The Not so Dark Hours (Tomarr...

By SalazarFrost

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6th year at Hogwarts. Harry is starting to suspect that Dumbledore is not who he makes himself out to be. Fur... More

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By SalazarFrost

"What are you reading?" Tom asks me, breaking the silence. I hadn't realized that he entered the room, but now he is standing in front of me, in all his glory. Well, in his silky pyjamas, but that doesn't take away any of his gloriousness.

"The Planetary Seals Of Solomon: An Introduction by Michaela Verde." I answer simply. I like him - a lot. But that doesn't make me any less cranky in the morning. He raises an eyebrow.

"That I can see, but what's the chapter about that you're reading. I must admit I have read only the books about the dark arts from this library." He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. I make an inviting gesture with my left hand, silently asking him to sit in the armchair next to me.

"I'm at chapter six, which is about the seals of the sun and what they are used for. It's a fairly short chapter and I just finished it, but it's interesting nonetheless. I have never been too much of an astronomy fan, but it can be dead useful." I explain excitedly.

Finally somebody I can't rant to about the books I read. Hermione doesn't know I read, nor would she appreciate me being independent of her, so I kept underachieving in school. That and the fact that I was always extremely busy with saving my own life as well as the entire wizarding community of Britain. I would talk to Ron, but he's not much of a book-fan himself, even if he tries to keep up with my rants. Luna is always in her own world and I always feel bad disturbing her day dreams, but I've read the book about nargles and Crumple-Horned Snorkacks that she gave me and she was so happy that we ended up talking about them for hours. Neville... Well, I've never really tried to talk much with Neville, so I'll have to rectify that.

"-arry. Harry! Are you okay?" Tom asks, laying a hand on my cheek and I blush.

"I'm sorry, I just zoned out." I excuse my behaviour, embarassed.

"It's okay love, I was just worried. Speaking of reading and books, what books have you already read?" He asks, seeming sincerely interested. Oh, he's done it now.

"Well, at first I read 'Mama Val's Quick Remedies' by Valencia Curtis, which was very interesting. I also have some notes on the most interesting chapters. I did some research and found out that Valencia Curtis was actually a nurse at Saint Mungo's. She worked there until her death in 1979. Anyhow, the book was published in 1973, so it's not that old. After that I read 'Wandlore for beginners', 'Secrets of the darkest Art',-" I want to continue, but Tom disrupts me, grabbing my arm.

"What? That book also exists in this library?" Tom asks angrily, gripping my arm tighter.

"Tom, you're hurting me." I say pathetically wincing. He immediately tries to pull back, but I lay my hand around his. "It's fine, but there's no need to get worked up. I didn't think you'd want anyone else to read about them and let Violet bring it to your office this morning while you were sleeping." I smile at him gently and his right hand goes to touch my cheek, but it stops, a centimetre above my face.

"May I?" Tom asks softly and I nod, as if in trance. His hand lightly touches my face, before beginning to caress it gently. I close my eyes and lean into the touch. It's unusual to me, but I love the attention. Then I remember my dreams and blush. I dreamt about us consummating again and woke up at 5 in the morning to wank and couldn't fall asleep after, so I went to the library instead.

Suddenly Tom smirks, saying: "Harry? You do remember that we have a mind link, right?" My eyes fly open and I look at him in horror. "I couldn't help but be pulled into your dream last night. I must say, that is quite the imagination you've got." His voice turns silky and I become pudding in his hand. "You know how torturous it is to be around you, not able to touch, kiss, to make love to you. That dream alone got me aroused to the point of no return. Beware, once you become legal you will have to take responsibility for this." I look at his lap and my face turns even redder, seeing his state of arousal.

"Then touch me." I say and he snorts.

"Not yet Harry, not yet. I want to court you properly first and as I'm understanding it, you're going back to Hogwarts tomorrow. So... I thought maybe we could..." He drifts off and I look at him encouragingly. "Maybe we could just spend the day shopping. It's only the beginning of the year after all and you definitely need new robes, casual clothes, you should also get some money from the bank, oh, and we could go get some ice cream at Florean Fortescue's! I haven't had any in over a decade! Ah, on a side note, I also had some shopping to do in Knockturn." Tom rambles and I smile.

"That sounds wonderful Tom. And I also wanted to go to one or two shops in Knockturn. By the way, did the Potters have a manor or family home?" I ask, eyes questioning when he looks at me like I've lost my marbles. "What?"

"Of course the Potters have got a manor, and I'd assume they also have multiple other holiday homes. You should have gotten a document of all of the Potter residencies when claiming your lordship." Tom explains. 'What lordship?', I think and ask exactly that. Tom gasps.

"The Potter lordship of course! There are no more direct Potter heirs, I checked. You should've received a letter from Gringotts to go and get you lordship. Alright, everything else aside, first thing we're doing in Diagon, is to go get you your lordship!" Tom states determined. "Do you have any idea how or why you didn't receive the letter?"

"Well... Because of all the fan-mail and stuff Dumbledore told me he would take care of my mail, to check for any curses... Wait. That stupid old man blocked my mail from me!" I shout, angered. Tom nods gravely and tells me to get ready to go to Diagon. He gives me an enchanted necklace that activates a glamour that lasts for three hours. I thank him and go get ready.

I can't believe that old man! He kept me from my own legacy for 16 years! I will get that lordship and I will teach that senile old man a lesson in not crossing the boy who lived.


"Name?" The goblin's voice drones and I roll my eyes. Griphook, being the head goblin at Gringotts, can see through glamours.

"You know who I am Griphook." I say and when he doesn't budge I say: "Harry Potter. I would like to claim my lordship." Suddenly his small, beady eyes spring open and he whispers something to the goblin next to him. Said goblin disappears briefly before coming back, another goblin following.

"I am Gornuk, responsible for the Potter vaults." The goblin snarls. "We have sent our invitation for this multiple time Mr. Potter, seems like you have finally taken the time for us."

"I'm sorry Gornuk, I wasn't aware that I had even been sent letters by Gringotts. Someone seems to have been tampering with my mail." I explain calmly.

Gornuk looks a bit more approachable now. He motions for us to follow him after I explain that Tom will stay with me and that I am aware who he is. Apparently the goblins know of his current situation and are on neutral terms with him.

"Now heir Potter, you will have to do a blood test to confirm your heirships and magical prowess." Gornuk says and hands me an inconspicuous piece of parchment. He tells me to prick my finger and let three drops of blood fall onto the parchment. Probably the specifics because three is a magical number, after all there are three deathly Hallows etcetera. I do what I was told and watch words form on the parchment.

Hadrian James Peverell Potter

Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans

Father: James Fleamont Potter

Godfather: Sirius Black, Remus John Lupin, Severus Tobias Snape

Godmother: Minerva McGonnagall

Heirships: Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor, Slytherin (by soul bond connection)

Lordships: Potter, Peverell

Magical Core: Merlin

Magical compulsions: keyed to trust Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Magical block(s): Blocked - 70% of magical core

Soulmate: Tom Marvolo Riddle (Lord of Gaunt and Slytherin House)

Magical Creature Inheritance: unknown until 17th birthday

For the past five minutes I have been staring at the piece of parchment in disbelief when I hear Tom tentatively say my name. I look up and whatever he sees on my face seems to shock him. Then my emotions hit me with full force, but most of all I feel rage. Burning, endless rage for the man who tried to control me and wanted me to kill my soul mate.

Tom places a hand on my shoulder and I become calm again. The emotions are still there, but I decide it's best to leave them in the back of my mind for now. I silently hand him the paper, although the reaction I get a good minute after, is not what I expected.

Tom hugs me tightly and spins me around the room.

"Harry, don't you know what this means for us? Nobody can separate us!" I look at him in confusion and he explains. "A soulmate bond between creatures is something sacred, especially between a Veela and their mate. That means the wizarding community cannot lay a hand on us!" Wait, creature bond. I knew about the rest, but what is this about Veelas? It said that my ineritance, if I will even get one, is unknown until my 17th... Oh. Oh!

"You're a.... Veela?" I ask, unsure. Tom frowns and asks:

"Yes. Does that change anything about our relationship?"

"Merlin, no Tom! I was just curious. I didn't know." I explain. He smirks.

"That was my intention darling." I blush at the nickname.

"While I am happy that you have found your soulmate, which is a special connection for all creature Lord Gaunt, we must move on. I don't have all day." Gornuk says. Tom and I nod, sitting down across from the goblin. "Heir Potter, you now need to decide if you want to claim your lordships and remove the blocks on your magic and mind, or if you would like everything to remain as it was. And then there is still the official will of your parents to be discussed." I need not think about the former question.

"I will claim my lordships and want the blocks to be removed. As for the will of my parents: Isn't there only the unofficial one they gave Dumbledore?" I ask, suspicious.

"Any unofficial will is immediately disregarded once there is an official will and your parents wrote theirs shortly before they died. Do you wish to see your parents wills?" I nod and Gornuk retrieves two letters from a drawer in his desk. "Here is the will of Lady Potter." I feel proud hearing her title. Even that bit of information was kept from me.

The letter opens and floats in the air, before turning into a sort of projection of my mum. Tears sting my eyes and Tom looks away ashamed. I take his hand, needing the support.

"Hullo, this is the will of me, Lily Potter. Oh god, it's still so weird saying that. I'm sorry, this is awkward." I laugh quietly. "To James Potter, the most wonderful, yet lousy husband: I love you. Please take good care of our Harry, should you survive and live longer than me. To Severus Tobias Snape: I have forgiven you long ago Sev and I'm sorry I never came to you. Even James and Remus encouraged me to, but I just felt like such a bad best friend. I'm not a good Gryffindor. Should James, Sirius, Remus and I not be capable to take care of Harry, please do. I made you one of his godfathers and I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but as you know these are hard times. Please care for my darling son, even just as a last favour for your oldest childhood friend. Sirius, Remus, I love you guys too. When I married James, I know he came with two amazing and mischievous best friends, and to me you are part of the family. To Peter: fuck you. I know what you did. We haven't been able to reach the Order members yet to arrange for a new hide-out and secret keeper, but we soon hopefully will. To Dumbledore: Fuck you too. I know that you have You-Know-Who under an imperius to kill us and Harry. If this will is being read out that probably means you have succeeded or that my future self was just too lazy to make a new will. And last but not least, to Hadrian James Peverell Potter: my son, Harry, I love you with all my heart and I hope to survive to get to see you grow up, but I fear that is a naive dream. I leave you everything I have, even if that may not be much. I had a small Evans' vault opened at Gringotts before I married your dad and all its contents goes to you. Thank you my friends and family for always supporting me. I love you..."

Now I am full on crying into Tom's robe, who almost awkwardly pats my back and hold the back of my head.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I never..." He seems so disappointed in himself, but he need not be. After all, this was and is all Dumbledore's fault.

"Are you ready for your father's, Lord Potter's, will?" Gornuk asks and I nod, still sniffling.

The second letter floats and surprisingly shows my father and behind him my mother.

"James, what are you wearing?!" she asks exasperated and I laugh as my father responds.

"Lils, this is not the right moment, I'm recording my will." She snorts.

"In a bright red, glittery robe that's at least two sizes too small for you?" she shakes her head and leaves the picture.

"I love you too!" My father calls after her, before looking back towards what I'm assuming is some sort of magical recording device.

"Hiya! It's me, James! By the way, the robe was picked for me by Sirius, my personal stylist. He told me: 'Jamesy, when recording your will, wear those fancy robes I gifted you with for your last birthday!'. Anyway, to Lily Potter, my beautiful, yet scary wife.! Just the he was interrupted by a call of 'I heard that!' from somewhere in the house and he flinches.

"Sorry, just my beautiful, wonderful, smart and all-knowing wife. I love you from the bottom of my heart and the same goes for you Hazza, my beautiful child. I mean, i wanted to call you Padfoot, just like my favourite marauder, but Lils was against that. Okay, ummm, where was I? Oh right! I already heard Lils' will, so I'm not going to repeat the fucks she gave, but I will express my love for my friends an d family.

To the real marauders, Padfoot and Moony: I love you guys so much. You are the brothers never had and will always be family. I am so happy you guys finally accepted your love and embraced it. Padfoot: You are the biggest drama queen and simultaneously you are my best wingman and friend. And I will be as free as to say: get your head out of your arse and apologize to Snape! We all know that the way we treated him was wrong. Moony: You are the cutest little werewolf to have ever existed and I hope someday your insecurities will fade, just like your scars have faded. You are not perfect, no one is, but to me you are as perfect as a human being and wizard can get. The same goes to you too Padfoot! Believe in yourself and if anyone comments or says something mean about you remember: Hex the haters!

Now, to Severus Tobias Snape: I'm sorry about the way I acted in school, truly. It was not right and you deserved much better. I was a git to you and that is one of the things I will always regret. When all of this is over I hope that we can maybe, just maybe, go to the Three Broomstix and get ourselves a butter beer? Catch up? And congrats on the whole potions master thing, Lily is so proud of you! Well, enough of that.

To You-Know-Who, you will probably never see this, but if you do and you have regained control over yourself: I feel sorry for you. Lily and I went to Dumbledore's office once and stole one of his memories, which he had hidden. It showed how he compelled you and forced you into making Horcruxes. You may not even know about that when you do regain your senses, but I guess you do now.

As they say, the best for last: Harry. I love you so, so much. I leave you everything in my possession, the Potter manor, the Cottage in Godric's Hollow, the holiday homes, my old cloak, and my lordships. After my death you will become Lord Potter, should you want that, but you probably don't know of our second lineage. We are the last Peverells and so you will also gain that title, should you decide to do so. I never did because that means a lot of responsibility and to become the master of death as the goblins will inform you. The whole Hallows thing won't be a problem either, because the requirements have been falsified over the years. Only a true heir of Peverell who has touched all Hallows may become the Master of Death, and said Hallows are always dawn to those of our lineage. My cloak is one of them, I think the other two are in Dumbledore's possession, but you only need to find and touch them to become the Master of Death. My father told me that death will then recollect the Hallows and unite them within his Master. Enough of that, I know that you will be a great man one day and please don't let yourself be manipulated by others. Lily, Padfoot, Moony, and I could sing you a song about that. Also, houses don't matter, if you are a Gryffindor, but so will I be if you become a Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw! Love you all and peace out!"

That is a lot to take in.


"May your gold forever flow." I say, smiling at the goblin.

"And may your enemies fall at your feet." Gornuk replies with an expression that could be interpreted as a bloodthirsty grin, but really, I think it's just how he smiles.


After having gotten the lordship for Potter and Peverell, which really just consisted of putting on the rings, signing some documents and then receiving a few parchments listing all properties and notable heirlooms of the families, Tom and I are now on our way to Florean Fortescue's.

We really need some ice cream after all of that!

A/N Hullo everybody, here an extra long chapter of 3262 words, to make up for my unavailability in the recent weeks. It's been pretty hectic, but I missed writing, so I got right to it this morning to finish this chapter. If you like the story please comment and vote! As always, stay happy and healthy! (On a side note, what would you like Harry's creature inheritance to be, if any at all? Please do comment suggestions if you have any, I only have a vague idea xD)

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