
By xNikkiGx

370 2 0

Ella's parents were pretty much the Rodeo King and Queen. But her mom died from cancer when she was a teen an... More



24 1 0
By xNikkiGx

Why do I feel something next to me. Oh there is an arm under me. Is it bad that I don't remember how I got home from the rodeo. Okay, now who the hell is behind me. I slowly rolled over and- Oh. It's John. Why is John here, and why is he in my bed. Hmm. I have to pee. I got out of bed and used the bathroom, then looked down at my leg scar. Working at the barn means I wear jeans all the time even though it can be like 90 degrees outside. So no one has seen the ugliness that is my right knee. Oh I better put on pants before John wakes up. I wonder if he brought me home. I'm going to brush my teeth first.

"Okay. It smells like bacon in this house. Oh egg sandwiches" I said to myself once I was done.

Walking to my room John was a awake.

"Morning" I said

"Good morning" He replied

"Uhm. So, I don't remember coming home. So would you like to enlighten me." I said

He just laughed. Then he looked at me and his eyes went down and i'm pretty sure stopped at my knee.

"Hey. So?" I said

He looked back up and I got back under my covers. I keep my room cold but I also want to hide leg.

"Oh yeah sorry. Uhm you had a headache last night and I brought you back. In your truck. You also puked and I held you hair back. Then you fell asleep on my arm and I couldn't move. So I just. Kinda. Slept over?" He said looking at me.

"Huh... wait. If you brought me back in my truck. Where's your truck and trailer?" I asked

"Tommy took my rig back to the barn and put Stryker in his stall and left my trailer out front. Then Kate picked him up here cause he dropped off my truck. He texted me and I just said you were puking. Cause I didn't want to say you had my arm captive" He replied

"You guys didn't have to do that. I probably could have driven myself" I said

"Well considering you don't even remember leaving, i'm glad I took you home" He said

"Well. Would you like to go eat breakfast. My aunt is probably making egg sandwiches. It's a Sunday thing when everyone is home" I said

"Sure. I just have to put my pants back on because sleeping in jeans isn't the best and I didn't want to get your bed dirty" He said

I nodded and hopped out of bed while he got up and grabbed his jeans.

"You could stay like that" I laughed

"And you could stay like that" He smirked "I haven't seen you wear anything but jeans in a long time. Except when you came out in just a shirt and tried to swoon all the guys" John said

"I was wearing shorts underneath" I laughed

"Uh huh. Sure you were" He replied

"Hey. I'm going to smack you" I said

"Then come here and smack me" He smirked

I looked at him then glared and walked over to him with my hands on my hips. He looked down and kept smirking then wrapped his arms around me.

"Can I help you?" I said

"Nope. I'm fine right here" He said

I smiled and put my head on his chest while putting my arms around his torso.

"So. Your leg.." He said

I stepped back and looked at him.

"Don't look at it" I pouted

"Why. It's not that bad. Just a big scar. And some little ones" He said

"I think they're ugly and they make me mad" I said

"Why" He asked

"Cause, I don't know. I just look at them and get frustrated" I said

"El, it's not that bad. No one's going to judge you for it. They might ask what happened but you're not going to get made fun of" He said

I just shrugged and got out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt.

"C'mon El. It's going to be hot as hell today and humid. Wear shorts" He said

"Nope." I replied

Going to the bathroom, I got changed and met John in the hall. I made sure I had my phone and we walked ot the kitchen.

"Oh John. I didn't know you stayed over" My aunt said

"Sup" Colin laughed

"Hey" He replied

"Your truck wasn't here when we got home. I didn't hear you come in either" My uncle said

"He brought me home and someone dropped his truck off" I said

"Headache?" My aunt said

"Yeah" I sighed

"Make sure you let them know this week. I'll even come with you so you remember" She said

"No, it's fine. I'll remember" I said

She nodded and we ate breakfast. It's always so good.

"What's everybody's plans for today?" My uncle asked

"Gonna go see Jenny" Colin said

"I don't know" I replied

"You want to go on a trail ride?" John asked

"Yeah why not" I shrugged

"Let's go" He said

I helped clean up and everyone dispersed. Grabbing my boots, I slipped them on and took my medicine. I only have a couple more days of meds and I kinda hope they give me more. But at the same time they said I can get addicted so maybe not giving me more would me a good idea. Oi.

"You ready" John said as I walked outside

"Yup. Just contemplating becoming a drug addict" I said

"What?" He asked

We both hopped in his truck and he looked at me.

"The meds they put me on. They said it can become addicting. It's not oxy but still" I said

"Well how much do you have left?" He asked

"Enough to get me to my appointment Wednesday. And they can either give me more. Or stop the meds. And I want more. But I probably shouldn't" I said

"Are you still in pain?" He asked

"Every now and then if I move wrong or do to much" I said

"Do you think you need the meds?" John said

"The one i'm on now no. But, I want more" I said

"You think they'll give you more?" He asked

"If I say i'm in a bunch of pain yeah. But if I keep my wits straight then i'll just take regular meds" I replied

"I'm going to come ask you after you get back. I'm gonna tell Kate to also" John said

"Why? Do you not trust me?" I asked

"I do. I just want to make sure you don't turn into a druggy." He replied

"Ah I see" I nodded

"Yeah. If you turn into a druggy I can't kiss you anymore. And the few times we did, it was nice" He said

"Wait. You want to repeat that last part" I said

"Nope. Now you think that's a good reason not to get addicted to your pain meds" John laughed

"We'll see." I smiled

"You know. Last time was in Texas. In front of a whole bunch of people" John said

"Yeah. You even spun me around. That was so much fun" I smiled

"It was. I have a picture from that" John said

"Do you? Where'd you find a picture?" I asked

"It was on the website. I was scrolling through and saw it. I have it saved on my phone." He said

"Can you send it to me?" I asked

"When we get to the barn" He said

Nodding, we drove the last bit to the barn and I pestered him as soon as we got there.

"Okay, okay give me a second" He said

He tapped away on his phone and mine buzzed. Looking at my phone, I tapped on his name and looked at the picture. OMG.

"I.. wow" I said

"What?" He asked

"I like this picture" I said giving him a smile

He smiled back and I looked at the picture some more. It was after I kissed him and he was spinning me around. We both have a huge smile on our faces and it's a really cute picture. I wonder how he found this and Kate and I didn't. I saved the picture to my phone and also sent it to Kate. Then I went out and got Gypsy from the pasture and groomed him while John saddled up. I grabbed my bareback pad and put that on then hopped up..

"No saddle?" He said

"Nah" I replied

He nodded and we set off towards the trails. Pulling my phone out Kate was spamming me.

Kate: OMG!

Where you find that

I love that picture

Make it your lock screen

It's so cute

Me: John said he found it after we got back from Texas. This bitch never told me. And I'm probably going to make it my lock screen

Kate: Wow. I lvoe that photo thoug. It's so nice and I can't type but i'm do ecieted

Me: That's some great English

I put my phone back in my pocket and trotted up next to John since we got to the run.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" He replied

"How bad do you think it'll be if I let him race down the power lines" I said

"Bareback" John replied

"Yup" I said

"Can you hold on?" He asked

"I think so" I said

"I need a solid yes or no." He laughed

"Yes, I can hold on" I said

"Go for it. But not too far" He said

"Alright Gyp. You ready to run" I said

He huffed and shook his head and I leaned forward and kicked his sides. He took off. And I mean. Took. Off. We raced down then turned around and came back to where John was standing. Slowing my boy down, I smiled and my horse was huffing. I was too.

"Was that fun" John asked

"It's been so long" I pouted

"Well, as long as you keep making small steps, you'll be able to do that soon" John said

"I know. Maybe once every other week, I'll do this. It didn't hurt that much but I might feel it later" I said

"At least you're aware" He laughed

"Yeah. It's really hot outside" I said

"Shoulda worn shorts" He shrugged

"Hey, we are riding. I couldn't of worn shorts anyway" I said

"Well, when you get home" John replied

"Nah" I said shaking my head "You're the only one besides my doctors who's seen it. Kate hasn't even seen my leg" I said

"Really?" John asked

"Yup." I replied

He nodded and we rode back to the barn. Cooling off our horses, we turned them out and I leaned on the fence.

"Whatcha thinking about?" John asked

"I miss competing. This is the first year in a long time that I haven't" I said

"That's okay" John said

"Yeah but. I don't know. I'm bored out of my mind not training and when I couldn't drive I was going insane. I don't know what to do with myself" I said

"I know. It probably sucks-"

"It does" I said cutting him off

"But. Shit happens. Maybe this season was going to be the one you or Gypsy got hurt" He said

"I did get hurt. And it was worse then getting hurt while riding" I said

"True. But what about Gypsy. What if he got hurt" John said

"I'd be devastated" I said

"See. Maybe you not competing this year is a good thing." John said

"No, cause what if next season he gets hurt. Or when we start training again he pulls something or slips" I said

"You know that's always possible" John said "Just like how it's possible for me to snap my neck steer wrestling or getting hurt roping"

"I know. But still... I'm sorry. I just get in these moods lately. I blame the meds" I said

"It's fine. Is there anything else you want to get off your chest" He laughed

"You think we'd ever be more then friends?" I asked looking out at my horse

John didn't say anything. Well I guess that means no. Damn.

"I don't know" He said finally

"How do you not know" I laughed looking at him

"I don't know. You think you could deal with the fact that Ryan and Bobby will most likely be dicks" John said

"I guess" I replied

"And the only people I really train with will slowly drift away" He said

"Well that doesn't help me feel better" I pouted

"I know. I'm kidding. Come here" John said

I leaned into the kid and he put his arm around me and kissed my head. I smiled to myself and looked up at him.

"You never really answered my question" I said

"I hope we can be more then friends. How about you" He asked

"Well considering kissing you was, very nice. I would like to do that more often. Also you kept me warm last night. Well this morning because I don't remember last night" i said

"So. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked

"I would love to" I smiled

He kissed me and I stayed leaning on him. We eventually decided to leave and he drove me back to my house.

"You know. Kate is going to be so exicted. She's been saying we should date for the longest time" I laughed

"Has she really" John laughed

"Yes. Literally when I told her you and Cassie broke up she was like. So you're gonna date now right" I said

"Well now we are" John smiled

I nodded and hopped out after giving the kid a hug. You know. John said that Tommy left his trailer out by the barn or something. It was back in it's spot. I wonder if Ryan or Bobby moved it. Or Deb. Hmm. Not my problem. Heading inside, John went home and I texted Kate. I just told her to call me.

"Hey are you okay?" She said

"Yeah i'm fine. But I got some news for you" I said

"What is it?" She asked

"So uh, John and I are dating now" I said smiling

"OMG! Yes! I'm so excited! Even more then I was when you sent me that picture" She yelled

"Hah yeah" I laughed

"So when did this happen?" She asked

"Uhm. A little bit ago. We were at the barn and I asked if he thought we were ever gonna be more then friends. He said he wanted to, I said I wanted to, so he asked me to be his girlfriend" I said

"I love this" Kate squealed

"Yeah. You know. I get to ride out next Saturday. I raced down the power lines bare back and felt okay. I think I can ride around the ring" I said

"You just have to make sure Gypsy doesn't take off." She replied

"He hasn't been there in so long. I hope he doesn't take off. I won't be able to get up." I replied

"Don't worry. John will come and lift you off the ground and save the day" Kate laughed

"I'll try and fight anyone if I fall" I laughed back

"I know. Well, I'm happy for you and now we can go on more double dates. Like Texas" She said

"Yeah. That was fun. I need a reason to wear that dress again. It was nice" I said

"Oh yes!" She yelled "We need to take some more pictures. Oh with the horses this time"

"Yes" I laughed

We chatted for a little while, then it was dinner time and I went to the kitchen following the amazing smell. My aunt is an amazing cook. I mean so am I, but that's besides the point. You know. I think things are starting to look up. Now I just need to focus on fully recovering and getting back into the arena.

A/N Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this story, sorry for awful name I wrote this a while back and just couldn't think of a new title. Anyway this is the end of book 1. Yup, I did start writing a second one, more recently, so it's only a few chapters long. If you'd like to read it let me know and i'll try and get that one on a updating schedule and actually take a look at Book 2. I haven't touched it in a hot minute.

Anyway thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and if you haven't already go check out my other works on here, those should be picking back up soon, i've had terrible writers block wanted to get them further along before I start updating again.

❤️ Nikki G

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