My elite romantic comedy is w...

By EdisonSerna

139K 4.8K 566

Hikigaya Hachiman dies in the car accident on the entrance day of Sobu High School, when he wakes up he reali... More

Author's note
VOL 1 Chapter 1 Welcome to the Metropolitan High School for Advanced Education
VOL 1 Chapter 2 Throwing Overboard
VOL 1 Chapter 3 Advantage
VOL 1 Chapter 4 Interesting
VOL 1 Chapter 5 Next Steps
VOL 1Chapter 6 Acknowledgments
VOL 1 Chapter 7 Class D
VOL 1 Chapter 8 Homecoming Club
VOL 1 Chapter 9 Interacting
VOL 1 Chapter 10 Parasite
VOL 1 Chapter 11 First Impressions
VOL 1 Chapter 12 Two loners
VOL 1 Chapter 13 Leader?
VOL 1 Chapter 14 Friends
VOL 1 Chapter 15 Friends part 2
VOL 1 Chapter 16 Movements
VOL 1 Chapter 17 May 1st
VOL 1 Chapter 18 Gambling
VOL 1 Chapter 19 Hikigaya Group
Chapter 20 Circumstances
VOL 1 Chapter 21 Blackmail
VOL 1 Chapter 22 Unmasking
VOL 1 Chapter 23 Meeting
Chapter 24 50%
S.S Those who were left behind.
Author's Note 2
VOL 2 Chapter 1 Tranquility before the storm.
VOL 2 Chapter 3 Alliance
VOL 2 Chapter 4 Beast
VOL 2 Chapter 5 Confession
VOL 2 Chapter 6 Rumors
VOL 2 Chapter 7 Trap
VOL 2 Chapter 8 In trouble
VOL 2 Chapter 9 The trial
VOL 2 Chapter 10 Change for Yourself
VOL 2 Chapter 11 Do you have 5 points?
VOL 2 Chapter 12 Confrontation
VOL 2 Chapter 13 Shizuku
VOL 2 Chapter 14 The Red Moon
VOL 2 Chapter 15 Stalker
VOL 2 Chapter 16 Potential
VOL 2 Chapter 17 Second Year Status
VOL 2 Chapter 18 Scum
VOL 2 Chapter 19 Phantom Asura
S.S Fiancé
S.S Ideal
S.S Determination
Author note 3
VOL 3 Chapter 1 Paradise Cruise.
VOL 3 Chapter 2 The special exam
VOL 3 Chapter 3 Fast Moves
VOL 3 Chapter 4 Handing out the work
VOL 3 Chapter 5 Maturity
VOL 3 Chapter 6 Doubts Affecting the Heart
VOL 3 Chapter 7 Arrogant
VOL 3 Chapter 8 Exercise
VOL 3 Chapter 9 C Class Camp
VOL 3 Chapter 10 The days on the island.
VOL 3 Chapter 11 Respect
VOL 3 Chapter 12 Relationships
VOL 3 Chapter 13 Unexpected Companion
VOL 3 Chapter 14 incident
VOL 3 Chapter 15 Culprit
VOL 3 Chapter 16 Distracted
VOL 3 Chapter 17 Burden
VOL 3 Chapter 18 Taekwondo vs. Hybrid
VOL 3 Chapter 19 Utility
Special note
VOL 3 Chapter 20 The fool
S.S Greed
S.S Destroy
VOL 4 Chapter 1 Accumulated problems.
VOL 4 Chapter 2 Birthday
VOL 4 Chapter 3 Observed
VOL 4 Chapter 4 Another special test
VOL 4 Chapter 5 The zodiac exam.
VOL 4 Chapter 6 Exam Eve
VOL 4 Chapter 7 the first session
VOL 4 Chapter 8 Apologies
VOL 4 Chapter 9 Cards
VOL 4 Chapter 10 Control
VOL 4 Chapter 11 In the shadows
VOL 4 Chapter 12 Among friends

VOL 2 Chapter 2 Those Who Reached Me

1.7K 75 9
By EdisonSerna

Sakura POV

I don't know how to interact with other people. I'm bad at talking while making eye contact. I'm horrible with crowds. I don't remember how or when I became so useless.

However, there is one thing I do know for sure and that is that a person cannot live in complete isolation. As much as I love my solitude, I cannot be totally alone.

So, I came up with a solution. I would adopt a false face and hide the real me. Then, I wouldn't be completely honest, but I could be a version of myself. I could continue to live in this dark and lonely world.

I honestly had no hope that anyone would understand me, I was resigned to my fate.

But I met them.

Who I can say are my friends.

Ken-kun who is someone that at first sight is very scary and more when he starts to scream, but he is very cheerful and cares a lot about his friends.

Akito-kun who is calm and has a cool air, he advises me quite a lot when I have problems, he is some kind of big brother I never had.

Kiyotaka-kun, who recently joined our group, is someone very quiet and reserved, but I can feel that he enjoys spending time with us.

Haruka-chan, she is always very cheerful with me, it bothers me a little when she looks for opportunities to tease me, she always gives me advice and we exchange our tastes about makeup and fashion, she has even let me take some pictures of her, she is my best friend.

Y...... Hachiman-kun.

He is my first friend, in my darkest moments he allowed me to show my true self to someone. He is someone who is cynical, annoying, rude, sarcastic, among other things I can keep saying.

But still I could never hate him, if there is someone to tell me all of Hachiman-kun's flaws then I would be the one to tell him all of his qualities.

My heart clenches when I'm next to him, my stomach feels the endless fluttering of butterflies.

Although I've never felt it, I'm absolutely sure I'm in love.

So when I hear his self-deprecation or his anecdotes at his old school, it hurts so much.

How much damage did he have to suffer for his personality to become like this?
That's why I want our small group of friends to make him feel like he can count on us. Hachiman-kun has tried so hard to change, even with all the damage he suffered he keeps rising up. This gradually created a longing inside me.

These people have given me too much, they have shown me that I am not alone.
So I am going to change, not only for my own sake but also to show them the real me.

I'm in one of the school hallways at night, I wanted to take a few pictures, you can say I got a little nostalgic, if I hadn't had that incident with Hachiman-kun I don't think I would be very happy right now, blessed with wonderful friends.

I get ready to take my pictures, but I hear people talking, I hide, it's an automatic reaction I've gotten used to living in the shadows, I know it's not right to eavesdrop.

I see three guys talking, two look to me like they belong to class D, I think it was Kondo and Komiya from what I heard and the other one is Ken-kun.

Kondo: You've been very arrogant Sudo.

Komiya: Yeah, don't think you're a big deal for running a little faster.

Sudo: Don't bother, I'm tired.

They seem to be provoking him, Ken-kun tries to leave but is grabbed by the arm by them.

Komiya: We're not done, you stupid bitch.

Sudo: Are you looking for a fucking fight?
Kondo: Ha, this shit is scared of us.

Ken-kun is controlling himself very well, Hachiman-kun and Akito-kun's advice has entered his head.

Sudo: Leave me alone.

Come on Airi you have to get out.
If this keeps up Ken-kun will get in trouble.

I see them struggling until Komiya throws a fist at Ken-kun's face.

This is bad, I have to get out but my legs won't move, come on move please.

How can I call myself your friend when I can't help you at such a crucial moment.
I don't want my place to disappear so easily and more so when I know I can do something.

Ken-kun is about to launch his first attack that would lead to an all-out fight.

Come on, move!



Airi: Ken-kun, please stop!

My shout stops them in their tracks, Ken-kun looks at me with confusion while the other two look at me with absolute surprise.

Ken: Airi? What are you doing here?

Airi: Never mind that, please stop.

Ken: But those bastards hit me, don't worry, just step back.

I can't make him step back, now I understand the guys a little bit when I was lecturing him.

Kondo: What Sudo, is your girlfriend here?

Ken: She's not my girlfriend, she's my friend.

Komiya: I see.

I thought they were going to make fun of us, but I see them very reserved, as if they didn't expect me to be here. Is this what Hachiman-kun meant?

He gave us quite a bit of advice days ago to avoid places that didn't have cameras and not to walk alone, being careful of the D-class.

Kondo: Oy Komiya we are leaving.

Komiya: Yes, you're right.

As I suspected they backed off very easily.

Ken: Hey damn you guys don't run away.

Ken-kun tries to go after them, I can't let him do that, so I grabbed his arm, I know with a little bit of strength from him he would fly away but I can't let my friends put themselves in danger.

Airi: Ken-kun please remember the words of Hachiman-kun and Akito -kun, avoid fighting.

He seems to calm down for a moment when he sees my expression.

Ken: Tch, it's okay.

I calm down that I don't want to fight anymore, I decide to write in the Hikigaya group chat.

Ken-kun and I are on a bench, while waiting.

Haruka: Airi-chan, Kenchin.

We turn to look and see Haruka-chan arriving with Akito-kun, with worried expressions.

Akito: Are you guys okay? When I read the message I ran out and met Haruka on the way.

Ken: Yes we are fine, only if Airi hadn't stopped me things could have been worse.

Haruka: Kenchin your cheek.

With this Haruka-chan places her hand on Ken-kun's cheek, maternal instincts hit her hard.

Haruka: Those idiots they think they are.

Akito: Relax, we have to be thankful it wasn't worse.

We keep talking until we see
Hachiman-kun and Kiyotaka-kun come running over as well.

Both with calm expressions.

Hachiman: I met Kiyotaka when I left the room and we came running as soon as possible.

Kiyotaka: Yes, now tell us what happened.

Ken-kun and I tell them the whole situation, generating different expressions from them.

Haruka-chan is angry, Akito-kun has a frown, Kiyotaka-kun is still the same with his calm face and Hachiman-kun has a thoughtful, I can even say analytical look.

Haruka: This is unacceptable, how can they let that happen.

Akito: It's really strange this situation.

Kiyotaka: Yes, it's like he's being branded.

A strange feeling of weirdness looms, we have our suspicions but the only one who can confirm them is quietly thinking calmly.

Hachiman: I see, so they already started to move, guys be quiet right now, it's a declaration of war.

Haruka: But Hikki we can't go past this.

Hachiman: I'm sorry, but we have to, right now we don't have enough evidence to accuse them, even if Airi was a witness, it could only be considered as a plot by Class B against Class D, this will only mean a battle of my word against yours.

Akito: You are right, but I don't think they will stop.

Hachiman: Yes, they are not going to, but they are going to change their target, they already saw that Ken is protected so it will be harder for them to try again.

Hachiman-kun keeps his analysis with a cool head.

Hachiman: Ken.

He calls him gently by name, he has a serious look on his face, I don't know if he's going to lecture him.

Hachiman: Your attitude was very risky, if it wasn't for Airi you could have gotten into several troubles.

Ken: I know, I'm sorry if I caused you and Airi a lot of trouble.

I don't want all the blame to fall on Ken-kun. But before I could say anything, Hachiman-kun says.

Hachiman: But you controlled yourself very well, you avoided falling into their provocations easily, even I would get angry if they throw the first punch at me, I'm glad you're starting to change.

Ken: ...... if you say so.

Despite what he said I can clearly see that he's embarrassed scratching his nose and looking the other way, I can't help but think it's kind of adorable.

Hachiman: Airi.

Airi: Y-yes!

When he called me by name it brought me out of my thought box, I was a little surprised.

Hachiman: It makes me happy that you want to protect your friends, I'm a little worried about you getting into situations like that, but I'm really glad that you're our friend.

Those words from the person I long for and admire make my heart want to fly out of my chest, my pathetic self that never thought I could get out of her bubble in which she isolated me.

I feel something warm come out of my eyes, my hand touches something wet, ah, they are tears, but they are not tears of sadness or loneliness, they are tears of joy.

The joy of being able to help my friends.

Hachiman-kun's face is a little funny, he doesn't know what's going on, I think he has to learn how to read a person's emotions.

Haruka-chan comes over and pulls me into a hug, it's a warm feeling, which only my parents have been able to do.

These people are slowly becoming my family.

We are in a comfortable environment that none of us want to harm.

I can finally say that I have a place where I belong.

Along with those people who reached out to me.

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