how to be a pureblood 101...

By urlostchapstick

33.3K 1.2K 3.6K

when draco malfoy's muggle one night stand gives birth to his daughter he decides to carry on the family trad... More

"ruler of all the testosterone"
"is leo going country?"
"you know how Slytherins are"
"are you jealous"
"any publicity is good publicity"
"different scarlet letters"
"it's not creepy it's romantic."
"nice grip"
"it's a date"
"a quidditch tactic"
"some bloody validation"
"it's pronounced sirius"
"reasons why chase mclaggen sucks"
"stay bitter"
"break out some pirouettes"
"mr prongs jr's responsibility"
"it was all fake"
"keep up appearances"
"taylor swift on the highest volume"
"james's room and clothes"
"i have a boyfriend"
"so incompatible"
"cold hand"
"happy christmas eve"
"so fucking in sync"
"i just have to stay"
"overstayed your welcome"
"malfoy manor"
"don't get expelled"
"going to murder"
"new girl for the playboy"
"prince charming"
"auras and shit"
"spiked milk"
"blueberry pomegranate smoothie"
"my bra is next to you"
"swan lake"
"it's everyday bro"
"head of house"
"jealousy is a bad look"
"red is your color"
"back off"
"don't drown"
"happy and in love"
"little miss competitive"
"jimmy fallon"
"my mum"
"if that's even your real name"
"vain narcissistic woman"
"happy birthday"
"down bad"
"with love"
"stop walking away"
"childless unmarried woman"
"the end"

"blowing bennetts off"

624 31 88
By urlostchapstick

"Lily! I have the coolest news!" James said running up to his little sister.

"Talk while walking James, I can't be late." Lily quipped as she continued through the castle with her broomstick in hand.

"I was at a meeting this morning and Tío Ron revealed that the snitch is only going to be worth 75 points this year!" Despite primarily playing as a Seeker, Lily too found that the Snitch was overpowered. She didn't care about the praise
of being a Seeker, she just liked the rush of spotting it and chasing it.

"Interesting." Lily said thinking it out, "Do you think it will last?"

"I'm not sure yet, it's just an experiment."

"Well I'm sure Leo is going to tell us all about it during tryouts."

James looked her up and down and saw that she was ready for Quidditch, "Are Slytherin tryouts today?"

"Yep!" Lily said confidently.

"Damn that's early."

"Better to get it over with." Lily said with a shrug, "I wish I would've gotten to practice on the pitch beforehand though. I don't know the layout as well to be able to find the Snitch with all the background sights."

"About that- are you still planning on trying for Seeker?"

"Yeah." Lily said getting worried at James's expression, "You've always said I was a great Seeker."

"You are. You would be the best option by far. But... Marcus Flint is a returning player, and Malfoy hates my guts. Your best chance of getting on the team would probably trying for Chaser."

"You don't think I'm better than Flint?" Lily asked hurt. Sometimes it's hard to remember that Lily is only a child.

"No no that's not what I'm saying at all. There's just- with Slytherin having the right connections is a big deal. Malfoy has been playing alongside Flint for years and he's been the Seeker for years. Plus like I said she hates me."

"But she loves Andres." Lily pointed out.

"True, but Andres stays away from Quidditch. I'm just looking out for you Lils. You're a great Chaser as well." 

"I'll think about it." Lily said with a sigh.

"That's all I ask." James said with a smile, "Now go kick some ass."

Lily took a deep breath as she approached the locker room, "Thanks Jamey. I'll come find you after the try out."

"No need. I'll be here waiting."

"I love you."

"I love you too."


Leo sat on her broomstick looking over the pitch.
She pulled her phone out her pocket to check the time. 4:30pm. She answered her group chat real quick to say thank you for the good luck messages from Marco and Bianca.

She started circling the field. From the people
below it probably looked like she was a vulture stalking her prey, but instead Leo was trying to shake her nerves.

She knew that she had knowledge and skill required of a captain. Her plays were solid, her drills were strong, but that wasn't all it took to be a good captain. The thing she knew she lacked was the respect of the players. There was talk all
morning about how Marcus was robbed of the position. Rumors flew about her dad bribing Bennetts, even more flew about Leo hooking up with him.

Ares had respect handed to him, she was going to have to earn it. She checked her phone once more to see if he'd texted her yet. He'd texted only a few times that day, but he knew that she was holding tryouts and she expected a good luck text. He must just be busy. Leo circled the field a few more times before landing at 4:45.

"Alright everyone go warm up." Leo said trying to sound as authoritative as possible.

"It isn't 5:00 yet." Marcus said with a small smirk thinking he caught her.

"More like it's almost five and none of you seem prepared. On this team I expect everyone to be ready to start before the time practice is set. I hoped that one of you would be assertive enough to do so, but it appears I have to baby you all." Leo replied just as she practiced since she anticipated some attitude in return. "I will be starting at precisely 5. If you are not warmed up then that is on you. But I recommend being stretched out."

The younger players took off on their brooms right away, but the older ones appeared more stubborn. "Listen Malfoy. I don't know if you're aware of how this works, but the whole try out thing is just for show. We already have our team."

"You may have your team, but I do not have mine. Many of you are good fliers and I expect for you to continue in your position, however, I can not base my decision on your previous performances. All that matters to me is how you play today. So I expect you to give it your all." Leo stated, shocking herself at how confident she seemed.

"Malfoy, we all know you don't deserve this position. So why don't you stop pretending you do." Marcus' words were like venom on her skin.

"Flint. I do not recommend disrespecting your captain on your first day. It is not earning you any points." Leo turned away from him and grabbed her clipboard, black pen, whistle and stop watch. Finally she checked her phone one last time then sat it on the bench when she saw no text from Ares so she'd have no distractions. She needed to be flawless.

As soon as the clock turned five she blew her whistle and the group of Slytherins made their way over to her. "Hello everyone, I'm glad to see how many people came out, plenty of new faces in the crowd." Leo made eye contact with an excited Lily Potter, "I'm going to start off with a rundown of how this try out will go and my expectations. I'm going to split you into positions and start with just Chasers. You will be individually attempting to score on me. Then we will add two more Chasers and do the same. Then add 3 defensive Chasers. Next we'll include Beaters. After that will be purely Beaters. Finally we will have three sets of Seeker trials. First will be a straight time trial from point A to B. Then your classic free for all to catch the Snitch. And finally will be dodging Bludgers. Any questions about the schedule?"

"Traditionally Seekers are chosen by who catches the Snitch first." Marcus piped up with a snarky tone.

"That was not a question rather it was a statement. I expect clarity on this team. I ask again are there any questions." Leo looked at Marcus Flint, but he just bitterly shook his head. "As for my other expectations: I want a good team, not just good players. I do not care how skilled you are, if you do not fit, then you do not fit. Furthermore, no former players are safe, you will need to earn your spot. And finally, I am always willing to listen to any concerns or suggestions you have, but at the end of the day I am your captain and this is a dictatorship not a democracy. I will not tolerate disrespect. Do I make myself clear." The younger kids nodded obediently while the older ones rolled their eyes, "I need verbal confirmation- do I make myself clear?"

She heard a mix of excited and reluctant yes's but she would have to just take what she could get. "Chasers over there, Seekers there, Beaters there." Everyone quickly separated into their groups besides one lone boy. Leo suspected he was just a first year. As much as she wanted to be nice, she couldn't show weakness. "Do you not know the positions? Because if not then you have no place on my team."

"I know the positions ma'am. I would like to try out for reserve Keeper." The boy spoke to her in a clear and confident manner despite his young age.

"What's your name kid?" Leo was impressed by his determination.

"Michael Dennings. I'm a muggleborn."

A Slytherin muggleborn trying out for Quidditch... her respect for the kid only grew, "We'll save you for the end then."

"Thank you ma'am." Michael said then quickly went to take a seat on the bench and watch.

Leo went through and took the names of each player trying out then took off for her spot as Keeper. She enchanted her pen to take notes as she spoke.

There were five Chasers, she was giving them each three shots on the hoops.

Of them, only Montague, Pucey, and Potter scored on  her. And each only managed to do it once.

Next she had them in go by threes, rotating them out since there was an uneven number. The scoring was a bit higher because they were able to pass, however, Leo didn't just cared who scored. In fact she didn't try hard to block the goals because she was more focused on their passing and flying. Finally she brought in the defense, but again there was an uneven number. "Flint!" Leo called down to the ground, "Will you fly with this group of Chasers?"

Marcus, always the show off, was more than willing to take the 'sacrifice' and go fly. However, he was not aware that Leo just wanted to test his skills as a Chaser.

Her suspicions were proven correct as she watched how much better he was suited for being a Chaser. His passes were strong and direct and he was good at dodging the Bludgers once she added them in. The opposite could be said for Lily Potter. Leo took note that she was one of the strongest fliers and she was obviously fast, however, she did have the strongest throws or slickest catches. Why wouldn't she try for Seeker? Overall Montague, Pucey, and Flint were the best and a fourth year, Green, was decent.

After the Chasers were finished, Leo had just the Beaters. Harrison and Lakivitz were the previous Beaters, however, she felt that a fourth year girl, Richardson, was much better suited than Harrison. His hits were harder but hers were more direct. Lakivitz did good as she suspected.

"Potter I want to see you try out with the Seekers." Leo told her as the rest of the Seeker hopefuls got ready.

"Really?" Lily asked excitedly.

"I do not joke. Go now." Once again it pained Leo to be stern, but she knew she had to gain respect somehow.

Lily was by far the fastest in the timed trials, and for the free for all she was best at tricking the others into diving. Flint got the Snitch, but only because a third year tried to push her off her broom. Leo subsequently forced him to leave and planned on reporting to Bennetts.

Finally she called Lakivitz and Richardson to pass Bludgers back and forth while the Seekers fly around them. She gave clear instructions not to aim at the Seekers and was pleased to see no one get hurt. The pair followed direction well.

When that was finished she called everyone down. "Dennings, I'll deal with you later, for now I want to announce the rest of the team. I require no further deliberation, I feel as though my selected players all stuck out as superior. Beaters will be Lakivitz and Richardson. Chasers will be Montague, Pucey, and Flint." Leo could hear the protests starting so she spoke louder and quicker, "Seeker will be Potter. On reserve will be Harrison for Beater, Green for Chaser, and Flint would shift for Seeker. Any complaints can be taken up with me at a later time, I need to go test out this kid."

Leo quickly walked over to Dennings and the pair took off towards the hoops.

"They seem angry." He said to her unprompted while looking down at the crowd that hadn't moved.

"I can't look down, shows weakness. They still there?"

"Yes. They're yelling at each other. And at Lily, which is quite rude, she's a very nice girl. We've spoken an few times, she actually taught me about Quidd-," Michael was cut off by Leo diving towards the crowd.

"I said that if you have complaints you can take them up with me. I will not tolerate you fighting with a fellow teammate." Leo yelled at the group of boys, "I make the team. I am the captain. Now if you so desire you may stay and wait quietly until I am done. No more commotion on my pitch." Leo took off on her broom towards Dennings once more. "Get in position."

Michael quickly flew in front of the hoops.

Leo threw the Quaffle through the left hoop without warning. She waved her wand and it quickly returned to her, "Always be prepared. Try again."

Once again Leo easily threw it past him.

"Have you ever played football?" Leo asked curiously.

"Yes! I was a goalie!" Michael nodded enthusiastically.

"Right. Well Quidditch is different than football. In football you're trained to focus on just your hands, but in Quidditch you should be using your whole body. Now it's already impressive that you're able to fly as a first-year muggleborn. However, being a Keeper is more than that. It's watching the Chasers, it's motivating your Beaters, and more importantly stopping goals. I want you to fly to the Quaffle leading with your chest, rather than your hands. It comes fast but  so do you. You goal should always be meeting the Quaffle, not blocking the hoop.
Lets go again.."

Leo threw the Quaffle a few times and still scored each time, but by the last one Dennings could just barely touch it.

"You need a lot of practice and will most likely never see a game, but you're in." Leo said with a slight nod. Hopefully she could build him up from scratch and have a solid replacement ready for the next captain. He had spunk, she liked that.

Leo flew back down as he followed with a bunch of words of gratitude. "This is going to be ugly kid, I'm scram if I were you." Michael nodded as Marcus was stomping over towards them.

"Malfoy! I am a Seeker. I caught it first. What the Hell?" Marcus yelled at her.

"Flint." Leo put on a calm, kind smile despite wanting to punch his teeth in, "I was planning on revealing this later, but I'm sure news will get around by tonight. This year the Snitch will only be worth 75 points, thus increasing the importance of a strong Chaser trio. You are friends with Pucey and Montague and it showed when you played with them. I believe that the three of you will be able to rack up a lot of points and win the game for us. You were my best option as the third Chaser."

"I am a Seeker. I always have been. I could get over you being captain since I knew you only got it for blowing Bennetts off, but I will not take-,"

"I am going to stop you there." Leo became eerily calm and Marcus quickly quieted down, "You are upset. So I will let that slide just this once. But I remind you, that I am your captain and you will respect me. If I ever hear you speak about me in such a manner again you will be off the team. However, if you so desire an explanation for why I am captain and not you then I will give it to you. I had over sixty saves last year alone. You caught the Snitch zero times. I am simply a better player. If you do not want to be on this team, then I will replace you. And if you continue to disrespect me, then I will replace you. Now go blow off some stream because I expect you to be more of a team player by our first practice." It took everything in Leo not to cry angry tears and even more to keep a steady voice.

Marcus just wordlessly grabbed his gear and stormed off the pitch. Leaving a relieved Leo. Behind him followed Harrison, who she assumed heard her rant and didn't want to bother arguing for his position back. Leo went over to the bench and was startled by Lily Potter still standing there.

"Hi!" Lily said.

"Hey." Leo replied taking off her padding.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Leo asked as she packed away all of her stuff.

"For choosing me. And for letting me try for Seeker."

Leo looked at her curiously as she wiped sweat from her brow, "You typically play as Seeker don't you?"

Lily nodded shyly.

"Why'd you try out for Chaser?"

"My brother told me to." Lily replied embarrassed, "He thought it was my best chance of getting on the team. There was already a Seeker and he was your friend-,"

"Marcus Flint is not my friend." Leo replied annoyed, "And your brother is a greater idiot than I realized if he thought I wouldn't pick the best player."

"He is quite stupid" Lily agreed. "He is not going to believe that I'm Seeker!"

Leo smiled at her softly, she wished sometimes that Scorpius cared more about Quidditch. She loved him more than anything, but it was such an important part of her life that she couldn't share with him, "Come on. I'll walk out with you. Give him crap for telling you not to try out for your typical position."

"Five galleons he tries to defend himself until you aren't around then he apologizes profusely."

"No deal. I won't know whether or not he actually does." Leo looked at the young girl fondly, it made sense that she was a Slytherin.

"You're smarter than my dad. He would've taken that bet." Lily said disappointed.

Leo laughed in response, "That sounds like Harry."

"Hey, are you going to come over to the Christmas party this year?"

Every year, a huge party is thrown at Adeline and Remus' house to Adeline's dismay (she claimed that she hates parties). Draco, Astoria, and Scorpius always go, but Leo is with her mum on Christmas.

"Probably not, but you never know."

"Why don't you ever come? Tío Draco, Tía Astoria, and Scorpius always come."

"I spend Christmas with my nana, Cissy."

Step 6 on Being on a Pureblood:
Use the one person in your life that you know doesn't speak to anyone as your excuse for everything muggle-mum related.

"She should come to!" Lily said oblivious to the fact that Narcissa still holds a lot of blood purist values. She cut the conversation off when they exited the pitch, "Jamey!"

"Hey Lils." James said as he pulled her into a hug, "Long tryout."

"Guess what!"

James had yet to notice Leo watching them, jealous of their relationship. "What?"

"I'm on the team!"

"That's amazing!" James picked her up and spun her around. When he did he finally spotted Leo standing there. "Malfoy."

"Potter." Leo replied.

"Quite a few people stormed off the pitch."

"Suppose they did. Didn't like the fact that I care more about winning than their feelings."

"Oh yeah?" James asked curiously then looked down at Lily who was now looking sly, "What's that face for?"

"You didn't ask my position." Lily replied with a knowing smile.

James's eyes shot up towards Leo, "Did you make Lily Seeker?"

"Mmm. You see a little birdy," Leo motioned to Lily, "told me that her big brother wanted her to try out for Chaser."

"I never expected you not to pick Flint-,"

"So you expected me to be a bad captain?" Leo didn't quite care what he thought, but it was entertaining to watch James stammer.

"You also hate me." James tried to point out.

"Yet I love Andres." Leo replied with narrowed eyes.

"That's what I said too!" Lily chimed in.

"That explains why Flint looked so angry." James said trying to take the spotlight off himself.

"Yes he was not happy to be switched to a Chaser. Now Potter, I ask why you tried to not only sabotage your sister but also my team?" Now Leo was just having a bit of fun.

"I was only trying to help her-,"

"Did you not think she was better than Flint?"

"She is absolutely better than him-"

"Yet you doubted her ability to get on the team. If you truly do have confidence in her skill then it seems to me like you just didn't want my team to be at their strongest."

"Please we could still crush you at your strongest."

Leo was about to argue back when she felt her phone buzz. She checked it quickly and saw it was Ares, "Sure you could Potter. Now you're getting off easy, I have to take this."

"Whatever Malfoy." James said taking Lily's hand as he walked away.

While Leo went to answer the call, she could hear James apologizing to Lily in the distance. The little gambler was right.

"Leo what the Hell?" Ares loudly spoke through the phone.

"Um hello to you too?" Leo replied as she began her walk back to her dorm.

"I just got an angry call from Marcus telling me to get my girlfriend in check."

"Excuse me? I hope you told him off for that."

"Leo he was right. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I wanted to win a match this year!"

"For fuck's sake Leo, you can't just change the whole team. There's principles."

"Fuck principles!" Leo yelled shocking herself. She rarely swore since her mum kept a clean image and expected the same of her daughter, "I want the best team. I chose the best team."

"Leo I don't want to deal with all of my friends angry with me because my girlfriend went crazy. Go change the team back to normal. Make the Potter girl the new Chaser if she was that good."

"I did not go crazy!" Leo replied insulted, "Your friends are the ones who went crazy and yelled at an eleven year old because she was better than them."

"You know how this looks for me? First I'm told
my girlfriend blew off Bennetts but I let that roll
off my back. Now I get to hear that my girlfriend is fucking James Potter and that's the only reason his sister got on the team!"

"People are saying that?" Leo asked as her heart dropped for Lily's sake. The poor girl didn't deserve to have her merit questioned like Leo's was.

"Yeah and now I look like a chump!"

"Did you at least defend me to them for that?"

"Why would I? For all I know it's true."

"You really think I'd sleep my way to the top? And let others do the same with me?"

"Who knows Leo? I mean no one expected you to be captain. No one. You aren't made for it."

"Ares we can talk about this later okay?" Leo said hurt that he didn't believe in her.

"There's nothing to talk about. I am telling you to go change my team back. I'm tired of being shit on for my girlfriend's dumb power trips."

"It's not your team anymore. It's mine. And it's not your girlfriend's power trips. Because I'm no longer your girlfriend." Leo couldn't believe what she was saying.

"What the fuck Leo? Stop being so damn dramatic. Are you on your period or some shit?"

Click. Leo hung up the phone.


longggg chapter

not sure how you all feel about the quidditch stuff but it's necessary to plot :)

also i feel the need to say that yes james is a bit of a dick- but we'll know why eventually and also he has to grow somehow or there's no story

luv ya <3

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