MHA × Ringwraith Male Reader:...

By Indicas_Prime

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You are (Dark) Y/N, once a ranger from Gondor, now become a Ringwraith among the Nazgul. After a betrayal fro... More

Ch. 1: The Beginning
Ch. 2: The Meeting
Ch. 3: The Hero Killer And The Assault
Ch. 4: The Revelation
Ch. 5: Finding New Allies
Ch. 6: Capturing Shindram
Ch. 7: Sports Festival Pt. 1
Ch. 8: Sports Festival Pt. 2
Ch. 9: Dinner At The Todoroki House
Ch. 10: Betrayal
Ch. 11: A Change In Fate
Ch. 12: New Plans
Ch. 13: Twice For A Change
Ch. 14: New Friends, New Enemies
Ch. 15: Y/N's Past
Ch. 16: Awakening Of New Powers
Ch. 17: Second Day of Training
Ch. 18: Meeting Old Acquaintances
Ch. 19: Return of the League
Ch. 20: A Fierce Battle and Final Good-byes
Ch. 21: The Invasion Begins
Ch. 22: The Assault
Ch. 23: The War Begins
Ch. 25: The End

Ch. 24: The Final Battle

58 0 0
By Indicas_Prime

(As All Might, Hawks, Bakugo, and a few other students and pro-heroes join Bruz and the others to fight against the invading forces coming from the portal, Endeavor and the remaining forces charge against the invading armies attacking from the villa)

Shoto: Dad, how much further do we have until we reach them?

Endeavor: Just a few more miles, Shoto!

Natsuo: Then let's not tire out while we reach them!

Re-Destro: No sweat! I want to re-take my villa once and for all from these bastards!

Mr. Stain: (Smiles) This will be a lot of fun!

(Meanwhile, All Might and the others head towards the forest with Bruz and the others. The orcs following Bruz manage to reach the forest thanks to the help of their caragors, while the Ologs charge into the battle on-foot)

Izuku: We're almost there!

Gentle: Yes, I can see it!

(Curious and La Brava are remaining at UA to monitor for any activity via satellites and cameras. To La Brava's surprise, she notices a change in direction coming from the forces who occupied the villa)

La Brava: That's not good!

Curious: What's wrong!?

La Brava: (Points at the screen) Look!

(Curious looks at what's happening, and to her shock and surprise, she immediately tries to get her phone to inform Re-Destro)

La Brava: I'll have to inform Gentle! This is bad!

(Meanwhile, the Witch-King sends forth the remaining orcs into the forest to overwhelm their enemies, giving them a chance to overpower the Twice clones from holding them back for the time being)

Clone #1: (Shocked) Here they come!

Clone #2: Then let's fight to the death!

(The Twice clones charge at the oncoming forces head-on, with the friendly orcs and caragors to join them in an effort to slow them down. This battle goes on for a few minutes until eventually, they're defeated, and the Witch-King's forces continue marching on through the forest)

Izuku: I hope we're not too late!

(To Izuku's surprise, they see the hostile orcs coming through the forest, only to stop when they see him and the other heroes flying towards them. They all land near the orcs, ready to stop the rest of them from heading towards the city. One of the Witch-King's captains come through to speak to the heroes, before taking one look at Izuku)

Hoglik the Executioner: (Looks to Izuku and All Might) Well well well, if it ain't the little boy and his favorite role model. It's a shame that we have to kill you, really. You'd probably be fitting for serving Sauron and his Nazgul instead of having them take you out.

Izuku: (Angered) Never! That Sauron guy is a menace! He wants to have everyone of us killed! I will never serve someone like him!

Ochako: That's right! We fight for justice and we fight as heroes! (Looks to Izuku and smiles)

Hoglik the Torturer: (Sees Ochako) Hey, little boy, I didn't know you had a girlfriend. It would be a shame for you to have me tie you up, and make you watch me skin her alive once this war is all over. (Speaks to Ochako) Ain't that right, little missy?

(Hearing Hoglik's words, he becomes enraged and flies toward the captain at full speed, striking him down with a punch. The other orcs look on with surprise at Izuku's attack, but Izuku's face is shocked when he sees the captain stand up. Even though he's heavily dazed, he is uninjured by the attack)

Hoglik the Torturer: (Dazed) Little....boy? You pack a punch....but it will....take more than that to bring me down!

(Hoglik comes out of his dazed state, only to see All Might charging at him and striking him down with another punch. The punch this time knocks him out and sends him flying into the trees. But another captain comes through and throws a spear at All Might, before he dodges it in time)

All Might: You'll need to be a little quicker than that. (Smiles)

Zunn Battle-Master: Don't underestimate me, hero. That was just the beginning.

(Zunn sees Bruz and the other ologs heading towards them)

Zunn Battle-Master: Charge!

(All the orcs now charge toward the students and pro-heroes for battle, and the students and pro-heroes do the same, commencing the battle. Meanwhile, Endeavor and the others reach their destination to where the other forces from the villa would be met, only to see nothing)

Endeavor: I don't understand. Where did they go?

Shoto: I'm not sure!

Re-Destro: Well wherever they are, they can't have gotten far!

(Just then, Re-Destro receives a phone call from Curious, informing him of the terrible news)

Re-Destro: (Answers) Yes, Curious.

(Re-Destro listens in, and his face is surprised with horror, finding out about the turn of events that have taken place)

Re-Destro: (Shaking) Thank you. (Turns to Endeavor) We have to head the forest!

Endeavor: What!? Why!?

Re-Destro: Curious informed me! The forces from the villa have changed direction! They're heading towards Deku and the others!

Endeavor: This can't be!!

Shoto: They must've disguised their plans as a flanking operation to separate us! That way, they have the upper hand once they finish with the other heroes, especially the likes of All Might and Deku! We have to get there, and as fast as possible!

Tokoyami: Just when I had hoped things wouldn't get worse!

(Endeavor and the others now head towards the forest as quick as possible)

La Brava: (Calls Gentle) Gentle, please pick up!

(Near the forest, Gentle is fighting alongside Ochako and Izuku in their battle to stop the orcs from invading. Mr. Compress comes out of the forest but is heavily injured)

Twice: Compress!!

(Twice and Bruz run towards Compress to check up on him)

Bruz: Mate, you okay!?

Mr. Compress: Yeah, I'm fine. The clones gave me time to retreat. But by the time they were defeated, they shot arrows at me to stop me from escaping. Luckily, I was able to reach you guys before I would die.

Twice: (Sighs) Thank you, Compress. For now, you should get some rest. You did well in there.

(As the fight near the forest continues, Izuku notices figures in the distance heading towards the area)

Izuku: Is that Endeavor and the others? Did they defeat the forces at the villa?

Gentle: (Looks to the direction) I see them too, but there's so many of them, more than what the heroes and students had.

(Daz takes a look to the direction, and when realizing what he's seeing, he is shocked)

Daz the Ripper: No! It can't be! Did they defeat Endeavor and come to finish us off!?

Gentle: (Shocked at Daz's words) What!? (Receives a phone call from La Brava) Yes, La Brava!?

La Brava: (Scared) Gentle! The forces from the villa are heading towards your direction! Tell the others to get out of there, quick!

(Gentle is now in shock and terror that what Daz said is true. As he looks again, he gets a clearer view of the enemies marching towards them)

Gentle: Thank you, La Brava! (Hangs up) It's them! They're coming towards us!

Ochako: Did they change plans!?

All Might: This isn't good! That means they haven't ran into Endeavor and the others!

(The Witch-King gives out a loud screech, summoning the remaining Nazgul while the heroes and students cover their ears. The Nazgul then land near their location)

Witch-King: Your time is at its end, heroes. The forces of the Nazgul have arrived.

(The Witch-King throws a fireball at Izuku, with Izuku looking on in horror. However, he is then saved by Eltariel, and the pro-heroes step in to fight the Nazgul)

All Might: (Looks to Izuku) Deku.

Izuku: Yes, All Might?

All Might: You, Bruz, and the others fight against the orcs and their captains. Me, Eltariel, Twice, and the other pro-heroes will take on the Nazgul.

Ochako: Are you sure you're okay with this?

All Might: (Looks to Ochako and smiles with a thumbs up) You can count on me, Uravity.

(Ochako nods with a smile)

Izuku: Be careful, All Might.

(The orcs from the villa arrive, with Ar-Saku looking onto the students)

Ar-Saku Pain Seeker: It seems as though we have outnumbered you all by a large margin. It's too bad your friends were planning to meet us, only to have been deceived by our little flanking ruse and I'm sure you know by now, it was after all a ploy to break you apart. Too bad that guy with the big hands and pointy nose couldn't be enough to hurt me.

Bruz the Chopper: (Steps in to confront Ar-Saku) In that case, mind if I inflict some pain on you?

Ar-Saku Pain Seeker: (Smiles) Try it, traitor olog.

(The fight continues on, with the students now battling against the forces of Barad-dur, and the pro-heroes taking on the Witch-King and the other Nazgul. Izuku fights with Zunn, and they both face off against each other)

Zunn Battle-Master: (Locking in battle with Izuku) Well, little boy, you seem to have strength in you after all. It's enough to give you the honorary title of an Uruk. It's too bad you're not one, and you smell just like man-swine, which makes you delicious enough for us to eat.

(The battle between the two continue on. Izuku manages to catch Zunn off-guard, successfully landing a punch in his face, knocking him down. However, Zunn gets back up quickly and heads toward Izuku in a charging speed, tackling him down before throwing punches back at him)

Zunn Battle-Master: (Sees Izuku is still breathing) Well, it seems you're tough as iron, kid. All the other orcs would flee once I start throwing punches. You're the first to survive it. All the others died after three blows, yet you ate five like it was nothing.

(Ochako sees another orc heading towards Izuku while holding a strange looking "bag." She tries to stop the orc from charging towards Izuku, but instead, she ends up causing the "bag" to float, before falling down and breaking apart, revealing a large sum of flies coming out of it. The other orcs and even Zunn become terrified of the flies swarming their bodies, giving Izuku the chance to stand back up. He then charges his OFA and flies at Zunn before landing a punch to his gut. It sends him flying off into the distance, prompting his defeat against Izuku)

Izuku: (Looks to Ochako and smiles) That was a very clever move, Ochako. Thanks.

Ochako: (Laughs) Actually, I tried to stop that orc from heading towards you, but I accidentally caused that to happen. So, yeah.

(Izuku is dumbfounded by Ochako's sudden accidental mishap that gave him a victory, before laughing it off. Meanwhile, Twice and the other pro-heroes continue battling against the Nazgul in an effort to stop them. Twice decides to go with his quirk to summon Sad Man's Parade)

Twice: Here it goes!

(A myriad of Twice clones now appear, charging towards the orcs and surrounding the Nazgul. Twice and the others are happy about the situation, only for it to be cut short when Twice is hit with a ghostly hammer, knocking him away. The clones are instantly burnt by the fires caused by the Witch-King, making the Sad Man's Parade look like a failed attempt and a desperate clinging on to victory)

Buz the Breaker: Twice!!

(Buz and the others head to Twice, seeing he's been struck with that hammer weapon thrown at him by Helm Hammer-Hand)

Daz the Ripper: You shrahks! You'll pay for hitting one of our mates!

Khamul: You will do no such thing.

(Suddenly, the Twice surrounded by Buz and the others quickly liquifies, revealing it to be a mere clone, followed by the real Twice striking Khamul from behind, knocking him down)

Daz the Ripper: (Surprised) Is it just me, or does our Twice buddy suddenly have a big brain?

Goz the Butcher: Oye, Twice! You gave us a scare there! I never thought you had it in you! (Laughs)

(Twice looks to Goz, Buz, and Daz and smiles. Khamul gets back up to face Twice)

Khamul: Do you believe you have the strength to face the Nazgul?

Twice: I might not. But, I foresaw a future that never came to be, a future where you killed me. That was a future which was prevented thanks to Y/N and the others! This time, I will make sure it's me that kills you!

Khamul: I am the Nazgul. You cannot kill me.

Twice: Not if I strip you of that ring of yours!

(Twice takes on Khamul while All Might faces off against the Witch-King. The battle goes on and the orcs are slowly being defeated, giving Izuku and the other students a sense of hope. To add to their hope, Endeavor and the others arrive to assist them in the battle)

Izuku: (Looks to Shoto and smiles) You guys are here now!

Shoto: Yes! Sorry for the late arrival! We were deceived!

Endeavor: Now that we're here! Let's join in on the fight!

(The Witch-King and the other Nazgul group together near the portal. He then gives off another loud screech. The orc captains can be seen given blessings with weapons containing fire, poison, and curse magic, along with other feats of strength, along with the captains' followers blessed with weapons and feats of greatness like them. A final wave of orcs now come out of the portal, dashing Izuku's sense of hope)

Witch-King: This war is far from over.

(Bruz manages to kill Ar-Saku in the end, only to be met with their enemies becoming terrifying and more powerful than the last ones)

Bruz the Chopper: That's, not good.

(The hostile orcs cheer on, now believing victory will soon be in their grasp. Rumi and the others are saddened and believing they can't win this war against Sauron's armies. The fight continues on, but with the heroes and their allies now struggling to defeat the armies of Sauron. However, the Witch-King and the other Nazgul become stronger and overpower the pro-heroes. Stain then attacks one of the Nazgul, successfully landing a hit before being knocked back)

Mina: (Saddened) There is, there is no hope.

Bakugo: (Angered) I don't care how much power and strength you give them, I'll kill them all if I have to!

Twice: (Saddened) I can't use my Sad Man's Parade. My quirk's been exhausted.

(Izuku slams his fist onto the ground, alerting everyone, including the Nazgul)

Izuku: (Looks to the Witch-King while in tears) I, will not back down. Do you hear me!? I won't let you destroy our home! If I have to fight these orcs even at their strongest, then I'll die trying! You won't dare touch this world!

(Izuku gets back up, and everyone joins him on this, believing if they must, they'll fight to the death to save their world from being taken over)

Witch-King: It is a hopeless cause to continue fighting. In the end, you will fall. This will be the end of your world, Izuku Midoriya.

(Izuku is surprised to hear the Witch-King utter his name)

Witch-King: This will will end, and Sauron will prevail.

(A bright orange light glows from a distance, getting the Witch-King's attention. Izuku and the others all look to the direction of the bright orange light, now curious to know what's causing it. Curious and La Brava look through the screen to see what that orange light is, and their faces change from sadness to joy in seeing who is responsible for it)

Witch-King: It seems he has returned sooner than expected.

(End of Chapter)

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