SPRK Volume 1(RWBY OC Fanfic)

By 4ho3nixFl4me

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Just an RWBY OC story I've been working on ---- Four friends, with the dream of becoming professional huntsma... More

Introduction+SPRK Intro
Chapter 1:SPRK
Chapter 2: Old Faces, New Surprises(Part 1)
Chapter 2:Old Faces New Surprises(Part 2)
Chapter 2:Old Faces New Surprises(Part 3)
Chapter 3: Nighttime Initiation
Chapter 4: Spark of A New Generation
Chapter 5: New Vibes
Chapter 6: Strong as Steel
Chapter 7: Understandings
Chapter 8: Fun Day(Part 2)
Chapter 9: Bullies. Ugh, Who Likes Them
Chapter 10: Truths Can't Be Handled
Chapter 11: SPRK Vs. CRDL
Chapter 12: Discoveries, Old and New
Chapter 13: Truths
Chapter 14: A Roman Reunion
Chapter 15: Ready, Aim
Chapter 16: Fire
Chapter 17: Intervention(Small Lemon)
Credits(And Epilogue)

Chapter 8: Fun Day(Part 1)

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By 4ho3nixFl4me

The days passed by like they were some of the best ones most people would like, especially the boys. They all got to know teams RWBY and JNPR more. They all had asked each individual person from both teams if they wanted to hang out with them in Vale during the weekend. And lucky for them they all said yes.

We our four boys getting ready dressing up in their casual attire talking about how the day will go, and what they think about everyone else they invited.

Seth: "So, how do you think today will go?"

Ranger: "Well, if Kai can keep his girlfriend from having another tantrum. Then today might be good."

Kai: "Oh I know you're not talking, Mr. I Give Goo-Goo Eyes To Pyrha.

Kai(Imitating Ranger): "Oh Pyhra, give poor cowboy a chance. Please take my hat in acceptance of marriage."

Percy then laughs hysterically at Kai's joke. Meanwhile Ranger then turned to look at Percy mad.

Ranger: "I know you're not laughing. I see you trying to swoon Blake with your faunus features."

Percy then shut up.

Ranger: "So you do fall for emo chick's huh?"

Seth was still laughing.

Kai: "How does he get a free pass?"

Seth: "Let's just say I worry about more important things."

They all finish goofing off in their room and decide to go to the deck where the Bullheads appear to go to Vale. They wait there to see both teams RWBY and JNPR walking towards them. They all talked to each other while they wait for the ship to appear. Minutes passed and one showed up and landed on the deck. They all got on and the ship flew off and headed into Vale.

They arrived at Vale, and they all got off and walked down the streets looking at the buildings.

Blake: "Ok, so what's the plan?"

Percy: "Well, we were just gonna walk around the fun part of the city to see what their is."

Ranger: "Yeah. I saw a bunch'a places we can go to. Like, an arcade, karaoke places, bowling, go-kart tracks."

Ruby: "Ah, go-karts?! I used to ride them when I was little. Can we go, can we, can we?!"

Pyrha: "Well, someone seems eager."

Seth: "Oh yeah, we need to put it to an agreement. What should we do first?"

Nora: "Why bowling? It doesn't even seem like fun."

Seth: "Did I also forget to mention a challenge in all of this?"

Teams RWBY and JNPR looked at the boys with a "what do you mean" look.

Seth: "We did plan this after all. We did say those suggestions, because their part of the challenge. The team who wins out of these four places is the winner. And they have to tell the loser what to do for a week."

The other teams then looked at each other, and then nodded.

Percy: "All right then. And like Nora said, we get done with the boring stuff first. So bowling is the first thing to do."

RWBY, JNPR: "All right."

All 12 of them walk into the bowling alley. The boys found the counter to do the payments. As Seth and Kai worked on the payments, Percy and Ranger went to the balls and tried to figure out which would work well for them. Jaune and Ren soon did the same thing.

Jaune: "So, you boys ready to lose?"

Ranger: "Ha, we should be asking you that."

Ren: "So, how does this work?"

Ranger: "Dude, you've never been bowling?"

Ren: "Well, not a lot."

Jaune: "Don't worry about that. I'll be sure to lift us up to victory. I happen to be good at the game."

Percy: "Haha, well see about that. Cmon, Better Blondie."

He taps Ranger on the shoulder and he followed him to the lanes. The game started like any other bowling match. One person from a team goes first, then the next team sends their first person, and the third team sends their first person, so on and so forth.
And whichever team had the highest score won.

They let team RWBY go first. They sent out Yang, and they scored big on the first go. Then team JNPR sent our Jaune, as he suggested, and he came back with a spare hitting 4 pins. And then SPRK sent out Percy and he got a clean strike. Minutes turn into an hours as Kai was the last person overall to go. The score was thick and thin with teams SPRK and RWBY tied, while JNPR was a couple of more points behind.

Percy: "Cmon Kai, you can do it."

Ruby: "Ha, I say. He doesn't stand a chance. He should just give up."

Weiss then said something under her breath.

Weiss: "You can make it Kai."

Yang: "You said something Weiss?"

Weiss: "H-huh, no I didn't."

Ruby: "Focus on the game. We're gonna win."

Kai just simply blocked out all of the other noise, focusing on the lane in front of him.
He exhaled, and took steps foward and threw the ball down the lane. He made sure to give the ball a spin to hit the pins a certain way. He might have put to much spin in it, as it turned to early and made its way into the gutter.

He watched in agony as that was his last throw of the game, and before his actual turn Seth suggested if it stayed tied, team RWBY wins.

Ruby: "Yes! We won!"

Yang: "Woohoo."

Kai, still looking down gets up and walks to everyone else.

Jaune: "Better luck next time I guess."

Kai: "I'm sorry, did yall lose more?"

Jaune: "Oh...yeah."

Seth: "Ok and with that, Team RWBY is up by one, leaving SPRK and JNPR with zero."

Blake: "Ok, so what's next?"

The scene cuts to everyone in an arcade.

Seth: "Arcade. And it'll work the same as the bowling match. The team with the most tickets is the winner."

He then hands everyone a card that has credits on it to play the games. Then everyone went off on their own direction. Percy then found himself being followed by Blake.

Percy: "So what, you don't have arcades where you're from?"

Blake: "Yeah, I never really was found of these kinds of things."

Percy: "Well come one."

He the holds out his hand.

Percy: "It'll be fun. Trust me."

He then smiled. Blake then let out a little chuckle and she took his hand. He then dragged her to go to one of his favorite games, Ski Ball.

Percy: "So this game is simple enough. You roll the ball on this lane here, and try to get it into one of the pegs. The one in the middle scores the most."

Blake: "Ok, shouldn't be to hard."

She grabs a ball from the slot, and rolls it a bit to hard. It flew from the ramp on the lane, onto the glass cover of the pegs. With the speed it was thrown, it flew back at Blake's face, but thankfully with Percy's quick reactions he caught the ball before it hit her face.

Percy: "You ok?"

Blake: "Y-yeah. Thanks."

Percy: "Maybe throw it a little less hard, hehe."

He then grabs a ball from his slot.

Percy: "Try doing it like me."

She looks at his hand with the ball, and his arm on how he throws it. He let's the ball roll like how you play ski ball and he makes a shot.

Percy: "You got it now?"

Blake: "Yeah, I think so."

Cut to Kai, who is obviously reassuring Weiss, walking past some fun games.

Kai: "Cmon, Snowflake. One game here has to at least make you change your mind."

Weiss: "You said you'd stop calling me that!"

Kai: "Well, I lied I guess. Hehe"

Weiss then turned red, and looked away.
Then Kai spots a fighting game he played when he was little.

Kai: "Oh hey, Road Brawlers!"

Kai walks over to the game, and Weiss follows him.

Kai: "I'm surprised they still have this."

Weiss: "Of course you'd like this game."

Kai: "Well it's fun. I used to play it all the time when i was a kid. Why don't you give it a shot?"

Weiss then looked at the controls, with one joystick and a bunch of random buttons next to it.

Weiss: "Who needs that many buttons?"

Kai: "Skilled people who play the game alot. Cmon, I'll go easy on you."

He then gave her a closed eyed smile. She turns red once more, and looked away.

Weiss: "Hmph, hardly. Then the game would be over to quick."

The both let out a small chuckle. Kai started the game by swiping his card and presses the 2 player button. The he selects his character.

Kai: "Always bet on fire."

Weiss the selects a character who specializes in ice.

Weiss: "Then I'll just snuff your flames out."

Kai: "I'm sorry, but if I remember correctly. Fire melts ice."

They both chuckle and bring their attention back to the game as it starts up.

Cut to Ranger, who is next to Pyrha, Yang, and Jaune. They find a four person racing game. They all swipe their cards and got in their spots and picked their vehicles. In the end Jaune won. Which Ranger and Pyrha decided to let him win, while Yang tried to stop him from winning. Her eyes turned red and she tried to punch the machine, if Ranger didn't turn his arm into steel to block the blows. Jaune continued to gloat about his win. He then saw Weiss and Kai next to them, with them having finishing their game of Road Brawlers.

Jaune: "Hey Weiss. Guess who just beat three of the best fighters in a racing game?"

Both of them looked at Jaune, then behind him to see Ranger shrugging, Pyrha nodding her head, and Yang being held back by Ranger. Kai let out a small chuckle.

Weiss: "A game? You simply won a game against them? And you think you can match up to them in an actual fight."

Jaunes gloating the turned into a slow internal defeat.

Jaune: "Ah, yea I guess your right."

Weiss then walked off, and Kai followed. Meanwhile Yang tried to walk over to them, but Ranger grabbed a hold of her arm to stop her.

Ranger: "I wouldn't try it. If Kai is with her, then she'll lighten up. He has that affect on people. Take it from me."

Yang: "So you were just as cold as, 'Weiss'?"

Ranger: "Heh, you could say that."

He then let's go of her arm, while Pyrha tries to reassure Jaune as he is jealous of Kai.

Cut to Seth, Ruby, Nora, and Ren. They find a big machine with a huge screen. Which turned out to be one of those big dancing machines, but instead of arrows, you follow the person on the screen.

Ruby: "The death machine."

Seth: "Been a while since I've done this."

He then got up on the platform on the left, and swiped the machine with his card. He then heard steps and looked to his right.

Seth: "Wow, you're the last person I expected to do this."

Ren: "Well, I am one with the fascinatings of culinary arts. Including dancing."

He then swipes his card. They both come to an agreement on a song and they get ready.

Ruby: "Kick his butt, Seth."

Nora: "Knock it out of the park, Ren."

Ren: "Actually, we're doing a duet dance."

Ruby: "Oh, well still have fun you two."

They both smiled and turned to the screen. They positioned themselves on the platform.

A/N: Yes, Team SPRK is also a dance line. DONT ASK, JUST ROLL WITH IT!!!
Ren: Bang Chans guy
Seth: Hyunjins guy

As they dance the chorus the first time, both Nora and Ruby were met by the rest of the other teams watching Seth and Ren duet.

Kai: "Don't tell me we're gonna start these dances again."

Percy: "Something tells me we might."

Yang: "Well I can say two things. One, what haven't you four done already? And Two, I say we all give up now."

Blake: "Why's that?"

Ranger: "Cause, Pyrha found a way to cheat the coin game with her semblance and got all the ticket jackpots."

Pyrha: "I'm sorry. Jaune suggested it, and in the end it did turn out well."

Jaune: "What, don't get me involved in this."

Nora: "Shut up and watch Ren already!"

Both Seth and Ren finished the dance. They both were panting and gave each other a handshake, but Seth brought him into a bro hug.

Seth: "Something tells me this isn't the last time we're gonna do this."

Ren: "I guess so, hehe."

They both got down and were met with praise from everyone.

Ruby: "When were you gonna tell us you do that?! It was flippin awesome!"

Seth: "Heh, I guess. Let's just call it cardio."

He then ruffled Ruby's hair, and she tries to move his arm away.

Percy: "So all three team came to an agreement and give the point to JNPR. Because someone figured out to cheat the system."

Pyrha: "I'm sorry!"

Seth: "Hehe, yeah I had planned on that."

All (except Seth): "What?"

Seth: "Yeah, even in the bowling alley, I figured team RWBY would win that with their muscle playing a big hand on strikes."

Yang: "Yeah, I did get the most out of my team, hehe."

Seth: "And now, I figured Pyrha would use her semblance to make the games fall into her favor."

Jaune: "So that's were the karaoke comes in, so you guys would win that."

Seth: "Someone catches on quick. But yes, we still have a chance to tie. The game isn't over, until it's over after all."

Hope you guys enjoyed, sorry for the late release. I've been busy with doing band rehearsals and learning new songs. My fingers hurt from that and this. Part 2 will be released tomorrow, hopefully. :)
Stay toasty my little Fireballs
4ho3nix Out!!

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