
By xNikkiGx

370 2 0

Ella's parents were pretty much the Rodeo King and Queen. But her mom died from cancer when she was a teen an... More



13 0 0
By xNikkiGx

"Hey, i'm gonna have a fire tonight with the three guys from the barn and some work buddies. You coming out?" Colin said

"I don't know. Going back to work has been brutal" I said

"Well if you feel up to it and want to leave the comfort of the couch. You know you're always welcome. My work buddies love you" He replied

I nodded and decided at hot bath was a good idea. Filling the tub up, I stripped and got in the boiling water. Sitting down, I slide down so the water came up past my shoulders and I shut my eyes. This feels so nice. I would stay here forever. My body is so sore and the burning water is making it better. My phone started buzzing and I dried my hand off before grabbing it and answering.

"Hey babes" I said

"Hey whatcha doing" Kate replied

"I'm sitting in scolding hot water cause my body hurts" I said

"That sounds so nice right now." She said

"What about you?" I asked

"Tommy and I are going out tonight. Just wanted to check up and see how you were after a full work week" Kate said "I still think you should of done half days"

"Deb said that too. But hey, I made it. And I'm suppose to be walking more to build up muscle so I guess that's helping. I can't lift the shit bucket and technically shouldn't be throwing the saddle up. So i've been riding Gyp bare back. Just going on walks. He wants to run so bad. I had Kyle take him out while I took one of the older trail horse bare back." I said

"Well, just try and take it easy. What are you doing tonight?" She said

"Colin is having a fire. I might go out. But I might just sit inside and watch a movie" I said

"That's good. Easy night" She replied

"Are you still coming over tomorrow?" I asked

"Yeah. I'll be there around... 11" She said

"Okay. I'll be here" I laughed

We finished up our conversation and said bye. The water started to get cold so I decided to get my pruny ass out of the water. Drying off, I pulled on a pair of soffee shorts and rolled those up while also putting on an oversized tee. It looks like i'm not wearing pants. Whoops. Going into the living room, his parents are away for the weekend so it's just us.

"Hey so, i'm gonna bring the cooler outside and put the alcohol in there. So people aren't going in or out. Especially if you come out. You can't throw shit at them if they try and snoop. Like the one guy. I can't believe you got him right in the cheek" Colin said

"Hey, he started going through our cabinets and didn't know I was there. His face was priceless" I laughed

"He got fired for drugs. Didn't see that one coming" Colin laughed

I shook my head and pulled the blanket over my legs. Our AC works very well so i'm cold. We talked for a little bit and I busted on him a bit because we were getting him a gift when we got hit. My uncle went a couple days later and grabbed it because I threw a fit. Well not a fit fit. But I felt bad that he wasn't going to get it so he went out and got it. My emotions were everywhere for the first two weeks. I was mad and sad and I don't even know what else. I was going to go by myself originally. But my aunt said she'd take a ride and she wants to drive so hey, that could of been my nice old truck completely demolished. I would of flipped. I'm never getting rid of that truck and if it got destroyed cause of a dumb ass, I would of killed the guy. He was in the ICU as well but I would of killed him. My truck is my baby. Along with my horse.

"Well people are on their way. I'm gonna head out back and get the fire started. You going to come out?" He asked

"Maybe. I'm enjoying my movie" I laughed

"You've seen this a hundred times" Colin laughed

"Leave me alone. Don't judge me" I pouted

He shook his head and headed outside. A little while went by and I heard people talking and music playing. Glancing outside there's a good amount of people here. Eh, I think i'll chill in here a bit longer. Playing on my phone is fun. Oh, John texted me. Hmm, I haven't texted this kid in months. Literally the last thing I had was feel better. And that's cause I texted him to say thanks for the flowers. I have so many flowers still. They are all around the house.

John: Hey, are you gonna come outside?

Me: IDK why?

John: Just wondering

I shrugged and went back to social media scrolling. Colin came in to grab stuff and convinced me to come outside. So here I am, walking out looking like i'm not wearing pants and my hair is in a very messy bun. It was up when I had my lovely bath, so it didn't get wet.

"Ella! Are you wearing pants?" One of Colin's work buddies yelled

"Yes" I said and pulled the shirt up.

Everyone looked at me and I sat down on one of the chairs. The fire feels nice. And they are all drinking.

"Is everyone staying?" I asked Colin

"Most likely. Some have a ride home, since they got dropped off. Other's are gonna stay" He said

I nodded and just sat there and listened to everyone talk. Everyone is sharing different stories, kinda fun listening to everything. I stayed there for a few hours with them, and we decided to end it around 11. The few people who were getting picked up did, and a handful of them headed inside. Bobby got picked up by a girl he was talking too, while John and Ryan stayed. Some of Colin's work buddies stayed. Just three of them.

"Night Cuz" I said heading towards my room.

"Night" He replied

I heard the toilet flush and John walked out of the bathroom and walked toward me.

"Hi drunky" I said chuckling

"I'm not drunk" He laughed

"Lies" I replied

"I want to talk to you" He said

"How about in the morning when you're a bit more sober" I said

"But I want to sleep with you." He said

"You have a girlfriend" I said

He sighed and walked away. I'm going to bed.


"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked

"Do you want to make a mass amount of pancakes?" Colin asked

"Yeah why not" I laughed

He smiled and called me the best cousin and I started making pancake mix. His buddies asked what I was making as they woke up and are excited for pancakes. Once I got some made everyone was up and I gave them all plates with 3 pancakes on them. I made some for myself and a few extras with the left over batter I had. Haven't made a mass amount of pancakes in a long time. I'm wearing actual clothes right now so people don't have to guess if i'm wearing pants are not. Today is Saturday so i'm probably going to go to the rodeo tonight. It is suppose to rain tonight though, they send out an email at 12 deciding if it's going to go on or be cancelled.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" John asked after we started cleaning up

"Whats up?" I asked

"No like. Alone" He replied

"Oh uhm.. Yeah, let me clean up real fast" I said

He nodded and I got everyone to rinse off their dishes and put them in the dish washer. I'm thankful for this contraption. It's so nice. All the pancakes went too, yay. Heading to my room, I grabbed my phone and sat on my bed then I texted John.

Me: Hey, if you wanna talk in private i'm in my room

John: Be right there

I nodded and swiped out of messages, then I heard the door open.

"Hey" John said walking in

"Hi" I replied

"So uhm. How are you feeling?" He asked

"Better, but still not able to do a lot" I replied

"You mind if I sit here?" He asked pointing to the end of my bed

I nodded and he just looked around my room.

"So.. what did you want to talk about" I asked

"I miss being friends with you" John said

"Yeah. But you have a girlfriend so you don't have to miss me" I said

"We broke up" He laughed

"Wait... when?" I asked

"Sunday morning. She got a ride home from the rodeo and was pissed. She said she met a really cool girl named Ella, so I guess you made a good impression on her" John said

"Oh. Huh" I replied

"I know you said you didn't want to come between me and my friends, but, they are going to have to deal with it." John said

"Then that makes me feel like an asshole" I pouted

"Okay. But don't you miss talking, and hanging out?" John asked

"I do" I replied

"Then why should that bother you" He asked

"I don't know. I'm weird" I said

"And hard to handle" John laughed

"Rude" I laughed

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you got hurt" He said

"Hey, you sent me flowers though" I smiled

"Still" He said looking at me

"Those were the only flowers I kept in my room" I laughed "Plus, I was being smothered by everyone"

"Oh yeah? I should of at least stopped by and seen how you were doing. Or messaged you" John said

"It's fine. I didn't expect you to. I mean yeah maybe I was hoping you would, but you had a girlfriend and girls are crazy" I said

"She was very possessive" John nodded

"You did help me stand up that one time at the barn" I said

"True, that's cause Stryker wouldn't walk past then we was being skiddish as hell" He replied

"Would you like to know what Kate said when I told her what your girlfriend looked like and acted" I laughed

"What?" He asked

"She's the complete opposite of me" I chuckled

He sat there for a second then laughed and shook his head.

"She was, wasn't she" He said

"Yup. I guess you're into blonds huh" I said

"You know what. Every girl I've dated has a been a blonde or dirty blond. Never dated a brunette" He laughed

"Well damn" I chuckled

He smiled and I looked at my phone.

"Oh I was suppose to take my meds with breakfast. I'm suppose to take them with food but I forget a lot." I said

"What happens when you don't" John asked

"Upset stomach, but I've been lucky" I laughed

I grabbed the pills off my dresser and took them with the bottle of water I've had in my room since yesterday.

"How was work this week? You went back to full time didn't you" He said

"Yeah. It sucked but, I don't want to sit at home anymore. I just have to take it easy and can't lift stuff. I haven't ridden with a saddle all week" I said

"Are you coming to the rodeo tonight?.... If it doesn't storm" John asked

"Yeah. I want to go since I hate being stuck at home" I said

"What have you been doing?" He asked

"Well when I got cleared to drive again, I just drove around town. According to Ryan, I went down your street and he told me what house was yours" I said

"Did he really" He laughed

"Yup. They talked to me Saturday. I was kinda surprised" I said

"Well, they are still into you. They said they were going to try and swoon you since I was dating Cassie. I guess that still didn't go over well" John laughed

"Well I went on a walk with Bobby. Just around the ranch. That was it. He tried holding my hand. I just said my hand hurt from the crash and he stopped. White lies, it's fine" I said

"You're something" John laughed

"Yeah." I laughed

"Well, i'm gonna go back out there before they think somethings going on in here" John said

"Well i'm not in any shape for any of that to go on, soo. Nada" I said

"You coming out?" He asked

"I guess so." I replied shrugging.

"C'mon" John said getting up and putting his hand out

I grabbed his hand and he gently pulled me off my bed. Oh leg pain. Letting go of his hand, we walked out to the living room and sat on the couch.

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