
By xNikkiGx

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Ella's parents were pretty much the Rodeo King and Queen. But her mom died from cancer when she was a teen an... More



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By xNikkiGx

Well it's been almost 6 months since the competition. I got first place! Kate didn't place this year and the girls who got second and third are from.. I don't remember. But I may or may not have kissed John... in front of a whole lot of people. He wasn't mad, he even spun me around. Now you're probably thinking the next thing i'm going to say is we are dating. We're not. He actually has a girlfriend. After we came back from Texas his friends were being weird and I decided to just step back.. again. This time I told him I was, we sat down and talked about it. I felt bad about making his friends jealous and act all pissy so we stopped talking. I just see him at the barn. And now that it's rodeo season.. I see them there. Kind of, I'm not competing this season. I'm pissed about it too. I haven't ridden in a little over 2 months. Today is my first day back at the barn. I was in a car accident a little over two months ago and got hurt pretty bad. Concussion, broken leg, broken collar bone, broken ribs. Needed surgery on my leg because the bone was sticking out. Yeah it was bad. I wasn't even driving. I was in the car with my aunt and we were going to the tack shop to get a preset for Colin for his birthday. We got t-boned on my side and she walked away with a concussion. I was in the hospital for three weeks. Fun times. I didn't wake up for the first day and a half. She felt terrible.

"Hi bubba" I said rubbing Gypsy's nose

I came down with Colin since i've been trapped in the house. He's training with Bobby, Ryan, and John today so I was going to watch. I haven't been to the rodeo and haven't ridden. Currently losing my shit.

"I wonder if we can try and ride today" I said

I can still barely walk right and can't even drive yet. But you don't need legs to ride. Maybe. Getting Gyp from the field I walked him into the barn where the four boys were.

"Whatcha doing there broken" Colin said

"I'm just going to groom him. Maybe try and go for a walk" I said

"You can't ride though" My cousin replied

"I mean walk him like a dog" I said

"Oh. Okay. Be careful though" He said

I nodded and brushed out my horse. Bobby, Ryan, and Colin all rode up to the arena while John had a phone call. I think it's from his girlfriend. Sounds like it. I don't even know what she looks like. And might never find out. I finished brushing Gypsy out and now it's time for feet. I already feel like shit. My whole body just hurts constantly. I got this though, I have a pretty high pain tolerance. Getting the foot pick, I started on the first hoof and already regret this.

"Fucking hell, this is going to be a long shitty recovery" I said to my horse "I'm dying"

I mumbled to myself and once I finished his hooves, I sat on the ground against the wall and groaned. Some tears slipped, but that's cause i'm dying and I'm still gonna go walk around. Power through it. The amount of crying i've done the past few months is outrageous. My mental health has been shitty too. No one knows. I didn't tell anybody. I keep it to myself and only lash out when no ones home. So, during the day because everybody works and I'm stuck there.

"Babe, standing up is going to suck." I said looking at my horse

He huffed and I tried using the milk crate next to me. I got on my knees and sighed. Then I heard hooves walking. John walked by and his horse threw his head and stopped.

"C'mon Stryker" John said

His horse huffed and looked at me. Oh you cheeky bastard.

"Do you need help?" John said looking at me.

"No. I'm fine" I replied

"Well, I think Stryker wants me to help you" He replied

"I got it" I said

He just looked at me and tried to walk his horse out. Stryker tried to fight him but eventually went outside. I tried to stand up again and got a cramp in my leg so I jumped and landed back on my ass.

"I fucking hate this" I groaned

"You sure you don't want help?" I heard

I looked over at John then sighed and nodded. John put my arm over his shoulder and helped me stand up. To which, I winced, a lot.

"Thanks. Have fun" I said

He nodded and walked out of the barn, before hopping up and riding down to the arena. Walking over to Gypsy, I unclipped him and we went for a short walk around the pastures.

"You know. I might need to see a therapist soon. I'm literally loosing it Gyp" I said

He huffed and I hugged his neck.

"I just going to use you as support for a second cause my legs feel a little numb" I said

After I got the power to walk again we continued on. I also tried to climb up on a fence to get on his back out of view of the boys but was in pain so I decided against it. One day, hopefully soon, i'll be able to get up.


"Hey girl. Are you going over?" Kate said

"Yeah. I'm glad I can drive now too. I've been going insane. I miss my boy." I said

"At least Colin would bring you by" Kate said

"I go back to work Monday too. I felt so bad." I pouted

"She said it was fine. You were on like deaths door step. I'm gonna meet you at the barn" She said

"Don't you have to get ready for the rodeo?" I asked

"Girl. You're not competing, I have nothing to do" She said

"I'm going to come tonight." I replied

"Do you want me to drive you? Or are you going to drive" She said

"I mean i'll ride with you if you don't mind" I said

"Okay, Tommy has to work late so his brother is going to drop him off there" She replied

We finished up our phone call and I arrived to the barn. She pulled in right behind me and we parked our trucks. She has her horse with her so i'm not alone out there.

"I'm gonna say hey to Deb real fast" I said

"Sounds good" She replied

Walking over to the office I knocked and Deb was in there doing paper work

"Hey Ella. How are you feeling" She said

"Good. I'm going to try and ride Gypsy today. Kate is with me" I said

"Good luck. Remember don't push yourself. And you don't have to come back to work yet if you can't" She said

"No I can. I'll just make sure to take more breaks. I probably will just work with Gypsy to get back into the swing of things" I said

"That's fine. Kyle has been a little afraid of Nifty since he got tossed. But he's been taking the others out." She said

"If running with Gypsy doesn't kill me i'll take Nifty out" I said

"Don't worry. Just focus on getting back" She said

"Thanks Deb" I smiled

She smiled back at me and I walked out to the barn. Grabbing Gypsy's halter and lead rope, I walked down to the pasture and grabbed Gypsy. He was very excited. Walking him over ot the grooming area, Kate was working on Romeo. I grabbed my stuff from inside and started grooming my boy. After that was done we both saddled up and Kate had to help me since I can't lift heavy stuff.

"Did you just want to walk around the arena? Or go on a trail ride?" She said

"Trail ride. It's calming and he won't want to run" I said

"Has Colin ridden him at all?" She asked

"Once or twice. Kyle got on him once or twice too. But he's been a pasture prince for the last two or three months" I said

"It's not the same with out you at the rodeo" Kate pouted

"I haven't seen anybody for at least three weeks. Like I saw the boys at the barn once or twice but that's it. And it wasn't like they saw me. I came with Colin and said Hi to Gypsy then went and chatted with Deb." I said "Except once, I had a word or two with John cause I couldn't stand up"

"You know how John has a girlfriend.. which stupidly isn't you but still" Kate said

"Yeah. I know" I laughed

"She's never comes to the rodeo. Tommy went and did some digging for me and apparently she doesn't like the rodeo. How do you date someone who doesn't like the rodeo. I don't get it" She said

"I mean. Maybe he just really likes her" I said

"Does he like her enough to kiss her in front of a huge crowd of people" Kate smirked

"I mean. Technically, I kissed him. He just didn't push me away and spun me around" I said

"I so thought you two were going to date" She said shaking her said

"I felt bad about making his friends act all pissy. Bros before hoes" I laughed

"Okay but where do you fall in as a hoe" Kate said

"That's not the point." I said

She laughed and we started down towards the woods. So far only my collar bone kinda hurts. I was in a wheel chair for the longest time. Since I couldn't walk and I needed a sling so I couldn't use crutches. I was in the chair for about 2 weeks. Then on crutches still for another 4 weeks. Once I came off those I have been doing PT for the last couple weeks. Physical Therapy is so not fun.

"So, are you excited to come tonight?" Kate asked

"Yeah. Hopefully no one asks me when I'm coming back cause I don't know. I just got cleared to start riding again. And they said only light riding. I can't race until who knows when" I said

"Go do roping with Colin" She laughed

"Yeah right. I spin the rope with the right arm though and that's the side that's fucked." I said

"Oh yeah. Damn, you really had to go and get hit by a car didn't you" Kate said

"Hey, I didn't have a choice. Well I kinda did, I didn't want to drive. But hey, better me to get demolished then my aunt" I said

"True. Well not really it would of been better if they didn't run a red light but you know, shit happens" Kate said

"Yup. But i'm alive and not in as much pain as I was so, we'll see how to day goes" I replied

We both smiled and continued on with our trail ride. I may have tried to trot a bit and well, no no. Pain. After walking around the woods for the longest time, we came back to the barn and I turned Gypsy out.

"I guess i'll pick you up in a little bit" Kate said

"Yeah. I'm going to go take some pain meds and, well that's it. Pain meds." I said

"Okay, maybe i'll just follow you and let Romeo wander around your yard" She said

"I mean you could. We don't have a fence but ya know" I laughed.. ow

"Sounds like a plan. Oh looks like people are showing up. Lets head out" Kate said

I nodded and hopped in my truck while she got in hers and followed me home. We passed Colin on the road and Kate came inside with me. I took my meds and laid on the couch using her lap as a pillow.

"You know. Normally it's Tommy doing this" Kate laughed

"I'm better though" I replied

"Yup. Not as heavy" She said

I chuckled and soon some of the pain subsided. But it was kinda still there.

"You ready to go?" Kate asked

"Yeah." I replied sitting up

We both went out to her truck and off to the races we went. I wonder if they'll make me pay to get in or if they'll let me sit in the VIP section. They know who I am, but that also means they know i'm not competing. Hmm.

"You know. Colin parks in your spot but it feels so weird with out you" Kate said

"Yeah. Well now you know how I felt all those times you were sick" I laughed

"True. That one year I just did not have a good immune system" She said

Pulling up, we parked next to Colin and she got Romeo out.

"Did you bring your chair?" Kate said

"Nope. It's in my truck" I said

"Do you want mine?" She asked

"No, i'll sit on the ground" I laughed

She shook her head and started getting ready. We were a bit later then we normally are. But that's cause I need a few minutes to relax. I'm still in a little bit of pain but you know what, i'll live. While she set up, I walked over to Colin and chatted with him for a little bit.

"Hey, how was riding today?" He asked

"Good. We went on a trail ride. I tried trotting but that's now why my whole body hurts" I said

"Now why would you go and do that?" He laughed

"I just wanted to see. It was only for a few seconds too. Ugh this is going to suck" I pouted

He just smiled and shook his head, so I decided to help my friend get ready since they are calling them down soon.

"Do you want to ride on the back with me" Kate laughed

"I think i'll pass. I'm going to go sit down in the stands though" I smiled "Colin rides in the first half so I want to watch him"

She nodded and got on Romeo while I walked down to the VIP section. I looked at the lady and gave her a slight smile and she stamped my hand then gave me a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay. I know you're not riding this year but you can sit here if you'd like. You're still family" She said

"Thank you" I smiled

Sitting down, they started their announcements then everyone rode out. At some point a girl came and sat next to me. I wonder if she's related to someone? She definitely sticks out like a sore thumb.

"Hi, i'm Cassie." She said, her voice is so high pitched

"I'm Ella" I replied

"Did you get dragged here too?" She asked

"No. I'm normally riding in the rodeo" I said

"Oh what do you do" She replied

"Barrels" I nodded

"Then.. why are you sitting here and not there" She asked

"I got in a car accident 2 months ago. I haven't been able to ride. I just started walking by myself again" I said

"Oh no i'm so sorry. My boyfriend is a.. I don't remember what he calls it. But he spins ropes and jumps off his horse onto another? I don't know" She said

"Ohh. I think I know who you're talking about" I said

"John" She replied

"How long have you two been dating?" I asked

"About 4 months. He's mad because I never want to come. No offense to you guys, I just don't like it. I kinda wish he would stop" She said

"Maybe he'll have a close call and decide to" I replied

"I wish" She pouted

They moved onto bull riding part one and I went back over to the trailer after Colin went. Cassie wanted me to stay with her and I was like... no.

"Wait, she's like the complete opposite of you" Kate said

"Hey, maybe that's what he's into" I said

She shook her head and Tommy showed up. He gave me a hug and asked how I was doing, even though he's seen me multiple times. We chatted a bit and I think John, Ryan, and Bobby saw me. They all stick together again like they did before we started talking to each other. I mean, I guess that's a good thing.

"Are you ready to watch me kick ass" Kate said

"Yup. How has uhm... Carly been doing?" I asked

"She's gotten really good actually. She's come to my barn and trained with me once. She said she misses watching you compete and how we boot each other up. She's literally the sweetest person" Kate said

"I love her" I smiled

"Well i'm going to head down since they are doing roping. You going to come watch?" She said

"Yeah." I nodded

"Ah I have someone to walk with" Tommy said

"Yup" I laughed

Kate smiled and hopped up on Romeo then rode down. So Tommy and I started the walk.

"How was riding today?" Tommy asked

"It was good. I tried trotting and it wasn't too good. My whole body hurts. And i'm still in pain" I said

"Did you take something?" He asked

"Yeah, we got here a little late cause I had to go home and take my pain meds, and I just laid on the couch for 10 minutes" I said

"That's good. How's PT. I had to do that for baseball injuries" Tommy laughed

"I hate it. I hate it with a passion" I replied

"It's not fun. But it helps" He said

"Yeah, considering I had to slightly learn how to actually walk again since my muscles didn't want to work right." I said

"Poor thing" He replied

We got down to the bleachers and watched the end of roping. They all rode out and Kate was up first with her antsy ass horse.

"I wanna ride so bad" I pouted

"Oh is that your boyfriend" Cassie said appearing next to me

"No this is my best friends husband. She's the one about to go in" I said

"Ohh. That's so cool you all are close.. I've only met John's friends once. They were also into horses" Cassie said

I nodded and made a face at Tommy. Watching Kate run, she came out and Tommy went back to the trailer. I started back and stopped at Carly.

"OMG. How are you feeling" She said

"I'm doing good. Got to ride for the first time today" I smiled

"Are you going to come back this season?" She asked

"I don't think so. I couldn't even trot today. But I am going to start come more. They said I can ride out with the flag one night" I laughed

"Aww.. Hey, i'm up next, but i was talking with Kate about having you there too to watch and help me. If you would want to" She said

"Yeah that's fine with me. I'll talk to her" I said

"Yay. I love you" Carly said

I smiled and watched her make her run. She did good. Got a little close on the first barrel, then went wide on the last two. Heading back to the trailers, Kate was cooling Romeo down and Colin was talking to Ryan and Bobby. I wonder if they would walk away if I went over.. hmm.

"Hey Cuzzo" I said

"Hey, hows it feel not running" He said

"I hate it" I pouted

"How are you feeling?" Ryan asked

"Okay" I said

"Have you ridden at all?" Bobby asked

"I went today for the first time." I smiled

"How'd that go?" Ryan asked

"It was good. I tried trotting and was in pain so it's just walking for now" Is aid

"Do you still work at the barn?" Bobby asked

"Yeah. I go back Monday" I said

"So we'll be seeing you more" Bobby said

"Yeah, I guess. I'm gonna come here more too. I miss having something to do on Saturday nights" I said

"I would say go out with me.. but i'm here" Bobby said

I shook my head at the boy and looked at Colin.

"At least you can drive" He laughed

"I have explored so much of the town we live in. I went from one side to the other and down to dead end roads and found some woods. Pretty cool" I said

"You probably went by John's house if you went down a dead end road. Did you go down Spiles Court?" Ryan asked

"I think so, I love circle streets, and that name is hard to forget" I laughed

"Did you see the house with the open land next to it and the big garage?" He replied

"Yeah. Why?" I asked

"That's John's house" Ryan said

"Oh that's cool." I replied

They all nodded and I walked away. Ryan and Bobby headed towards the arena and I watched Kate clean up. I'm lost with out anything to do.

"Hey, are you coming home with me?" Colin asked

"Yeah, if you don't mind" I said

"No problem, you can back my trailer in while i put my shit away at the barn" He laughed

Shaking my head they closed up their trailers and we got ready to leave. I heard arguing and looked over to see Ryan, Bobby, and John walking back. I also saw Cassie come walking over with them and she looks pissed. Once they reached their trailer she looked over towards us and this bitch yelled my name and came running over. She squeezed the living day lights out of me and oh my god my insides are dying, send help.

"I know you ride here but thanks for not being an asshole like those guys when I said I hate the rodeo." She said

"Mhmm" I nodded

" I know I said I date John, but I don't think that's going to happen anymore. He wants someone who likes coming here. I don't like horses, or the cow things. And it smells. Plus his friends are ass holes" Cassie said, I nodded and she looked at me. "Are you okay?"

"Car accident, pain" I groaned

"OMG, i'm so sorry. I'm gonna go now" She said and half ran away

"What was that about" Kate said walking over

"I don't know, but now my whole body hurts" I groaned

I leaned against her truck and slid down to the ground. My ribs are suppose to be healed and so is my collar bone. But that hurts so bad right now.

"Are you okay?" Kate asked

"She squeezed the hell out of me. I talked to her twice omg. Why does this hurt so much" I said

"C'mon, i'll just drop you off at home so you can get meds" Colin said

"No i'm fine" I replied

"Hey, how do you know Cassie?" John said walking over with the other two

"I don't" I replied

"Are you sure? Cause she seems to love you" He replied

"I literally met her while sitting on the bleachers" I said huffing

Colin helped me stand up and I took a deep breath while also wincing.

"Why'd she run over and hug you" Ryan asked

"I don't know. She said thanks for not being an asshole to her" I said

"You definitely know her" John said

"John. I don't know your fucking girlfriend. Now if y'all would excuse me, I'd let to get home and take some pain meds before I shoot myself. Thanks" I said

Pushing past everyone, I walked over to Colin's truck and got in the passenger seat. Jesus, my leg hurts now too. I wanna die. At least I have tomorrow to recover before going to work. I also don't think being on my feet all night was good for my leg. I haven't been on my feet this long for a while. Maybe I should start going for walks like the PT person said... maybe.

"Hey, you ready?" Colin said, i nodded "Did you want me to drop you off first?"

"No i'll come with you. I'm just gonna sit around tomorrow." I said

"I think it's suppose to rain so I probably will too" Colin said

I nodded and we left. I texted Kate and she asked if I was okay. I said yeah and pretty much talked to her since she made Tommy drive. Getting to the barn, I waited in the truck while Colin got Ranger out and took his tack out of the trailer. Once he closed everything up, it was a hot mess with the other three here as well. John decided to walk in front of Colin's truck and made me wait. Once Colin gave me the okay, I slide in to the drivers seat and took his trailer back to where we park our trailers. Parking with ease, and getting them disconnected, I went to pull away and John blocked me in AGAIN. And of course he parked on the side of Colin closest to the barn so I have to wait.

"I swear to god. This kid is getting on my last nerve. I miss when we didn't talk and didn't have anything to do with each other" I groaned

I do miss being friends with him though and I wish I would of just grew a pair and asked him out. But, I'm weird. He stopped so that his truck was in the way enough for me not to be able to get out. Then he got out of his truck and tapped on the window. So I put it down.

"Unlock the door" John said

"Why" I asked

"Just do it" He groaned

"Not my truck. Don't know how automatic buttons work" I said

"Well you don't lock your doors so" John said

"Shh" I replied

"C'mon El, I just want to talk to you" he said

"You have my number" I replied

"Ella." John said

"John" I replied

"Open the door" He said

"Sorry, I don't take demands. Now if you could move. I'd let to get home and take some pain meds because i'm dying here" I said

"No. How do you know Cassie" He said

"I told you. I don't. She sat next to me on the bleachers and started talking. She doesn't know who I am. And I didn't know who she was until she said your name." I said

"Then why did she run over and hug you then leave" He asked

"I don't know. I talked to her while barrels was running. She asked if Tommy was my boyfriend. I laughed. And I did not enjoy her running over. She's the reason I wanna die right now. So can I please go so I can take some meds" I said

"Did she say anything about me when she came over to you" John asked

"I don't remember dude. Now can I please go" I groaned

He nodded and moved his truck as his friends came down. I pulled forward and Colin hopped in so I drove home. Once we got there, I found my meds and went right to sleep. Today has been a day.

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