My elite romantic comedy is w...

By EdisonSerna

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Hikigaya Hachiman dies in the car accident on the entrance day of Sobu High School, when he wakes up he reali... More

Author's note
VOL 1 Chapter 1 Welcome to the Metropolitan High School for Advanced Education
VOL 1 Chapter 2 Throwing Overboard
VOL 1 Chapter 3 Advantage
VOL 1 Chapter 4 Interesting
VOL 1 Chapter 5 Next Steps
VOL 1Chapter 6 Acknowledgments
VOL 1 Chapter 7 Class D
VOL 1 Chapter 8 Homecoming Club
VOL 1 Chapter 9 Interacting
VOL 1 Chapter 10 Parasite
VOL 1 Chapter 11 First Impressions
VOL 1 Chapter 12 Two loners
VOL 1 Chapter 13 Leader?
VOL 1 Chapter 14 Friends
VOL 1 Chapter 15 Friends part 2
VOL 1 Chapter 16 Movements
VOL 1 Chapter 17 May 1st
VOL 1 Chapter 18 Gambling
VOL 1 Chapter 19 Hikigaya Group
Chapter 20 Circumstances
VOL 1 Chapter 21 Blackmail
VOL 1 Chapter 22 Unmasking
VOL 1 Chapter 23 Meeting
Chapter 24 50%
S.S Those who were left behind.
Author's Note 2
VOL 2 Chapter 1 Tranquility before the storm.
VOL 2 Chapter 2 Those Who Reached Me
VOL 2 Chapter 4 Beast
VOL 2 Chapter 5 Confession
VOL 2 Chapter 6 Rumors
VOL 2 Chapter 7 Trap
VOL 2 Chapter 8 In trouble
VOL 2 Chapter 9 The trial
VOL 2 Chapter 10 Change for Yourself
VOL 2 Chapter 11 Do you have 5 points?
VOL 2 Chapter 12 Confrontation
VOL 2 Chapter 13 Shizuku
VOL 2 Chapter 14 The Red Moon
VOL 2 Chapter 15 Stalker
VOL 2 Chapter 16 Potential
VOL 2 Chapter 17 Second Year Status
VOL 2 Chapter 18 Scum
VOL 2 Chapter 19 Phantom Asura
S.S Fiancé
S.S Ideal
S.S Determination
Author note 3
VOL 3 Chapter 1 Paradise Cruise.
VOL 3 Chapter 2 The special exam
VOL 3 Chapter 3 Fast Moves
VOL 3 Chapter 4 Handing out the work
VOL 3 Chapter 5 Maturity
VOL 3 Chapter 6 Doubts Affecting the Heart
VOL 3 Chapter 7 Arrogant
VOL 3 Chapter 8 Exercise
VOL 3 Chapter 9 C Class Camp
VOL 3 Chapter 10 The days on the island.
VOL 3 Chapter 11 Respect
VOL 3 Chapter 12 Relationships
VOL 3 Chapter 13 Unexpected Companion
VOL 3 Chapter 14 incident
VOL 3 Chapter 15 Culprit
VOL 3 Chapter 16 Distracted
VOL 3 Chapter 17 Burden
VOL 3 Chapter 18 Taekwondo vs. Hybrid
VOL 3 Chapter 19 Utility
Special note
VOL 3 Chapter 20 The fool
S.S Greed
S.S Destroy
VOL 4 Chapter 1 Accumulated problems.
VOL 4 Chapter 2 Birthday
VOL 4 Chapter 3 Observed
VOL 4 Chapter 4 Another special test
VOL 4 Chapter 5 The zodiac exam.
VOL 4 Chapter 6 Exam Eve
VOL 4 Chapter 7 the first session
VOL 4 Chapter 8 Apologies
VOL 4 Chapter 9 Cards
VOL 4 Chapter 10 Control
VOL 4 Chapter 11 In the shadows
VOL 4 Chapter 12 Among friends

VOL 2 Chapter 3 Alliance

1.6K 64 8
By EdisonSerna

Hachiman POV

It's the next day after the problem that happened with Ken and Airi, I didn't know what changes their interaction and consequent friendship would cause, but I'm not complaining at all about the result, the butterfly effect caused both of them to mature earlier than in the original story, Airi ended up supporting Ken to avoid the fight.

As I suspected it was a premeditated attack, having a witness made it very difficult for them to continue with the plan.

Now the question, will Ryuuen stop?
Of course not, this time it will be treated as a failed plan due to a coincidence, so he will start looking for new victims.

I don't know who will be the unlucky one to fall for the dragon boy's evil plans, but I can't just sit idly by, so I'm sending Kikyo the instructions for defense.

Speaking of Kikyo, I didn't know names could generate so much change, I can feel stares from men and women looking to pierce my skull, it's quite troublesome to be a student Idol.

Just by getting a little close to her they already put a price on my head.

Now the next step is to form the alliance, I was contacted by Honami to make the meeting to establish the terms of the alliance.

I talk to the leaders and we decide that Horikita and Hirata will attend, Kikyo I don't want her to attend, because I don't want her to be involved too much in the class affairs, that way she won't lose information power.

At the moment I am going with the two of them to the karaoke, the karaoke is considered a neutral point because inside the rooms there are no cameras, it is the perfect place to talk about important things.

As for why I'm accompanying them, it's to finish my so-called bridge work, diverting attention away from me.

Hirata: I understand why Horikita-san is here, but why me too?

Hachiman: I'm sure Honami will come with his second in command, Kanzaki, plus Horikita-san isn't the friendliest person to say the least.

Hirata: In that case wouldn't it be better if Kushida-san accompanied her.

As I said before Kikyo can't lose power in her social network. Besides I'd earn a scolding for making her match Horikita.

Hachiman: Kikyo is busy with an errand of mine.

Hirata: I see, hey Hikigaya-kun, I'm curious that you started calling Kushida-san by name.

Hachiman: I don't know, she just said to call each other by name and I agreed.

Hirata: then call me by name too.

Huh? This bastard who thinks, don't tell me the rumors about him are true, if so, I have to stay away, I don't know if his charms also work on guys , if they work I'll be a very easy target in his eyes.

Hachiman: Why the sudden change?

Hirata: Well, we're friends, aren't we?

Hachiman: We're friends?

I don't really hate him, he's nice, I don't feel so pressured with him around, and why the hell am I thinking like it's a cliché monologue of a girl in love?!

The thing is, I consider Hirata to be a nice guy, despite the stereotype of a good-looking schoolboy, so I guess I wouldn't do anything wrong, right?

Hirata: Aren't we?!

Hachiman: Just kidding, I'll keep counting on you Yousuke.

Hirata: You're really annoying, Hachiman.

Horikita sees our chattering with an indecipherable look, noticing it I asked him.

Hachiman: What's wrong Horikita?

Horikita: Nothing

Rule number one of women, when they tell you that nothing is wrong with them it's because something is wrong with them.

Hachiman: Tsk Tsk just say you want to call me by name too, Suzune.

I'm more and more impressed with the way my thoughts come out loud, I guess this is the influence I had in this life, I'm either braver or stupider.

Horikita: Try calling me one more time like that and I'll engrave your name on a tombstone.

Haaaaaaaaaa, a pretty girl would blush from embarrassment but I guess Horikita is too cool for that.

Hachiman: Sorry Horikita-san it won't happen again.

Horikita: Hmph.

Yousuke: You guys really get along well.
Hachiman: Didn't you just hear how she threatened to kill me? You should worry more about your friends.

Yousuke: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

Hachiman: Don't laugh you bastard.

With this chatter we arrive at our destination, we book a karaoke room, Horikita and Yousuke enter while I am left outside waiting.

About five minutes pass when I see a familiar pink hair with her second in command.

Honami: Oh, Hachiman-kun looks like you were waiting for us.

Hachiman: Yeah, I see only you two are coming, I thought Furinji-san was coming too.

Honami: Hooooo, so you're looking for Miu-chan, I'm quite worried, I'll have to tell her to be careful at night.

It seems like they became close the way he called her.

Hachiman: I can't let it go as you clearly consider me someone suspicious.

Honami: Ahhhh?! Spare my life, look as an offering, I offer you Kanzaki -kun, he may not look like it but he has quite a bit of meat on him.

What the hell is wrong with her? I don't know why she thinks a man would make me happy, I'm worried that rumors like that will spread.

Kanzaki: Ichinose, if you want to attack him don't use me. Sorry Hikigaya, you know her.

Hachiman: Pitifully.

At least I have a comrade in arms, who understands the pain this girl represents.

Honami: Hachiman-kun your expression says something extremely rude.

I have to practice my poker face when I'm talking.

We end the conversation for a moment, until Honami changes her face and tone to a more serious one.

Honami: The information you told us turned out to be all true. We asked Hoshinomiya-sensei about the expulsion and he confirmed it, while Ryuuen-kun's attacks have started.

Hachiman: Well, we had to have something on the table to attract you.

Kanzaki: Yes, you managed to convince us, Ryuuen has provoked several of our colleagues, through mild harassment.

Hachiman: You can thank my bosses inside.

Honami: Hey, isn't Hachiman-kun going to join us?

Hachiman: Hell no, I fulfilled my messenger duty so when you guys come in I'm going.

Honami: I wouldn't mind if you join us.

Hachiman: Well I do, I want to avoid troublesome things between classes.

Having said that he urged them to come in.

Kanzaki: You really don't like these things.

Honami: I think Hachiman-kun is looking to slack off whenever he can.

Hachiman: I call it conserving energy for the necessary moments.

Honami: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.

With this they enter the room and I close the door, it's all up to Yousuke and Horikita, they should start to relate with the other class leaders, this works as training for when my retirement happens.

Besides I have another meeting with someone, so it would be rude to make him wait.

I run to the Keyaki mall, there at the fountain I meet the boy with brown hair and golden eyes.

Hachiman: I'm sorry Kiyotaka, did I make you wait too long?

Kiyotaka: No, I just got here.

Introducing Kiyotaka to the Hikigaya group, was easier than I expected, Sudo had already been in contact with him so there was no problem, Akito also agreed, Airi also found no problem and Haruka.....

At first she made a fuss, placed in a hard position Kiyotaka, but after incessant discussion she agreed, then placed the characteristic nickname a little fast, now thinking about it , it was too fast after all the ruckus we went through.

I'm sorry, you couldn't avoid the cruel fate. You will be named Kiyopon. Kiyotaka's indecipherable face stayed in my memory.

Obviously being in the group we started calling him by name as he also calls us by ours.

The fact that he found a group of friends so early in life may have helped him to develop emotionally.

I really don't think so, if I had to say there would be 99% that it wouldn't change anything about him, but don't rule out that 1%.

Today I invited him over to talk a little bit. We went to an ice cream shop, I think at this point he hasn't met ice cream, I want to see what expression he puts on, I'm a little curious.

While we waited, we started to talk.

Hachiman: What do you think about our group Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka: I really didn't think it would fit in so well, I'm a little glad i hasn't been left out.

Hachiman: Please can you leave the lonely sentences to me.

Kiyotaka: No, it's my specialty too.

We are not skilled talkers but at least we are able to hold a conversation without feeling awkward.

Kiyotaka: Hachiman, do you think the decisions you make are best for the class.

It is an unexpected question, I also asked myself, the results are the ones that will speak but for the moment it is just a ship wrecking among doubts and risks.

Hachiman: I really don't know. I just calculate the best path where the benefits outweigh the costs. That's why I never wanted to be the leader.

Kiyotaka: Yes, it's too much work. So you've wrapped Horikita in the role of leader to pass the torch to her.

To my surprise Kiyotaka when we are alone has opened up more with me, dropping his normal guy facade. I don't know what he is planning or he is just testing me.

Hachiman: You can say that yes, Horikita will be the leader of the class, while Kushida and Hirata will be her support.

Kiyotaka: It seems that your influence has made her improve in her weakness.

Hachiman: Don't put all the credit on me, thanks to you that with subtle words you got her to come closer to the class.

I tried to play blind when Kiyotaka was motivating her with some phrases to help our classmates. This has triggered Horikita's image in the class to be better.

Kiyotaka: So you have noticed.

Hachiman: Thank you for supporting us, I know you want a quiet school life, but still that you really help us means a lot to me.

Kiyotaka has made inroads with Horikita's attitude, with everything I have on my hands it's hard for me to help her, so it's a relief that Kiyotaka has also recognized her potential. This way Horikita is assured of her place as leader.

Kiyotaka: It's nothing, it's normal.

Kiyotaka says it like it's nothing, at that moment our order arrives.

I just ordered a basket of three flavors while Kiyotaka ordered a banana split with double vanilla and chocolate flavor.

I wait and watch his movements, which makes him hesitate for a moment and he asks.

Kiyotaka: What's wrong?

Hachiman: I'm just curious, your expression says you're excited.

Kiyotaka: Am I?

Not really, but I have to have an excuse.

Hachiman: Yes.

With this he takes a spoonful and brings it to his mouth, his expression was quite indescribable, I don't know how to say it, maybe strange or unexpected, I don't know, it would be best to call it unique.

Hachiman: By the way, you don't have to worry about Kikyo.

Kiyotaka: I don't understand what you're saying.

Hachiman: She told me that you know about her true nature.

Kiyotaka:......So you found out about her too, what will you do about her?

Hachiman: You can be sure that she won't bother you if you don't bother her, instead her situation is that she is trapped, no matter what she does.

Kiyotaka: I see you have quite a few methods.

Hachiman: I have to have them there are many things lurking, if we let our guard down we will be devoured.

Kiyotaka: At this rate I won't have to lift a finger.

Hachiman: I envy you, leaving the heavy lifting to me.

Kiyotaka: Don't worry Hachiman, you can slack off when you retire.

Hachiman: You saying it like that makes me sound like a grumpy old man who is tired of work.

Kiyotaka: ........... Doesn't it?

Hachiman: Fuck you.

We continued talking for a while until we finished our desserts, Kiyotaka has opened up a bit and our talks have become more comfortable, it must be because he knows that I have no intention of forcing him into anything

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