Destined For You (The Ludovic...

By ameesaAhlam

257K 10.5K 2.2K

(Can be read as a standalone.) I was a hopeless romantic from a young age but when I watched my father strike... More

One | Dreams
Two | Magic
Three | Safe
Four | Babysit
Five | Future Husband
Six | Not A Date
Eight | Wifey
Nine | OCD
Ten | Honeymoon
Eleven | Birthday
Twelve | Beach
Thirteen | Pictures
Fourteen | Event
Fifteen | Morals
Sixteen | Business Trip
Seventeen | Yours
Eighteen | Massage
Nineteen | Care
Twenty | Stuck
Twenty-One | Love Hurts
Twenty-Two | Insane
Twenty-Three | Maze
Twenty-Four | Worship
Twenty-Five | Destined For You
Twenty-Six | Misunderstanding?
Twenty-Seven | Grovelling
Twenty-Eight | Begging
Twenty-Nine | To The Future
Bonus Chapter | Alessandro & Ariella
Bonus Chapter | Cyrus & Ayame
New Book!
New Book!
Second Generation Book
Second Generation Book: Two
Second Generation Book Three

Seven | Engagement

7.1K 347 81
By ameesaAhlam


(Age: almost eighteen)

I was in the middle of arranging my school books when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in", I said to whoever it was.

I arranged the books neatly on my desk when that familiar, musky, spicy cologne filled my room.

I lifted my head and my gaze clashed with Ezekiel's as he stood there, dressed in a black suit as if he came here directly from the office. Since he is the CEO now, he works hard.

"Now what do you want?" I asked, exasperated. "I am not doing anything related to wedding preparations anymore."

He stepped closer. "Hmm, everything's already decided. You don't have to worry about anything."

"I am worrying about everything." I sighed, lowering my gaze. "I am scared. I overthink about it every night, about what might or might not happen, me being forced to--"

He stopped just an inch away from me and lifted my chin with his finger, his jaw clenched. "I will never ever force you to do anything that you don't like." He gave a squeeze to my chin. "Is that understood?"

The sincerity in his voice did make me feel a little relieved. "Yes."

"Good. Anything else you need assurance with? It's better to clear everything now itself. We will be getting married in four months after all."

"I want to study further. I want to go to college, pursue higher education."

He still held my chin in between his fingers and caressed it gently. "Subject?"


"Okay. Study, give the entrance exams, and I will take care of the rest."

I frowned. "Take care? Of what?"

"Your college fee--"

"No. Dad can do that, you don't have to--"

He leaned down until the tip of our noses brushed together. "You will be my wife. Whatever you will need, I'll provide it." He stated firmly.

The way he said 'my wife' made my heart skip a beat and left me a little speechless. I licked my lips and for a second his eyes flickered down to them but he immediately released my chin and stepped back.

I nodded slowly in agreement. "Okay. If you say so."

"Anything else?" He adjusted his cufflinks making that simple action look undeniably hot.

"For now, no. I am going to text you if I want anything else clarified."

"That would be good." He gazed at me softly. "I don't want you to be scared at all. You will be safe, I promise you."

I hummed. "Any specific reason why you came here?"

He cleared his throat. "Right." He reached inside his suit jacket and pulled out a small, jewellery box. "I wanted to give you your engagement ring."

I rolled my eyes. "Of all the ways I imagined myself getting engaged, this is the worse. I know our marriage is arranged but still..."

"Do you want me on my knees, Chiara?"

"Go ahead," I said playfully.

I thought he was joking but my eyes widened when he actually went on one knee. A blush rose on my cheeks seeing him like that.

"My little hellion, the reason for my headaches," he spoke profoundly, "will you do me the honour of marrying me so that you can trouble me for the rest of my life?"

I burst into laughter, covering my mouth with my palm. "Oh my god. That was the worst of proposals but it was worth seeing you on your knees."

A smile tugged at his lips. "I am waiting for an answer."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I will drag you to the altar."

"Of course, you will. Fine, fine. I will marry you since you seem to be so desperate for it."

He glowered at me making me chuckle.

Shaking his head slightly, he got up and opened the box, nestled inside it, was my engagement ring.

A huge, round diamond in the centre and the whole band was covered in the tiniest of diamonds. It was extremely beautiful.

I held my left hand and slid it down my ring finger and it fitted me perfectly.

He lifted my hand to his mouth and pressed a firm kiss to my knuckles. "See you soon, fiancee." And giving me a subtle wink, he left.


"We will be coming home by tomorrow morning, you will be okay by then?" Marcelo asked.

I nodded. "Yes, I am not a kid anymore."

I could go and live with my parents for the time being but they are out of town too on some kind of vacation plus, I am almost eighteen now, I can stay alone for a day.

"Bye, love. Don't miss me too much." Cyrus ruffled my hair.

I chuckled. "Okay, I won't."

Bidding me goodbye, they both left.

I was on the stairs when I felt something trickle out of me and a dull throb began in my abdomen. Oh no. I quickly calculated the dates. It's one week earlier! But since I have been taking so much stress about the wedding which is in two months, I guess it's because of that only.

I rushed upstairs to my room and inside the bathroom to grab a tampon or a pad but to my horror, there was nothing left.

What the fuck. I searched through my emergency stash and it was empty too.

Shit. Shit. I felt more blood trickling out and since I am a heavy bleeder, this is going to be a disaster.

Not knowing what to do, I lay down on the bed just as a drop trickled down my thigh.

I contemplated what to do. I only buy myself sanitary so even if Marcelo was here, I would have been too shy to ask him to buy me that.

Maybe I can call someone...

I looked for my phone but it was lying on my desk. Talk about luck. There is no way I am getting up, I will stain the floor.

Tears pricked my eyes and soon I was sobbing for no reason at all.

I don't know for how long I lay there, crying but then like a saviour, someone knocked on my door.

"Yes?" I croaked.

The door opened and as soon as Ezekiel stepped inside, a fresh set of tears left my eyes. I just felt so happy to see him.

He had some takeout bag in his hand which he placed on my desk and looked at me with concern. "Why are you crying?"

I cried even more at that and within seconds he was on the bed, hovering over me, wiping away my tears. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

Hesitantly, I explained to him everything.

He listened to me carefully and once I was done, he cupped my cheek. "It's okay. Just text me whatever you need, and I will be back with it as soon as possible."

I nodded and he grabbed my phone from the desk and handed it to me and walked out of the room.

I texted him about all the things I might need and waited for him to return.

Twenty minutes later, he was back with all the things and he kept them inside the bathroom.

While I dreaded how to get up and go inside the bathroom, he simply lifted me up in his arms and carried me inside.

"Thank you", I mumbled to him as he walked out.

I took a quick shower and changed into my comfortable pyjamas and stepped out.

To my surprise, the stained bedsheets were removed and laid in a heap in the corner of the room and a clean one was spread onto the bed instead.

Ezekiel stood near my desk, taking out some Chinese food onto the plates. He smiled softly on seeing me. "Feeling better?"

"Yes, thank you."

He nodded and handed me the plate full of food. "You brought me lunch?"

"I was talking with Cyrus when he told me you were all alone and I was getting bored so I thought why not go and trouble you."

My heart warmed and tears welled in my eyes at his thoughtfulness which he noticed and added quickly, "I am not going to trouble you today so no need to cry. Just have some food."

I wiped away my tears and settled on the edge of the bed and he sat beside me as we both ate in silence.

After we were done eating, he placed away our plates and he looked ready to leave but I tugged at his arm. "Eeel."

"Yes, my little hellion?"

"You can stay...I...I mean we can watch a movie..." I suggested, suddenly feeling shy.

He stared at me for a long moment, probably surprised by what I said, then he nodded slowly. "Okay."

Happy that he was staying, we sat down comfortably on the bed, leaning our backs against the headboard as he put on a movie on my TV.

We watched the movie quietly and my body unconsciously shifted towards him, seeking his body heat.

Exhausted after everything, my eyes slowly drooped and I eventually fell asleep.

Something warm held me as my eyes fluttered open and I found my face buried in Ezekiel's chest, his arm around my shoulder.

As I shifted slowly and glanced up at him, he woke up too, his eyes meeting mine.

I blushed hard on finding ourselves cuddling together while we both claim to hate each other.

He averted his eyes and removed his hand from around me and scrambled up in a sitting position, checking the time on his wristwatch as he mumbled, "Shit."

I watched him as he wore his sneakers and grabbed his phone, ready to leave, trying to avoid me.

He walked to the door and was about to leave when he paused and glanced at me over his shoulder, giving me a curt nod.

"Bye, Ezekiel", I mumbled but he was long gone.

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