Cote: The Demonic Ninja

By 9crimsonsage

34.4K 2.4K 803

Ayanokoji, the only survivor of the demonic fourth generation, is killed in a freak accident. He gets reincar... More

Vol 1 Reborn
Vol 1 Learning
Vol 1 Lavender
Vol 1 Train
Vol 1 Clash
Vol 1 Friendship
Vol 1 Dawn
Vol 1 Dawnbreak
Vol 1 Choice
Vol 1 Evaluation
Vol 1 Rain
Vol 1 Sharingans
Vol 1 Cake
Vol 1 Burn
Vol 1 Root

Vol 1 Weapon

1.7K 151 48
By 9crimsonsage

AN: I made a discord mainly aimed towards the COTE and Naruto fanfic communities, although others are welcome as well. If you want to join the link is in my bio. If you're an author you're also welcome to join to talk with people and get your stories known out there and if you're just a fan of mine you can join the discord to just talk to me or the community. Always don't forget to like and comment to show your support.

Ayanokoji's pov

A month had passed since my encounter with Shikamaru, ever since then he has come to me asking to play against me in shogi, so far it's 13-0 with me winning each time. Although he is able to improve at a fast speed which isn't too surprising considering what clan he comes from.

I looked down at the book I was holding. It was the Level 2 Fuinjutsu book. I was on the last bit of the book which went into making weak barrieings. These barriers were normally used to keep people out of places or to protect places but I've thought of a better idea for them.

What if instead of placing the barrier down somewhere I placed it on myself. This would make hurting me much harder. I could create some barrier that activities on it's on when anything comes too close to me. But I need to make sure it only turns on for dangerous things and not someone trying to shake my hand.

First I need to learn everything about barrier seals and then learn more about seals placed on people and combine them both.

I kept on reading the book as I walked through the village enjoying the feeling of the cold air hitting my skin. It was getting dark out so not many people were out at the moment.

As I continued to walk I eventually reached the shopping district of the village. As I continued to walk through it I stopped when I noticed a finally person. I looked to see Naruto being pushed down to the ground. I then watched as the shop owner grabbed a mask and threw it at Naruto.

"Why, why do all of you look at me with those eyes! I'm not some brat, I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" I heard him yell, Naruto then grabbed the mask and ran off.

I heard people begin to whisper things as he ran off.

"That demon brat again."

"Why does Lord Third let that fox brat live?"

"Someone should put the demon to death already."

Looking at Naruto's back as he ran my mind begin to put things together quickly

Naruto's birthday is October 10th

The nine tails attacked October 10th

Blonde hair like the Fourth Hokage also named Minato Namikaze

Kushina Uzumaki, the red death of Konoha and the wife of Minato Namikaze

Fuinjutsu allows people to seal things into scrolls

"Demon brat."

"Fox brat."

I see. Naruto Uzumaki has the nine tails sealed inside of him, this is why everyone despises him. Considering I've never heard any of the kids talking about this it means there's some law not allowing the adults to talk about it. After all, kids have big mouths and they would definitely go around telling everyone Naruto is the nine tails or something along those lines. The Fourth Hokage is someone everyone said had a lot of honor, someone who is honorable would never seal a monster inside anyone's child but their own.

It seems like Naruto is far more useful then I first believed. If he truly does have the nine tails inside of him that will be something useful for me to take advantage of. I put some chakra into my feet and quickly jumped from building to building following close behind Naruto.


After some time of following Naruto he came to a stop at the park. I watched as he slowly began to shake as some tears built up in his eyes. I saw some hate in his eyes but they were quickly replaced with sadness. In a time like this any good person would go up to him now and tell him how he's not a demon. Tell him the people are wrong about him and tell him to show them that he's not a demon but a person as well. However I am not a good person. I don't need him to find peace within himself, I don't need him to make people like him. What I need is the power he holds inside of him. I need him to use the power for my own wishes. For that I need to push him deeper into the darkest, deeper into isolation until the only "friend" he has left is me.

I jumped off the tree I was sitting on and landed in front of Naruto. Naruto turned to look at me and quickly wiped his eyes.

"Hey kiyotaka." He told me with a smile. Seems like he likes to hide his sadness and anger behind a mask. Well that will have to stop.

"It's ok to be mad, you know." I told him.

"Mad? Why would I be mad?" He asked me, acting confused.

"I saw how the people treated you, I heard the names they called you." I told him. Naruto widens his eyes in surprise. He looked at me and then looked down at the floor.

"Yeah but the old man told me they only treat me that way because they're afraid of what they don't understand. He told me that all I have to do is show them I'm Naruto Uzumaki by becoming a strong ninja!" Naruto said, smiling at the end. By old man I assume he means the Third Hokage.

"Tell me Naruto, do you really wish to be nothing but a slave your whole life? To be a fool that is lied to every single day?" I asked him.

"What do you mean? I'm not a slave and no one has lied to me at all." He told me.

"You are a slave. Lord Third tells you to prove to them that you're right and not a demon. How does he tell you to do that huh? Does he tell you to be yourself, to do as you wish, to let them know you have feelings too? Or does he tell you to become strong for the village, to protect this village, to show everyone love and respect. Lord Third is putting thoughts into your head that will not end up helping you but helping the village. And tell me Naruto, do you know why you are hated, do you even know who your parents are?" I asked him. Naruto looked thoughtful as to what I said.

"He does tell me to become strong for the village but..." He started but I cut him off

"But nothing Naruto. You must learn that Lord Third is the Hokage. At the end of the day one small boy like you means nothing to him compared to the safety of a whole village. In fact to him you are nothing more than a weapon." I told him.

"That's not true! Jiji told me that I'm like a grandson to him!" Naruto yelled at me with anger in his eyes.

"Would any grandpa ever tell their grandson to become strong for a village that doesn't even love him?" I asked, Naruto opened his mouth but nothing came out. "You are a weapon to him, Naruto. Because the reason you are hated is because the weapon Lord Third needs is inside of you. Naruto, you have been lied to all your life, Lord Third knows why you are hated and who your parents are." I told Naruto.

"W-what?" Naruto stuttered out.

"Your father is Lord Fourth Naruto, and your Mother is Kushina Uzumaki, the wife of Lord Fourth. You are a big fan of Lord Fourth no? I'm sure you've seen a picture of him before. You have his hair and eyes but you have your mother's face. And the weapon that is inside of you is the Nine tails fox itself." I told Naruto.

"No.... no... you're lying. I can't be the nine tails! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto yelled.

"I never once said you were the nine tails, but you do have it sealed inside of you Naruto. This is why Lord Third tells you to become strong for the village because you have his weapon inside you, and for that reason alone he sees you as his most useful weapon and it would be bad if his weapon was unloyal." I told him. Naruto looked down at the ground, tears running down his face. Although I have shown Naruto no proof of what I've said, he still believes me. Although I am not lying, maybe Lord Third did see Naruto as a grandson but it's better for Naruto not to believe that.

I walked up to Naruto and put my hand on his shoulder, he looked up at me as the tears kept coming down.

"I'm here for you, Naruto. I will never lie to you like that selfish bastard did. I will never see you as a weapon or monster, to me you will always be my friend and nothing less. Allow me, Naruto, to help you become strong, not for the village or anyone else but for yourself." I told Naruto as I let go of his shoulder and put my hand in front of him for him to shake. Naruto slowly reached out and shook my hand.

It seems like my pawns are growing more and more and I have just gained a very powerful weapon for me to use. 

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