Ch. 21: The Invasion Begins

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(After a couple of hours have passed, the members of the league were given their burials as their friends and loved ones look on)

Endeavor: (Crying) Be at peace, my son.

Twice: (Walks up to Endeavor and comforts him) I believe he's in a better place.

Endeavor: But, I wish I treated him as my son rather than my successor. What about Toga?

Twice: (Sighs) How I wish she could still be here. I would've taken her to that amusement park. (Smiles) But I know she's in a better place now, one where she isn't treated like a monster.

(After a few more minutes of talking and the burials completed, everyone leaves flowers and gives their good-byes before heading back to UA to plan for the upcoming invasion)

Hawks: So what should we plan now?

Endeavor: I'm not sure. My mind is still not as focused ever since I saw Toya's face again.

Bruz the Chopper: Well ya might wanna think of something quick. The dark lord is known to play tricks on us.

Hawks: It'll be disgusting if he decides to attack us in our time of grieving.

Bruz the Chopper: Then again, he is the dark lord. Don't expect much mercy out of him on that. If he wants your world, it doesn't matter if you mourn or grieve, as long as it gives opportunity in his favor to strike.

Gaz the Ocker: Geesh, boss, is he really that bad?

Bruz the Chopper: I would think so. If he's okay with sending orcs and ologs to kill Gondorians, even the unarmed ones who can't fight, then I would assume he's capable of that.

Endeavor: (Recalls) I remember Re-Destro talked about setting up defenses. I'll give him a call to see what's up once we get back to UA.


(Re-Destro gives commands to his soldiers to set up defenses at the villa and near the portal. He also sent a scout to monitor Barad-dur for any new activity. The scout manages to cross through the portal without resistance and hides in place, while keeping his camera recording live events taking place)

Re-Destro: (Smiles) Good. It looks like he made it through.

Skeptic: What about the soldiers?

Re-Destro: With our screens on them, we can see they're still setting the defenses. But with one of our guys watching the other world, seeing there's no activity, this gives us time to prepare.

Skeptic: (Smiles) Good.

(Re-Destro receives a call from Endeavor)

Re-Destro: (Smiles) Hey, Endeavor. How's it going?

Endeavor: It's good to hear from you. Have you been able to set up the defenses so far?

Re-Destro: Why, yes. My soldiers are setting up defense systems around the portal as we speak. By the way, we sent one of our scouts through the portal to keep watch. So far, nothing's going on.

Endeavor: That's good. Though I wish we could find a way to see it too without having to get a call from you, or even call you for any more updates. (Laughs)

Re-Destro: (Laughs) It's fine. If anything, we could transmit visuals of what our scout is seeing. My associate 'Skeptic' is capable of that. Hope you got TV screens so we can transmit it to you.

Endeavor: (Smiles) That would be great. Thank you.

(Skeptic transmits signals to the UA, allowing them to broadcast on the TV screens of events in Barad-dur. With this, Endeavor turns on the screen and is able to see what Re-Destro, Skeptic, and the scout is seeing)

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