tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READ...

By tbhkrazy

120K 3.1K 6.5K

in which you join total drama world tour in need for some money, but a certain someone won't make that easy S... More



7.8K 170 971
By tbhkrazy

"Ok bro, I'm leaving now!" you said stuffing some things in your bag as you stood in the doorway.

Your mom had gone out for work so you had to pay for a taxi to take you to the airport.

"Hafvw fun sisz" you brother spoke with a mouthful of toast.

"Mhm I will. Don't tell mom please." You smiled before leaving.

Little did you know, you were in store for one heck of a journey.


"Season 3 of Total Drama folks, the world is gonna be mine sea to shining sea!" Chris announced proudly doing some excessive hand movements.

"Sadly, I'm forced to share my world with a free ring traveling team freak show and they'll be competing all around the globe for another million dollars!"

"I'm your Host Chris McLean and here are our contestants. Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna." They all came out the bus, Gwen and Heather already bickering.

"Lindsey, Owen, DJ and Harold- guys?" Chris asked as Lindsay was the only one who had come out the bus.

They soon came out, Owen screaming and DJ holding on to him. Something about his fright of planes.

Harold said something about Latin or air sickness, something insignificant that's all that matters.

Which led to Noah coming out and giving a typical sarcastic remark. Chris continued

"And returning favourites: it's Noah, Cody and-" he got cut off

"Yo yo yo! This year's winner is in the house! Uh, bus! I mean, runway! Where's the plane?"
Ezekiel came out just as Izzy jumped on his shoulders out of nowhere causing them to fall.

"Yep! Izzy's back! Also returning this season, Tyler! And Bridgette!" Both of them coming out and tripping over Izzy and Ezekiel on the floor.

Chris has left out Ezekiel's introduction on purpose ignoring his complaints.

"And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we're adding three new competitors." Chris said holding up three fingers.

"He's an honourable student with a diplomat for a dad, and the amazing ability to charm the pants off most species: Alejandro!"

He walked out taking off his sunglasses and wearing a confident smirk. He helped up everyone on the floor charming them in the process.

"And she's a sugar-addicted super fan with 16 total drama blogs: Sierra!" She rushed out the bus and started gushing at literally everything.

"And finally, our last contestant: we forgot to read her application form so we know nothing about her, not that we care. (Y/N)!" Chris snickered as you came out the bus giving him a death glare.

You looked around at all the contestants you already knew of, surprised to see some missing people. Eventually your eyes glanced over the new ones.

Your eyes locked with Alejandro's as he looked back at you giving you a wink. In response you averted your eyes, you weren't too fond of the playboy energy he was radiating. Instead, you turned your head to what seemed like the plane rolling in.

It didn't look like a proper plane, with Chris' face on the side and some chunks of metal falling out.

"Excuse me, but I'd like to express some concerns about the safety of this plane." Courtney stated putting her hand up.

Chris brushed off the question, hit Owen with a pan on the head for screaming in panic, then asked us to board the 'plane'.

As you were getting on, you struggled with your bag which you had to pack last minute. You had stuffed everything in and probably packed more than you should've making it quite heavy.

"Do you need a hand?" A voice said behind you. You turned around to be met face to face with Alejandro.

You now had a proper look at him, long brown hair, mint green eyes, tanned skin. You'd be lying if you said he was unattractive.

Before you could say anything he took the bag out of your hands and carried it like it was no problem.

"Uhh, thanks?" you said, uncertain of what his motives were.

"No problem señorita." he cooed giving you a smile as you both boarded the plane.

What's his deal? I mean he's a newbie like me, he can't be that bad...


Chris explained how you guys would have to be singing, which you wish he mentioned before hand. You would've taken some singing lessons.

He was about to start the tour of the whole plane before Leshawna asked to go to the restroom. Suddenly you heard her voice shouting about how there was a camera.

The confessional room again probably.

You thought following Chris and everyone else through to the economy class accommodations then to first class.

You mouth dropped when you saw the setting.

It was a different kind of classy, golden seats, a bar, LED lights. It was safe to say this was the best accommodation you had ever seen Total Drama provide.

"This place is so cool!" Tyler beside you exclaimed as you hummed in agreement.

"Probably like, the nicest thing Chris has ever done." You joked as the two of you laughed.

Tyler was a chill guy, you remember him not getting that much screen time but at least he wasn't as bad as Heather or Ezekiel.

Out of nowhere, his laughter died down and a frown appeared on his features as he looked behind you.

Confused you turned around to see Alejandro talking with Lindsay. From watching the last seasons you were aware that Tyler and Lindsay were together.

Of course that guy is flirting with her. That's literally his whole personality.

You were about to turn to Tyler to give him some word of encouragement but he wasn't there.

"Lindsay! I can do a handspring!" he exclaimed tumbling across the red carpet and falling miserably.

Alejandro and Lindsay payed him no attention and carried on talking which got you pissed at the both of them.

Seriously? Lindsay isn't even going to say anything?

You went up to Tyler yourself and helped him up.

"Don't mind them, Tyler. Friends?" you said offering your hand.

He took your hand, his fingers hurting you for some odd reason, and got up slouching a bit.

"Thanks (Y/N), sure friends it is..." he said quietly, still probably bummed that Lindsay wasn't talking to him.

"Let's go carry on with the tour." You said placing your arm around his shoulder and walking off.

You looked back at the pair one more time, Alejandro's gaze already on you. This time you gave him a proper glare to which he returned with a lazy smile.


"Ok I guess I'm giving Alejandro the benefit of the doubt here. After all he is new, he might not know that Lindsay and Tyler are together so he probably doesn't know what he's doing." you said crossing your arms "whatever, it's way too early to be making enemies"


"Oh I know exactly what I'm doing." Alejandro smirked "it'll only be a matter of time before (Y/N) falls for my charm as well."


"My only strategic option right now is to make friends with the new girls, but pretending to like THEM is going to be hard. Especially Sierra." Heather said in an annoyed tone.


"And that's pretty much it. I skipped a few parts but I'm sure you'll come across them sooner or later" Chris chuckled to himself which you found annoying. You already hated Chris with a burning passion.

All of a sudden, the plane shook as it was getting ready for takeoff resulting in some people losing their stability.

One of those people being being Bridgette as she fell into Alejandro's lap.

"Señorita, are you okay?" he asked fake concern evident in his voice. You looked at the sight and then looked away.

You just hoped Alejandro didn't do the same to Bridgette, she was already with Geoff as far as you remember.

"One more thing! I'm sure you all remember a little thing called the elimination ceremony. It takes place right in there my friends." Chris motioned to the room next door


Chris explained how we would have to receive a barf bag full of peanuts to avoid elimination. Just a tad bit different from the usual marshmallows.

Ezekiel kept interrupting his explanations which you kinda enjoyed. Too bad Chris got fed up and threw him out the plane as a 'demonstration'.

The plane was still taking off as you looked out the door to see Ezekiel running trying to keep up.

"You think he's gone for good?" you ask Tyler looking a bit confused as to why there'd be an elimination so early on.

"Probably, he was the first person to get voted out last time." he replied shrugging.

Everyone made they're way back to the dining room, the plane had fully taken off on its way to Egypt meaning Ezekiel definitely wasn't coming back any time soon.

"Every second, we're getting closer to adventure, and further away from Mama" DJ sighed resting his head on his palm.

You were seated in between him and Tyler, Tyler and you playing chopsticks underneath the table. You could hear Sierra from across stating some weird personal facts about Cody which you payed no attention to.

That was until you heard her bring up your name.

"Omg you're (Y/N), the one that Chris didn't care about!" She exclaimed pointing at you from across the table. You said nothing.

"You're not even that pretty, why'd you get accepted?" She asked curiously and suspiciously.

There were a few gasps among your table and Tyler gave you a worried look.

She certainly didn't sound like she meant it, you figured she'd be the kind of person to ask a question not knowing if it was offensive or not.

So yet again you said nothing and just looked back at her with a blank expression.


"I'm not going to get mad at her, there's no point. She's new too so maybe she's just a bit... naive?." You said questioning your own idea.


"As a Total Drama super-duper-ultra-mega fan, I remember that there were only supposed to be TWO new people accepted for this season." Sierra said "And I think (Y/N) snuck her way here, more people mean more potential threat for Cody to be taken away from me. No way! Not on my watch!"


It got awkwardly quiet quite quickly with you not giving a response. Thankfully a random bell chime rang which led to Chris moonwalking in the room dressed in a suit.

"Whenever you hear that friendly little bell, its musical number time! So, lets hear it." Chris announced straight to the point.

"What are we supposed to sing?" Courtney asked

"You have to make it up as you go along, duh. Wouldn't be a challenge otherwise." He said looking a little too proud for his own good.

Courtney looked pleased, as she stood up ready to sing. You cleared your throat to get ready as well.

Oh boy here we go.

You guys had all finished the song and when you took a look at Chris, he hadn't even been paying attention.

Suddenly a voice boomed thought the speaker.

"Enough singin' fruitcakes! Strap yourself in, we are now beginning our descent into Egypt,"

It then continued.

"Musical numbers, worst idea ever, Chris is such an idio- hey, why is the P.A light still on? Ohhhh sh-"

You turned towards Chris enjoying the annoyed expression on his face.

"We'll be right back."


Ending Note:

That was so long omds and that was only half an episode

Def gonna cut them in half


And guess what team im gonna put y'all in lololololol

Comment and vote and stuff pls i need motivation to write💔

And point out any mistakes i dont have time to proofread anything


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