Ch. 22: The Assault

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(Nightfall arrives. Endeavor, Hawks, Twice, Bruz, and his followers all head to the prison to meet up with Mr. Compress. After being allowed in and led to his room, Mr. Compress sees Twice and the others heading to his cell. Seeing Twice among pro heroes and "unknown beings" to him, he believes Twice had betrayed the league or was secretly working for the pro heroes)

Mr. Compress: (Irritated) I never thought you would turn against the league someday, Twice. To see you with so-called "pro heroes" makes it all the more infuriating, don't you think?

Twice: No, Sako. That's not why I'm with them. I didn't betray the league. I joined the pro heroes after all our comrades had died, and I had nobody left. But that's not the only reason. We're now at war with a force from another world.

Mr. Compress: Well that's just sad. But why come here, of all places?

Hawks: Because we need your help. Your assistance against the invaders will be beneficial if it means keeping our world safe from harm.

Mr. Compress: (Laughing) You, a Pro Hero, asking a villain, to help protect this world which even us villains were meant to destroy for being so corrupt? Don't you think I would help the invaders win their battle?

Twice: Funny to say that, but that's not the case. Even if you were to help them, they would have you killed off like they did to All For One and Shigaraki.

Mr. Compress: (Surprised) What? You mean All For One is dead too?

Twice: (Sighs) Yes. He was killed by the one leading the invasion as we speak. The Witch-King of Angmar. He and the others like him are responsible for the deaths of our comrades, as All For One was responsible for what happened to Shigi.

(Hearing this, Mr. Compress is met with confusion and mixed emotions over what happened to the league thanks to both the invaders and All For One. Still, he has issues trusting the heroes)

Mr. Compress: (Smirks) Well, if you think I should trust the heroes enough to join you and fight them, you're mistaken. I'll never trust the pro heroes, not even one bit. They're all fakes, as they are nothing but a corrupt form of heroism in our world. They're all about fame and fortune, and if you do something they don't approve, you're cast out as a villain.

Hawks: (Sighs) So that's what you think, right? You do realize I have a purpose for that stuff. In situations like that, I'm there to clean up the mess. In other words, I deal with corrupt societies like that.

Mr. Compress: (Chuckles) I see. Too bad people like you weren't around. My father tried to be a hero, but even he got shunned for one little indecent act. My great-great grandfather saw these fake heroes for what they were and decided to do the right thing, and that's taking money from them when they don't deserve it, and giving it to people who need it.

Bruz the Chopper: But mate, don't you think stealing from them wouldn't make him any better? As a matter of fact, how do you tell who's corrupt and who's not?

Mr. Compress: That's a good question, whoever you are.

Bruz the Chopper: The name's Bruz, but you can call me Bruz the Chopper. I'll happily introduce you to my boys here, but for now, we come seeking your help in stopping invaders from our own world.

Mr. Compress: Your own world? You mean you come from the same world as the invaders?

Daz the Ripper: Aye, mate. It's no joke, too. The invasion had already started. If memory serves, I think this is the first wave he sends in.

Endeavor: (Surprised and looks to Daz) What do you mean, first wave? Are there more orcs that are awaiting in Barad-dur? If so, why didn't you tell us?

Buz the Breaker: We thought you all knew. We even thought Y/N told you.

MHA × Ringwraith Male Reader: War Between WorldsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin