confused, but agrees.

"You will also both be required to keep your angelic forms, no disguise at all. This will make you a possible target, so we've arranged guards for your personal protection." XD gives Skeppy a hard look as he mentions disguises.

Laughing nervously, Skeppy runs a hand through his hair. "That sounds fair. Is that all?"

XD nods, "Yes, we will send someone to get you on the day of the trial, so be home, be awake, and be ready. You may go."

So we bow our heads one more time and start heading home.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

The week leading up to the trial seems to drag on for ages, and the loneliness definitely contributes to that.

While I'm a new angel who had no assignment, Skeppy still has his job as guardian that chips the day away.

He always comes home right after work, falling into my arms to pepper me with kisses, speaking of how much he missed me and telling stories of what happened throughout the day. It makes me feel loved and appreciated, but in the time without him, there's not much left for me.

I usually explore the area, take a walk on Skeppy's special flower path, or even visit XD's palace gardens.

When I first started going there, just to smell the flowers, a sweet gardener introduced herself to me, saying her name is Puffy.

She said she hadn't seen me before, and when I told her about Skeppy, she not only claimed to know him, but warmed up quite a bit to me.

It helps with having Skeppy gone every day, going to help Puffy with her planting and weeding while we exchange stories and jokes.

It helps, hearing her tell me how Skeppy wasn't only willing, but asking to lose everything so he could be with me.

And to have Skeppy come home and tell me that he gets to work with a demon who doesn't hate him, and that they're becoming friends, that helps too.

It all helps the week go by much faster, and before we know it, the day of the trial arrives.

Just as promised, two gruff faced escorts knock on the door as Skeppy and I are just finishing breakfast.

Knowing who it is before even opening the door, Skeppy and I quickly put away our food and rush to answer the door.

We're led to an entrance to the Nether, where our escorts leave us in the care of four new guards, along with a giggling Tommy.

Upon seeing us, he runs up and wraps us in a hug. "You're here!"

It's a lot more rough now, glares shot our way with every few steps. Even old acquaintances of mine scoff and look away, not even bothering to say hi.

During the hours before the trial, we're allowed to do whatever we want, so Skeppy opts to try to find his friend from work, whom he knows only the general area of.

We do eventually find the demon's house, a small little cottage style home.

Skeppy introduces the man as Callahan, who waves back at me with a sweet smile.

One thing I learn very quickly is that Callahan doesn't say much, but when Skeppy tells him that I'm 'the' Badboyhalo, he lights right up, giving Skeppy a knowing smirk and offering to shake my hand.

After I get to know him a bit, we both apologize for the unexpected visit and go on our way, being told by our guards that the trial will be starting soon.

We follow the guards to the much too familiar courthouse, taking our seats behind A6d in the witness stand.

Seeing me enter, my friend greets me with a broken smile, and eyes Skeppy questioningly. I nod my head in conformation, assuming he's wondering if the boy at my side is the one and only Skeppy.

Turning to face us, A6d looks Skeppy up and down. "So, you must be Skeppy, huh? I've heard a lot about you, nice to meet you."

Skeppy offers a hand for him to shake. "I've heard a lot about you too."

"Ah, can't shake your hand now, but maybe next time we cross paths." He holds up his chained hands in explanation.

"I really hope we can help you out, dude. Bad's told me so many great things about you. Thanks for making his imprisonment bearable."

"Not a problem, thanks for giving him something happy to think about during those times." A6d grins back,and I can tell the two are going to get along wonderfully.

A sudden hush falls over the room, Philza standing at the front of the room, casting a hard stare over the crowd.

We go through the usual blurb, Phil telling everyone the background of the case and what the plea is.

I'm called to the stand almost as soon as it starts, and give it my all.

Describing the horrible state we were left in the prisons, how much A6d helped me, the unfair reason he was sent to the Nether in the first place, everything.

I didn't know him back when he was first locked away, but I try my best to really emphasize how unfair the punishment was.

From the look on Philza's face, I'm not sure if it's enough, but after rambling on and on, I go back to my seat and sit down, feeling Skeppy's hand immediately slip into mine.

"You did good." He whispers, voice barely audible.

"Thank you." I whisper back, feeling a bit better.

The next few hours seem to drag on, the same questions being asked again and again, A6d close to tears as he's asked to explain exactly how he died, exactly why he tried to sneak out of the Nether.

It's a grueling process, and lasts much longer than my trial not too long ago, but at last, Philza rises to make the final decision.

Holding my breath, I close my eyes as if I can just will the answer I want.

"After careful consideration of this man's crimes and history, I have come to a decision."

In front of me, A6d is visibly shaking, and Skeppy is holding his breath.

"Prisoner A6d will be allowed out of prison, he will be given an everyday job and act as if his sentence has been completely served out. This is his only warning, and should the same crime be repeated again, he will serve a life sentence." Philza flicks a hand towards A6d, and his cuffs clatter to the floor.

With a final look around the room, Phil sits down. "Court is dismissed."

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2257 Words

*End of Chapter 30*

Hope u guys have enjoyed the story to this point, it's almost over

Please vote if you liked this chapter :)

Remember to eat, drink water, and get sleep <3

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