My elite romantic comedy is w...

By EdisonSerna

139K 4.8K 566

Hikigaya Hachiman dies in the car accident on the entrance day of Sobu High School, when he wakes up he reali... More

Author's note
VOL 1 Chapter 1 Welcome to the Metropolitan High School for Advanced Education
VOL 1 Chapter 2 Throwing Overboard
VOL 1 Chapter 3 Advantage
VOL 1 Chapter 4 Interesting
VOL 1 Chapter 5 Next Steps
VOL 1Chapter 6 Acknowledgments
VOL 1 Chapter 7 Class D
VOL 1 Chapter 8 Homecoming Club
VOL 1 Chapter 9 Interacting
VOL 1 Chapter 10 Parasite
VOL 1 Chapter 11 First Impressions
VOL 1 Chapter 12 Two loners
VOL 1 Chapter 13 Leader?
VOL 1 Chapter 14 Friends
VOL 1 Chapter 16 Movements
VOL 1 Chapter 17 May 1st
VOL 1 Chapter 18 Gambling
VOL 1 Chapter 19 Hikigaya Group
Chapter 20 Circumstances
VOL 1 Chapter 21 Blackmail
VOL 1 Chapter 22 Unmasking
VOL 1 Chapter 23 Meeting
Chapter 24 50%
S.S Those who were left behind.
Author's Note 2
VOL 2 Chapter 1 Tranquility before the storm.
VOL 2 Chapter 2 Those Who Reached Me
VOL 2 Chapter 3 Alliance
VOL 2 Chapter 4 Beast
VOL 2 Chapter 5 Confession
VOL 2 Chapter 6 Rumors
VOL 2 Chapter 7 Trap
VOL 2 Chapter 8 In trouble
VOL 2 Chapter 9 The trial
VOL 2 Chapter 10 Change for Yourself
VOL 2 Chapter 11 Do you have 5 points?
VOL 2 Chapter 12 Confrontation
VOL 2 Chapter 13 Shizuku
VOL 2 Chapter 14 The Red Moon
VOL 2 Chapter 15 Stalker
VOL 2 Chapter 16 Potential
VOL 2 Chapter 17 Second Year Status
VOL 2 Chapter 18 Scum
VOL 2 Chapter 19 Phantom Asura
S.S Fiancé
S.S Ideal
S.S Determination
Author note 3
VOL 3 Chapter 1 Paradise Cruise.
VOL 3 Chapter 2 The special exam
VOL 3 Chapter 3 Fast Moves
VOL 3 Chapter 4 Handing out the work
VOL 3 Chapter 5 Maturity
VOL 3 Chapter 6 Doubts Affecting the Heart
VOL 3 Chapter 7 Arrogant
VOL 3 Chapter 8 Exercise
VOL 3 Chapter 9 C Class Camp
VOL 3 Chapter 10 The days on the island.
VOL 3 Chapter 11 Respect
VOL 3 Chapter 12 Relationships
VOL 3 Chapter 13 Unexpected Companion
VOL 3 Chapter 14 incident
VOL 3 Chapter 15 Culprit
VOL 3 Chapter 16 Distracted
VOL 3 Chapter 17 Burden
VOL 3 Chapter 18 Taekwondo vs. Hybrid
VOL 3 Chapter 19 Utility
Special note
VOL 3 Chapter 20 The fool
S.S Greed
S.S Destroy
VOL 4 Chapter 1 Accumulated problems.
VOL 4 Chapter 2 Birthday
VOL 4 Chapter 3 Observed
VOL 4 Chapter 4 Another special test
VOL 4 Chapter 5 The zodiac exam.
VOL 4 Chapter 6 Exam Eve
VOL 4 Chapter 7 the first session
VOL 4 Chapter 8 Apologies
VOL 4 Chapter 9 Cards
VOL 4 Chapter 10 Control
VOL 4 Chapter 11 In the shadows
VOL 4 Chapter 12 Among friends

VOL 1 Chapter 15 Friends part 2

2.5K 91 34
By EdisonSerna

A week has passed since my nomination as temporary class leader, my words seem to have taken effect, the class has become more open in sharing doubts with the smartest in the room and these also help the others, creating a cooperative atmosphere.

I continue to converse with Sudo and Ayanokouji, for the most part, Horikita sometimes talks to me but more on class matters, I also see that she rejects Kushida's constant approaches, I guess it will trigger the cheating event at the cafe.

But it has me somewhat worried, I have not been able to talk to Sakura, I don't know why, maybe it is because I am in the focus of the class that it is more difficult for her to approach, and I don't want to approach either because she may be scared of being the center of attention.

What a friend I am, despite what I said, I've never been friends with a girl, it's pretty stressful.

At lunch time I go out for a drink, Sudo is hanging out with Yamauchi and Ike, I've changed a few things but I can't change the trio of idiots I guess they're like magnets.

I get the drink from the vending machine, I'm in one of the hallways, even though it's lunch time these hallways are pretty lonely, which I'm pretty happy about so I don't have to fear that I'll run into someone else.

But I see a familiar pink hair, it is Sakura, she is taking pictures of a butterfly that is perched on a bush, I remain silent that I finish it would be rude to interrupt and that her picture looks bad.

When I finish, I decide to approach and I called her.

Hachiman: yo Sakura

She hears my voice, and turns quickly to confirm who it is.

Sakura: H-Hikigaya-kun.

Hachiman: I'm sorry if I scared you.

Sakura: No, I was dazed and didn't pay attention to my surroundings.

Hachiman: I see.

We were silent for a while, damn communication skills of mine, I can't go any further.

Hachiman: Do you want something to drink?

Sakura: No, don't worry.

Hachiman: Don't be shy, it's on me.

Sakura: Ok.

Sakura agrees, well at least she doesn't stutter so much when she talks to me, it is a good sign. I buy the drink and I give it to Sakura then we sit down in one of the benches that are near the hall of the school.

Hachiman: How was your day?

Sakura: Normal, I suppose.

Ahhhhh, this makes me crazy, I have decided to change but in these moments is where I wish to have the linguistic abilities of Hirata or Kushida, hell, even the abilities of Ike would not seem so bad to me.

Sakura: Hikigaya -kun

He speaks to me in a soft voice, I turn to see his face.

Hachiman: Yes?

Sakura: C-c-could you give me your number, please?

Ah, we never exchanged contacts, it was expected that we could not communicate well, I am really pathetic even though I know more about her than her about me, I am not able to speak properly.

Hachiman: Of course, I am sorry I forgot to give it to you.

Sakura:No, no problem, I'm quite happy to talk to you, Hikigaya-kun, at first I thought you would be someone more coarse but you make me feel more at ease.

Hachiman: No, no, no, no, you have the right ideas, I am someone who has always been alone, in this school I am more talkative...

Sakura: Huh? But Hikigaya-kun I see that you have no problem with talking to our classmates.

Hachiman: I am going to tell you something Sakura, in the high school I always tried to speak with my classmates, but I noticed that they did it for courtesy and others even for pity, when they made the groups of chat of the classroom I noticed that they wrote very little, days later I heard that they had made a chat where they did not add the undesirable people, in few words me.

Sakura: T-that's not true, Hikigaya-kun is someone who is reliable and is very kind, the one who says otherwise is a fool.

Sakura looks upset, I didn't do it with the intention of making her feel sorry, I think I was misunderstood, so I have to correct it.

Hachiman:S-sakura , there is no need for you to get so upset, I really didn't mind that they did.

Sakura: That's not the point
Hikigaya-kun, that someone I trust, who is my friend is treated so unfairly makes me angry.

She managed to see a rare side of Sakura that in the novel she never managed to see, a girl who gets angry for the sake of the people she appreciates, in truth, she is a very kind girl.

Sakura: Don't laugh Hikigaya-kun, this is something serious.

Without noticing it, a small smile seemed to form on my face.

Hachiman: I'm sorry, Sakura, but your pouting is very funny.

And cute, but this last part, I keep it to myself, I wouldn't be able to call her that, she may think I'm a weirdo, ahhhhh, imagining Sakura's disgusted face may cause me a colossal mental fall.

And meanwhile Sakura keeps puffing her cheeks like a hamster, Oy Oy Oy Oy Sakura stop if you keep making such a cute face my heart will burst.

Thank God, I hear my mental prayer, and she stops it, but a threatening look (she is not) tells me.

Sakura: Fool

To see a Sakura so relaxed next to me makes me feel a little better, I do not know which road will take me the one that I am embarked but I will not give up, I will continue ahead step by step .

The matter calms down a little so I decide to touch the delicate subject with Sakura.

Hachiman: Hey Sakura, can I ask you something?

Sakura: Eh? Of course Hikigaya-kun

My serious tone took her by surprise

Hachiman: Why are you hiding your appearance? I know that the glasses you wear are fake, plus you don't wear makeup.

Sakura remains silent, maybe she doesn't answer me, it is a subject that she doesn't want to touch, but I won't press her, I will wait for her answer.

Sakura: No.... It is that I have hidden it on purpose, only that it makes me feel very uncomfortable all the looks on me.

I understand it Sakura, although in another different way, if Sakura had the same confidence of Ichinose or Kushida, she would be able to rival or even beat you in popularity.

Sakura: I tried to wear a mask that will detach me from the reality, but it only turns my stomach.

Hachiman: Right, I've seen several people hiding from a mask that I got tired of trying to see their faces, so I try to show myself as I am, I don't care if others find it disgusting, pathetic or ugly.

Sakura: Hey, Hikigaya-kun, why do you think so little of yourself?

This girl........since when did she become so receptive.

I keep quiet, I don't want to answer I'm just starting to open myself to the world, it would hurt a lot if I stumble here, what a coward.

Sakura: To me your true self is not someone pathetic or unpleasant, it's someone who is kind, is bad at making conversation, makes various situations awkward, but at the end of the day wants to try something new. Sakura you're wrong, I'm scum, if I didn't know what will happen I would keep quiet, I would keep running, running away even if it means abandoning everyone, you telling me all these things will make me arrogant, it will only make me cling to my hypocrisy even more.

Immersed in my thoughts I feel Sakura's hand on my head, I'm a little surprised.

Sakura: I don't know what you're thinking, but I know Hikigaya-kun is very smart so you'll find the right answer on your way.

Ha, being lectured by a loner like me is quite peculiar, but it doesn't feel all bad, I'm still shipwrecked but I'll just look ahead.

Hachiman: Sakura, you've become bold, touching a boy without consent is quite naughty.

Sakura: Huh, Wawawawawawawawawaaawaaaa.

I can see what she hadn't realized in her actions, but getting such a funny reaction out of her makes me feel a mixture of guilt and joy.

Sakura seeing my cynical smile, she sees that I am teasing her, she pouts and starts to hit my chest softly, she is too cute, this is bad if she keeps doing that I can become addicted, no, out bad thoughts, the cutest will always be Komachi.

Sakura: Silly...... silly.... silly.... silly....

Hachiman: Yes, yes, yes, yes, Sakura-sama this commoner is a fool, please ask to spare his life.

Sakura: Hmph, since you ask so nicely I will let you pass.

Hachiman: Thank you Sakura.

Sakura: Ah? You're welcome Hikigaya-kun, that's what friends do.

As reading the atmosphere the bell sounds indicating that the hour of the lunch is finished, this catches us both by surprise so we head in a hurry to the classroom.

We pass the class without any inconvenience, at the time of leaving I see Sakura leave but before leaving I see that she turns to me and sends me a small farewell waving her hand, she can't talk to me in public yet but at least it is an advance, I leave the classroom, Sudo has practice in the club, Horikita is leaving without saying anything, Ayanokouji stayed talking with Kushida.

But I have a special boy common business.

Hachiman: Hey Sotomura

Sotomura: Well, well but look who it is, the leader of the D-class shadows.

He doesn't say it with sarcasm which feels even worse, what's with that stupid nickname, he says it like he's a chuuni.

Hachiman: You have some time, I want you to help me with something.

Sotomura: ohhh, what business will the wily leader have with this humble servant.

Hachiman: You will know if you follow me, the only thing I can tell you is that you will benefit very well if you accept.

Sotomura: You have captured my interest, lead the way fearless leader.

It's serious, stop, you're embarrassing me, when we finish our conversation we leave the room, strangely I notice that most of our classmates are watching us, I don't know why, maybe it's the fact that I don't actively approach someone.

We go to Keyaki mall, we go to a cafe and I talk to Sotomura about what I want him to do, the idea excites him, well also the incentive I will give him, we finish our drinks and say goodbye.

Sotomura: Don't worry leader, I will do my best.

Hachiman: I'm counting on you.

I have free time, I don't know what to do now, but I sit at the water fountain in the Keyaki park, I watch the crowd passing by.

When I see a hand waving in the crowd, ehhh , I wonder who is she looking for, it must be difficult among so many people, I will pray that you find who you are looking for, the hand is still waving when I see a flash of pale pink hair, this is going bad, she comes closer and I discern her full appearance.

It's the representative of class B, Ichinose Honami, hell I can't pretend I didn't see her and hide, she comes in front of me and I notice she's not alone, she's with a girl with black hair pulled back in a ponytail and of average height.

Ichinose: Hikigaya -kun, what a coincidence to find you here.

Hachiman: Y-yes, what a coincidence.

Damn my luck.

?: So, Honami-chan, who could he be?

Hachiman: ahh, excuse me, I introduce myself, I am Hikigaya Hachiman from class D of the same year, I am Ichinose's acquaintance.

?: I am Amikura Mako, Honami-chan's friend and classmate.

We introduced ourselves I don't recognize the girl because I think her appearance was never shown in the novel, leaving her without a clear appearance.

I can see Ichinose puff out her cheeks showing dissatisfaction when she decides to claim me.

Ichinose: Hey, Hikigaya -kun, like what an acquaintance, I'm your friend, did you hear fr-i-end.

He spells out the last part sharply pointing at my face.

Ichinose: Besides, Hikigaya -kun, I have enough complaints against you as your friend.

Hachiman: Wh-what do you mean?

Ichinose: You know what I mean,You've been ignoring me these days, even when we exchange contacts you just answer me in a curt manner as if you don't mind talking to me.

It's true, I have been replying you with short answers when you try to talk to me, but in my defense I am just a loner, I am barely able to defend myself in a normal conversation, now in a chat is much more complicated, I can't pick up the tone of voice or expressions when I talk over the chat, so I try to minimize the damage by giving a short answer but it backfires as the conversation doesn't progress and allows it to die, but making her think I am ignoring them is a bit painful for me, after all I have always been on the side of the ignored.

Hachiman: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you, I just don't know what to talk about.

My sincere apology takes her by surprise.

Ichinose: It's okay as long as you reflect on what you did.

She says looking down while grabbing an arm, the mood gets pretty heavy until Amikura breaks it, thank you Amikura -sama.

Amikura: hey, hey, what's with this atmosphere?

It makes Ichinose wake up from the current state of things, so she goes back to being her usual cheerful self.

Ichinose: Nothing, nothing, rather what were you doing here, Hikigaya-kun?

She turned the conversation to me.

Hachiman: I was with a classmate.

Amikura: hoooo, you were, weren't you? Then you're free.

I don't like where this is going.

Amikura: You see Hikigaya-kun these two poor ladies have quite a lot of things to buy, and they are very heavy, haaaa, if there was a boy who would be so kind as to accompany us that would be wonderful?

Ichinose: Ma-mako-chan wait.

This Chick , she's making a fake drama to force me to help them, it's not like I have any other choice.

Hachiman: yeah, yeah, I get it, I'll be your slave for this time.

Amikura: ohhhhhhhh thank you, Hikigaya -kun, you are more trustworthy than you look, and slave is a very strong word, what does lackey look like to you.

It doesn't make it any better, Ichinose looks at me with a guilty face.

Ichinose: I'm sorry Hikigaya-kun, Mako-chan is sometimes very insistent.

Hikigaya: If you mean annoying, I agree, I feel sorry for you, Ichinose.

Amikura: Hikigaya-kun, Hikigaya-kun I'm next to you, so avoid saying such rude things.

It seems that the atmosphere became easier to talk, we keep talking in joking, while they buy what they need I do my duty as a pack mule, I only have to give short answers when the conversation is directed to me, we finish walking the stores they needed.

Amikura: Well, I already have everything I need, so I'm leaving.

Hachiman: Oy you need help carrying that.

Amikura: ohhhhhhhh that's sweet Hikigaya -kun, but no, you better help Honami-chan she seems to have enough stuff so go with her.

Having said that she approaches towards Ichinose and whispers something in her ear, which causes Ichinose to get nervous, she probably says that she has to be careful with a guy like me.

Ichinose: Mako-chan you idiot.

Amikura: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha bye.

And she left. Leaving Ichinose and me standing in the crowd.

Hachiman: You want to go to the pallete?, sure if you have some time.

Ichinose: Sure, Hikigaya -kun, I'm surprised you're taking the lead this time.

Hachiman: You make it sound like I'm always waiting for someone to talk to me.

Ichinose: Am I wrong?

Hachiman: no, you're right.

We head to the popular cafe, I don't know if I will attract much attention with Ichinose by my side, but I want to make up a little for the misunderstanding of having ignored her.

We enter the cafe when we hear a voice calling out to us.

Ah, Ichinose-san and Hikigaya-kun?
We turn to look and see Kushida with Ayanokouji, oh boy it looks like the inevitable happened.

Ichinose: ahhh, Kushida-san how are you doing?

Ichinose greets Kushida in a cheerful manner, we approach them.

Kushida: Wow it's a surprise to see Hikigaya-kun with Ichinose-san,ah maybe it's a date.

Hachiman: Please Kushida-san, for my mental and physical sanity don't make such jokes.

If you keep saying such irresponsible things you might provoke hundreds of jealousy from the boys all year, after all Ichinose is someone very popular and pretty. I have enough mental stress just walking around with her.

Ichinose: I resent you saying it that way, Hikigaya-kun, besides Kushida-san you could also be said to be on a date with.... This, excuse me but who are you?

Ayanokouji finally got the chance to join the conversation, and introduces himself.

Ayanokouji: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, from class D, nice to meet you.

Ichinose: Ichinose Honami,from class B, the same.

Kushida: Ayanokouji -kun is just a friend, I asked him for a favor, and he helped me, but ....

Hachiman: But it didn't work out as you expected.

Kushida: Yes, that's right, you know Hikigaya-kun, I would like to ask you for some advice.

Hachiman: oh, the great and popular Kushida - sama comes to ask me something, if a little of my knowledge is of any use to you I will do it with the greatest of pleasure.

Kushida keeps his usual smile, I can't see any cracks, he really is relentless.
Kushida: hehe, I'm glad that you also joke with me, like you do with Horikita-san and Ayanokouji -kun.

Hachiman: Well, what do you want to ask?

Kushida: you see, Hikigaya-kun, I want to make friends with Horikita-san, but she.....

Hachiman: she's colder than ice and rejects you, no wonder.

Ayanokouji: So she asked me the favor of trying to meet them in this cafe, but she failed.

Kushida: Hikigaya-kun, the only other person that Horikita-san gets along with is you, so please ask for your help.

Hachiman: If Ayanokouji, wasn't able to do it I don't think I can do much either.
Kushida looks depressed, if I didn't know her other side I would really feel bad.

Hachiman: But, I can give you a push, it may not work but it's worth a try.

Kushida's gaze lights up, he looks like a little puppy looking at his favorite kibble.

Hachiman: First ask her for her contact one more time, try not to be overwhelmingly nice that makes her quite uncomfortable, you have to do it in a determined way so she will see your seriousness.

The eyes of everyone at the table are on me.

Hachiman:Second, don't go thinking you're going to be friends with her just by asking for her number, that girl is too stubborn to admit she's making friends, so don't expect to party with her every weekend.

I can't imagine that girl at a party anyway.

Hachiman: And lastly, I'll have a conversation with her.

Kushida: Huh? Will you talk to her Hikigaya-kun?

Hachiman: Surprised, yes I will talk to her, I'm the only one who can hold a conversation with her, through insults, but I'm able to keep her busy, this will cause me a lot of headaches, but if I manage to unite the class it will be worth it.

Kushida: Thank you, Hikigaya-kun, you really are very reliable.

Kushida is very happy, and grabs my hand with hers,Oy Oy Oy Oy Oy Oy Oy Oy, this is terrible the only girl I've ever touched is my sister AND for a girl to do it without warning, just makes my heart beat faster, I feel my cheeks heat up a little.I look away from Kushida's face.

Hachiman: It's nothing.

Kushida: It's okay, I'll have to practice to gather all the courage I , and tell her. Goodbye guys.

Seems like I cheered her up quite a bit,I wondered how much will be true, as she says goodbye she leaves the cafe, the only problem is that she left Ayanokouji behind.

Ichinose: You really are someone quiet, Ayanokouji -kun.

Ayanokouji: Well it would be rude to interrupt such a serious talk.

Ichinose: ohoho, maybe you have feelings for Kushida -san, I wouldn't blame you if it was a boy I'd also be on the clouds  standing next to her.

Ichinose-san, I think you wouldn't say that if you knew the real Kushida.

Ayanokouji: Not really, I don't have many friends and Kushida is one of the few people who talks to me, so I was trying to help her.

Hachiman: Oy, you bastard, I hope you consider me your friend, otherwise I'll beat you up.

Ayanokouji: Excuse me, who are you again?

Since when did this bastard learn to fight back, maybe he learned from the incessant barrage of insults between me and Horikita.

Hachiman: I'm going to hit you.

Ichinose: Hehehehehehehehehe, they really get along well.

Both: Who's getting along?

Ichinose: Hikigaya-kun, I see you have good Friends that makes me feel at ease.
Hachiman: What are you, my mother? Since when were you worried that I had no friends.

Ichinose: Well since we met, you always have a gloomy aura that terrifies people and you're bad at talking, if you walked at night 90% of people would consider you suspicious.

Ahhhhhhhhhh, it hurts, it hurts a lot because you are getting almost everything right.

Hachiman: Do I really look that suspicious?

Ayanokouji: Sure, if I had younger siblings I would definitely hide them from you.

Ichinose: Yeah, I don't want you to run into my little sister, just imagining it worries me.

Th-these bastards have timed themselves so well against me, I don't stand a chance of winning.


Ichinose: hehehehehehehehehe

Ichinose's angelic little laugh is heard, but something unthinkable happens that I managed to witness, I see the trace of a small smile on Ayanokouji's face. My shocked expression surprises both of them.

Ayanokouji: What's wrong?

Hachiman: I think I saw you smile.

Ayanokouji: Was I?

Ayanokouji is also a little shocked, I think he wasn't aware of that moment.

Ichinose: Isn't that something normal?

Hachiman: No, no, no, no Ichinose, this guy has kept that face, if he smiles, I think that means an ancient plague will attack the world.

Ayanokouji: That's rude, even I can smile.
Hachiman: Are you sure?

My piercing gaze seems to pierce his skull.

Ayanokouji: I think, most likely.

Ichinose: I don't quite understand, that means that Ayanokouji-kun also has a communication problem, they are really good friends.

Hachiman: You have a fetish that makes you want to take care of others, if so please let's stop being friends, I don't want to catch something weird.

Ichinose: I will get angry Hikigaya -kun.
Despite the offensive words there is no malice behind them, we continue arguing for a while until we leave the cafe, we say goodbye to Ayanokouji, and I go to accompany Ichinose to carry her things, on the way we talk.

Ichinose: Tell me, tell me Hikigaya-kun you looked quite happy when Kushida-san held your hand.

Suddenly I feel a little cold air, maybe it's my imagination.

Hachiman: I don't know what you mean, don't you feel uncomfortable when someone you've barely talked to touches you, it's a strange feeling.

I decide to lie, it would be too embarrassing to tell him that I had never had direct contact with a girl before.

Ichinose: Hmmm, really?

Hachiman: Really.

Ichinose: Are you sure, for sure?

Hachiman: I'm sure, why are you so insistent on the subject?

With this he made her nervous, and remains silent for a moment before answering.

Ichinose: I just thought that Hikigaya-kun, had some REASON to help her, but I was wrong, you're just someone very kind.

Hachiman: Ichinose...... I am not someone kind, please stop putting me on a pedestal.

I can't let your sweet words continue to feed my hypocrisy.

Ichinose: *sigh* okay I'll stop putting you on a pedestal, only if you stop putting yourself down too, why do you despise yourself so much? Hikigaya-kun.

I don't have words to answer you, you really are so predictable, first Sakura and then Ichinose, ha, even on the same day, I'm not doing a good job as a mystery character.

Ichinose: Even you can keep quiet when you touch your weak points.

I am not a kind of superman, who is able to stand up again and again, it is obvious that I choose to keep silent when you touch my reverse scale, silence is the best when it comes to avoiding conflicts.
I dare not see Ichinose's face. Noticing this Ichinose, says to me.

Ichinose: Hikigaya -kun, please look at my face.

With no other choice I confront her, I see her delicate face, she looks like a porcelain doll that just by looking at her I feel like it might break.

Ichinose: You remember what I told you that night.

With hesitation I nod.

Ichinose: Then let me be one of those people who is by your side, tell me about your day your tastes, what you dislike, ask me out, whatever but let's be together.

Hachiman: I'm a very boring and troublesome guy .

Ichinose: I know.

Oy! I mentally complained because she continues to talk.

Ichinose: But I like to be with you no matter if it's boring and troublesome, it may fall the possibility that I die of boredom but I want to spend it with you.

Hachiman: I see.

I don't say more, it's impossible for me to say anything, I've never had someone tell me that they want to spend time with me, that they are interested in me, unless they lost a bet.

I don't know how to feel, I feel something indescribable in my chest, it's a strange feeling that I can't identify and it scares me.

Ichinose Honami, despite knowing her personality is very different from facing her in reality, no wonder she is able to unite a whole class.

Hachiman: Are you sure you want to go out with me?

Ichinose: I didn't just tell you.

Hachiman: That's not what I mean, it's okay for you to go out alone with a guy, after all I don't want to be tortured by your fans.

Ichinose: Wh-wh-what kind of things are you thinking?

Hachiman: It's not uncommon for them to think that a girl and boy alone are on a date.

Ichinose: Hikigaya -kun, I didn't know you had that side, now I feel more insecure to go out with you.

Hachiman: Oy Oy Oy you said something very offensive, you are judging me without basis.

Ichinose uses her hands to cover her body as if she has the ability to see through clothes.

Ichinose: Please don't look at my body so lewdly, you pervert.

Hachiman: Tch.

Ichinose: hahahahahahaha, come on come on I was just teasing you, I don't think you have that side. As for your question, I really don't care, a few rumors won't make me waste valuable time with my friend.

Hachiman: ha, you are really weird.

Ichinose: What's up with that?!

Our chattering made the way to Ichinose's room become short, everything happens like deja vu, we arrive at Ichinose's room and I give him his things, he invites me to his room but I refuse, my heart is not ready for that.

We say goodbye, it's quite late it's 7:30 pm, it seems like it took me a while to talk to everyone, but I can't stop I have to talk to a certain black-haired lady, so I take out my phone and write to her.

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