Pose | Q. Hughes

By kaprizovsbaby

32.2K 367 47

Cecily Perkins got the job of her dreams. After so many ups and downs, she finally had her dream life, but so... More

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not an update
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the end is near
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CH 21
last authors note

CH 1

2.4K 26 4
By kaprizovsbaby

It's early August when Cecily gets an email.

From. Vancouver Canucks

To. Cecily Perkins

Hello, Cecily! We've seen your application for our Media Team and we've taken a look at your work. We'd like for you to be on our team starting as soon as possible. With the season so close we have to have you here by August 25th. Please get back to us as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Cecily's hand froze over the mouse. She actually did it. She's on a professional media team. She quickly clicked reply and started typing.

From. Cecily Perkins

To. Vancouver Canucks

Thank you so much for this chance! My plan is to be down there by the 15th. When I get down there I'll head to the Media Office and confirm my new job. Again, thank you.

Her hands were shaking so much. She reached for her phone and dialed her brother's number. The phone rang twice before he picked up.


"Simon! I got the job!" She yelled to her brother.

"Oh my god, Cecily! That's amazing!" Simon yelled back. "Wait, what team did you get?"

"I'm working for the Vancouver Canucks." Cecily could hear Simon smiling through the phone. The Canucks were always his favorite team, part of the reason why she wanted to work for them.

"I'm so proud of you, sis." Simon says.

"Thank you so much. I have to tell mom and dad now, I'll talk to you later." She said before she pulled the phone away from her ear and hung up. The call with her parents went about the same, saying they were proud of her, asking what team, then Cecily saying that she had to go and tell someone else. The next person she called was her best friend Kayla.

"I'm on the Media Team for the Vancouver Canucks!"

"I'm coming over right now!" Kayla said. The moment she hung up Cecily knew that she was going to have a long conversation with her about the boys on that team. Cecily walked around her room, randomly picking up things and putting them away. She rarely cleaned her room, but it wasn't ever extremely dirty. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Cecily rushed down the stairs and let Kayla in.

"Those boys are so cute. You got so lucky!" Kayla said with a slight hint of jealousy. Cecily giggled and walked to the kitchen with Kayla behind her. Kayla stood against the counter as Cecily pulled out two sodas.

"Let's go scout out the boys." Kayla said as she walked over to the other room. She flopped down on the couch and pulled out her phone. She began typing as Cecily set down their drinks onto the coffee table infront of them.

"None of these guys are cute. How do you expect to live like this?" Kayla said as she scrolled through photos. She already changed her mind about the looks making Cecily giggle..

"Not really going for the boys, remember? I'm trying to make it big in the media industry." Kayla rolled her eyes.

"You can't get laid and paid if you don't get laid." Kayla said. Cecily laughed at her for a second before thinking.

I'm almost 23 and still single... maybe I should think about the boys.

"If I was going to get laid, it wouldn't be someone from the hockey team. I bet I could get fired for that." Kayla raised an eyebrow and looked at the other girl.

"You haven't worked a day yet and you're already worried about being fired?" Kayla asked. "You have to pack anyway. Let's find you some business clothes at the mall and then we can worry about being fired. You're free for five more days, let's make the most of it!

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