Ch. 11: A Change In Fate

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(You are still recovering from the 'pain' left from the healed injury. Izuku, Bakugo, and All Might have you taken into the Infirmary for examinations to see if anything is wrong)


(The other students hear Izuku's cry, causing them to look onto the situation. Ochako comes to see what happens, only to see you being taken on a gurney into the Infirmary. The doctor shows up and assists in taking you)

Ochako: What happened to him!?

Bakugo: No idea! We just came out of UA through the entrance, and we see him lying down in pain! I think he needs medical attention!

(Hawks and Endeavor overhear this and arrive to the location. Endeavor sees you on the gurney feeling injured, and is shocked)

Endeavor: What the hell is going on!?

Izuku: We don't know, we just found him like this in front of the academy!

Hawks: Damn it! Just as I hoped things couldn't get any worse!

(Shoto arrives and sees you)

Shoto: Is he alright!?

Y/N: (Coughing) I'm fine. My body is still healing, but, (Coughing) the pain from the injury Dabi caused me, is still lingering.

(After hearing it was Dabi who injured you, Shoto was shocked and surprised, wondering why his older brother committed a horrible act to you)

Shoto: (In his mind, shocked) Toya? But...Why would he do that?

(After arriving in the infirmary, Dr. Shuzenji starts 'healing' the area where you're feeling pain. In the process, you still feel the pain, but to a much lesser degree thanks to her quirk's abilities)

Shoto: (Walks up to you) Y/N...Please....Tell me it's not true.

(You look up to him, and you start to shed tears, causing him to realize it was)

Y/N: Unfortunately, it is. He, and the rest of the league, betrayed me. They blamed me, for all of what has happened to us. They said I was the cause of their problems.

Endeavor: Do those fools have any idea how nonsensical that is!? That is All For One's doing! He is the one who endangered all of us by making those portals into Y/N's world! He put all of us in danger because of that!

Y/N: I'm well aware, Endeavor. But when they realized Shigaraki is held in a fortress, and that the other members who followed him were killed by the Witch-King, they shifted the blame on me.

Shoto: (Looks down) I see. (In his mind) But I just didn't think Toya would resort to such an act. After all the times we spent together, getting to know our family a lot more, only for him to turn against us?

Y/N: I know how you're feeling, Shoto. I was devastated too by his actions.

Dr. Shuzenji: I can understand how horrible it must've been for you, but please, don't get up or move around while I heal you. Given that you have no injury but still feel the pain of it, this may take a bit of time to heal. So please, relax.

Y/N: Very well.

Hawks: I didn't think the league would do something like that. I suppose they have motives of their own now.

Y/N: They do. Listen to me. They plan to get Shigaraki back, and if they succeed in this, they will attempt to attack the MLA as well as you, and then come after me and my world to take my ring away. After that, they're planning to conquer all of Middle-Earth.

Endeavor: That's bad news.

Shoto: But at the same time, foolish. Did they forget how powerful the Nazgul are?

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