Their girl ~ TBP

By Chelseab06

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Evelyn Stagg and her brother Griffin tried to stay invisible. When their mother suggests they come out of the... More



73 2 5
By Chelseab06

Hello lovelies! Another chapter. I've decided to do a time skip to around halloween in the chpter after the next one (08). Hope you enjoy the chapter! <33


When the two reached the others, they immediately noticed Bruce's absence and Finney took that as his opportunity to leave and get ready for the game, missing the less than happy look that rested on Robin's face when he saw the two's interlocked hands. Evelyn seemed to miss it too as she instantly turned to Gwen in question.

"How is it I'm a minute behind you and you already managed to get popcorn?" She asked. Gwen's response was simply a shrug of her shoulders as Amy waved them over to sit by her parents. Evelyn ended up sat between Amy and Donna as Robin sat behind her And Donna and the others sat around them.

Donna handed Evelyn a soda as she thanked her, smiling and Robin simply admired her, missing the cue that the game had started.

Throughout the game, he hadn't really payed much attention until he noticed Evelyn sit up, her interest piqued. He looked up to see she was now attentive due to Finney's appearance. His head was jealous of the attention he got from her but his heart outweighed that as it was rooting for Finney, more so when he noticed the whole group were.

Two strikes. One more to win. Gwen held her breath as she turned slightly, grabbing both Evelyn's and Donna's hands from where she sat in front of them as Evelyn mumbled quietly, so quietly in fact Robin barely caught it, but he did.

"Come on Finn..."

Finney looked at the bleachers briefly and saw the state of the group (specifically Evelyn) and felt more pressure- a need to win. Almost as if he had heard Evelyn's encouragement when he looked at her, she smiled and he threw the ball. The group as well as Everyone on the bleachers halted in anticipation as the opposing batter...missed.

Cheering was all that could be heard as the group stood to cheer in celebration. Evelyn was hugged by seemingly everyone as she looked around to see others celebrating amongst one another. She looked down to where Finney stood and saw his team cheering with bruce and him at the centre. At that moment he looked up and his heart was heard in his own ears as he made eye contact with her. She smiled brightly and clapped, showing it was just for him.

The prideful feeling within him swelled as he saw her applauding him. Only him.

The moment was cut short as she was pulled into a hug by Gwen. Finney was snapped out of his trance by Bruce who had noticed the interaction but chose not to say anything.

The group had hung back to wait for the others as the two boys were the last out.

Amy launched herself at Bruce the second she saw him and the others all said a collection of praise to them. Bruce then turned to Gwen as he said smugly "i told you we'd win"

"Oh I'm sorry for my lack of faith, Finney looked like he was gonna puke before his last throw." Came her response as the group shared a laugh as Finney looked at her in mock offence. The group had started towards Vance, Robin and Billy's houses as they were getting their things for the sleepover they were having at Amy and Bruce's house.

As the group reached their houses, they opted to wait outside as Robin turned to them, not going in to his house just yet. The others had branched off some going into either Billy's or Vance's house as Robin turned to Evelyn, Gwen and Finney. He nodded as if asking if they would come in, to which they agreed.

As they entered, Evelyn noted that it was homely and the faint sound of a television played in the background. They herd a voice call out, "is that you mijo?" It was a woman's voice, revealing itself to be his mother. Finney smiled as he had met her before and Gwen waved in acknowledgement as the two had briefly met when she was dragged to Robin's by Finney.

Robin ushered the two to his room as he came back to introduce his mom to Evelyn. "Mama, this is Evelyn." He smiled as he said it with an almost pleading look in his eye that Evelyn missed, but his mom hadn't.

"Oh, the Evelyn you have told me so much about?" She said teasingly as Evelyn grew slightly flustered. His mom turned to look at her properly and pulled he in for a gentle but forward hug. Evelyn, as if on instinct, hugged back as Robin bravely suggested she stays here to talk to his mom as he went to get his things and make sure Gwen isn't destroying his room.

The two talked and by the time the others me back, they were laughing slightly as Robin suggested they go. Evelyn and his mom shared a small parting hug as Finney and Gwen settled for a smile and a wave. As they were walking through the door, Robin's mom called out "come over my time mija." Robin looked slightly shocked as he looked to Evelyn in question. She shrugged in response and turned around to smile and wave at his mom.

The group rejoined and started to head to the others houses. As they walked, Amy pulled Evelyn ahead and began to dance around pulling Evelyn with her causing her to join and the others to laugh. Gwen came over and joined in as she bowed dramatically, pulling the other two girls with her.

They carries on walking as they reached the Stagg's and the Blake's. They were about to enter their respective houses before Gwen called out, "wait! I wanna come in your house Ev, i missed your mom!"

Evelyn aughts softly with Griffin as they said "she's not here!" Gwen looked outraged as she told them to wait. They waited as the Blake's rushed in, the others going with them as Billy went in with Griffin and Evelyn, Donna and Amy waited for Gwen. The others were still inside when she joined the girls who all went into the Stagg house and straight up into Evelyn's room.

Amy looked around in awe as she said "I love your room!"

Room inspo (you can imagine your own if you don't like it):

Her bathroom:

"Thank you" Evelyn said as she continued grabbing items from her closet, paying no mind to what Amy was doing as she looked around in awe and disappeared into her bathroom.

Evelyn shook her head slightly in amusement as she turned to the others who came over to help pick an outfit. Donna noticed in the reflection of her closet door that there was someone looking through the window. She signalled the other two and Gwen realised Finney had probably bragged to Robin that the two rooms were right beside one another. Her belief was confirmed when she saw Robin in the window with his mouth slightly parted in both disbelief and concentration as he was looking at what they were doing.

Evelyn went over and opened her window raising an eyebrow at him in a questioning way. "Can i help you?"

At the sound of her voice, Finney looked over and smiled. He was about to speak when Robin bet him too it, "yes, you can actually..." he began looking at the distance between the two windows. "Move."

At this, Evelyn raised her brows in shock and grew confused and slightly offended at his tone before seeing the look he was giving the gap between the two windows and growing worried. "Ummm don't even think about it Ro-"

She was cut off as he climbed from Finney's window and straight through hers, crashing into her and resulting in the two of them being tangled on the floor. The boys looked up in shock as Finney ran over to the window to see if the two were okay. Due to the commotion, Griffin and Billy had entered the room and seen the state, quickly figuring out what had happened as Robin got up, helping evelyn. His eyes flicked around her face to gauge her reaction. Her eyes had a flicker of humour and a flicker of hurt.

The latter made him worried as he asked her, "are you okay?" To which she responded, "are you? You literally just jumped through my window?!"

She was smiling slightly as he laughed, showing he was fine and causing the others to begin leaving to regroup. Robin stayed, laughing as Evelyn joined him. His laughter stilled and he realised he was still holding her hands. He looked at her, gazing at her gently as she looked right back at him. His mind was going crazy as their faces were close. His thoughts were disrupted when she cleared her throat and stood back, releasing his hands and turning to close the window.

When she spoke, she realised Finney had seen the whole thing as she asked him "you ready?"

Finney snapped out of his state of shock and realised everyone else had gone. "Uh y-yeah. See you down there."

She simply smiled as she closed her window and motioned for Robin to join her as they left the house, meeting the others who hadn't questioned their delayed arrival. After locking the door, she turned to the group as they began their short walk to the Yamada's house. Evelyn decided to join Donna as she went to her house and the others continued, telling the girls to just come in once they get there.

Evelyn and Donna decided to wear matching outfits the following day (knowing Gwen had a similar one already) and so Evelyn helped Donna choose. When they were done, they both gave Donna's mom a quick parting hug as they ventured on to the Yamada's house, laughing and talking the whole way. Donna was grateful for the time she got to spend with her on their very short walk.

When they reached the Yamada's house, both were too scared to walk straight in and were luckily spotted by Amy who had regretted not going with the two and waited for them to get back. Once she saw them she sprinted to the door to get them as they all joined the others in the living room. Amy pulled Evelyn to sit down on the couch beside her as Finney sat on her other side, the group deciding what they should do. Mr and Mrs Yamada were out and trusted the children to behave and so the group ordered pizza for dinner, considering none of them wanted to cook. As they waited for it to arrive, they decided they would watch movies and play games. They decided to play hide and seek as Griffin had suggested it and Amy backed him, meaning nobody could say no to them.

Robin was counting first, as suggested by Amy who wasn't his biggest fan as of now. She initially asked Evelyn to hide with her but hid with both Gwen and Donna instead when the two couldn't find anywhere to hide. Evelyn had seen Bruce pull down a ladder to the attic and gestured her to follow him. She smiled in appreciation as she was struggling to find a spot and she followed him up, closely followed by Finney and Donna (who had changed her hiding spot when she saw where both Bruce and Evelyn were going.

They entered the attic and saw it wasn't in the state you would expect. It was a cozy looking area to which bruce explained this is where they would be sleeping (if they wanted to).

The room:

(With more mattresses etc for when they sleep there)

Evelyn, Finney and Donna looked around in awe. They were admiring the room as Bruce watched, his ego inflating slightly.

"Yeah, it's pretty great. Especially for-" he was cut off by the reminder of their task (or rather, Robin's extremely obnoxious call, "coming, ready or not here I come!"

The four looked at eachother as they split. Evelyn found a cozy looking area, shrouded in blankets, fairy lights and fake vines. "This is Amy's area. Normally, she hates when people come in here but she loves you, so much so she came up here earlier, tidying it up. She was hoping to show you later."

At Bruce's words, she unconsciously smiled to herself, happy that Amy had felt the need to show her. Their moment was interupted by the other two joining and motioning to disperse. They heard a commotion of sorts below them and ran to hide, Donna behind a curtain and upon a window ledge and Bruce behind the pillows forming a makeshift couch.

Finney turned to Evelyn, whispering "can we hide together?" He pulled a pleading, puppy-like expression and Evelyn smiled softly, agreeing. They huddled together behind one of the many layers of blankets as they listened to the muffled voices below.

"Omg Robin you are so bad at this! How haven't you found them? It's not like they disappeared from the face of the earth!" Gwen was yelling, Amy backed her up, "yeah, have you looked everywhere?"

Evelyn could imagine the look on their faces, Gwen in a resting, disgusted look, Amy in a fumed confusion and Robin. He would be appalled at the insinuation that his performance was less than perfect. Finney and Evelyn giggled quietly, only heard by each other as they were huddled so close together. Finney quickly came to the realisation that Evelyn was sat close enough that he could practically hear her heartbeat. He was sure she could hear his as he suddenly grew nervous.

They waited as the ladder opened. They heard fast approaching footsteps and, thinking they would be found, they huddled closer, pushing each other further back into the surrounding walls of blankets. Accepting defeat, Finney turned to see Evelyn wearing a deflated expression as they knew Bruce and Donna were still hidden. The blanket was pulled back.

Donna and Bruce were stood there, gesturing the two to move over. They released a quiet breath, wry of the people fast approaching up the ladder. They were ordered as such : Bruce, Donna, Evelyn, Finney.

The four huddled as they awaited the curtain pull, seeing Amy. Her face was one of victory as she called out "like hell you searched everywhere..." she turned to the side, looking to the others. "Literally all four of them are right here!" She gestured to the four. She smiled smugly until her face dropped. "Oh uh Evelyn, i wanted to show you this later when we came up here."

Evelyn felt bad, especially when the look on her face turned to one of slight sadness. Evelyn quickly climbed out, releasing Finney's hand (which she hadn't noticed she was holding), missing the look of question Donna was sending her as well as the slight glare Robin was sending to Finney. She hugged Amy, "I'm sorry, I thought it was a cool spot so i hid. I didn't mean to ruin your fun Ames."

At the nickname, Amy's previous look disappeared and a look of surprise quickly replaced it. At the sudden change, Evelyn, Finney, Gwen and Donna looked shocked. Amy continued, "don't even worry, it's totally okay! You gave me a nickname." She looked awe-struck. The moment was interrupted as Bruce told them he heard the doorbell. "Pizza, finally."

They were all sat around the living room eating pizza and talking as they were picking out movies to watch later that night.

Once they finished their pizza, it was around 10pm. They decide to separate, getting on their pyjamas. The girls had planned ahead and were all wearing similar pairs

(The pjs):

(Evelyn's pants are red, Gwen black+white, Donna blue, amy purple)

They all ensured the house was locked and went up to the attic. Upon entering, Evelyn realised she had unintentionally matched with someone else. Or rather, two other people.

Both Finney and Robin seemed to have noticed they were matching with her as they both had different reactions. Finney, being more shy, smiled to himself as Robin made a beeline for Evelyn and began joking around saying she matched with him on purpose.

Everyone grew flustered as she tried to explain she hadn't, completely missing that he was joking. Donna saved her as she dragged her to the makeshift couch which had now been extended withe mattresses along the front of it. The group sat down as Bruce played a movie. A scary movie.

They huddled together as they leaned against the wall, watching the movie. Evelyn had somehow found herself between Finney and Robin as they both huddled close to her for comfort, not that she noticed. Whilst she was intently staring at the movie, Robin was intently staring at her. His gaze shifted over her features noting that even in the dim light, she looked breathtaking. Finney jumped at a scary part of the movie, making him grab Evelyn's hand as she had the same reaction he did, grabbing back just as tightly. She had grabbed Robin's hand too causing the boy to squeeze her hand in comfort.

The group had fallen asleep one by one and they were layed down fully on the mattresses now. Evelyn had fallen asleep facing Finney, hugging him lightly as her head rested on his shoulder. Finney was on his back, his head turned to Evelyn as his chin touched her forehead, his arm wrapped around her. Robin had fallen asleep with his head right behind Evelyn's as he too hugged her close to him. He had been the last of the three to fall asleep and, upon noticing their position, he had grew slightly jealous. Evelyn was still awake when he had layed beside her and as she drifted off, she felt safe as a feeling of comfort washed over her as it had over the other two.


Another chapter for you guys, hope you enjoyed lovelies!
As I said at the start the time skip will probably be in the chapter after the next as i am still debating on doing the girls sleepover in the net chapter.

Leave any comments you'd like to, I'd love to hear if you guys are enjoying the story so far!
Stay hydrated and take care of yourselves, see you in the next chapter!! <33

~author x

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