Goddess Wink | Various!BNHA x...

By xKaguraYatox

471K 20.4K 9.4K

Ever since your Quirk first manifested, you've been the apple of everyone's eye. With the goal of becoming a... More

00 ♡ prologue
01 ♡ beloved
03 ♡ new class cutie
04 ♡ lover boy
05 ♡ sweet and spicy
06 ♡ sugar cheeks
07 ♡ freckles
08 ♡ win their hearts
09 ♡ divine presence
10 ♡ overtake them all
11 ♡ pretty hurts
12 ♡ two of a kind
13 ♡ princess of mischief
14 ♡ mesmerizing
15 ♡ the charmed
16 ♡ wondrous beauty
17 ♡ blessed by the gods
18 ♡ cherry lips
19 ♡ cats are great
20 ♡ chicken nuggets
21 ♡ drunk on love
22 ♡ affectionate storm
23 ♡ simply lovely
24 ♡ boyfriends
25 ♡ like a butterfly
26 ♡ disillusioned
27 ♡ aesthete
28 ♡ serendipity
29 ♡ love trumps all
30 ♡ enchanting
31 ♡ chance meetings
32 ♡ no love
33 ♡ serene
34 ♡ sun kissed
35 ♡ melting gaze
36 ♡ exquisite
37 ♡ tainted beauty
38 ♡ whispers in the night
39 ♡ beautiful torment
40 ♡ revered
41 ♡ helpless little lamb
42 ♡ a friend's hand
43 ♡ flickering flame
44 ♡ the gods must be crazy
45 ♡ saccharine
46 ♡ new home
47 ♡ strengthened desires
48 ♡ song of voice
49 ♡ progress
50 ♡ love you a latte
51 ♡ center of attention
52 ♡ thriving devotion
53 ♡ graceful rescues
54 ♡ disagreements
55 ♡ a troubling feeling
56 ♡ long overdue
57 ♡ friends once more
58 ♡ better than a kiss
59 ♡ sowing the seeds
60 ♡ instant defeat
61 ♡ golden gaze
62 ♡ love's in the cards
63 ♡ humorous introduction
64 ♡ repressed emotions
65 ♡ a discovery
66 ♡ violent embrace
67 ♡ arisen
68 ♡ newfound appreciation
69 ♡ shackled by pain

02 ♡ pastel heart

18.6K 653 351
By xKaguraYatox

"Special recommendation?"

"Yes," Mikael nodded. "Based on the information I've been able to gather, U.A's entrance exam consists of fighting large robots and gathering points that will go forward to determine whether or not you earn a passing grade. There is also a written component, which I have no doubt you'll do well on, but it's not enough to pass. Your Quirk has no effect on anything besides living people, which unfortunately means their system places you at a disadvantage. Luckily, I happen to have some connections and it's possible to enroll you in U.A without you taking the exam."

"But... isn't that like cheating?"

"It isn't cheating. They wouldn't be able to evaluate your powers properly, which is why I'm making sure you get into the school and have a chance to prove yourself."

"Well... if you say so. I guess it's true that I can't do much with my powers unless it's against an actual person."

He smiled and patted your hair. "Don't worry. I've got it all sorted out. They'll be receiving your letter of recommendation soon enough, which leaves us time to focus on other matters. I've actually got some business in Greece around the time your classes start up, but you should only be missing a few days."

"What?" you groaned. "I'm coming with you again?"

"Of course. Each visit gives you the opportunity to strengthen your connection to your ancestry. Even if you may not realize it yourself, it helps your powers grow more stable, and deepens your spiritual bond to Aphrodite."

"Huh... I'm still not all that convinced."

"Well," he smiled, "you'll just have to wait and see."


It had been just about ten years since Mikael had become your legal guardian. As he'd promised, you'd gained more and more control over your powers, and they were noticeably stronger when activated. A big part of his training regimen was bringing you along on his trips-not just to Greece, but to see the world. He always said that heroes needed to see the big picture, the larger scope of things, and in order to realize just how vast their horizons were, travelling around the world and learning about other people and cultures was essential. As a result, you were almost certain that out of all your future classmates you'd ventured the most outside of Japan.

At first, you'd been opposed to going on your most recent trip to Greece. You did enjoy sightseeing there, and the weather was always beautiful, but you'd been reluctant to miss your first bunch of classes. But after hearing about the villain invasion that had taken place at USJ, you were actually somewhat relieved that you'd gotten to miss out.

"I hope my classmates are nice," you mumbled to yourself. Tomorrow would mark your very first day at your new school, and you wanted to make a good impression. You'd gone out shopping with the intention of buying some new school supplies, but you'd gotten a little carried away and picked out some new outfits too. Which was frankly quite pointless, since you'd be wearing your uniform the whole time, but oh well.

You were just walking home with your heaps of shopping bags in tow when someone bumped into you, and rather forcefully, at that.

"Oops, sorry," the boy apologized, offering a sheepish smile. "I guess I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's fine," you brushed off. "No harm done."

He continued smiling and standing around, blocking your way. "It must be my lucky day, getting to run into such a beautiful girl. Where are you heading? I can help carry those bags for you."

So it's going to be one of these days, I see.

"Thank you, but I'm alright," you politely declined. "They aren't heavy or anything, and I'm in a bit of a hurry to get home."

"Aw, but I feel bad now that I've run into you. If you're just walking, you must live around the area, right? I can escort you there." He was still smiling, and he ran his fingers along your shoulder, trying to coax you into giving in. You almost laughed at the stupid little display. It was funny how shameless people could be. What kind of person would let a random stranger walk them home?

"I said it's fine," you smiled, pink hues filling your irises. "Be a good boy and leave me alone now, okay?"

"Ah-" He stiffened all at once, fingers slipping off your shoulder. His vision had gone glassy, eyes glazed over, and his cheeks were distinctly flushed. "Oh... my bad," he slurred. "I didn't m-mean to-"

His knees buckled underneath him, and he passed out right onto the floor. You looked down at him with your lips pursed.

"It was a lot stronger than I was going for. Well, he must've been attracted to me a fair deal if he was trying so hard." You stooped down to a crouch and whispered into his ear. "When you come to, head home and get a good rest in bed. Don't try to harass any other girls on your way."

You adjusted the bags in your grip and continued walking on, ignoring the cluster of people that were now swarming around the unconscious boy. Freja greeted you in the lobby once you were home, helping take the bags off your hands.

She smiled. "It seems like you bought quite a lot, [Name]. Wasn't this just supposed to be for school supplies?"

"Yeah," you chuckled awkwardly. "I saw a bunch of cute clothes and just got carried away..."

"I'm sure they'll all look lovely on you. Mikael is waiting in your room. I believe he wanted to have a quick chat with you since you're starting at U.A tomorrow."

"Okay. Thanks, Freja."

"My pleasure."

As promised, Mikael was waiting in your room, eating chocolate on your bed, of all things. You puffed out your cheeks and let out a squeal of protest.

"Hey!" you cried out. "No eating chocolate or messy desserts on the bed! I just replaced those sheets!"

He blinked innocently, even though he had melted chocolate all over his lips and fingers. You sighed and grabbed a handful of napkins before taking a seat beside him.

"Hello, [Name]," he smiled. "How was your shopping trip?"

You dabbed at the corners of his lips with the napkins. "It was fine. Some guy was hitting on me while I was heading back, and I used my Quirk on him. He passed out even though I wasn't trying to get him to."

"Did he come into contact with you?"

"Yeah. Well, he touched me, but I didn't touch him back. I just used my voice."

"I see." He waited for you to finish wiping him off before twirling a lock of your hair through his fingers. "Different people are bound to experience different levels of attraction and thus react differently to your powers. It's always going to be challenging to figure out just how effective your Quirk is against certain people." He extended the half-eaten chocolate bar towards you. "Want a bite?"

"No thank you. Actually, please put that away. You're making a mess."

Seemingly defying human limits, he managed to fit the rest of the chocolate bar into his mouth. "I'll be putfing togesher a nishe dinnar tonifte. To shelebrate yhu starting skhool."

"Please don't talk with your mouth full."

Mikael swallowed the rest with a big gulp, licking the remnants off his lips. "You must be excited. Many of the most renowned heroes made their start at U.A. And with a Quirk like yours, there's no limit to the amount of people you'll be able to save."

You looked up at him in earnest. "You really think so?"

"Of course. You have the gods-quite literally-on your side."

You laughed a little at that. Still, you couldn't deny how excited you were. You'd trained your Quirk all these years in preparation for this. Maybe it was that spiritual sense that Mikael claimed you were developing, but something told you the group of people you'd meet there would forever change your future.


"Are you all ready, transfer student?"

"Yes. I'm fine, but... are you sure you're okay? Your entire face is wrapped in bandages..."

You were officially on U.A's campus, and who else to greet you but the homeroom teacher in charge of Class 1-A-Aizawa Shouta. Or, more commonly known as Eraserhead. He wasn't the first pro hero that came to mind, since he was so elusive and underground, but you'd definitely heard of him every now and then. A hero with the ability to erase Quirks. Put that way, it was highly unlikely your powers would affect him... guess you couldn't charm your way out of trouble, then.

"It's not something you need to worry about," Aizawa deadpanned. No doubt he'd gotten those injuries during the USJ invasion that had just happened, but to think that he was still teaching under those conditions was crazy. "I'll enter first and quickly announce to the class that we've got a new student, and you follow after. Okay?"

"Sounds good."

With that, he opened the door to the classroom and strode in, completely ignoring the concerned and bewildered cries of his students. He waited for them to quiet down before making his announcement. The class went silent, and you took that as your cue to walk in.

I'm a little nervous, but here goes!

You stopped in front of the class, swiveling on your heel to face everyone. "I'm [Last Name] [Name]," you greeted with a smile. "For various reasons, I wasn't able to make it for the first days of classes, but it's a pleasure to meet you all."

The room was still silent. Everyone's eyes were glued to you, but no one was saying a word. You'd been standing there for a good while now, and you were starting to feel a little apprehensive. Had you said something wrong? Was there something on your face, or-

"Whoa! What a beauty!" a blonde male with a lightning bolt in his hair exclaimed.

"She's so pretty!" a pink-haired girl gushed. "Oh my god, oh my god! She looks like a model!"

"That's crazy! I had no idea we'd be getting another classmate!"

"[Name]-chan, right? I'm Uraraka!"

"Call me Tsuyu."

"Hey, hey-what kind of music do you like? Pop? Rock? Punk?"

It had only taken seconds for the entire class to turn to uproar. You chuckled inwardly, unable to keep track of the ridiculous amount of questions being thrown your way. Even though you'd gotten a late start, everyone seemed really nice, so you were relieved.

Aizawa let out a weary groan. You couldn't make out his expression behind all those bandages, but you had a feeling he was scowling. "Everyone's being too loud. [Name], there's an empty seat over there next to Bakugou. That'll be your desk."

You smiled, making your way over with a spring in your step. Everywhere you looked, friendly faces were smiling at you. Some were boisterous and loud-like the pink-haired girl and the other guy-while others were more subtle with their excitement-like the freckled boy seated behind you who kept blushing and averting eye contact, all the while trying to maintain a wobbly smile. And then there was the ash blonde beside you. Aizawa said his name was Bakugou or something. He was the only one out of the whole class who was outright glaring at you, for whatever reason. You couldn't recall the last time someone had looked at you with such distaste, so drastically in contrast to desire.

You smiled coyly, leaning over in your seat to whisper to him. "It's nice to meet you," you said, eyes glowing the faintest shade of pink. The anger left his expression for just a moment, and his crimson eyes widened in surprise as a blush settled across his cheeks. You canceled your Quirk immediately after, and he stared at you in confusion before scowling and snapping his head away.

Oops. Maybe I shouldn't have teased him like that.

You placed your hands on your lap and leaned back in your chair. You could already tell you were really going to like this class.

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