Far Away (Thomas Brodie-Sangs...

By BooksDontCompare

66.7K 1.9K 1.4K

17 year old Chloe Campbell is forced to join her brother in an exchange program to London, England. She never... More

Chapter One: AirPlanes & Regrets
Chapter Two: Loud Singing & Living Arrangements
Chapter Three: First Day & Hand Holding
Chapter Four: Gym Class & Petty excuses.
Chapter Five: Little Mouse & It's Mousetrap
Chapter Six: Sight Seeing & Girlfriends
Chapter Seven: Horror Movies & Career Ideas
Chapter Eight: Scavenger Hunt & Cozy Sweaters
Chapter Ten: Mistakes & More Regrets
Chapter Eleven: Carnivals & Ex's
Chapter Twelve: "T-Thomas"
Chapter Thirteen: "He's Fine"
Chapter Fourteen: Something Exciting
Chapter Fifteen: Complications
Chapter Sixteen: Why?
Chapter Seventeen: Isabella
Chapter Eighteen: Recovery

Chapter Nine: Blondies & Break-ups

3.2K 112 36
By BooksDontCompare

Previously on Far Away:
Thomas, Chloe, Jake, Dylan, Isabella and others gathered in the gym for an annual scavenger hunt to win passes to the upcoming carnival. Thomas was the leader of the red team. Dylan, the yellow and Bella, the purple. Chloe and Jake were automatically on Thomas's team seeing as they're doing the exchange program with him. Everyone is now racing for the grand prize.
And that's what you missed on Far Away


"Alright we are almost done!" I say to a chorus of cheers from the rest of the red team. "There's only three more thing to do!"

"Times almost up! So we better hurry!" Says Thomas.

"Next task: take a picture with as many red things as possible (one point per red object)" I smile, I don't know why Thomas was letting me be a sort of 'co-captain' to this 'team' but I can't say that I'm not enjoying it.

"Where the in the bloody hell are we going to find a bunch of red things?!?" Exclaims a muscular boy in a thick English accent. The group goes quiet as we all think.

"Strawberry field?" Suggests a short brunette at the back of the group.

"No, that's only one thing, mate. We need loads of different things but they all have to be red."

"A store maybe?" Suggests a nerdy looking guy with curly hair and square-rimmed glasses.

"Perfect!" I say "but which one?"

"There's this party store just a couple blocks away. I bet they have a bunch of red plates and napkins and balloons!" Says the brunette girl, determined to help.

"Good job, Lacey, lets go!" Says Thomas and the whole group runs to the cars and follow behind the car Thomas and I am in. We need to get there fast if we want to win. Which we do, obviously.


We hit the fourth red light and the muscular boy in the back starts swearing which makes me a bit uncomfortable.

"Eh mate, quit it will ya?" Thomas says to the boy in a stern voice. Since Thomas is the popular boys best friend, he genuinely has a lot of control of people. Oh how he will be surprised when we get to my school back in Canada. The boy shuts up almost immediately and the light turns green again.

We park next to the party store and get out of the car, waiting for the rest of our team to join us. Once everyone is here we go into the store and Thomas explains to the 23 year old blondie behind the cash register that we need every single red thing there is in this store. The girl gives us permission to 'raid' the shelves and bring everything back to the counter.

"Alright everybody we gotta plot up. Two people per aisle. Try and grab every single red thing you can find and bring it back here." I say to the group as Thomas talks to the blonde.

"Who put you in charge?" Sneers the muscular boy. I really do hate him.

"I did." Thomas says from behind me and places a protective arm on my shoulder.

"Ew! Okay I'm going! Come on Miranda!" Jake says in disgust and pulls a blonde bimbo along with him to an aisle on the far right. That seems to be the queue and everyone else departs for separate aisles in pairs.

"Come on Chloe, we don't want to waist too much time." Thomas says and he leads me to a row directly in front of us.
This row is filled with paper plates, napkins, cups, cutlery and table cloths, all separated in sections based on colour.

We start to fill our arms with as many things as possible then rushing back to the front and dropping it off with the blonde girl. She smiles at Thomas and I glare at her before running back to the aisle and grabbing more stuff.

After about 20 minutes there was a 2 and a half foot tall pile of red items sitting in front of the door. "how many things are there?" Someone asks.

"198" says the curly haired boy with square rimmed glasses. I raise my eyebrows at him and so does a few other people. He shrugs "I counted."

I go to the lady at the cash register and ask her for a pen and paper. She hands it over questioningly and I write "198 red items from a party store" in big, easy to read letters. The pen was red so at the bottom I write (plus this sign).

Everyone then huddles around the big pile and the blonde takes a picture of us all making goofy faces. I take the camera back and we all rush as fast as possible to put the items away.

This process took 10 minutes longer than taking the stuff off the shelves but we finished in okay time. This was the longest challenge on the list so one hour is pretty good.

"Hurry! We have to win!" Says a boy who has barely spoken the whole time. Without a word, everyone rushes out of the store and into the cars, practically racing back to school. The cars were barely parked when we started jumping out and running back into the gym.

On the opposite side of the gym stood Bella and her team, looking as determined as we are. The two teams just stare at each other for 30 seconds before we both sprint into the middle to hand Mrs. Hooge the camera. Turns out, Bella and I were the ones holding the cameras so it ends up just is racing.

The thing about Bella is that she's pretty and all but when it comes to athletics, she's not the best. I, on the other hand play soccer or 'football' back in Canada and enjoy gym class immensely. So I guess it wasn't too much of a surprise when I won.

I got the Mrs. Hooge and gave her the camera, slightly out of breath, seconds later being tackled by the rest of the red team. Mrs. Hooge carefully scrolls through the pictures and smiles.

"Congratulations!" She says "you've just all won passes to the sold-out carnival!" Don't even ask why this carnival is 'sold out'. Apparently it got so popular that they only sold a certain amount of tickets to get in.

The whole team erupts in cheers and Isabella and the rests of her team start to whisper together solemnly. jake walks over to me and smiles "good job Chlo."

"Wow," I say in a teasing tone "I haven't heard you talk normally in 9 years!"

"Oh shut up!" He teases back, shoving me a little before walking back to that Miranda girl.

"Little Mouse I am genuinely impressed." Thomas causes me to jump. I turn around to see him smiling, but there's something in that smile that makes it seem fake.

"Thanks." I say and he hugs me tight. I pull away to see his smile has vanished. "Thomas are you okay?" I ask in a concerned tone. He was just about to answer when he gets shoved out of the way by Isabella who slaps me hard in the face, causing my vision to blur.

"Bella!" Thomas exclaims.

"Don't you dare call me that!" She spits at him.

"Bel-Isabella you can't be that bloody mad about losing!" Thomas rushes over to me and helps me stand through my dizziness.

"Ugh! You're doing it again! I just know you're cheating on my with her!" She points an accusing finger my way, making me feel guilty for something I haven't done.

"Isabella you're insane! She's just a part f the exchange program and you know it!" A crowd has formed around us now and Jake ran over to my side as well. I look around for the teachers to find them all talking to Dylan and his team.

Isabella laughs, "sure. The 'exchange program'. We all know that you guys have a thing going on. I hate you!" She says this, not to Thomas but to me. Then she kicks me hard in the shin making my knees buckle. Thomas and my brother both help me stand back up.

"Isabella that's enough. We're through!" Thomas says and together, he and Jake help me out of the gym and towards Thomas's car. Who needs school anyways? I'm kidding, I'm totally gonna regret missing the rest of this day.


Ahhhhhhhhh 2K readsssss!!!!!!

You guys are my favourite readers ever omg I love you all so so so so so so so so much!

And I love you even more for waiting so long and sticking with this story even though the updates are inconsistent and slow! :(

Hopefully the next chapter will come faster!

Anyways if you want a character in my story please tell me so that I could perhaps hold a contest for it!

Also please check out my other Thomas Brodie Sangster fan fiction "Quiet On Set" and also check out the best fan fiction in the world "Finding A Fangirl" by DalekDeductions

And to all you Potterheads, please take a look at my Fred and George fanfictions "Harry's Cousin" and "Gred and Forge, A Love Story" the latter being co-written by me and my friend kiwibird02

Thanks Little Mice!


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