From one night to life

Od Andyerobertbr

26.5K 1.7K 375

What can happen when one night totally changes the story of two people who are passionate about their work an... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 -Christmas special
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 - Special Christmas
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 65

226 17 8
Od Andyerobertbr

Andy: I want to be alone. Leave me. Go away.

Robert looked at her in disbelief at everything that was happening. He decided to respect her wish and so he left the house.

As they had gone in Andy's car, Robert took a taxi and returned to their house, leaving her car in Pruit's garage. All day long he kept himself preoccupied. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to respect her wish to be alone, but at the same time he was afraid of how she was going to handle it all. He was afraid she might do something crazy. He wanted to protect her, take care of her, but he wasn't going to change her mind about the fact that she didn't give Pruit the right to justify himself either.

At home, Robert decided to read a book, but he kept an eye on his cell phone in case Andy needed it. A few minutes later, his cell phone rang. It was Lucas.

Lucas: Hey Sully! Vic and I are close to your house and thought we'd visit you, would that be a problem?

Robert: It will be a pleasure to welcome you, however, Andy had to go to her father's house and I'm alone.

Robert didn't want to tell what had happened earlier, as it was something that only concerned Andy and her family.

A short time later, Lucas and Vic arrived at the house. They greeted their friend and the three stayed in the room talking. At all times Robert took out his cell phone to check if there was any message from Andy, but contrary to what he wanted, she had not sent him anything. He was worried about her. He feared that the letters contained information that could make her even more upset. Her concern didn't go unnoticed by Lucas and Vic.

Lucas: Is something going on?

Robert: I'm just worried about Andy. She's upset about some things and...

Lucas: Don't tell me you fought? After all you've fought to be together, I don't imagine you ever argued.

Robert: We don't fight. She just needed a few hours alone, but that's fine between us.

Robert lied not to expose something that was intimate with him and Andy.

Vic: Andy is like that. Sometimes she needs a moment to herself. I still can't believe she's been in a relationship this long and even more so married. She never liked being tied to anyone.

Lucas: My friend, this woman loves you very much and I'm sure she'll be back soon. She won't be able to stay away from you.

Robert: I hope it doesn't take too long to happen.

Meanwhile, at Pruit's house, Andy went to her old room, taking all the envelopes that had her name on them. She opened Elena's first letter.

"Hija, today you turn 18. Today you become an adult woman and so, the time has come for you to know your story. I am alive my daughter. I am living in New York and now that you are old enough to understand what happened to me, I would like to see you and tell you everything in person."

Andy opened another letter:

"My dear daughter, I heard that you joined the Fire Academy. You have no idea how happy I am for you. You are my pride. You have become a much better woman than I could have ever imagined. Oh! How I wanted to hug you today to celebrate. But since you haven't contacted me yet, I understand that you're still not prepared for our meeting. But I keep hoping that one day you will come to me and I will be able to explain myself to you."

Andy read each letter without being able to understand the truth of it all. She recognized her mother's handwriting. That was the same handwriting on a card she had always treasured. The written words also had the same sweetness and expressiveness that her mother always conveyed to her when she was alive. Part of her wished that those letters were real and that her mother was alive, but the other part of her didn't want to believe that her whole life was a lie and mainly a lie told by those she trusted most in her entire life: her father and her mother.

She was deep in memories and thoughts, trying to make sense of it all, when she heard her phone ring. She looked at the screen and saw that it was her father calling her. She turned off her cell phone. She was in no condition to talk to him at the moment. She was hurt, angry and feeling betrayed by her own parents.

Pruit, noticing Andy's cell phone was off, decided to call Robert.

Pruit: How's my favorite son-in-law?

Robert was a little tense, but he didn't want to convey his tension to Pruit, so he gave a discreet laugh and replied:

Robert: I hope I'm your only son-in-law, after all, you only have one daughter.

Pruit: No doubt you're the one. Andy only has eyes for you.

Robert: And I for her.

Pruit: And speaking of my daughter, I've been trying to call her cell phone and I can't get through. Is she close to you?

Robert didn't want to tell the truth so as not to ruin Pruit's trip, so even though he didn't like it, he had to lie.

Robert: She had a bit of a headache and fell asleep. I'll tell her you called.

Pruit: Thank you.

They disconnected the call. Robert was worried and Lucas and Vic could see the tension in him.

Lucas: If you're worried about Andy, try calling her.

Robert: She didn't answer Pruit and she certainly won't answer me either.

Vic: Give her a break. When you least expect it, it will be here. She won't be able to sleep without you.

Robert trusted Vic's words, even though his heart was sinking at the thought of what Andy might be reading in those letters.

Lucas and Vic left, leaving Robert alone in the house.

Throughout the day, Robert tried to call Andy and send her messages, but he couldn't because she had turned off her cell phone. When it got dark, Robert noticed that it was late and Andy still hadn't returned. He then got into his car and drove to Pruit's house. He saw her car parked and her old bedroom lights on. He thought a lot about whether he should go in, even though she wanted to be alone, or whether he should go back home and respect her wish. He stood in front of the house just watching while he decided what was right to do.

Inside the house, Andy was lying on her bed, reading the other letters. The more she read, the more she cried. She couldn't understand what was going on. She needed answers. Her whole life had been one big lie and she was hurt by everyone she loved the most. Her mother and father for lying to her, making her suffer, and now for not having Robert by her side, supporting her. Because her husband thought she was going crazy and would rather support Pruit than his wife. She felt alone, angry. She then decided to do the only thing that could remove all the doubts she still had. She turned on Pruit's computer and bought tickets to New York for her next free day.

As soon as she made the purchase, she opened the last missing card. The most recent, whose date was the same as her marriage.

"Dear Andrea, Today I received your wedding photos and my heart was filled with joy. You seem to be so in love that, even from a distance, I could feel that you are happy. I want you to be happy. I want you to live this love intensely."

Upon reading that letter, she got even more angry, but this time angry with herself. Her mother was right. She was in love with her husband and had no doubt that he was in love with her too. They faced many obstacles and yet she can say without a doubt that her life with Robert has turned her into a much happier woman than she was before meeting him. She was missing him. Then, she looked at the clock and saw that it was already very late. Andy never imagined that Robert was parked in front of Pruit's house. She thought that Robert should already be sleeping, because they would have to be at work early the next day. So, she decided that she would go to sleep and the next day she would apologize to him.

Andy turned off the lights in her room and tried to sleep.

Seeing the lights go out, Robert decided to go home. At least he knew she was in a safe place and that she was going to rest.

When Robert got home, he too tried to sleep, but he couldn't.

At Pruit's house, Andy tossed and turned several times trying to sleep. A futile attempt. Insomnia was keeping her company in that cold, empty bed. She was indeed tense with everything she had discovered, but in those sleepless hours, she knew that the reason for her sleeplessness was mainly because she had been unfair to Robert. She missed him. She felt guilty for being so aggressive in her actions and words. She knew that only next to him would she be able to feel a little better. She intended to wait until dawn to be with her husband again, but the anguish of everything she was feeling was making her even more dizzy. So, even though it was 2 am, she got out of bed and decided to go home. She needed to apologize and didn't want to put it off any longer.

When Andy parked the car in front of the house, Robert heard the noise of the vehicle and ran down the stairs to receive it.

As Andy rummaged through her bag for the key, Robert opened the door. Without even stopping to think, Andy started to say:

Andy: I don't want to fight anymore. I don't wanna fight my father, I don't wanna fight you. I'm so tired and sad. And sick of being angry. I just want to feel and to be in a safe place. And you are safest place I have. And everything will be okay if you start kissing me now.

Robert kissed her. He kissed her with such passion that he was relieved that she was back.

Robert: Let's go inside. It's cold out here.

He hugged her and led her to their room.

Robert: I was so worried about you. I spent the whole day bad. I couldn't stop thinking about everything you're going through and at the same time I couldn't find a way to take care of you if you didn't want me around.

Andy: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have excluded you. I shouldn't have been rude to you. I know you only want what's best for me. And I was so cruel to you. You forgive me?

Robert gave her a soft kiss.

Robert: I have nothing to forgive you for. You suffered great emotions today and I know you were acting on the heat of emotion. I just want to protect you, take care of you. Let me be close to you in this moment that you need so much.

Andy: I need you. Very. But I haven't changed my opinion. I read all the letters and I bought tickets to New York. I'm going after my mother. I'm going after my story.

Robert: I haven't changed my mind either. I still think Pruit deserved to be the first to explain himself. But if you're set on going to New York, I want to go with you. I want to be by your side wherever you are.

Andy: Would you do that for me?

Robert: Of course. I won't leave you alone on a trip that can change the entire course of your story and your life. I may not agree with all of this, but I will never leave you at this moment.

Andy: But my free day this week won't be the same as yours.

Robert: It doesn't matter. I'll anticipate everything I need at work and I'll use my extra hours at work to take that day off and go with you. As soon as day breaks, I'll buy my tickets.

Robert took her face and made eye contact.

Robert: You are not alone. Never. You understand me?

Andy kissed him passionately. For the first time that day, she felt relieved. She felt all of Robert's love invade her body and she was at peace.

Andy: Thanks for everything. I don't know what would become of me without you by my side. I love you so much.

Robert: I love you too and I will do anything in my power to ease any pain you may be feeling. We are together, forever.

He kissed her again and made her lie on his chest, as he knew she liked.

Robert: Now let's go to sleep, because in a few hours we'll need to get up to work.

When the next day dawned, Andy had already woken up even before the first rays of the sun. She had managed to get some sleep, but she was still tense and anxious to find out the whole truth.

Gradually, Robert also woke up, because he was feeling Andy move in bed.

Robert: Good morning! Did you get some rest?

Andy: A little. But I'm still agitated and tense.

Robert: You need to try to relax. You're going to have a long shift at work soon.

Andy knew that only Robert was capable of diverting her thoughts and easing her tensions. Then, she laid her body over his and kissed him softly.

Andy: Help me relax.

Robert: We don't have much time.

Andy: We can have breakfast at the station and have time to distract my mind a bit.

She said it in a seductive way that drove Robert crazy with desire, but at the same time he didn't want to have sex if it wasn't really what she wanted.

Robert: Are you sure this is what you want?

She kissed him even more passionately.

Andy: I'm sure. I want you.

She then started kissing him and teasing him with her touches, making Robert agree with his wife. He also really wanted her body and breakfast was no longer a priority in the face of so much desire.

They started to love each other, even if quickly. Soon after, they went for a shower together, which made up for the absence they had the day before.

But as time was short, they soon dressed and went to the station. Robert drove and joined his wife on 19 to have breakfast with the team. Then he and Andy filled out some paperwork. Despite wanting to stay longer at 19, Robert had to say goodbye to his wife as he needed to go to his office at the Department.

Robert: I'll go to the department, but anything you need, call me.

Andy: I think with my mind busy with work, I'll be fine. But this time I won't exclude you anymore. Never. If I am in need of your support, I will call you and ask for your help.

Robert: Good. I'll be more reassured knowing that you won't hesitate to ask for my help.

Robert still hadn't told Andy that Pruit had called the day before. He feared a new argument between them because of that, but he also couldn't keep that information any longer.

Robert: Andy, before I leave, there's one more thing I need to tell you.

She was silent waiting for what he intended to tell her.

Robert: Yesterday your father called me. He tried calling your cell phone and since it was turned off, he decided to try to reach you through my cell phone. I said you were sleeping because you weren't feeling well.

Andy was thoughtful. She loved her father very much, but she was hurt by him. She also knew that at some point she would have to talk to him, either to tell him the truth or just to throw him off about everything that was going on. Robert noticed that Andy still hadn't commented on what he said and, even with trepidation, he gave his opinion.

Robert: I don't want to argue with you about this anymore. I don't want to walk away from you like I did yesterday. But if my opinion is valid, don't disturb your father's trip. Talk to him like nothing is happening, and when he's here, you reveal your findings.

Andy: I was very unfair yesterday in not listening to your opinion. I was cruel to you and my father too. I saw that he tried to call me, but it was exactly at that moment that I turned off my cell phone. I wasn't able to talk to him yesterday. But you are right. He deprived himself for years because of me. He never fulfilled his dream of seeing his family again because he needed to take care of me and the station. I will not disturb the trip. As soon as you're gone, I'm going to call him and I won't say anything about what's going on here.

Robert: It will be best for both of you.

Robert hugged her and placed a kiss on the top of her head. Still holding each other, he said:

Robert: I need to go. Don't forget that I love you and will always be by your side. Try to be fine

Andy: Thanks my love. I already feel much better since I got back home. You make me feel safe.

Robert: So tomorrow morning I'll come back for you.

Andy: You could sleep here with me. Come back here when your shift is over. I don't want to be without you tonight.

Robert: I don't know if that would be a good idea.

Andy: I'll only be able to sleep with your hug.

Robert: If you're going to feel better that way, then I'll come. I'll sleep here at the station with you.

Andy smiled and gave her husband a kiss.

Andy: I love you.

As soon as Robert left, Andy called her father as she did every morning. She kept her cool and Pruit didn't suspect the discoveries she'd made the day before.

During the rest of the day, she had a lot of work and managed to keep her mind busy, thus avoiding racing thoughts about her mother and, as agreed, Robert returned to the station as soon as his shift ended, which made her feel calmer too.

Three days passed and the day came when Andy had planned her trip to New York. As promised, Robert also bought a ticket for the same flight and sat next to his wife on the plane, so that he could hold her hand and offer affection the whole time.

As soon as they arrived in New York, Robert rented a car. First they went to the hotel to leave their bags, but without delay they went to the address that was on the letters. Andy was nervous and Robert noticed. When he parked the car, he took her hand and said:

Robert: We're here. Are you ready?

Andy: Can I stay here a little longer?

Robert: You can stay as long as it takes. I will be here with you.

Andy gave her husband a discreet smile, even if that smile did not fail to show her distress.

She stayed in the car a few more minutes, remaining silent. Gradually, she felt confident to follow through and do what she needed to.

Andy: I'm coming in. You wait for me?

Robert: Of course. I'll be right here when you get back.

He pulled her into a hug and added:

Robert: No matter what happens in there, I want you to never forget that I'll be there for you. I will be waiting for you. I love you.

Andy: Thank you. Your love strengthens me. I love you lots.

She gave her husband a kiss and got out of the car.

Robert took advantage of the time when he would be alone to type up some work documents. So, he opened his notebook and started working.

Andy walked to the entrance of the building, stopped in front of the entrance and took a deep breath before following. She then entered the building and searched for the apartment located on the fourth floor. Trembling, she rang the doorbell.

The few seconds she waited for the door to open felt like an eternity. Her body wanted to run away at the same time that she no longer had the strength to do so.

When the door opened, Elena appeared in front of her.

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